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Anyone waiting to start IVF/FET in 2020?

578 replies

Lemongrass1 · 11/11/2019 17:33

As it says on the title really! Wondering if anyone else twiddling their thumbs and wanted to keep each other company?
Me- 40, was TTC for 4 years (unexplained infertility)- short protocol in 2018- fresh transfer resulted in an ectopic pregnancy followed by a successful FET later in the year. We have 8 frosties which we hope to use in another FET starting Feb/March 2020. First consultation next month. Feels so daunting to be starting the process again! X

OP posts:
BeHereNowx32 · 04/12/2019 20:52

@Chichz great news. Good to get things started. I phone the hospital when my period starts in February, and that is when we start.

JoJoTheresNoLimit · 04/12/2019 21:55

Hi guys - I think this thread seems the best place for me.

After my EC 10 days ago, I'm just (slowly) coming off the back of a very nasty bout of OHSS which required a rather unpleasant 4 day hospital stay (the hospital staff weren't unpleasant just the horrid horrid OHSS Sad). Hopefully I have turned the corner now and just waiting for AF to show.

We had already been told freeze all was the only option due to my sky high oestrodial levels (23000+) and the risk of (now proven) OHSS, but they also found a new polyp on one of my scans, which needs to be whipped out before proceeding with a FET in hopefully a few months time.

After being told (literally 30mins before sedation) that there was basically zero chance of any decent mature eggs being collected (cue massive meltdown from me) because of a last minute switch in medication, they actually collected 23 eggs. 20 of those were mature and 18 successfully fertilised with ICSI. To everyone's surprise we are very lucky to have 14 Frosties on ice, which kinda makes the horrid OHSS worth it Smile

Now it's just a waiting game for the op and my body to return to normal (whatever that is!)

Ferretyface · 04/12/2019 22:06

@The3rdWatermelon that sounds mega stressful, hope it all goes well. Likewise everyone else. I'm expecting a period at the end for Dec and we are due to start our treatment at the beginning of Jan. is anyone else around the same time or am I up the ramp first so to speak? Confused

Lemongrass1 · 05/12/2019 16:23

Hi everyone! Welcome to all the recent joiners too 😊

@The3rdWatermelon sounds like you have a lot on your plate! Hopefully the fact that you don’t have any known fertility issues will work in your favor.

We have been to our fertility clinic planning appt. Surprised to find out they are happy for us to start any time we want! (Thought they would tell me to wait until 1 year post c-section). Have a saline scan booked for Jan as well as coordination appt and looking to start with Feb period. Going to be on long protocol FET again which consultant said was an ‘old fashioned’ choice but didn’t want to change it as has worked for us before. Interestingly they’ve changed their protocol so all women have lubion as well as the pessaries as apparently there’s been a study which shows it lowers the rate of miscarriage. On one hand I prefer to be on lubion but on the other am a bit 😖 at the extra £1000 + cost.. They have also switched the oestrogen patches to tablets as there’s a national shortage of the patches.

Am a bit in shock that we suddenly have a plan although transfer is still miles away (roughly April)

Back to the ‘when will AF start’ game again for me to have saline scan!

OP posts:
Hoping1 · 07/12/2019 22:12

Good luck to everyone so hope 2020 is all our year something's got to give . @Lemongrass1 thankyou to reply was going crazy from what you have said and letter sounds like thats what it is going to be in room with others finding more out about it . We are then going to our first consultants appointment on christmas eve what was your first meet like? Does the prosses from first appointment to doing ivf is it long? thank you for info xxxx

BanjoBanana · 10/12/2019 21:48

Forgot I joined...!
Started on syneral this morning - I'm not sure I'm doing it right, it ends up down my throat no matter how little I breathe or tip my head forward.... help...!

Lemongrass1 · 10/12/2019 23:47

@Hoping1- the first consultant appointment wasn’t very exciting for us. They went through tests from GP and some we had done privately. Added an AMH blood test which we hadn’t had done yet. Went through some same qs as GP with cycle length, asking about painful periods and how long TTC. Told we were unexplained and felt needed IVF. We didn’t really go into much more detail. I’m sure other people have had different experiences to us though! There was no wait list for IVF in our area so I was told I could start with next period. May well be different in other areas. It will probably all depend on what you current test results are/ how long you’ve been TTC/ age/ if they feel you need any more investigations based on your history etc as to what they will recommend are the next steps. Hope it goes well. x

@BanjoBanana Try aim the tip of the nozzle straight to the back of your head and towards the outer side of your nostril when you spray, while leaning a bit forwards. Perhaps you could check with your clinic and ask them to demonstrate if you’re still not sure if you’re doing it correctly?

OP posts:
The3rdWatermelon · 12/12/2019 16:26

Thank you for the welcome to the thread!

I have been to our first consultant appointment yesterday, and she has given us the go ahead to get started. We went through what will have to happen to mitigate my condition - basically I will probably have to have daily heparin injections as well as daily aspirin, and an appointment with the consultant every four weeks throughout pregnancy. However, my blood test results look good (I need more vitamin D, but I've started taking that since I took the tests), and they're happy for us to continue, and, although (if successful) they will want to induce me just before the due date rather than go to full term, they are happy to plan for that rather than a C section in the first instance, provided no complications emerge. I know that doesn't guarantee anything either way, but I'm pretty happy with that as a plan. It's what I'd had in mind anyway.

On the downside, they found that I've had chlamydia in the past, and I'm knocked sideways. This explains the massive damage to one of my ovaries. I've never had any symptoms. I had regular tests when I was at university and never came up with anything remotely worrying (you got free stuff if you got tested!). I'm trying to be objective about it. The consultant said it will have happened a long time ago, and she still thinks we have a good chance of success. But I'm angry. Horribly directionlessly angry, but also angry at myself. I feel revolting, unclean, disgusting, and ashamed. My husband has been so supportive, despite me having asked him approximately 500 times since yesterday whether he still feels the same way about me, and whether he's upset with me about it. I must be driving him up the wall, but he tells me he loves me and to stop worrying every time. I just keep thinking if they can't get enough eggs because of this, then how can I forgive myself?

I wouldn't tell anyone but my husband this in person, but no one here has any idea who I am, and I really need to get it off my chest!

I'm trying to focus on the exciting bit, that the consultant is happy and we can move to the next step!

RosettaR · 12/12/2019 21:20

Can I join you ladies? I am hoping to start long protocol IVF on my next cycle, so that would mean egg collection etc. in February. It would be our first round of IVF. We've been trying since September last year so nothing compared to some of you, but we've been advised not to hang around because my AMH is quite low.

@Ferretyface I also had low follicle count on my first scan, four on each side so similar to you really. Then when I had another scan as part of the starting IVF process four months later, she said there were 22! So it can vary, just because it was lower doesn't necessarily mean it's gone down, it might be going up and down and up and down again.

@The3rdWatermelon I'm so sorry you've had a shock and you feel that way. It's good that your husband is being supportive. I also tend to blame myself for our fertility problems but it's really not your fault, I would think all of us have been at risk of chlamidiya in some way and you have just been unlucky.

Hoping1 · 13/12/2019 19:38

Been to ivf meeting was very imformative and very upsetting at the same time feel down at min but that because i am due on that doesnt help. Cant wait to attend christmas eve and find out next step xxx

CritterTamer · 13/12/2019 19:56

@Hoping1 - I'm sorry you're feeling down - they can be very blunt when discussing the chances of success at statistics, etc. because they are required to be honest with you by the HFEA. It can be very disheartening but keep the faith - it can and does work!

Hoping1 · 13/12/2019 20:15

Its all hit me at once been months from clinic to this right now. Just bit broken from it all but will pick myself back up. ready for next step hopefully not long waiting like it has been up up to now. I dont think you realize what is involed till you are sat in meeting then it hits you xxxx

BeHereNowx32 · 13/12/2019 20:28

Sorry to everyone who is feeling low 😔 it’s such a hard time to go through. Your emotions will be all over the place. Nearly at the next step to getting it all started, but hopefully Xmas can be a distraction. Although I know it can actually just bring all the thoughts to the surface.

I’ve been thinking about it costing more money... but trying not to get too deep in it or I will never do it! X

The3rdWatermelon · 13/12/2019 21:37

@RosettaR thank you so much for your kind words.

@Hoping1 best of luck for your next step!

I’m currently in frantic postbox-checking mode waiting for the next appointment letter!

Lemongrass1 · 13/12/2019 21:53

@The3rdWatermelon - please don’t be hard on yourself- it is not your fault! Hope your next appointment letter comes soon.

@Hoping1its such a hard journey full of uncertainties isn’t it! I often wonder what it would be like to be able to get pregnant easily without jumping through all these hoops. Hopefully you will have more clarity on next steps at your upcoming appointment

@RosettaR - welcome to the group!

@BeHereNowx32 I also worry about the finances. I’m glad they’ve added lubion to their protocol but it’s so horribly expensive... Probably gonna be an extra £1000k + to costs with each go 😮

OP posts:
BeHereNowx32 · 14/12/2019 07:24

@Lemongrass1 oh, that is a lot. But you don’t want to look back and regret not trying everything possible, I suppose.

Duncanjames26 · 20/12/2019 12:02

Hello ladies,

We have our consent appointment on the 27th December to start our IVF journey. Would be great to speak to some other ladies going through the same thing.

I'm due to start my injections on 31st Dec and I am on the long protocol.

I was diagnosed with severe endometriosis after an ectopic pregnancy. Shortly after this o had a miscarriage. My husband and I have been trying for three years. Feeling very nervous!


Minster2012 · 21/12/2019 18:29

Can I join? Pretty late to the party here as in the middle of the process but could do with a place to talk. Strange background for us/ OH & I had a gorgeous boy 17 months ago through IVF FET transferred to my best friend as a surrogate for us as I was receiving for chemo for over 4 years & couldn’t stop it. I’ve now stopped it, & have the go ahead from my oncologists to use our Frosties to try to carry.

I have done the norethisterone & had this weird hormone implant on Thursday in my tummy to start a bleed which was different to 2 years ago where my friend had patches. We have a provisional transfer date of end of Jan. We have 4 embryos, 3 day 5s & 1 day 3 (the day 3 was the same egg harvesting as our son was successful FET from) the others a diff round. We are doing one embryo transfer. I can’t cope with an active toddler 2 dogs & the potential for twins Shock

My tummy is really really hurting & itching from the injection thing & they did it on top of other deep scars I have Sad

But FET IVF can work first time ladies! Smile

BeHereNowx32 · 24/12/2019 08:58

@Duncanjames26 how are you feeling about starting soon? I also done the long protocol. It’s a lot, but hopefully you get into the swing of things ok. I’m not starting again until February/ March, and doing FET. But can still try and chat 😊

@Minster2012 you’ve had quite a journey. So glad that you have your son now. I haven’t heard of the hormone implant. That doesn’t sound comfortable 😫 how are you feeling on the hormones now? It’s 2 months now until I phone the hospital to start FET. Not sure how I feel about it tbh. I don’t deal well when my hormones are all over the place! Good luck

Hoping1 · 24/12/2019 16:55

Just been to first appointment looks like we doing icsi instead of ivf will know more after blood test weather long or short protocol. Filled in form today waiting on scan date and he said waiting list was long. Feel much better after seeing him he said about may time we will start after scan and bloods are back and stuff xx

The3rdWatermelon · 24/12/2019 20:07

Wishing a very happy Christmas and a positive, stress-free and successful New Year to all on this thread. Hats on for 2020, it’s going to be a tough one!

CritterTamer · 24/12/2019 20:09

@Hoping1 glad you're feeling good about things. It looks like we might be cycle buddies as I'm hoping to do FET around May time.
I stopped breastfeeding my twins about two weeks ago and my body gave me an early Xmas present today in the form of a positive ovulation test so it looks like my hormones and cycles are going to settle down in time for the FET 😊 I had convinced myself they wouldn't for some reason so it'sa big relief 🤣
Merry Christmas all - have a wonderful day tomorrow xxx


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Minster2012 · 24/12/2019 20:21

Hey ladies happy early Xmas!

@beherenowx32 it wS horribly uncomfortable for an entire week, now it’s not itchy but still hurts & still completely inflamed but I suppose it’s better than injecting every day, I got the bleed they were expecting too so that should be nearly gone tomorrow but it’s a bit shit being on AF over Xmas but it is expected & good news I suppose. My hormones are all over the place (at least I think, I’m blaming them!) I cried the other day when our walking the dogs & my boy was screaming blue murder in his carrier, I lost my phone on the field, LO then was really screaming & one of my dogs coming out of the field spotted a person putting his bin out so went to say hello & the guy went “you do realise dogs should be on the lead in the village” as I was calmly saying her name & trying to get her on lead. I said “yes I’m trying” as my boy was then yelling. I promptly turned back into the field dogs walking off lead behind me & burst into tears! My neighbour had picked up my phone thankfully, that’s what I was upset about & I was clearly calling my dogs back, they are gun dogs so well trained but she loves to say hello & I just had it!

Minster2012 · 24/12/2019 20:22

& @crittertamer that’s brilliant news but goodness with twins I don’t think I could do it again! I may have to get rid of a dog if we had twins!

CritterTamer · 24/12/2019 20:28

@minster2012 haha I have 3 large dogs too 🤣 sorry you've had an emotional day - since I had the twins I cry at literally everything, all the time - my husband things its hilarious 🤣🤣🤣

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