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November 2011 - early birds, just in time and late to the party, all welcome!!

998 replies

TwoJackRussellsandapumpkin · 22/10/2011 19:26

Hi all,

just starting up a post natal thread for all the due in November peeps on the antenatal forum and anyone else who would like to join in too, hoping to see my arrival by the end of the week, so officially an early bird I hope :)

OP posts:
alicat10 · 09/11/2011 01:47

Thanks for the tips - been a bit better today. Think I was in a bit of a vicious circle as not feeding well that side pro meant less milk. I feed rugby ball style on right & tried both ways for left - across tummy does seem to be working best though.

SnoozleDoozle · 09/11/2011 09:43

TwoJack your belly overhang gave me a giggle. DD said to me the other day in a crowded shop changing room 'mum, I know the baby is out of your tummu now, but your tummy is still funny.....its squashy.....and a bit droopy'. Thanks for that! On the plus side, after my second c-section, I think the overhang is not as bad as it was before, and I think this is because the surgery wasn't done in a total emergency, and they must have been able to take more time to make it neat. But I have long since given up hope of ever ridding myself of the overhang, I think its with me permanently, will just have to learn to love it!

Poppet45 · 09/11/2011 19:37

Glad to hear it Ali Willow was adamant she wasn't feeding off the left boob in the beginning. I think it takes them a while to get the hang of it all. Now she's like a teeny pirannah on either side! And she's up to 5lb 5oz so she's just tracking the second centile!!! HV happy for us to keep ditching the top ups on that basis but we have a few more weeks before I can stop setting my alarm to feed her through the night. It's crazy she's the eldest and smallest of our group - am sure DS (9lb 6 when he arrived) weighed a heck of a lot more when he was her equivalent age of 39 weeks! And had a lovely day with DS too, well apart from my early morning grouchiness when I'm trying to dress him and she's crying to be fed - which I will sort out - I can deal with two I can! We painted, listened to a new library book and CD and he spent the evening sitting on my lap, hugging me and kissing me - I think he's glad we're all back to normal as a family!

alicat10 · 10/11/2011 08:44

Poppet delighted that Willow is doing so well - she is now up to my DS's birth weight Smile. And your day with DS sounds lovely - even though I'm home I can do v little with my other 2 post CS as still sore & a bit scared they will accidentally hurt me - even having them sat on my knee makes the scar hurt - really looking forward to being a normal Mummy to them again. BF is getting better every day, he is clearly getting the hang if it now & had a really good night so I'm feeling more rested than I have in a while. Just trying to sort seeing MW or dr as my wound is looking yuck and I majorly got the sweats last night - not sure if it could just be hormones but fear it might be infected Sad

Katiebeau · 10/11/2011 14:25

Hello everyone. Glad to hear Willow is doing so well and marking my place on this thread.

Struggling with my stitches and errr pile basically. Breast feeding not going well. Turns out I have flat nipples and there isn't enough to stimulate little mans latch. Add to that his size (10lbs 4) and his needs its all a bit disheartening. DH just left to get nipple shields and MW very helpful about how to use them best.

Otherwise DS is so lovely (another 11pm to 3am waker). DD has been good but doesn't accept the need to be a little quiet at times.

I can't believe he's only 36hrs old!!!! He looks more like 2 months!

Very glad not to be pregnant anymore. Means to a lovely end for me too.

Poppet45 · 10/11/2011 15:26

Alicat I hear you on toddlers and c-section scars! Not a good combination. Hoping you're feeling much better real soon. This time round my scar hardly hurt at all (Probably because only a 2lber was hauled out, and after a super short labour rather than all day mare with epic failed pushing stage) but I remember feeling very done in after the emcs with Jacob. I really hope it's not infected but do get it checked out asap. FWIW I always have horrid night sweats for a week or so post pregnancy - I think its your bodies way of eliminating all that pregnancy fluid.
Katie I hope those nipple shields help. I've heard really good things about the new ones, I don't get why some MWs are so negative about them. If they fail then there's formula, but if they work then it gives BFing a boost - what's not to like! So it has to be worth a shot! I hear you on BFing a big baby (well biggish) Jacob was 9lb 6 and my god the let down was agonising!!! When he used to finish a feed my boobs were utterly empty and pathetic looking. My supply did eventually build up to match him though, although I wonder if those early days of colic were him furious at my low supply? With DD I barely notice any let down as its so gentle. Despite his big mouth it was also him that cleaved one of my nipples with poor latch in the early days, I still have a cleft! and yet DD has been adept and caused no damage! Made me laugh when you described him as a two monther, people said that about J's first pictures. Its only now I realise how big he was! And yet this week when I was having blood taken the nurse asked how many days old Willow was because she assumed she was a newborn. She looked a little surprised when I said 12 weeks!

Poppet45 · 10/11/2011 15:29

Oh and as for me, I do miss being pregnant. I don't feel I've finished with it really, as I should still be 39 weeks. Plus I never had the awful massively pregnant stage this time. And well it'll be the last time for me, so I'm sad it ended so soon. I had awful heartburn yesterday and thought that was most unfair without a big strapping healthy baby bump to blame it on.

TwoJackRussellsandababy · 10/11/2011 16:24

Katie, hope the shields work for you, I too have flatish nips and J wont latch on so I've found that the only thing i could do was express and top up with formula which is hard work but at least something.

I agree with Poppet Ali, I've been having loads of night sweats so that might be why, but hope you can get checked out soon and there is nothing wrong!

Been sitting down this pm with the boy sleeping next to me, has been so peaceful and relaxing, finishing off a wall hanging for his room, must remember how nice that was when he wakes me at four tomorrow morning demanding grub...

alicat10 · 10/11/2011 18:35

All these things we find out about our bodies when we have babies - flat nipples, I was told I have fairly flat nipples & "unusually large areola" thanks for that! Katie hope nipple shields work

Well MW has been, doesn't seem overly concerned but has taken a swab - I think it's more a case of my being v lucky with last 2 scars healing so cleanly.

And my boy has put on 10oz since Sat Grin

CazandBelle · 10/11/2011 20:52

ooo just found you all over here! marking my place!

Things well here, X well and truley settled in!

katie hope you get on with shields, they improved things no end for us, even if my MW isnt keen. Got discharged from mw care today so now onto the HV!

absolutely cannot believe X is a month old on monday! how did that happen?!

TerrysNo2 · 11/11/2011 05:12

Hi all

Just saying hello, its 5am and my angel has been asleep since 12 which is fantastic but I am awake and expressing as my breasts are so full and painful Hmm I know its good to have lots of milk but boy does it hurt and I am a bit scared of mastitus.

I can't believe X is one month old Caz, time really does go too fast, I wish I could stop the clock as I get a bit sad realising they will grow up.

alicat10 · 11/11/2011 07:43

Terry's poor you - I have got off lightly this time & don't seem to have got engorged. Boobs are ginormous and H is feeding all the tine so haven't had a chance I guess!

Bit of an eventful evening - started bleeding again having had it more or less tail off so ended up calling on call MW & going in to delivery suite to be checked over ( but of a palaver as we had to find babysitters at midnight so DH could take me & DS). Turns out I gave an infection so now on antibiotics. Threw DS out of any feeding pattern too so ended not getting a wink of sleep before 4am

TerrysNo2 · 11/11/2011 09:26

Oh ali hope the infection sorts itself out soon.

So from weds night where DD (oh that has a nice ring to it Grin) wouldn't sleep unless attached to my finger or breast, we swaddled last night and she went down happily at 12 and woke at....... 7.30am!!!! Shock I'm sure it won't last but I will appreciate what I can.

cep · 11/11/2011 12:45

Hello ladies, just a quick hello, Alexander George born yesterday at 01:35. few problems feeding as he had no interest in sucking (stomach full of gunk he swallowed on exit), but has as of this morning started for a bit longer, still not long enough to get anything yet though so have been syringe feeding him formula, going to start expressing so at least until he can do it properly he's still getting some of mine. Hope everyone is ok, sorry not had time to read through the thread yet.

SnoozleDoozle · 11/11/2011 20:17

Ali I feel your pain as my wound has become infected too. MW signed me off at the start of the week, and it was healing well then, but as the week went on, it all went backwards and is now yukky and urghh, smelly too. (Sorry, TMI !). Anyway, have been prescribed antibiotics, but I hate taking them as I had an allergic reaction to one a few years back and am terrified of having another one (although Dr and pharmacist are aware of allergy and assure me that this one is a different 'type', but I'm a worrier Sad).

I had my first visit from health visitor this week. It has all changed since DD was born 5 years ago. There is no end to the intrusive questions that they ask now, although the HV herself was lovely and seemed quite embarassed to be having to ask. For example, I was asked about my relationship with DH, with my extended family, with my friends, about my diet, my exercise regime, alcohol intake, our jobs, our finances and whether or not we own our house. It just feels such an invasion of privacy, although when put on the spot I wouldn't dare not answer, for fear of looking as if I have something to hide. But what happened to the days when health visitors were concerned with feeding, childhood illnesses and immunisations?!

SnoozleDoozle · 11/11/2011 20:18

Oh, sorry, forgot to say congratulations Cep.

alicat10 · 12/11/2011 03:40

Thanks Snoozle, hopefully we'll recover together!

Having a bad night - 3:30 and yet to get any sleep. DS will not settle & won't even go to sleep with me cuddling him. So it's just feed, feed, feed. I have a banging headache and am feeling a bit desperate. I guess there isn't enough milk to sate him

TwoJackRussellsandababy · 12/11/2011 07:57

Morning all,

sorry that your boy wasn't settling last night, hopefully you're both sleeping now ali, fingers crossed anyway

I had my visit from our health visitor yesterday too but she didnt ask quite so many questions snoozle, but i don't really know what they are supposed to do anyway so wouldnt know whether she was being over the top or not. i think though there was some bias towards finding out if i might develop post natal depression hence the questions about friends, family, exercise etc?

Congrats cep and terrys , good to see you caz* :o

TerrysNo2 · 12/11/2011 10:30

ali have you tried swaddling? also have a few more moses basket tips but have sleeping babe on me so can't type right now but i can

alicat10 · 12/11/2011 12:18

Thanks Terrys I haven't been swaddling but have been tucking in tight with blankets - he is in a bedside cot rather than Moses basket so I don't have to keep getting in & out of bed as that's hard on wound. DH took him at about 5 & he relaxed & went to sleep straight away so maybe smell of milk was making him fidget & grizzle. Think milk supply still getting sorted so after Thursday nights adventures maybe not enough hence cluster feeding.

Feeling like a rubbish (& embarassed) mummy today - knew DS1 had a soft play party & just assumed it was this afternoon. Checked invite at 11 to find it was 10-12 so we were too late to go. No idea what I was thinking as DH takes DD to swimming lesson & doesn't get back til 11 so how I thought me, DS1 & DS2 were going to get there I've no idea (clearly said yes while pregnant!). Plus the mum will prob have spent about £10 on his place. DS1 will be gutted when he realises we've missed it SadSad. I'd even been organised enough to buy a joint present with another family & had it wrapped & ready before DS2 came along. So I'm sat here kicking myself

MooseyMoo · 12/11/2011 15:25

Oh alicat I'm sure the mum will understand why you missed the party. It wasn't on purpose. Maybe you can get your DS a treat to apologise for missing the party?

Well, my little man has been peacefully sleeping since moving to formula. BF was going well - lots of colostrum but my milk took a while to come in and he's such a milk monster that he just wouldn't settle on Thurs night. Realised it coincided with milk coming in and that he prob hadn't been getting any milk at feeds that night.

Have awful engorgoed boobs which are slightly better today after cold compression, massaging and nurofen. Was going to express but decided I may as well go straight onto formula as wouldn't have enough hours in the day to express and look after newborn and my DD (18 months).

Cord fell off this morning onto my foot - yuck. Seems alot earlier than DDs but can't complain, hated the smell of it. Reminded me of marmite Hmm

Got the 5 day heel prick tomorrow which I'm not looking forward to as the mw is extremely patronising. Even my DH commented on it and he is not hormonal!

Sorry for no shout outs but DS is stirring. Hope everyone is having a lovely weekend.

Poppet45 · 12/11/2011 16:10

Argh am sorry to hear about icky wounds. Not something you want to be dealing with on top of a newborn!
Well we had v little sleep here either last night. Perhaps the babies are plotting together online? Started feeding W at 10ish and she still wasn't asleep by 2am! then slept for 1hr 40 min snatches through the night but waking up complaining. I think it was trapped wind, because she was pretty pukey, but it may also have been her building up my milk supply. In the end DH went to the spare bed and she slept a little bit in our bed, attached to my boob. I didn't mind cosleeping with my giant son, but it scares the bejeesus out of me with her, so I'm trying not to do it unless we have to. Ali don't panic about the milk supply thing, them fussing is a mare in terms of lack of sleep but it IS what's supposed to happen. They triple in weight in the first year but we're designed to keep up with that growth so just keep positive. If they didn't fuss and just went straight to sleep they wouldn't build up your milk supply. And unfortunately because it's so easy to digest and therefore doesn't sit long in their tums, breast milk fed babies do tend to be lighter sleepers than FF ones. Ho hum.
We also went back to the hospital today because as well as her unsettled night W is sounding a bit congested, has a viral type rash and was looking puffy around her eyes. They were great, asked us to come straight back into the unit today. Her heart and lungs sounded fine, no congestion, they said the rash wasn't the scary one, more like a mild infection or even prickly heat, but she has gained 150g in three days - which is about 20g a day more than she normally does so I'm a bit worried - but the doc said that was fine and he didn't think she had too much oedema so he's not that keen for her to go back on diuretics. Neither am I given it means 10 pipettes full of meds a day. They took blood from her to check her red blood cell count, sodium and serum albumin and they'll call back with the results in a couple of hours. She was most unimpressed and the doc said he'd rather not meet her again in a dark alley when she turns 18 if that's how fierce she is now! It's hard to watch, particularly as I had to hold her arm for him, but it is for the best. She soothed herself with an hours feed when we got home!


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SnoozleDoozle · 12/11/2011 17:25

Poppet sorry to hear you've had a setback with Willow, I hope the test results come back with reassurance for you. Every worry must be magnified when your baby is so tiny, and I think its hard enough to relax as mum of a standard sized newborn, so it must be much worse for you.

Poppet45 · 12/11/2011 22:07

hi all - well the bloods are fine, the only thing they could find was her haem is a little low but within normal so no action needed right now, but who knows another transfusion may be on the horizon. so we think this must have been a low level virus prob from her brother. that and most definitely a growth spurt - as she's grunting, fussing and pulling at my boobs trying to up production just like ds did, i was mentally steeling myself for the 3 and 6 week ones but the minus 1 one is a new one for me! guess now shes 5 lb 10 she needs to up her grub! wishing every one good nights with settled wee ones.

MooseyMoo · 13/11/2011 07:52

poppet Glsd the blood results were fine and willow is ok.

Feeds were ok last night but two major poos which were keeping ds from settling. I can't settle him on me at mo as milk makes him go nuts.

Hope everybody had a good night.

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