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My kids' dad fed them badger

721 replies

Loulamummy · 15/11/2018 23:46

I'm not joking. We are separated and he sees them for the day once every few weeks. Last week he took them for the day in London and when I picked them up they told me, very casually, that Daddy had given them badger with rice for lunch. He had sent me a picture a few days earlier of a dead badger so it is totally plausible, and given that he has been homeless for the last couple of years and often 'lives off the land' I am certain he would not think twice about eating a badger. He told the kids that he steamed the meat for 4hrs but now i'm really worried about the whole TB thing. They seem fine but not sure if I should get them checked out. Any words of wisdom?

OP posts:
Loulamummy · 16/11/2018 00:43

I had provided them with a packed lunch but 'itswinetime', you have a fair comment about why I am on here rather than just going to the doctor. I should probably just do that. After all this though I am wondering if he will believe me!

OP posts:
Rachelover40 · 16/11/2018 00:44

Still we mustn't badger the op.

Eliza9917 · 16/11/2018 00:45

@NoerthenderNamechanger it may well be, but I'm not eating it to find out. I don't even eat goat and that's a traditional food where my nan was from.

Theyprobablywill · 16/11/2018 00:45

If that's right, just what was in those Tupperware boxes? - I smell a rat...

PawneeParksDept · 16/11/2018 00:45

Sett Menu is amazing - bravo that poster

So, id he brought it with him it was cold Badger With Rice


I can't imagine that would be anything other than rank

YANBU if true and you aren't even U if lying because hilarious

Mind you I'm surprised it wasn't mashed potato

pikachupoo · 16/11/2018 00:47

This week we've argued over if you can have rice with roast dinners

Now you're bringing mashed potatoes into it

AmazingGrace16 · 16/11/2018 00:48

Ummm what? Wtf is happening on here tonight?!

SheCameFromGreeceSheHadaThirst · 16/11/2018 00:48

I’m very intrigued about he managed to prepare a feast of steamed badger whilst being homeless

This is the best sentence I've ever read.

BruegeITheElder · 16/11/2018 00:49

The ex probably charges his phone in librarys etc like all the other phone owning people do

I own a phone and I've never charged it at a library

itswinetime · 16/11/2018 00:49

So your packed lunch was returned uneaten? The kids chose to eaten unknown food over a lunch packed by mum who knows what they like??

Again either some one is pulling your leg or your kids don't like your cooking/are every adventurous!

How old are you kids?

Loulamummy · 16/11/2018 00:49

I did say to the kids that it must have been cold, and they just shrugged and said it was a bit warm.

OP posts:
BadgerWithRice · 16/11/2018 00:49

To be honest I’d be more concerned about the cold rice for next time:

PennyArcade · 16/11/2018 00:50

Why did your ex send you a pic of a dead badger? Was it a black and white pic?

CurlyWurlyTwirly · 16/11/2018 00:50

Badger & rice

Loulamummy · 16/11/2018 00:50

They are 7 and 9, and very good eaters!

OP posts:
PanicwiththeBisto · 16/11/2018 00:51

At least he didn’t cook em toad-in-the-hole!

itswinetime · 16/11/2018 00:52

If it wasn't served with mash potatoes Pawnee I would have massive issue everyone knows Badger loves mash potato

BruegeITheElder · 16/11/2018 00:52

we are not really on speaking terms (texts only)

He had sent me a picture a few days earlier of a dead badger

This sounds like a worrying relationship

itswinetime · 16/11/2018 00:53

So they ate your lunch and his?

SheCameFromGreeceSheHadaThirst · 16/11/2018 00:53

He brought it with him, yes, probably in tupperware.

This is probably definitely a real thing that really happened.

UrsulaPandress · 16/11/2018 00:55

You can charge your phone in the library?

Loulamummy · 16/11/2018 00:55

Yes, rice stood be chilled after cooking and not reheated. Luckily they didn't get rice poisoning. Badgerwithrice. You're called Badgerwithrice!

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SheCameFromGreeceSheHadaThirst · 16/11/2018 00:56

Yeah, I agree Bruegel - if someone I wasn't really on speaking terms with randomly sent me a picture of a dead badger I'd be somewhat perturbed.

ErrolTheDragon · 16/11/2018 00:56

I'm sure my dachshund would think badger and rice was delicious.

halfwitpicker · 16/11/2018 00:56

Is it like eating Swan?

I'm from the north BTW

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