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Low-carb bootcamp

Week 5 Low Carb Bootcamp - Come and Shout Your Shit!

600 replies

BIWI · 10/02/2014 07:37

Here's The Spreadsheet of Fabulousness

And The Weight Tracker

By now, if everyone has been following Bootcamp/Bootcamp Light rules properly then we should all be keto-adapted, and should be burning fat. Yippee!!

Hope everyone has a good week.


OP posts:
EwanHoozami · 10/02/2014 11:31

Morning folks

Congratulations all for keeping on keeping on, nearly half-way!

B- Lidl yog
L- Avocado and ham salad
D - courgette and cauliflower korma

humanordancer · 10/02/2014 11:37

Morning all! Pound off for me, definitely feeling leaner Grin Less wine this week - I know it's the answer.

Crabby another vote for Macbeth!

Littlemiss another one here baffled at the not fitting in business - we're all just trying to keep on, keeping on. Sometimes I post, sometimes I don't, but I do know everyone is here, and that makes all the difference.

Now, off to find something delicious to make with this steak mince!

MrsHughJarse · 10/02/2014 11:53

sybil agreed - see you on the scales on one toe in the morning !

chester a triumph ! Its that chicken - sod weight watchers Grin

Well done to cider ,grumpy,kylie ,gatorade , Lmd( you do fit - stop being silly!) durham,woolfey

and pseudo - as my DD2 would say " amazeballs" and athelstane( hope knee improves quickly) and anyone I have missed out Thanks and also Thanks to those that are disappointed.

crabby yes yes yes to a low carb cookbook with the timings - that was fabulous - where have you been all my life Grin Start it today - publish ... I am excited ! Stop faffing about with Fassbender - we need this book Grin

So much chatting and SS'ing this bright monday morning. Love to all !

Lighthousekeeping · 10/02/2014 12:21

I've put 2lb on this week. I need to up the water. I have two massive courgettes that need eating today. I'm just wondering what "pasta" sauce to use.

Thumbwitch · 10/02/2014 12:42

Yeah, answered on the old thread - no hormones allowed in Australian chickens either since the 1960s, and yet ~80% of the population here believe that they are used, so I don't feel quite so bad about my misapprehension!

CointreauVersial · 10/02/2014 12:48

Is it Monday already?? Forgot to weigh myself....

ChesterDrawers · 10/02/2014 12:52

Beyond tired here today. I suppose no sleep will do that to you. Just went out for a brisk walk to M&S and bought a pack of crispy bacon strips - all gone now Grin

CBA to eat the salmon and salad I got for lunch. Might just have another coffee and see if that will keep me going.

Desperate for bed, but DS still really poorly so not sure I am going to get much rest tonight either.

Well done to all the losers today and Flowers to those who are struggling. LittleMiss, sorry it sounds like you've been upset by something. I hope you don't go, you were great last week when I was being daft.

RatherBeOnThePiste · 10/02/2014 12:54

Can anyone link the recipe thread?

Can't find it anywhere Sad

My aim for this new thread is to keep up. Not going well so far!

keeponkeepinon · 10/02/2014 12:55

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keeponkeepinon · 10/02/2014 12:57

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thereinmadnesslies · 10/02/2014 13:00

Well done to the losers!

1lb off this week, but under 12stone for the first time in months so I'm pleased.

I am eating the same meals repeatedly though - fried eggs for breakfast, feta or egg salad for lunch, cauliflower and leek gratin/ omlette / quorn and veg for dinner. Total yoghurt, olives or cheese for snacks.

It's getting boring. Any suggestions for veggie low carb meals that can be tweaked to work for the rest of my family, including DS who is allergic to dairy?

BIWI · 10/02/2014 13:05

Pistey Recipe thread

Why not add it to 'threads I'm watching'? That's how I manage to keep track of it!

OP posts:
Lighthousekeeping · 10/02/2014 13:09

Is there a way to search the recipe thread? I'm looking for a courgetti sauce.

I must admit I have the moussaka twice a month and it lasts me for three days. It's my favourite recipe of them all.

Ilisten2thesoundofdrums · 10/02/2014 13:12

Well done to everyone who has lost again, and congrats to those sticking with it.
I have lost 1lb this week which makes a grand total of 5lb so far. I'd like it to be more but I guess its slow and sustainable. I must admist that a pair of work trousers feel a bit slacker this morning - so even if the scales aren't moving fast at least I can tell that something is happeningSmile
Just tucked into my lunch of salmon and salad. The avacado tasted particularly good today.
Steak that I bought last week and didn't get around to eating for dinner tonight. I need to work out what to have with it now.

WillieWaggledagger · 10/02/2014 13:22

lighthousekeeping do you have it all on one page? i do, and then i just do ctrl+f and type a search word

Thumbwitch · 10/02/2014 13:37

I'm down another 2lb this week, despite the cherries and occasional lapses, so am pretty pleased with that. Next week I plan to be below 12st - so will work extra hard to make sure of it! only 2lb to go (in the evenings, I'm already on exactly 12st in the mornings!)

MicrochipsAndMemories · 10/02/2014 13:38

Can anyone join here? I know I'm late to the party but I've been kind of low carbing since the beginning of January. I've lost about 7lbs and I know I can lose more if I plan my meals. It's hard to know what to eat sometimes.

RatherBeOnThePiste · 10/02/2014 13:40

Ah bon idée la BIWI, have done that very thing.

Corned beef hash here we come :)

RatherBeOnThePiste · 10/02/2014 13:46

Nelly - wee tartan grannies?!

Knots and I are RUBBISH at Pinterest because we keep forgetting to add anything. But Mumsnet wanted to set up Pinterest for Woolly Hugs Shock so we thought we'd crack on and do it ourselves.

But we Must try Harder Grin

SarahBeenysBumblingApprentice · 10/02/2014 13:48

I'm posting this with a very figety 3yo DS on my knee who has just had a 30min tantrum about having no pudding at lunch so it's going to be short!

1lb off this week. Very happy. Aim for the current week: try BPC with the aim of eating less mascarpone!

Well done everyone and keep on keepin on.

Ps first spin class tonight, dreading it!

ChesterDrawers · 10/02/2014 13:54

Anyone got any good ideas for a LC valentines menu? We've had quite a bit of steak so feeling a bit meh about that at the minute but all other recommendations welcome.

humanordancer · 10/02/2014 13:54

Brunch: Chili sardines (Waitrose own, tinned) with aioli, buttery cabbage and courgettes, and a square (10g) of lidl 74% Bellarom chocolate - savoured.

Water, lots. Coffee, some.

Dinner: Chili with avocado.

Going for a cheese free day!


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bettybigballs · 10/02/2014 13:57

Just popping in for a quickie and will post properly tonight. Huge celebratory teas / coffees / BPC / fizzy water / G&Ts to all those have lost.

I've STS which i'm hugely fucked off about. 3 sodding lbs in 4 weeks. Have been spot on this week too. Was going to commiserate with a sandwich but then read your post Ambassador. Instead I've topped up my water bottle and am vowing to totally knock dairy on the head.

laters losers :)

sueh95 · 10/02/2014 14:00

I'm doing something wrong. 1lb up. Its ubercamp for me this week Hmm

EvaTheOptimist · 10/02/2014 14:06

BIWI sorry sorry sorry. (I wasn't online when you drew your line!). I owe you massively big-time for transforming my life, and I don't even know you in RL! I owe my current happiness to your fantastic WOE and your ability to draw together this community of bootcampers for support. THANK YOU; and good luck to you in shaking off the Christmas excess.

LittleMiss we will be waiting to hear an update from you after your trip.

I had a long train journey yesterday and felt so good as I opened my packed salad when everyone else had British Rail sandwiches and flapjacks. My salad was GORGEOUS full of olives, coleslaw, feta, avocado, etc etc. It looked so healthy compared to the sandwiches!

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