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Low-carb bootcamp

Week 1 - New Year 2014 Low Carb Bootcamp - And We're Off!

999 replies

BIWI · 13/01/2014 07:22

Morning all!

I see several of you have already weighed in on the Spreadsheet of Fabulousness

As of today, though, we also have our bright, shiny, new Bootcamp section on Mumsnet, including our own Weight Tracker, which will only show your own weight/progress.

You can either use the Spreadsheet as we have done before, which everyone has access to and can see, or you can go here and enter your weight.

Obviously you can do both!

When you're in the new Bootcamp, if you click on the tab that says 'more info' that will take you to a section which has loads of information about low carbing, as well as Bootcamp Rules

Before we get going formally, I have to make an important disclaimer:

I am not a doctor, a medic, a scientist, a nutritionist or a dietician. I have no formal training in food, dieting or low carbing. The information that I provide here is based solely on my reading on the subject, as well as my own experience. If you have any kind of medical condition and/or you are taking any kind of ongoing medication, you should consult your GP before starting a low carb diet

That done, good luck everyone!

OP posts:
TinTinsSexySister · 13/01/2014 11:02

I'm off.

I've had a litre of water already and two boiled eggs.
Warm tarragon chicken w salad for lunch
fish and cauli cheese and brocc for dinner

Thanks v much to BIWI for this Thanks much appreciated.

TinTinsSexySister · 13/01/2014 11:03

By "I'm off" I meant I've kicked the WOE off - not, "I'm leaving!"

ChippingInWadesIn · 13/01/2014 11:09

Morning everyone :)

BIWI - that is an utter disgrace, you should be ashamed of yourself. Fancy having an Actual Job, where you are meant to do Actual Work when you are needed here Hmm

Grin It's a shame for US but Actual Money is very useful Actually Flowers Don't go being too naughty and checking in here too often!!

Lucy - there are quite a few of us about the same weight (given the height weight ratio - you are probably less overweight than me!) & there are probably quite a few people the same weight who wont enter their weight on the spread sheet - so really, don't worry about it. Not to mention that it's completely irrelevant anyway - but I understand how you feel Flowers

No more tears :( Really, whatever the scales say, 'it is what it is' and crying wont help - it'll only make you look red & blotchy Grin If you stick with LC, whatever your scales said this morning - is the highest weight you're ever likely to be (babies aside!!) :)

blizy · 13/01/2014 11:22

I am green with envy here!I love he walking dead! which actor are you meeting?

giraffeseatpineapples · 13/01/2014 11:24

So i got about 10 different results on my weighing scales so my results aregoing to be crooked!

So far have had milk in tea and coffee but once my allowance is finished I will switch to herbal tea.

I had chicken fried in butter and was still hungry so had a piece of cheese. Not the poster girl for healthy low carb thats for sure!

encyclogirl · 13/01/2014 11:30

I actually weighed in last Monday and it was hideous, so bad that I started a week early. I didn't weigh-in today, but entered last Monday's weight instead. Hopefully next Monday I'll have a fantastic loss.

Breakfast: 3 Rashers of bacon, black tea
Lunch: Warm chicken salad
Dinner: Fillet steak, salad and homemade coleslaw.

Good luck everyone!!!

scratchviolet · 13/01/2014 11:37

Morning everyone. I'm raring to go after losing 4 lbs last week doing a softly softly approach. I know this is just getting rid of the extra extra excess I put on over Christmas but still feeling very positive about this WOE having not tried it before. Have a long way to go so in for the long haul. This week I need to drink more water, and cut out that last sweetener in my coffee, and start planning what I'm going to eat. I gave in to a couple of Pret egg baguettes for breakfast last week because I hadn't really thought about what else I was going to have for breakfast. A bit worried that I'm going to use cheese as a snack too much.

2 scrambled eggs this morning
having left over chicken and celariac mash for lunch
some sort of salmon and veg bake tonight.

Ilisten2thesoundofdrums · 13/01/2014 11:44

Just checking in......

Thumbwitch · 13/01/2014 11:45

Hello, I'm joining a bit late - should I start a week behind and do the "soft week" first?
I'm a total chocaholic so I'm not sure I'll keep going for as long as I need to but I'll give it a go. :)

HumphreyCobbler · 13/01/2014 11:46
ChippingInWadesIn · 13/01/2014 11:49

Thumb - no, just leap in! :) You don't think the rest of us got here by hating the stuff do you Grin

back to Humphrey

LittleMissDisorganized · 13/01/2014 11:56

giraffes my scales weigh at least 4lb lighter in the bathroom doorway! I put my friend's 7 year old on to check it wasn't just my big self! So I keep them in the same place and they are almost reliable, (the heavier place, might as well face things as they are!).

Lucy and others I am up there with you and am faced what I've done on the day of big changes.

My thoughts tend to go a bit like this, I don't know if anyone can relate: It feels really unhelpful when people say, "oh, it's the end of the world, I weigh more than 12 stone" because my first thought is "well aren't you lucky, that's less than my target weight" but I forget that the second thought can be, Hold on, I am responsible for how I think and react, to their weight or loss or worldview or drama or the absence of the above and I am going to take that responsibility and say that even if my first thought is to feel bad I am not going to putting myself down or feeling judged (mainly because I was not judged, their post wasn't about me AT ALL, it was about them...). That might be the end of the world for them. I can then choose the third thought that is how good to have each other, in different positions with our weight, and how glad for the other ladies' support I am. SO often I don't turn it around though, I think people are making me feel bad. I definitely agree with the bits of the IPD that point out that this isn't really a food problem, it's a thinking problem. I need to fix both together.
Now's the time for me anyway, to move from knowing the stuff to really believing it in my heart, and acting on it.

Sorry for that witter if it was annoying.

GrumpyCrossPatch · 13/01/2014 11:59

Hi Everyone. There's a bit of a party atmos this morning!

Another one here who wants to add her thanks to BIWI and Willie - I can't believe how much work you put in for the sake of others.

DH and I started gently last week - low carb breakfast, lunch and snacks but some carbs for tea and lots of fruit. I lost 3lb and he lost 7lb! Excited to see how much proper bootcamp behaviour will produce this week.

We started off with creamy buttery scrambled eggs with a bit of bacon in. I have been for a run his morning to cement my good intentions and was surprised how relaxed and easy it felt after a week of not packing in the bread and pasta. I'm not kidding myself that I am anywhere near fat burning yet but reassuring myself that I'll never run out of energy, what with having 40000 calories ready for use in my arse helped keep me spritely!

Need to crack on with drinking some water now. May also have a play with my new yoga app as I am at home with a small, floppy, pukey boy who's only desire is a minion marathon!

LittleMissDisorganized · 13/01/2014 12:01

Thumb me too, and biscuits/ cakes/ bread/ pasta... but especially chocolate.
I forgot to put in the food so busy wittering:
B scrambled eggs with a couple of rashers of leftover smoked streaky bacon
L will be lemony roast chicken and salad, h/m vinaigrette
D leftover roast lamb, caulifower puree, buttery leeks.

I'm not usually very good with a wide variety of veg so am adding cauliflower as it seems a staple for so many, thanks for the suggestions so far.

I started yesterday and apart from a fairly unpleasant headache that is a bit better with paracetamol I am ok and happy! :)

Cbeebijeebies · 13/01/2014 12:01

Day 4 for me and am feeling quite sick/nauseous. Hoping it doesn't last too long!

CrabbyWinterBottom · 13/01/2014 12:17

Very wise words LittleMiss. Smile

HumphreyCobbler · 13/01/2014 12:17

Slightly daunted today as had another appalling night with baby ds and realised that I am going to have to cut out dairy. Yikes. Except butter, I cannot do this without butter.

EvaTheOptimist · 13/01/2014 12:21

All of you staring at the scales in horror - just think how very brave you are for standing on them in the first place. I started BIWI's bootcamp last May but didn't dare get on scales at all until September! (Which now just means I am denied an accurate figure of what I've lost. So, console yourselves that you will have that information...!)

gussiegrips · 13/01/2014 12:25

BIWI - an actual job?

Good for you. Hope you love it.

I take it the actual colleagues realise they have an actual MNRoyaltee in their midst?

I hope they at least curtsey and buy you litres of double cream as homage.

Thumbwitch · 13/01/2014 12:27

Oh, Eva - i just answered a question for you on the soft warm up thread, if you're interested :)

Thanks Chipping and LittleMiss!
I do have to go and ask a question on the Questions thread though - but I'll ask it here as well - should I be doing this if I'm still breastfeeding, even if it's not very often?

gussiegrips · 13/01/2014 12:36

I haven't craved chocolate or biscuits for 2 days now.

I fear this may be witchcraft.

But, if witchcraft makes me thin and fit, well...

HumphreyCobbler · 13/01/2014 12:39

Thumbwitch I am breastfeeding a three month baby, as is PseudoBadger. We haven't found any reason why not. My issue is just with dairy


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CrabbyWinterBottom · 13/01/2014 12:47

Humph no dairy! Sad

Well I'm a litre of water in and just made a ton of bubble and squeak for this week's lunches. Have shitty cold though - I guess at least I won't notice the carb flu. Hmm

Lunch Bubble and squeak with crispy bacon. So very, very delicious. Smile
Dinner Will be slow cooked Squid puttanesca with courgette pasta, which I'm looking forward to already.

holmessweetholmes · 13/01/2014 12:47

Hello all. Started this morning after a sort of gradual reduction of carbs last week.
B: Total Greek Yoghurt with cinnamon, cup of tea
L: Big salad with avocado, roast veg, naice ham, bit of camembert and tabasco mayo. Black coffee

I have a question - those of you who (like me) have low-carbed before, but fell off the waggon for quite a while, did you find the lc flu as bad when you started again?

p.s. I have just belatedly changed back from my Dr Who name change, so I altered the name on the spreadsheet while putting in my weight. Hope that's ok!

theDudesmummy · 13/01/2014 12:48

Also 50 here, and have previously lost 10kg (post baby) on low-carbing. Stresses and life in general (ambushed by biscuits...) has however allowed the weight to creep back to a situation I am not happy about, so here I go again! I know how well it works! Good luck everyone!

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