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Low-carb bootcamp

Week 5 - Low Carb Bootcamp - almost half way through!

316 replies

BIWI · 08/06/2015 07:50

Morning all - lovely sunny day here!

Here's the Spreadsheet of Fabulousness for your confessions

It sounds like some of us have been struggling recently, so I hope that the scales have been kind to you this morning.

If the scales aren't your friend, then don't forget to take your measurements, or to try on that dress/those jeans that were too tight 5 weeks ago - the results here are more meaningful than the scales anyway.

I put some new trousers on yesterday that I bought a couple of weeks ago, and find that they are now too big. Which is both pleasing and annoying at the same time Grin

OP posts:
monkeyfacegrace · 09/06/2015 10:39

Some pepsi max does not a carby twat make.

trashcanjunkie · 09/06/2015 10:53

Morning folks.

Just catching up with the thread makes me realise the cyclical nature of these boot camps. It's interesting to see most of the points raised have in fact come up on other bc. I've been on the threads for about 18 months now, and these issues do come up again and again, which is pretty understandable as we have a constant turnover of newbies, and departure of graduates, plus the 'lifers' like myself.

The idea of the confessional thread pops up every now and again. BIWI has cautioned against it for a variety of reasons, some listed here.

What I'm thinking may work, is perhaps a 'frequently asked questions' section, that is not the 'questions thread' more of a static piece. This way, we can keep the simplicity of the rules, but as a group we could come up with a list of say, twenty of the most commonly asked questions, and the best answers. That way newbies who need more than the standard rules, could use the FAQ resource, and it could include a section on the perils of cheating, talking about it, the need to, the feelings etc. this would in no way diminish the questions thread, or split the group feeling.

I would be happy to sort it out, or work with others to. I have had massive rants on this subject in the past, and have upset people, but I've also had times when I've strayed from the path and needed that support when I've crawled back on.

I think fundamentally it's unrealistic to think we aren't going to have spat, arguments, disagreements and falling out, BUT, the important thing I think, is to be able to share our feelings, and find a way to move forwards afterwards. Ultimately I know we're all in this together, but a group this large cannot expect to have individuals who cannot fucking stand what another poster may say. We are human and all very different. The group still works though, it moves on and sorts itself out way or another, and I feel very proud to be a part of that, warts and all.

On a separate note, I have coined a new phrase, which I will try and practise if and when the need arises.

bleat not cheat

Pretty self explanatory, but if I repeat the phrase in moments of weakness then come on here and talk about it first I'm hoping to re educate my food crutch to a writing crutch. Does that make sense?

I made egg muffins using soya yoghurt. They are slimy and gross. Fortunately Dp will probably love them as he has no taste. Bastard. That's my second flavour fail in two days.

Breakfast this morning was more of a snack - a single rollmop, from the Polish fridge section in Morrisons, they come in a shallow plastic tub and are simply the nicest I've ever had. If you are a fan I would heartily recommend them, as they're extremely lc, far superior to th minging lidls ones, packed with vit d and a really quick go to flavour fest. Only downside is they count as processed.

Had one of the slimy muffins too, but that was it so I'm going to investigate the cupboards. Am thinking of a crab mayo salad and a bullet proof chai.

Working from home today, and have decided to go on holiday in September somewhere hot with just Dp, so going to look at flights and airbnb places!

trashcanjunkie · 09/06/2015 10:55

Monkey you need to back off. Your posts are coming across as petulant and aggressive, and the determination with which you cling to your Pepsi habit would be best placed elsewhere. Drink your pop if you want, but please STFU about it and stop being so bloody snappy with anybody who challenges you.

cathyandclaire · 09/06/2015 11:07

I don't know how you're cooking the courgetti Plum but I've found it's better to stir fry it then add a butter/cream/pesto/cheese/whatever at the end. I've tried boiling, steaming, roasting and microwave and it's been a soggy mess!

Tetley650 · 09/06/2015 11:21

Plum - I bought the stainless spiraliser on Amazon, mainly because I can be hard on my utensils. Once spiralised I loosely wrap in kitchen paper and pop in fridge until I need them. I then quickly turn them over in hot butter to heat through and they don't lose their al dente(ness).
When I bought the machine It wasn't so good at carrots etc which is now a good thing and when I get it right I get long long noodles. DS and I measured one effort at 24".

minibmw2010 · 09/06/2015 11:44

Many thanks for the courgetti tops, there on my list for tomorrow's dinner ?? I saw that stainless steel spiralizer in town yday so I'll be popping back to get that.

plumstone · 09/06/2015 11:52

Cathy - thanks I must have tried all those listed above except stir frying - I was quite gutted as saw so many blogs about it and how it would revolutionise my life - all I ended up with was a a very soggy pesto mush - not good!

Tetley - thanks I will attempt the kitchen paper wrap at the weekend. If I concentrated I could get lots of very long noodles from one courgette - then needed to cut them down to a realistic length.

The plan is: noodle-fy one courgette, cut to length, wrap in kitchen paper and keep in fridge till required, stir fry in butter , stir through cream and garlic and herb boursin - eat alone, while savouring the thing of beauty that is a joy forever!!

Trash - Rollmops - totally forgotten about them, my dad used eat them as a go to snack years ago, I will investigate!! thanks

Bleat not cheat - love it Grin

Now - did I dream it or did someone mention that Tescos are now selling cauliflower rice?? If so please can you tell me where in the shop this would be found - I live quite near one (15 min) drive and may feel a Road Trip coming on Grin

monkeyfacegrace · 09/06/2015 12:12

Oh I give up. I'll both STFU and FO as obviously we are now namby pambying around. Good luck all of you.

Preminstreltension · 09/06/2015 12:18

I did fall off the wagon at the weekend and I'd rather tell the thread and share the fact that I felt rubbish and it wasn't worth it. It's not as if anyone is saying "I ate and it was gorgeous and I'm going to carry on doing it".

If I hadn't told you all it would look as though this WOE doesn't work because I sure as hell won't lose any weight this week. Which in itself would be discouraging to people just starting out. I did the wrong thing and paid the price. Which is good in a way as it reminds me there is a point to it all.

I hope sass doesn't go because I like reading her posts.

BIWI · 09/06/2015 12:19

Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. And here was I thinking how well this Bootcamp was going Grin

monkey I understand what you are saying, and it's something I was going to post about myself - to caution the number of posters here who do seem to think that you can get on/get off/get on/get off Bootcamp.

Bootcamp is only 10 weeks long. And the really strict bit only lasts for two weeks

It is important that you follow the rules because this is not a forgiving way to lose weight, unlike a low calorie or low fat diet. You can't compensate at one meal for eating too many carbs at another. It simply doesn't work like that.

Which means that the obvious consequence of such behaviour is no weight loss or, worse, weight gain.


I do understand, absolutely, that doing strict low carb is hard (there's a clue in the name Grin), and that we all need help and support along the way. Sometimes life just happens and we have no control over what we're eating.

Ultimately, you are all in charge of what you're eating. None of us can do it for you, and no matter how much I wave my big stick around, it's nothing to do with me and, to be brutally honest, it's no skin off my nose if you don't lose the weight.

I don't think the idea of a confessional thread is a good one, as it looks like we're condoning or expecting cheats to happen.

These weekly chat threads are meant for support - which means to help us all out when we're struggling as well as to celebrate when we have good results.

Please understand, though, that it can be very triggering for people to read about cheats - especially when you list out what you've been eating, and particularly when you then manage to continue to lose weight. A little bit of sensitivity from ALL OF US is really important.

What I've learnt over the course of however many Bootcamps there have been now is that someone will be upset by something - and there's no way of keeping everyone happy! It's like herding cats

So just let's have a bit of give and take, shall we?

monkey I think (I hope) that you meant well with your post, but it wasn't especially supportive. And particularly when you are absolutely determined not to follow Bootcamp rules yourself, it's a bit galling.

I would hate anyone to feel that they can't post here for support - but I would also ask you all

please, please, please have consideration for your fellow Bootcampers and the struggles they might be going through

OP posts:
Preminstreltension · 09/06/2015 12:22

Oh just to add, had courgetti last night and I must confess I'm not a fan. Too soggy.

Had much more success with the various cauliflower recipes despite being a lifelong cauliflower hater. I just can't be bothered to make them again yet, with all the squeezing out of water and all that lark. So please can someone start up a business selling ready-made cauliflower tortillas...thanks Grin

Here's another suggestion to fend off boredom. How about we all commit to trying a new recipe from the recipe thread. I've been having chicken mayo and salad every day for lunch for weeks and it might be time to try something new for me at least. I'll go first. I'm going to try the meatza at the weekend

plumstone · 09/06/2015 12:47

Premin - I was thinking meatza - I am a little lot OCD with food and am currently on salmon fillets and home made guacamole for lunch every day - skin looks amazing - but its a bit samey!! Although i need something that is fast and easy to prepare - I do tend to sicken myself of something very quickly, Pork Belly will be next -!!!

Think Caulirice/couscous is the way to go - I am thinking roast veg , courgette, aubergine and red onion and lots of a lemon, garlic and herb infused oil - just call me Nigella Grin

Now I have a question, re cauli recipes is there a way that you could blitz cauli and then mix with beaten egg and/or oil and then roll out till thin and then bake or pan fry till crispy for crunchy type thing on which I can spread stuff on. Alternatively could you slice celeriac very thinly with a mandolin type thing and then fry till crisp for the same effect?

For me recipes are weekend only - I get home at about 7ish each night and dinner has to be fridge to tummy in an hour max!!!! Love hearing about other's successes - it inspires me to be marginally more creative!

BIWI · 09/06/2015 12:52

The thing with cauliflower is that it actually contains a lot of water - hence why you have to wring it out in a muslin/clean tea towel before you use it to make a pizza base.

OP posts:
Hangonaminutewillyou · 09/06/2015 13:01

New recipe alert from me! probably not new to anyone else but I'm loving this lunch I just made for myself (scoffing as I type!): creamed spinach. I've roughly followed this recipe but just chucked stuff in didn't weigh it and used garlic salt rather than garlic powder:

I now wish I'd made double! this is going to become a firm favourite (I'm still loving buttery leeks too). Doubly good because it's frozen spinach as whenever I buy fresh stuff I never get round to eating it before it's gone off!

This morning I had a bullet proof tea - starting to enjoy the weirdness! a small bowl of defrosted blueberries and raspberries with FF greek yoga and double cream.

Later I will be trying the meatfest that is MEATZZA! I explained to DH what it was and his eyes literally lit up haha! thanks to Lex I think? and another poster for the reminder above for that one.

Please can we all be a bit nicer to each other now? We all need a bit of TLC and help with our various issues and we're all human and make mistakes. Big hugs all round x

trashcanjunkie · 09/06/2015 13:11

Fuuuuuuuuck I have just remembered I've left two bloody cauliflowers out on the balcony for about two weeks now. Groan.... They're gonna be slush aren't they?

Sorelip · 09/06/2015 13:13

Damn plum your courgette Boursin plan has me salivating. I'm definitely making that.

I made low carb chicken korma a few nights ago. It was so tasty. I omitted the tomatoes and used coconut milk instead of water, and a small onion instead of large. Very easy to make and I did a lot of the prep early in the day, as the kids seem to be surgically attached to me around the time I start cooking.

I'll make meatzza next. DH will be ecstatic when I tell him Grin

I've had a BPC, some salami and asparagus with butter today. Dinner will be spaghetti bolognese and courgetti.

plumstone · 09/06/2015 13:17

Sore - IMO add Boursin to anything and it tastes amazing - also very good stirred through brief mushrooms as a herby, garlicky creamy mushroom sauce!!!!

Trash - going off point completely - why did you put two cauliflowers on the balcony? Curiosity piqued!

HemanOrSheRa · 09/06/2015 13:19

I'm sure it was Lex who posted the original link for the mexican meatzza recipe. I have just eaten leftover MEATZZA Grin for my lunch, is was deeeelicious! All the better for it still being in the fridge this morning and not scoffed by DP last night.

B - 2 rashers streaky bacon. 1/2 tom, pile of mushrooms, 2 eggs. All scrambled/ fried in oil and butter. Black tea. Glass of water.

L - leftover MEATZZA! Large salad (it only just fit on the plate) mixed leaves, 1/2 tom, cue, a little chopped shallot, 1/2 avocado. Oily dressing.

Dinner will be something with a pork loin chop. I got them out of the freezer this morning. I'm thinking of schnitzeling them using grated parmesan as a coating then frying in butter. I've never tried this before. I shall report back! I think I will make some coleslaw too. A some of the lovely peashoots, spinach and chard leaves I bought earlier today.

I've had 1.5l of water already. Just about to have another pint before I leave the office.

Oh! I went into Aldi earlier. I don't know if this has been mentioned already, but their tinned toms, both the basic and the luxury versions, are 3g carbs/100g.

Tetley650 · 09/06/2015 13:30

I am going to try beer can burgers that I've seen on fb

mollysfolly · 09/06/2015 13:30

Just to say thanks Flowers to PeppermintFrog for the link to Butter Makes Your Pants Fall Off on YouTube. Great and very inspiring - I especially enjoyed the bit 24 minutes in:
"are you really giving up [list of high carb rubbish] or are you giving up:
-a big belly
-50/100/150 extra pounds
-acid reflux/ heartburn
-sleep apnoea
-$$$ on prescription drugs (guess we would say being a drain on the NHS) -and over-the-counter medicines
-dying 20 years sooner and feeling like death while still alive
-not being able to play with children/grandchildren
-not being able to sit on a chair....?"

I hope my little post yesterday was not one of those causing the ructions on this thread. I was being honest that, so far, this woe hasn't worked for me. I was feeling a bit meh and trying to empathise with someone else struggling. I will KOKO because I really like the food and never feel hungry - if the science is right it's got to work for fat loss eventually hasn't it?
To be fair, I am in just about the bottom percentile for weight loss - Post menstrual, over 60, short, and with only a stone to lose.

More flowers Flowers for all the helpful advice

cathyandclaire · 09/06/2015 13:33

OOOh courgetti with boursin..good call!

trashcanjunkie · 09/06/2015 13:40

plum Grin I bought some from the wholesalers, half a crate (a random couple outside the shop went halfers with me - it's a weird and wonderful place) cost me £3.50 and I got six massive cauliflowers. In the supermarket I'm sure they're £1.69 so a bargain. Our kitchen is just less than two square metres, so space is at a premium, and as we're on the first floor, our balcony is a great bit of outside food storage.... Unless..... Blush


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Dumdedumdedum · 09/06/2015 13:58

Never going to waste another second of my life attempting to make rice grains out of cauliflower. More all over the kitchen surfaces and floor than actually "riced" with the equipment I have to hand (no specific blades for that kind of thing on my Kenwood thingy). No way will I ever use a cheese grater for that Grin Faux cauli mash will do us fine.
A couple of veggie q's, please, your help much appreciated: Do I steam kale leaves before making crisps with them? What temp should the oven be to make kale crisps?

PeppermintFrog · 09/06/2015 14:17

You're welcome Mollys, that's my fave bit too.

It is just dawning on me that I need to sort out my portion sizes. With more filling stuff I must need less to feel full but I probably continue eating past that point because I'm still doling out a big plateful. Then I often end up eating at a later mealtime with the family without being really hungry. I'm going to try small plates for a few days and see if that helps.

plumstone · 09/06/2015 14:33

Thanks trash - and fair play on the balcony front - I have a flat mate who stores extra stuff on the kitchen table - buts a whole new AIBU thread Grin

Re Boursin - it is also good as a dip thinned down with cream and mushrooms dipped in - I wonder if giant mushrooms with it in and then some salami and grated cheese baked would work >

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