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Low-carb bootcamp

Week 1 - New Year 2014 Low Carb Bootcamp - And We're Off!

999 replies

BIWI · 13/01/2014 07:22

Morning all!

I see several of you have already weighed in on the Spreadsheet of Fabulousness

As of today, though, we also have our bright, shiny, new Bootcamp section on Mumsnet, including our own Weight Tracker, which will only show your own weight/progress.

You can either use the Spreadsheet as we have done before, which everyone has access to and can see, or you can go here and enter your weight.

Obviously you can do both!

When you're in the new Bootcamp, if you click on the tab that says 'more info' that will take you to a section which has loads of information about low carbing, as well as Bootcamp Rules

Before we get going formally, I have to make an important disclaimer:

I am not a doctor, a medic, a scientist, a nutritionist or a dietician. I have no formal training in food, dieting or low carbing. The information that I provide here is based solely on my reading on the subject, as well as my own experience. If you have any kind of medical condition and/or you are taking any kind of ongoing medication, you should consult your GP before starting a low carb diet

That done, good luck everyone!

OP posts:
Gerrythetootallgiraffeswife · 19/01/2014 11:16

So what happens when BIWI has ^ahem^ transgressions? Do we get control of the stick?

I went out with the girls last night. I decided to drink because a) I've been on full be for 2 weeks anyway and b) we NEVER go out. So between 5 of us we sank 6 bottles of prosecco. Oops. But we had tapas, which is genius for lcing as, apart from perhaps an excess of tomatoes on some things, it's really easy to avoid carbs. I was very well behaved (apart from the prosecco...) and had a visit from the whoosh fairy last night with another 3lb down. Does this mean I've got away with it or might the fizz come back to bite me on the scales in the next few days?

BIWI · 19/01/2014 11:24

Feel free to beat me, Gerry! Grin

Glad to hear the whoosh fairy has arrived. Although here's hoping it's not just the dehydration fairy ...

OP posts:
Nux · 19/01/2014 11:31

Well I weighed myself this morning (I'm doing Sunday weigh-ins) and I've lost 1.5lbs. Which I feel rather disappointed by even though I know I should be pleased. Last week I lost 8.5 so this is more like 'real life' weight loss but I have been very good this week, despite feeling like utter shit with a horrible cold. I've been drinking Boots brand Lemsips which have sucrose in - could that have slowed me down? I can't not drink them. I don't have as much to lose as some (eg my DH who's lost about a stone already! [jealous]) so maybe that's it and this is just good sustainable loss? Think I'm just feeling generally crappy and was hoping for more of a boost from the scales this morning. Sad

Sylvana · 19/01/2014 11:31

Crap. I weighed myself this morning and I've gained a pound :(. I did have wine at the weekend and unlike you Gerry, I didn't get away with it ....
Ive been doing everything else, drinking the water etc. Anyone any idea how I can shift this pound fast ? Give up the wine (obviously), and maybe cut back on dairy ?

CrabbyWinterBottom · 19/01/2014 11:34

Gerry I think we should stage a mass intervention and all go round to BIWI's house to beat her with her own stick! Grin

BIWI · 19/01/2014 11:35

Well, Nux, how on earth can you be disappointed if you've lost 10 pounds?! Please, please, please, think about what you've just posted.

Of course you're not going to lose 8.5 pounds every week.

Long term, sustainable weight loss will/should be 1-2 pounds a week, so you're doing perfectly.

And yes, don't drink Lemsip - there's all manner of stuff in there, including sucrose, that you shouldn't be having. Sucrose is sugar, btw ...

There's no point being envious of your DH because men do lose weight quicker than women, and this is not a competition.

YOU HAVE LOST 10 POUNDS! Focus on that. (And, please, have a little sensitivity for those who might not have lost that much ...)

OP posts:
Sylvana · 19/01/2014 11:36

I should have added i really only started LC last Thursday but I'm panicking at the thought of gaining already! Help!!

BIWI · 19/01/2014 11:36

Seriously, Nux, I've just read your post again - stop with the Sad face and focus on the Grin face for what you have achieved. It's fantastic!

OP posts:
CrabbyWinterBottom · 19/01/2014 11:45

Laura FFS - they won't be biased at all then. Not. Hmm I'll be watching that panorama.

Sheo I love 'the trend is your friend'. So true.

Lovecat I hope your autocorrect is not predictive of my future! Grin Hope your glittery cleavage is improving. Wink Shame about the after party but at least you avoided temptation. I bloody love cassoulet, but it's the combination of the fat with the creamy beans and the fat-saturated breadcrumb crust that does it for me. I don't think it'd be the same without that. Hope yours is lovely though.

Durham bless your mum. Grin I bet stroganoff would be lovely with swede mash or cauli-rice.

LauraBridges · 19/01/2014 11:45

Nux, that's marvellous. However I've eaten at any stage of my life I have never lost more than a pound a week even in the early stages of any diet and I'm sure I've lost nothing in this first week either. If I'd lost 10 pounds I'd be jumping off roof tops shouting about it.

Thumbwitch · 19/01/2014 11:45

I have a confession - I'm going to be bad. MIL has just brought over a pile of Tasmanian black cherries, which are the best cherries EVER, and I am going to eat some. I can't NOT, we won't get any again until next year, and DH sure as hell isn't going to leave me any once he knows they're here!

So - how many can I get away with per day to not interfere too much?

B - greek yoghurt + hot chocolate as per Notsoskinny's post upthread
L - fried fish, baby bel, celery and boursin
D - 3 lamb chops and salad: lettuce, olives, parmesan, carrot, cucumber and red pepper, with some of that tzatziki I made the other night.

10:44 pm here and I'm not hungry so far...

also, only 40 posts to go...

BIWI · 19/01/2014 12:01

Sylvana - if you started on Thursday, but had wine last night, you haven't really started, have you?! Grin

There's no point weighing every day and expecting to see a loss on the scales if you're not following Bootcamp.

OP posts:
supersalstrawberry · 19/01/2014 12:05

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GatoradeMeBitch · 19/01/2014 12:06

I had a bacon omelette for breakfast, and cooked two more slices to have with an avocado salad later.

I'm going out to a pizza restaurant soon, so I've looked at the menu and chosen a gluten free pizza and salad. It may not be ideal, but I don't want to be the person who picks at a small salad while everyone else has three courses!

I've got a bit of a headache today - probably because of the abrupt withdrawal of caffeine, so I'm trying to remember to drink a lot of water.

FourArms · 19/01/2014 12:25

StuntNun LOVE THIS! :) My rule for weight loss is that any decrease is an absolute loss of weight, but any increase is a temporary fluctuation caused by water retention or hormones. It may not be strictly true but it keeps me on the straight and narrow.

And the phrase from someone else's DH: the trend is your friend :)

Personally I don't believe in the whoosh until it's there for a second day, but that might stop me fussing about temporary gains like the 2lb gain caused by gammon earlier in the week! :)

SayraT · 19/01/2014 12:28

I had a yummy very posh breakfast today:

I lined a ramekin with smoked salmon, cracked an egg into it and poured some double cream over it and then cooked it in the slow cooker until the yolk of the egg was just runny. Grin

Don't think I've lost much weight this week (about 1 lb) but I am happy.

I set myself a goal of an average of 6 lb per month which means this time next year I will be 5 stone lighter, I have already lost 6 lb this month.

I think those that are disappointed in their losses need to try to be more realistic, you probably didn't put a stone on each month so its unlikely that you will lose that! Its taken me about 10 years to put on the 5 stone I want to loose (3 in the past 3 years) so I know it needs to come off slowly. Keep track of your weight loss and then at the end of 3/6/9/whatever months work out the average loss per week. I bet some weeks you will have had big losses, some sts and some gained. As long as the general trend is down Smile

BIWI · 19/01/2014 12:30

sal - I can't see why it wouldn't freeze - but I don't know because I've never had any left over Grin

OP posts:
Sylvana · 19/01/2014 12:35

Very true BIWI Blush

supersalstrawberry · 19/01/2014 12:41

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Nux · 19/01/2014 12:49

Thanks Biwi. I know I sound daft. I think it's because I gained 9 lb between 20th Dec and 4th Jan - eating carbs when I usually don't eat many - and then lost it again in the first week of proper low carbing. So to me it felt like abberant gain/abberant loss iykwim. I've never lost 8.5lbs before in one week in my life! So for me this was my first week of "real" losing weight and I was hoping for a bit more.

I know sucrose is sugar but I've felt like I'm just going to have to lump it as I feel so horrid with this cold. Apart from 2 small glasses of red wine at book club and the Lemsip I've been completely 'Bootcamp' this week. Tbh I think I feel low because I'm ill and getting little sleep as DS also has the same cold and is howling endlessly. Ho hum, onwards and upwards.

BIWI · 19/01/2014 12:52

Ditch the Lemsip. Get yourself some soluble paracetamol, make it up with hot water and some fresh lemon juice. Much better for you and will have exactly the same result. And much lower in sugar.

Sorry you're feeling poorly.

Oh, and btw, 8.5lbs isn't aberrant!!!

OP posts:
Piscivorus · 19/01/2014 13:49

There was an article in the Times yesterday by a neurophysician, whose book is topping the New York Times bestseller list, explaining why he believes carbs and gluten lead to brain diseases like dementia. Everything seems to be moving the same way, it will all hinge now on the resistance put up by the food industry.

What oils should we be using for frying? I know olive oil is not good at high temperatures but have read conflicting advice about others

BIWI Just out of sheer geekiness Grin Solpadeine in soluble form has no carbs at all but solid tabs or capsules will have a bit of starch in them but the amount is probably negligable. Lemsip has 2.2g of carbs per sachet but does have a decongestant in which helps with cold symptoms, you'd have to take a Sudafed or something as well as paracetamol and lemon to get the same effect.


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GermanGirlinLDN · 19/01/2014 14:03

@Piscivorus Coconut oil is an excellent choice. Top 10 Evidence based health benefits of coconut oil

Piscivorus · 19/01/2014 14:07

Thanks German. I have coconut oil and am using it more and more now. Just wondered about the liquid oils like sunflower, vegetable, rapeseed, etc that are cheaper if you are using more of it for deeper frying.

Thumbwitch · 19/01/2014 14:07

Make no mistake, the sugar industry has huge clout. A few years ago, they petitioned the US govt to get the WHO's funding removed because the WHO was suggesting a too-low recommended daily intake of sugar to improve people's health. They didn't succeed, of course - but the fact that they thought they might is worrying.

What I don't understand is this: I'm pretty sure they can make cars run on sugar water. The oil supplies are drying up. So why don't the sugar producers stop trying to find new ways to get more sugar into us, and turn instead to producing biofuel?

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