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Anyone waiting to start IVF/FET in 2020?

578 replies

Lemongrass1 · 11/11/2019 17:33

As it says on the title really! Wondering if anyone else twiddling their thumbs and wanted to keep each other company?
Me- 40, was TTC for 4 years (unexplained infertility)- short protocol in 2018- fresh transfer resulted in an ectopic pregnancy followed by a successful FET later in the year. We have 8 frosties which we hope to use in another FET starting Feb/March 2020. First consultation next month. Feels so daunting to be starting the process again! X

OP posts:
CritterTamer · 05/01/2020 16:40

@seven201 - I did acupuncture with my second (successful) IVF cycle, add fior the two natural cycles prior to it. It really improved my lining and lengthened my short luteal phase by 2 days. I had it fortnightly for those two months, then weekly in the free weeks leading up to the IVF cycle., And Importantly one the day before transfer. I'm sure it helped the outcome - my lining was at 11.9mm for that transfer as opposed to 8.9mm for the previous unsuccessful transfer where I didn't have the acupuncture.
I used a practitioner from the Zita west affiliated network - worth every penny!

seven201 · 05/01/2020 19:01

@Mercy87 thanks. Good luck to you too. I'm in Kent. Have you done any injections before? I'm not looking forward to that bit, but will just have to get over it!

@CritterTamer ooh thanks for that. I've done it before but it didn't help my long cycles or my thin lining. I've just emailed someone to ask about booking some appointments in though as I think it won't do any harm and I do sleep so well after!

Minster2012 · 06/01/2020 16:11

Does anyone else have a timeframe for transfer end of Jan beginning of feb?

BOBSS · 08/01/2020 11:43

Hi Everyone, i am 33 year old and have faced 03 failed IUIs, 02 failed FETs
Pickup was done on 30 Nov 2019 and FET is planned in this cycle(Jan 2020). today is day 03 (08.01.2020).

Need your help and support in this phase to keep myself positive and advises on what all should be kept in mind or any hacks to take injections comfortably as am needle phobic and only i know how i have taken all the injection in my previous pickups and FETs

Wishing baby dust to everyone..keep smiling :)

BOBSS · 08/01/2020 11:51

hi..Tentatively mine will be during same time..
How are you preparing yourself for same?

BOBSS · 08/01/2020 11:53

hi @Minster2012 Tentatively mine will be during same time..
How are you preparing yourself for same

Minster2012 · 08/01/2020 13:59

Hi @BOBBS sorry to hear of your horrible journey so far, must be tough. Do you know how many injections you are going to have to have this time? My protocol has buserelin for the last 2 weeks I don’t know if anywhere else of different?
If he’s around my OH does my injections for me but if not then I find pinch tummy angle needle 45 degrees to skin, put needle against skin, breathe in, look up and whilst breathing out push needle in not looking then push plunger. You don’t have to actually do a “stabbing” motion I found it easier to do a hard push but some might not like it. Still stings though!!
My OH is also v positive so that helps & staying busy

BOBSS · 09/01/2020 05:33

@Minster2012 Thank you so much for reply

Must say you are a strong lady and a pure soul..helping out and answering everyone..

Because of my endometrium issue i am on Lupride injection 01 ml since day 21 of my previous cycle and from day 02 of this cycle (07 Jan 2020) they have reduced it to 1/2 ml. Doc have called me on 17 Jan 2020. Tentatively transfer will be around 25/26 Jan 2020. will definitely consider your advise while taking subcutaneous inj. Any hacks for IM inj?? :(

As i am new to chat group couldn't understand what OH means (silly me ;) )

@Duncanjames26 With my experience of 02 Pickups and 02 FETs can assure you that transfers are cakewalk as compare to what we all are going through.. I had to take a week off around my pickup coz of severe bloating and discomfort (coz of OHSS).

BOBSS · 09/01/2020 05:43

Requesting help me out with ideas for better lining preparation (for FET)..what all you are doing .. diet, exercise, yoga or anything else??

Wishing Babydust to everyone..keep smiling :)

Minster2012 · 09/01/2020 06:24

@BOBSS what is the IM injection? OH is other half, my hubby.

For preparation I’m just eating healthily, cutting down on coffee and alcohol (but still drinking both) & I exercise a lot anyway, I have 2 active dogs & go to the gym a bit but I’m trying to be careful at the gym. I only take folic acid

Minster2012 · 09/01/2020 06:25

@BOBSS your transfer will hopefully be a similar time to mine

BOBSS · 09/01/2020 06:42

@Minster2012 IM is Intra muscular for progestrone which are quite painful and you can't give it to yourself..

Thank u for OH :)

As i have indoor desk job..will emphasis on my exercise as well..thanks for sharing

good to hear about similar FET timeline..will pray for you.. :)

CritterTamer · 09/01/2020 06:55

@BOBSS - for lining preparation, I think I mentioned previously that acupuncture really helped mine. My lining was 3mm thicker for the (successful) cycle where I had acupuncture than fior the previous cycle where I did not. I also took Zita west IVF support pack multi vits for the months prior.

CritterTamer · 09/01/2020 06:56

Sorry, that should have said three months prior.

BeHereNowx32 · 09/01/2020 09:39

@BOBSS. Hi. Drinking raspberry leaf tea and pure pomegranate juice helped to thicken my lining. It went from 8mm to 11mm and I fell pregnant that cycle. I will be doing it again for FET

Minster2012 · 09/01/2020 09:48

@BOBSS there’s no evidence anything will help thicken lining it’s just what you feel might help you. If you sleep badly then maybe acupuncture might help but maybe try sessions that are pay one by one & see. Diet wise nothing is proven to actually help
Ours worked last time with just folic acid but I can understand after a difficult journey you might look for other things

Mischali · 09/01/2020 11:12

I’d like to join! Smile

I’m 38, have never in all my million years ttc been able to conceive (and we have tried everything) except once with my first and only ivf in 2016 which resulted in my 3yo DS. We have no frosties left from that cycle. No male factor problems; I do have endometriosis which my doctor said might be a contributing factor to my infertility.
Well as I’m not getting any younger we’re giving ivf another go at a new clinic which seems to be getting better results than my previous clinic.
I’ve already had bloodwork and an antral follie count which looks ok. Only my right ovary is functional so we are looking at retrieving 5-10 eggs if all goes well. Doing a short protocol with no down regulation. As soon as my new cycle starts, which should be around 27 Jan, we’re starting.
Soooo if CD1 is on 27 Jan- and if all goes to plan of course!- Stims start on 29 Jan, egg retrieval should be around 9 Feb, embryo transfer around Valentines day (this clinic only does day 5 transfers which I’m very happy with) then beta HCG around 22 February (although I will definitely be doing hpts before then!).
My dr and nurse said supplementing (except taking folic acid) or changing my diet won’t help the process along, as long as I eat balanced meals and everything in moderation. However, I will be exercising moderately, avoiding sugar, refined carbs and red meat; try to eat enough protein & organic if possible, reduce coffee. Of course add folic acid... And load up on fruits & veggies. I have liver problems so am going to try my best to avoid toxins. Definitely no alcohol.

I’m excited but won’t be absolutely despondent if it doesn’t work; I don’t feel the same desperation as I did when ttc #1 for so many years.

It’s so lovely to have a group of ladies to share this INTENSE journey with!

BOBSS · 09/01/2020 11:29

First of all would like to thank each one of you for replying..i am literally overwhelmed by your did not expect any response when i joined this thread..this is the first time i am connected with any group like this..

@CritterTamer I don't have good/reliable acupuncture center nearby, also i have lost the precious in between time for preparation. Would like to know.. if possible.. the salts in your multi vitamin pack.. as i have also been advised consovil, Q-300 and Argiprime sachet in addition to antibiotic (for 5 days),folic n estradiol

@BeHereNowx32 wow that's a great input and can be easily done

@Minster2012 I know every body is different and reacts differently..somethings might work for someone some might not work..when i started this journey i was 30 and now i am 33.. time is ticking fast and want to give my best shot this time.. i really want to have kids in my life..want to play with little fingers..want to hold them..want to experience motherhood..

Need to keep myself mentally and emotionally motivated.. :)

Basically just want to give my best shot..whatever is possible..all responses are welcome ..will follow the feasible ones..

Wishing babydust to everyone..keep smiling :)

Mischali · 09/01/2020 11:34

Wow just read through all the posts, I will have to try to get to “know” everyone Grin good luck for everyone starting/in the thick of it now! @Pinecone88 @jcurve, BOBBS, Minister, and anyone else I might have missed lol sorry!

Lemongrass1 · 09/01/2020 15:01

Hi everyone, and welcome to the new joiners! Looks like this thread is hotting up with the New Year 😆 I had my saline scan. It’s pretty uncomfortable if anyone needs one so would recommend taking some pain killers first. Had an awful time with the doxycycline, it made me puke like there’s no tomorrow. And this was the second choice antibiotic as first choice is even worse. We have a coordination appt next week and looking to kick off down reg 21 days after Feb period. So still got a while to go! X

OP posts:
Mischali · 10/01/2020 14:09

@Lemongrass1, what was the saline scan for?
How’s everyone doing with stims, any updates?

Minster2012 · 10/01/2020 14:18

I’m driving myself crazy with waiting for my next scan which will determines my transfer date, seems a long time away even though it’s not too bad. I add in buserelin on 16th & change my dosage of estridol on 17th, Scan on 22nd which, if my lining is nice and fluffy means my transfer can be on the 29th.

But the 22nd seems a long time away 😞


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Lemongrass1 · 10/01/2020 20:58

@Mischali- it’s a normal scan to check womb, ovaries etc but they also inject fluid into the womb to better look at the lining and check for things like polyps. X

OP posts:
Mischali · 11/01/2020 08:01

@Lemongrass1 oh ok. I had a lap & dye in 2015; laparoscopy to remove endo and iodine dye injected into uterus and tubes to check for abnormalities. And an hsg in 2016 which is also contrast dye injected into cervix to check flow through uterus and tubes to check for obstructions etc. The hsg was less uncomfortable as I thought it would be. Embryo transfer last time though was very painful. I had bladder spasms and could barely walk. So embarrassed already for this time around because after having DS I struggle to hold my urine and will leak a bit when sneezing/coughing sometimes (tmi!!) so I have no idea how I will hold it when lying there with a full bladder, with a catheter in, getting an embie placed! I’m scared I pee all over the doctor hahaha!! Am doing kegels like a crazy person in the hopes that it will help Hmm

@Minster2012 the wait is terrible I agree. Hugs.

Mischali · 11/01/2020 08:04

Does anyone have to take time off work for your ivf appointments and then have to explain to your employer what the leave is for? I just applied for a new job (will hear today if I got it) and of course I didn’t tell them we are planning on doing ivf......

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