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Low-carb bootcamp

Week 1 - New Year 2014 Low Carb Bootcamp - And We're Off!

999 replies

BIWI · 13/01/2014 07:22

Morning all!

I see several of you have already weighed in on the Spreadsheet of Fabulousness

As of today, though, we also have our bright, shiny, new Bootcamp section on Mumsnet, including our own Weight Tracker, which will only show your own weight/progress.

You can either use the Spreadsheet as we have done before, which everyone has access to and can see, or you can go here and enter your weight.

Obviously you can do both!

When you're in the new Bootcamp, if you click on the tab that says 'more info' that will take you to a section which has loads of information about low carbing, as well as Bootcamp Rules

Before we get going formally, I have to make an important disclaimer:

I am not a doctor, a medic, a scientist, a nutritionist or a dietician. I have no formal training in food, dieting or low carbing. The information that I provide here is based solely on my reading on the subject, as well as my own experience. If you have any kind of medical condition and/or you are taking any kind of ongoing medication, you should consult your GP before starting a low carb diet

That done, good luck everyone!

OP posts:
sybilfaulty · 13/01/2014 08:10

Wow, 25 posts by 8.10 in morning!

Good luck everyone. I have forgotten to weigh before I had my cup of tea so will horrify myself in the morning.

Water, water and more water. Hurray.

PseudoBadger · 13/01/2014 08:14

Oh gosh just worked out what I need to lose to get back to post DC1 weight - 40lbs to top acceptable level, 60(!) for ideal Shock

projectbabyweight · 13/01/2014 08:16

AthelstaneTheUnready - I also only have a stone to lose. Lost 1.5 lbs last week, which I consider very good. Also half an inch from hips, woohoo!

Best of luck everyone Smile

SayraT · 13/01/2014 08:16

I need to come on to confess that I have already made a mistake on day one of bootcamp (a complete accident).

Last week when I really fancied something sweet/nice I made myself almond pancakes (1 egg, almond milk, ground almonds) but they were so filling I only ate one (about 1.5 inch diameter) and there was some of the batter left so I had one for breakfast today and I had almond milk in my coffee Shock

Tomorrow I will be much better, it was just a slip and as soon as I realised what I had done I was like "nooooooo!" but since they were made and almonds aren't cheap I just ate it anyway.

On the plus side last night at the Italian I had garlic mushrooms and then fried chicken in lemon (very very lemony!) and vegetables....and I didn't eat a single chip!

blizy · 13/01/2014 08:33

Thank you so much BIWI, you are a star Thanks.
Willie, the spreadsheet is fab, you too are a star Thanks

I have been doing the soft start to bootcamp last week and lost 4lbs, I must say I love this WOE and it suits me very much. I have had quite a few sugar cravings though, hopefully they disappear soon.

Today I plan to eat,
B- FF Greek yog, slice of ham with Philadelphia spread.
L- broccoli and bacon soup
D- slow cooked beef curry with green beans and cauliflower.
I have drank 1/2 litre of water and a green tea so far.

If I need to snack I will have cheese cubes, celery/red pepper strips.

Good luck everyone and fingers crossed we become a bunch of losers!

caramelwaffle · 13/01/2014 08:45

Good morning all. I hope you have been enjoying your new year.

Thank you to Biwi and willie

Started a Bootcamp light last week (lots of protein, herbal tea and cut out alcohol) and was down 6lbs. However, I am starting at a much higher weight than I got down to last year.

Could someone please add me to the spreadsheet, as I can't seem to do it from this device.

Thank you.

The plan is lots of herbal tea today. Warmed plain water (hate it cold) Avocado and bacon salad for lunch.

Good luck everyone.

Aseaandthreestars · 13/01/2014 08:46

Don't cry Seri77 - do something else with that energy. You've already started to get your figure back. Hope you have a good day today Thanks

MrsHughJarse · 13/01/2014 08:46

Wow - really don't want to be going to work .... Just want to play with new boot camp toys and read all these threads ! Weighed yesterday , but did manage to measure my bum this am ..... It won't be spring for a good while as my arse is obliterating the sun !! Shock
Good luck to all - can't wait until can get back on MN later ! ( am I a bit sad ?!)

CheerfulYank · 13/01/2014 08:47

Just popping in to say hi, I've been low carbing on and off since I had my daughter in May and lost about 20 lbs, but need to lose much more. Am ready to be strict!

Am meeting my imaginary boyfriend my favorite actor from the Walking Dead in April so have lots of motivation to lose some before then! :o

MrsPnut · 13/01/2014 08:50

I weighed myself this morning, and did cry as predicted. I've put on loads of weight recently and I know it's because of all the picking and alcohol.

I've planned what I'm eating today and need to come up with some ideas for the rest of the week. I have plenty of meat and fish in the fridge and freezer but no inspiration yet.

thereinmadnesslies · 13/01/2014 08:52

Morning. Weighed in this morning and I am as heavy as I was post baby - bad times :(

Does this sound ok as a veggie first day:
B: 2 eggs fried in butter, water
L: Spinach, cucumber, olives, small amount quorn ham, dressing made with olive oil and lemon, total yoghurt
D: Cheese omlette and green salad

Ambassadoryouarespoilingme · 13/01/2014 09:03

Morning all,
Thanks BIWI and Willie for all your efforts. Logging my weight somewhere semi-public suddenly makes it all more real.
Good luck everyone.

colette · 13/01/2014 09:06

Yes, thanks Biwi and Willie Thanks. Good luck all

Lovecat · 13/01/2014 09:11

Morning everyone!

Willie Thanks and BIWI Thanks thanks so much for all your hard work on this.

Feeling really inspired! (and horrified as I haven't weighed myself in over a year, this morning I am 12st 4 - bleeee!)

Am cooking myself poached buttery eggs for breakfast whilst writing out my shopping list with reference to the recipe thread. I'm also going to take my measurements before I go out, as I always forget to do that and I want to keep a record this time.

Good luck everyone! :o

LucyVFood · 13/01/2014 09:13

Crap. I'm officially the fattest person on Bootcamp. Fucking hell.

kasbah72 · 13/01/2014 09:18

Thank you, this is amazing! Ok, I decided to start last week and weighed this morning... 5.5lb off. Fantastic! Do I put my today weight in to the spreadsheet or last week's and then total up 2 week's worth of loss for next Monday? I want to monitor exactly what I manage to achieve .

As it was supposed to be oy a soft start last week I decided to share a lovely bottle of red with dh last night. I felt like xrap! Headache, sugar shakes. It was actually a good thing because it will help remove more temptation!

First goal - a stone by Valentines day. Then I need to address the other 1.5-2 stone.

kasbah72 · 13/01/2014 09:19

I also have a yoghurt question. I did ipd years ago and I don't remember yoghurt being allowed. It would be so good if it was. What do I need to get and his should I eat it? I mean, should I add it to anything else.

BuffytheReasonableFeminist · 13/01/2014 09:20

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RatherBeOnThePiste · 13/01/2014 09:20

Lucy, how fabulous you are, taking control, changing your way of eating. Stick with us, 2014 will see change for us all, and I can't wait. X

GatoradeMeBitch · 13/01/2014 09:21

I haven't weighed myself yet lucy so hold your horses! Grin

I've been so busy lately I haven't got a meal plan or done any special shopping. We have eggs though so I'll hard boil two of those for breakfast now, then take it from there.

daisychicken · 13/01/2014 09:22

Ok... 9st3 so put on 1lb over Christmas..... (doesn't help that DH keeps bringing me Lidl's "m&m's" and ds2 keeps making his yummy cookies...... must put a lock on that cupboard).. I'm aiming for 8-8st6 but more concerned about keeping my weight down and low carb'ing for health reasons than actual weight loss. Aims this time are to reduce dairy intake and increase the salads/soups as I've gotten out of the habit.

LauraBridges · 13/01/2014 09:23

Lucy, that doesn't matter at all. In fact the larger people are the more they are likely to lose more quickly.

Thanks to BIWI. This is all so helpful.

breakfast - 3 egg yolks ( hate the whites) and a large slice of smoked salmon (my treat) eaten a bit late as my period started so I never feel very hungry then. Pint of water on my desk as usual. Added weight to both public and private charts.


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HeirToTheIronThrone · 13/01/2014 09:26

Seri77 - I was the heaviest I have ever been on 2nd Jan, have been bootcamping since then and 4.6lbs down so far, but still more that I was when I started BC last time. We are all in the same boat which is what is so good about the support you'll get here.

Just had greek yog for breakfast, and have egg mayo, salad and a couple of slices of salami with me for lunch. My first day trial is that we're going to the cinema tonight straight from work - any ideas for suitable film snacks (have taken pork scratchings in the past but they are anti-socially crunchy!)

ChesterDrawers · 13/01/2014 09:28

Woo hoo, love the new area. So excited and raring to go. Weighed in, 26.5lbs to go til goal - want that gone by my hols in June. TOTM is due though, so expect a few lbs of water to have gone by next week too Grin

Today looks like this:

B: Eggs and butter
L: Cauli chowder
D: Sausages (1.1g per 100g), celeriac mash with butter, broccoli

No snacks, lots of water and a few black decafs. Maybe a decaf with cream before bed.

LucyVFood · 13/01/2014 09:29

Thanks Rather that's an amazingly positive outlook! I'm at work so best get my ass off MN.

Have a good first day everyone.

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