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Low-carb bootcamp

Week 1 - New Year 2014 Low Carb Bootcamp - And We're Off!

999 replies

BIWI · 13/01/2014 07:22

Morning all!

I see several of you have already weighed in on the Spreadsheet of Fabulousness

As of today, though, we also have our bright, shiny, new Bootcamp section on Mumsnet, including our own Weight Tracker, which will only show your own weight/progress.

You can either use the Spreadsheet as we have done before, which everyone has access to and can see, or you can go here and enter your weight.

Obviously you can do both!

When you're in the new Bootcamp, if you click on the tab that says 'more info' that will take you to a section which has loads of information about low carbing, as well as Bootcamp Rules

Before we get going formally, I have to make an important disclaimer:

I am not a doctor, a medic, a scientist, a nutritionist or a dietician. I have no formal training in food, dieting or low carbing. The information that I provide here is based solely on my reading on the subject, as well as my own experience. If you have any kind of medical condition and/or you are taking any kind of ongoing medication, you should consult your GP before starting a low carb diet

That done, good luck everyone!

OP posts:
Thumbwitch · 13/01/2014 12:49

Thanks Humphrey! good to know. :)

wakemeupnow · 13/01/2014 12:55

Just cooked the braised cabbage recipe, bit of a disaster, managed to burn it whilst braising which set off the smoke alarm, now the house stinks of burnt cabbage.

I cut off the burnt bits and continued to cook it with some full fat cream, adding cooked bacon at the end.

Dh was complimentary but really it was truly disgusting, very oily... I Feel a bit sick now and the thought of eating anything else makes me want to heave. Confused

HeirToTheIronThrone · 13/01/2014 12:59

Noooo, wakemeup, the cabbage is amazing - give it another go! I would have it every day, but DH, who is still a bit Hmm about LC-ing, says it's too much fat and he won't eat it, and you can't really do it for one Sad

Holmes I LC-d last year, Jan til about April, started again on 2nd Jan this year and I don't think I've felt as bad as the first time round.

Lavenderhoney · 13/01/2014 13:00

Google, my run was ok though not long enough tbh, about 3miles of very hilly country lanes which I thought would stretch me but no- so I'm going to add on a bit to make it 5/6 miles. I have been doing 5k on the treadmill over the last few months and thought outdoor would be harder.

Coffee - 2 cups with cream
Lunch - 2 egg omelette with cream and butter, mushrooms and sliced Mozarela on top.
Dinner - going to be spare ribs, mash for the dc, courgettes pan fried in butter, green beans. Kids with have treacle sponge for pudding.

Loads of water.

Woolfey · 13/01/2014 13:06

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theQuibbler · 13/01/2014 13:15

First proper day after a few days easing into it.
Breakfast - coffee. NI need to work out something to eat for this meal. I can't stomach anything before around 10 am. I also hate eggs and am a little wary of eating bacon every day. I thought of trying whey protein shakes?

Lunch has been a chicken breast cooked with leeks, cabbage and a mustard sauce.

Dinner will be leftover Italian pork meatloaf with spinach and greek yoghurt.

GrumpyCrossPatch · 13/01/2014 13:16

Lavendar - it sounds like your first outdoor run for years was highly successful! It was lovely out this morning - so crisp and blue skied.

Do any of the runners on the thread have tips for surviving treadmill running? I know that if the cold snap ever arrives I would be safer on the treadmill but I struggle with the mental strength to keep going and not clock watch and convincing myself that I am knackered and will never finish.

AthelstaneTheUnready · 13/01/2014 13:17

LittleMiss, you sound a wonderful woman. There IS no judging going on, you're right, we are all here because for one reason or another we're not happy with our current weight. Given that's so, no-one's likely to start pointing the finger at other people who are unhappy about their weight because they got there in a different manner, or at a different time.

I have less to lose, but am unhappy about the behaviour that led to my weight gain: struggling to put the wine bottle down (whether from the physical draw of sugar, of the emotional draw of 'treat') is not a good way to live. Plus it leads me straight to the most sugary things in the house. Yes, I would like to lose that last stone, but what I want even more is to break my unhealthy drinking and eating habits before I bugger up my liver, never mind the extra weight.

caramelwaffle · 13/01/2014 13:21

Thank you Crabby

Am on a laptop now so have added the weight.

giraffeseatpineapples · 13/01/2014 13:24

heir to the throne your dp sounds a lot like mine. It is tricky, he doesn't want to low carb so increasing fat in general cooking prob isn't that great for him.

That's a shame wakemeup, does sound yummy. Think cabbage is quite tricky, app; it needs to be cooked briefly or slow cooked but nothing in the middle Confused have had disasters in the past.

littlemiss I have opted for the bathroom and the lower reading Blush my excuse is that I can use the tiles as a guide (our bathroom is too tiny to leave it in one spot permanently)

sorry if this post is in a weird place now, kept getting interruptions from dd!

Whoknowswhocares · 13/01/2014 13:35

Can I be cheerleader?
I'm here for very different reasons to most of you as I don't actually need to lose weight. However, my eating habits have become so horribly erratic recently that I've started to worry about my health. It all came to a head last Sunday when I realised I had put NOTHING in my mouth all day which wasn't a carb.
I had a headache, I felt bloated and sick and realised I was probably addicted to either sugar or to carbs in general. Diets in the past have led to extreme binges and even the occasional bulimic tendencies Sad

I found this forum and began reading. Monday I started the softly softly start up and I can honestly say I'm converted. Carb flu was tough but bearable and a week in my eating has stabilised and I feel much healthier. No hunger, plenty of energy. Oh and despite not really needing/trying to, I've lost 4 pounds! That will taper off I'm sure (probably just water!) but I want to be on the thread to keep me on track.
Those of you currently sad at your start weights.......we all have different reasons for following this thread and no one will be judging. Most people would say I shouldn't be here, but I need it, albeit for different reasons. Keep plugging away. There are benefits beyond weight loss!!!!

Lovecat · 13/01/2014 13:40

If it's ok, I'd like to put my measurements this morning on the thread, purely to record it so that I don't forget WHEN I lose weight.

Chest 42
Waist 41
Hips 47
Tops of thighs 23.5 apiece
Tops of arms 12.5 and 13, R & L respectively.


Have been to Aldi and stocked up with all the yummy food we'll need for the week ahead - am off to stick my lamb in the slow cooker for tonight and make myself a chicken n' avocado salad. DH is doing it with me but he doesn't want to weigh (and won't tell me how big he is) but has a suit in the wardrobe he wants to fit back into with a 36 waist.

Cooking a separate meal for DD (apart from roasts and de-carbed bolognese sauce) is going to be my biggest bugbear - what do other LC-ers with a fussy eater do about this? Last time I successfully LC-ed it was pre-DD so it was easy just to cook for us.

She won't touch swede or cauli so I can't include her in one-pot things that we'd normally eat as a family that I can adapt, like cottage pie, stew or fish pie. I may try and sneak a cauli mash-topped cottage pie past her and see what happens... :o

SteeleyeStan · 13/01/2014 13:40

theQuibbler Check really carefully what the protein shakes have in them, at least - if you mean readymade ones and not something you'll make from scratch yourself. They'll most likely have at least artificial sweeteners (if not sugar in some form) and a bunch of additives.

teaandthorazine · 13/01/2014 13:41

Quibbler I am exactly the same re breakfast. I simply cannot stomach anything (except a cup of tea) until I've been up for a couple of hours. The thought of solid food at 6.30am makes me heave.

I must admit in the last Bootcamp I got around this with whey protein shakes (made with double cream!) and sometimes also a spoonful of coconut oil for a bit of extra fat. It kept me going easily until lunch.

I know it's not strictly Bootcamp (hides from The Stick) and I probably shouldn't be suggesting it on the first day but it was a lifesaver for me. Sorry BIWI!

SteeleyeStan · 13/01/2014 13:42

Thinking of it - one could probably get a lush smoothie from some fullfat natural yoghurt, avocado, some greens, maybe a dash of double cream... :)

teaandthorazine · 13/01/2014 13:47

I agree about not buying the ready made ones though - full of artificial shite, sweeteners etc. Very bad news.

I got a bag of powder online (not as dodgy as it sounds, honest!) and made it up with water and cream.

ChippingInWadesIn · 13/01/2014 13:50

LittleMiss - my brain has a process much like that too. I have several stone to lose and so when someone posts 'Oh I feel like such a big fat blimp, I weigh 9 stone and should only be 8.5' my initial reaction is to roll my eyes and feel hurt, because in that split second it's all about ME, I think 'My god, if they think they are a blimp at 9 stone, what must they think of me' :(

However, I pull my head in sharpish and remember that it's about them and how they feel about themselves, not me!

Also that Bootcamp/low carbing isn't a 'diet' it's a WOE that people benefit from, for all kinds of reasons, one poster last year was trying to gain weight. I did offer to send her some Grin and I myself low carb on an ongoing basis (other than Christmas apparently?!) to keep my blood sugars under control so I don't have to take metformin for my T2 diabetes. As you say, it's not all about having a lot of weight to lose - not at all.

ChippingInWadesIn · 13/01/2014 13:54

x-posted with WhoKnowsWhoCares :)

Of course you should be here. It is about gaining health as much as losing weight.

I was PM'ing with an MN friend the other day, she is at her goal weight and is struggling with finding the right mindset to maintain that. It is no less a struggle than the 100lbs (yes - 100 of the little buggers) I want and need to lose.

If I ever get to my goal weight I will still be here - partly for the craic Grin but also to help me continue to eat properly and to maintain and control my blood sugars.

keeponkeepinon · 13/01/2014 13:56

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HolgerDanske · 13/01/2014 14:00

Hello everyone, good luck with boot camp Smile

I think I might be being thick, but I can't find my name on the spreadsheet.. Are we meant to add ourselves on?


HeirToTheIronThrone · 13/01/2014 14:01

giraffes it's weird, because he is happy to low carb - been eating much the same as me, with the addition of a wrap with his lunchtime salad and occasionally with dinner if I've made a curry/chilli or similar. But he will not accept the high fat bit, so patrols the amount of cream/butter and insists on low fat (vv sugary) yogurts for pudding etc. He has suffered from gout in the past and things the fat will make it come back - anyone know if he's right??

ChippingInWadesIn · 13/01/2014 14:03

Lovecat - I would slowly convert her :) but in the meantime I'd make the 'one pot things' and keep a batch of pre-made mash in individual portions that I could put on hers for her.

Breakfast as a non egg eating vegetarian, it is the meal I struggle with the most. I generally have a whole avocado with some Food Doctor seeds (allowed on BC as I'm veggie) and depending on how I'm feeling about dairy (is it stalling me or not FFS!?) some cheese. I did consider protein shakes, but for me I decided against them as I want to eat as 'clean' as I can and for me that doesn't fit in. When I have time I have a whole avocado chopped up & some egg free mayo with a ton of butter fried mushrooms and seeds - YUM. I do sometimes have left overs but as my main meals are somewhat 'samey' anyway I don't really want to be eating them again in morning.

I think yogurt stalls me. Unfortunately.


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Seri77 · 13/01/2014 14:05

I've stopped snivelling now after reading all these encouraging posts. As well as my waist loss, my digestive system feels so much better after a week so I'll focus on these non scale victories. Processed food is just not good for me.

Also focussing on milk carbs creeping in. I drink 3-4 cups of tea per day so have decided to cut down milk to only once in my post dinner cup. I will drink it black the rest of the time. Also to have maximum 2 coffee +cream in the morning or 1 if I'm having cream in dinner.

ziggiestardust · 13/01/2014 14:06

Here and feeling really positive; I think it helps I've had quite a good weekend food wise Smile

Today's menu is:
B: ff natural yoghurt
L: Steak, fried eggs and broccoli
D: Beef stroganoff
S: Strong cheddar cheese

I have drunk water, sparkling water and black coffee. That is IT.

I've been stuck on my current weight for a year now, so getting on the scales for me was more of a 'oh for Christ's sake; WHY can't you get it together, woman?!' Moment. I want to lose 1.25-1.5 stone. So, not a lot in the grand scheme of things. I just really need to focus. I've struggled to lose this last bit. I'm always just 'a bit chunky', which I hate. I despise looking at photos on Facebook that my friends have put up, and I'm just the chubby one on the end looking all pasty Sad

Bah. Onwards and upwards.

halfthesize · 13/01/2014 14:07

Afternoon all, I forgot to weigh, so will do so tomorrow before work. Though I know I have about a stone to loose.

B - Cheese omelette 2 pints of water
L- belly of pork with greens
D- ??

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