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My kids' dad fed them badger

721 replies

Loulamummy · 15/11/2018 23:46

I'm not joking. We are separated and he sees them for the day once every few weeks. Last week he took them for the day in London and when I picked them up they told me, very casually, that Daddy had given them badger with rice for lunch. He had sent me a picture a few days earlier of a dead badger so it is totally plausible, and given that he has been homeless for the last couple of years and often 'lives off the land' I am certain he would not think twice about eating a badger. He told the kids that he steamed the meat for 4hrs but now i'm really worried about the whole TB thing. They seem fine but not sure if I should get them checked out. Any words of wisdom?

OP posts:
HarrietKettleWasHere · 16/11/2018 00:18

True, I have that particular badger of honour, Dalek.

Aeroflotgirl · 16/11/2018 00:18

I watched a programme, where people look for roadkill and store it in the freezer, that maybe.

notavictim36 · 16/11/2018 00:18

Believe me, Vet, given half a chance, a badger would eat you or anyone you cared about. Am sure I read it in the Fail once, so it must be true

SmallDalek · 16/11/2018 00:19

Harriet yep game set and match to you.

BarbarianMum · 16/11/2018 00:19

Badger os a traditional Englush meat. Mrs Beeton did a recipe and everything. (True)

After Brexit we'll all be eating them.

notavictim36 · 16/11/2018 00:20


Badger burgers. Perhaps It will catch on. Like a few years back when the Hipsters were eating muntjac burgers and wild boar.

Loulamummy · 16/11/2018 00:20

My son said it tasted like beef but less chewy. All these questions about how he charges his phone etc. are things I wonder, but as we are not really on speaking terms (texts only) I will probably never know.

OP posts:
pikachupoo · 16/11/2018 00:21

So your kids are wandering round the natural history museum with their homeless dad steaming badger for 4 hours???

Every time you explain it gets weirder

Am I asleep?

Sunflowersforever · 16/11/2018 00:21

A man in a cinema notices what looks like a badger sitting next to him. "Are you a badger?" asked the man, surprised. "Yes." "What are you doing at the movies?" The badger replied, "Well, I liked the book

SmallDalek · 16/11/2018 00:21

Barbarian we will only eat English badgers though because the foreign ones won’t be able to get into the country

stormsneverlast · 16/11/2018 00:21

thegreatbeyond Never in my 5 years on mumsnet have I commented on AIBU but 'Sett menu' made me laugh so hard I'm vibrating Grin

VanellopeVonSchweetz99 · 16/11/2018 00:21

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HarrietKettleWasHere · 16/11/2018 00:22

So according to your son, badger is nicer than beef?


ProudThrilledHappy · 16/11/2018 00:22

Alas poor Badger.

Who will make Toad slow down now?

SmallDalek · 16/11/2018 00:22

Seriously though I’d ring the GP to see if they need a TB shot

peachypetite · 16/11/2018 00:22

Why did you have children with this man?

pikachupoo · 16/11/2018 00:23


It might be Bodgers friend actually...

Mashed potatoes anyone? Instead of rice

SmallDalek · 16/11/2018 00:23

And if you can’t get an appointment just keep badgering the receptionist until she gives you one.

Loulamummy · 16/11/2018 00:24

Thanks SmallDalek. I think I will do that.

OP posts:
BruegeITheElder · 16/11/2018 00:24

Why did you have children with this man?

Presumably he wined and dined her.

ProudThrilledHappy · 16/11/2018 00:25

The funny thing is in my house we describe all meats as chicken because that’s all DS will eat.

If this is true then I just have to applaud you on raising kids that’ll eat badger, when it is actually described to them as badger

thegreatbeyond · 16/11/2018 00:25

storms sorry :)


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BruegeITheElder · 16/11/2018 00:25

A quick google says "there are no known cases of people contracting TB from eating infected meat"

Streambeam · 16/11/2018 00:26

Grin Grin Grin

pikachupoo · 16/11/2018 00:26

How many people eat badger? Is it ever a thing? Like royal family posh type thing?

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