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Gardening in the winter sun. 40-something mums Christmas thread

708 replies

somewherebecomingrain · 08/12/2013 21:00

40-something mums with babies of all ages - please join us. The 20-something and 30-something mums will never satisfy you like this thread.

OP posts:
somewherebecomingrain · 10/12/2013 20:57

Loving the poo stories. Just lost a post as usual.

OP posts:
blueblackdye · 10/12/2013 22:38

Eagle, what is it ???? I want, we want to know.
Oh, I know, you're expecting a second baby ? Yeah !!!

blueblackdye · 10/12/2013 22:50

Just popping in to introduce myself to Snow, I am 42, DS is 5 and DD is 16 mo and there will not be a 3rd :) DD entered toddlerhood, independent walker at 12m and 3d, fearless climber, highchair, stairs, table, sofa.... Has her own Mr Bruise in the fridge, points at things she wants, says words (in her own language), shakes her head as I am not yet fluent in her idiom !!! Sleeps through the night when she feels like, still BF as refuses bottle, sippy cup and cup are ok but not enough fluid getting in for me to stop BF, pfffff although DH says I love it too, which is not untrue !
Back to my packing, pharmacy and toiletries now. Did not forget my underwear this time :)

knottyhair · 11/12/2013 05:36

BBD, love your description of A! Rosa is also very into pointing and the head shaking when she doesn't want something has just started. Eagle, what is it?? And what did your DP buy for your DD?
Have a lovely meet up today those of you who are going. Gutted I can't come, but my friend now needs me to collect her other kids for her so even if I could've found someone to pick up DS, it wouldn't have been any good Sad. Can someone explain the Secret Santa thing to me? I don't think I was listening when it was explained Blush.

notsoold · 11/12/2013 06:23

Marking my place! Thanks somewhere!!!
I am lurking and reading posts as J ( our third dc) is a velcro baby for sure!!!!and where my others settled through the night by 4/5 weeks the same is not happening with J. So I read thread during the early hours!!
Getting to know you all!!!

Xxxx to those struggling with crying babies!!!

scarecrow22 · 11/12/2013 09:59

Dear Babies,
Tintin here. So I have made this absolutely Amazing discovery. There is this thing called Crying? Do you know it? If not you So need to check it out. Last night daddy woke me up after a few hours sleep but then the grown ups left me in my cot upstairs All On My Own (wtf, I'm only 8mo) and the heating was not on and Monkey was snuggled down under the blanket or something so I called out to mummy to come and warm me up with some milk and cuddles. She didn't hear me so I called a bit louder...and well, eventually she came up and we had a lovely long cuddle but she tried to put me back in the cot... Well, as you can imagine I was not very happy, so I told her I would rather cuddle mummy. It took me an hour or more to make her understand (she's sometimes not good at understanding, but I have learned from my big sister that quiet gurgles and smiles don't always get the job done the way you want)....well in the end she lay me between her and daddy in the big cuddly bed and let me fall asleep taking lovely sips of milk when I needed (or just wanted to). And I slept there most of the night!! How cool is that. I've so missed out these last few months, but now I realise what happens when you Cry I definitely know what to do next time.

Mummy is muttering this morning about Going Back To Work and Sleep Training.....perhaps she wants me to show the other babies how to do this Cry In The Night thing Smile I like it when I make mummy proud.

Anyway, hope it works for you too.

Love and smiles,

Tintin xx

scarecrow22 · 11/12/2013 10:09

NoSo hello! Glad you are lurking. How old is J now? Do post news when he gives you a chance.

SnowQu33n hope you are feeling okay. Take care in slippy weather.

bbd good luck packing. So sad missing you all today. Have a really happy time in Morocco. Sunshine can help in a lot of ways.

Eagle thinking of you today with your Big News. I too had my money on a bfp, but think maybe not now... Too much a hostage to fortune to tell us before a scan or whatever.

We had DD's nativity yesterday. She was the 5th star. Was so good given how many children in tears, though cutely shy on stage. I hated pubic stuff when little, so sympathise. The furl next to her kept refusing to hold her hand though, however much she tried, which was like a very sharp knife shredding her mummy's heart. I will try and forgive the little brat girl by the time I'm 163. No nativity is complete without Mary dropping Jesus, either Smile

Off to Oxford with a slightly heavy heart that I'm missing your meet up.

Waves to all

EagleRay · 11/12/2013 12:07

Oh Scarecrow I love your typos!! I think you should write for a living.

Hello to Notsoold and the velcro baby. This too shall pass, remember

So, my news.... I do have some news now. It's just been confirmed. And sorry for those of you who thought it was a BFP - not nearly so exciting...

EagleRay · 11/12/2013 12:10

I had a job interview by phone at 11am this morning and have just been offered the job. I start mid January!!!!!

The pay isn't great, but the work is interesting. The hours aren't too bad, and the workplace is a v rural location about 10 miles from home. Just so glad to finally get a job! And I have a few weeks to get properly healthy and also do some fun stuff before starting the 9-5

Hope those who are going to the meet-up today are having fun. Sorry I can't be there

rosiedays · 11/12/2013 13:04

Bbd enjoy your winter sun and quality family time. Xx
Eagle Grin I'm sure now you don't have that stress you'll get better very quickly. It's a huge weight lifted. Well done xx

Tintin does your daddy like to wake you up ?
My buba likes to wake me too :) usually by tickling my face with his wet rasta Grin
I love it, don't understand why mummy gets so huffy Confused :)

AH Nativity plays :) I remember them. (A nostalgic tear Wells up) they are special times.
Dd1 age 9had an amazing voice and was chosen to lead the school choir into chapel by candle light singing silent night. It was pure magic.
Unfortunately when she got to the alter it all got too much and the tears came along with a runny nose which she spent the rest of the song wiping on her sleeve Blush

rosiedays · 11/12/2013 13:13

Scarecrow did you get a picture of the 5th star? ? Please post.
Avalon if you're lurking hope you're ok please let us know if we can help, feel free to post as you please (no judging here ) hugs
Pudding how's things?
Lack of sleep still hurting here. Tbh it's not dd keeping me awake, i can feed her in my sleep literally now. Just can't bloody sleep. Grrr went back to bed this am just dosed off and the postman knocked.
Dd asleep now so going to try again. X

GoatBongoAnonymous · 11/12/2013 14:19

Big congratulations eagle! Smile sounds brilliant. What will you be doing?
Thanks for you too.
Had lovely meet up with somewhere and somelet and bbd and A. BG had a ball (literally) at the soft play and wasn't too horrendous at lunch, then fell promptly asleep. Shame that the net line was down so he woke halfway home as took so long. Still, he is being a complete star and a business in a posh suit is entertaining him Grin

scarecrow22 · 11/12/2013 14:20

what typo??!

GoatBongoAnonymous · 11/12/2013 14:20

Businessman that is!!!

scarecrow22 · 11/12/2013 14:21

waves to goat

GoatBongoAnonymous · 11/12/2013 14:21

Tintin, BG finds that adults need very loud and clear ex

GoatBongoAnonymous · 11/12/2013 14:22

Explanations, at regular intervals. Until they get it.

scarecrow22 · 11/12/2013 15:13

oh my Giddy Aunt.... seen it on third reading Blush

somewherebecomingrain · 11/12/2013 16:32

Hello! Lovely meeting with bbd and goat. Fairly quick. Not all that much conversation, despite the tiny facilitators working hard to break the ice by running off, making smelly nappies, and all that relaxing stuff.

Swiss cottage leisure centre cafe rocks. It has more cakes than the average patisserie. Three massive tables of cake.

I got a bloody parking ticket cause I parked in a suspended bayAngry.

eagle congrats!!!! The fact that it's interesting - fabulous.


OP posts:
somewherebecomingrain · 11/12/2013 16:54

Hello! Lovely meeting with bbd and goat. Fairly quick. Not all that much conversation, despite the tiny facilitators working hard to break the ice by running off, making smelly nappies, and all that relaxing stuff.

Swiss cottage leisure centre cafe rocks. It has more cakes than the average patisserie. Three massive tables of cake.

I got a bloody parking ticket cause I parked in a suspended bayAngry.

eagle congrats!!!! The fact that it's interesting - fabulous.


OP posts:
rosiedays · 11/12/2013 21:07

Dh has bought dd a coat. It's hideous, he loves it so i don't have the heart to return it but it's truly hideous. Who in their right mind puts a baby in a white (yes white) puffer coat? ?She look like a snowman child.

EagleRay · 11/12/2013 21:38

Rosie your DH does look v pleased with himself, bless him! I dread to think what DP would bring home if he ever bothered to clothes shop for DD. It's bad enough that he sometimes dresses her before I can supervise...

Somewhere, BBD, Goat glad you had a lovely meet-up - the babies looked fabulous lined up in a row! Sorry about the parking ticket Somewhere what a pain..

Scarecrow was reading a couple of threads on MN earlier about the horrors of modern nativity, ie the issues of whether parents should be allowed to photograph/film it or not, plus inconsiderate parents who let younger siblings run riot and disrupt the performance. Anything to report? The girl next to DD sounds v annoying, although I guess it could have been nerves?

Tintin well done on the crying - remember to vary the times of the cries as you don't want Mummy to settle into a routine too quickly - you will be making a rod for your own back there!

BBD hope the packing is complete - when do you leave? V envious, but now I've been given a start date of mid-Jan for my job, I'm wondering if we can shoehorn a holiday in beforehand...

Oh, and what did DP buy DD for Christmas? There can only be one answer...



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rosiedays · 11/12/2013 23:04

Your dp clearly has far better taste than mine eagle. :)

notsoold · 11/12/2013 23:19

Eagle...I like it!!
Dh is not allowed to buy any clothing for anyone including himself.... But everything else is ok more or less...
He even got me a breadmaker. The perfect white noise for J and the smell masks the doggy smell as our dog is going for a wash next week. Might find difficult to diet though :)

Dh stayed with J tonight and I went to a very good parents evening. Ds has improved sice the birth of his littlebrother...very proud!

blueblackdye · 11/12/2013 23:22

Rosie, you could try to explain that it is not very userfriendly, white does not stay really white with baby, that you want her to be able to be free in her movements and not restrain her because she will get her beautiful white coat dirty, that in the sling you are not sure if she won't overheat, you know puffer and body warmth.... It is v sweet though from DH
Eagle, congrats on your new job ! And love the present btw.
Somewhere, so sorry about the ticket, what a shame.
Sorry, i can't reply to everybody. I have my dinner only now ! And nothing is ready for tomorrow yet, A has her hearing test and by public transport it will take me forever to get there and come back, so I need to prepare lunch. Maybe more fishpie.... But it will be cold by then, yuk.
Flying out only v early Sat morning to Marrakech. But Friday is packed with play dates.
Hope everyone gets some rest tonight.

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