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Anyone waiting to start IVF/FET in 2020?

578 replies

Lemongrass1 · 11/11/2019 17:33

As it says on the title really! Wondering if anyone else twiddling their thumbs and wanted to keep each other company?
Me- 40, was TTC for 4 years (unexplained infertility)- short protocol in 2018- fresh transfer resulted in an ectopic pregnancy followed by a successful FET later in the year. We have 8 frosties which we hope to use in another FET starting Feb/March 2020. First consultation next month. Feels so daunting to be starting the process again! X

OP posts:
Minster2012 · 11/01/2020 08:10

@mischali so far I’ve been able to do my appointments around my work but am taking a couple of days off for ET

Minster2012 · 11/01/2020 08:11

@Mischali good luck with the new job application!

CritterTamer · 11/01/2020 09:07

@mischali - be bed to tell your employer, but you will definitely need to book at least one day off ( preferably two) for your egg collection, as a half day for your embryo transfer . Also be prepared to be ducking in and out for scans in the couple of weeks before EC. Good luck!

CritterTamer · 11/01/2020 09:08

Lol, damn auto correct - no need to tell them*

Lemongrass1 · 11/01/2020 16:15

@Mischali I felt like that with both embryo transfers! I really don’t hold a full bladder well 😳

OP posts:
Lemongrass1 · 11/01/2020 16:18

Also hope it’s good news about the job! I ended up telling my work as it was just easier that way. But I can see why you’d be unsure with a new job

OP posts:
BeHereNowx32 · 11/01/2020 21:08

@Mischali I have heard of people managing to do it all without telling their employer.
However, I found it easier to tell them. Sometimes you may only get a couple of days notice for a scan. EC date can change depending on how you react to the drugs. I did take quite a lot of time off work using holidays/ sickness due to my mental health. The first cycle, I was due to go back right after ET, but I started to bleed before the results. I knew it had failed and so had to phone in sick. But that is just how it was for me. Some people prefer to keep busy.
Go for the job and then you can decide when you know what it happening! Good luck.

Owlz · 11/01/2020 21:38

Hi! Can I jump in
I’m on my first round of ivf after for almost a year for my referral. I’m on short protocol I started injections last Sunday and had my day 6 scan this morning. I’ve got 14 follicles between 8-11mm and multiple smaller. I’m pretty happy with that!
I have pcos and high AMH of 58 so OHSS is a worry but They have me on a low dose of menopur and I’ve ben taking Metformin for 3 months. So they are doing what they can to lessen the risk. I’m also on fryemadel, that’s a nasty little injection isn’t it??
I should find out on either Monday or Tuesdays scam when EC will be.

Fredsgirl19 · 11/01/2020 21:51

@owlz - uh oh - Fyremadel is in my protocol (not started yet) and I keep hearing bad things about it. Eeeekkkkkkk!!!

Progress sounds great though. When are you next in? What was your baseline follicle count? Mine was 28 so they said I was at risk for OHSS too

Owlz · 11/01/2020 22:13

@Fredsgirl19 it’s only the injection site that seems bad. It brings me out in a red bumpy rash and stings for about an hour after. I’ve been getting insomnia since starting it as well. Hopefully I shouldn’t have to take it for to much longer. I hope you you with it.
I’m next in Monday morning so fingers crossed my follies keep growing. My baseline follicle count was 58 so yeah, I’m worried about OHSS. I’m just trying g to stay positive I’m one of the lucky ones who manages to avoid it.

How far along are you in the process?

Minster2012 · 11/01/2020 22:13

Hi to the newbies! 👋🏻
Hope everyone is ok! I agree that there’s a lot of time of for scans and def a couple of days for EC & ET but I worked them into my work or day sick /self certify if necessary so it depends @Mischali

@Owlz when do you think EC/ET will be?

@fredsgirl19 28 gosh! I’m sure your clinic will be on it though don’t worry x

Fredsgirl19 · 11/01/2020 22:19

@Owlz I guess it’s better to be prepared!! We were due to start 2nd of January when my period arrived but when I called they said they had a backlog from Xmas and couldn’t fit me in. Was so disappointed. So now I’m waiting for next period end of the month.

What’s your fertility story? I’m guessing PCOS with your AFC and AMH numbers?

We are going down the ivf route due to my husbands cancer diagnosis last year but since then I’ve also found out I have PCOS so that was a bit of a shock although I have often wondered.

Really keeping fingers crossed for you. Hoping you don’t have to go to freeze all. Keep us posted!

Fredsgirl19 · 11/01/2020 22:20

@owlz sorry! I see you did actually already say you had PCOS

Owlz · 11/01/2020 22:37

@fredsgirl19 sounds like a nightmare. I know how it feels to have it put back, I was on provera for 3 months then norethisterone just trying to get a decent bleed to be able to start. It’s awful having to wait even longer.
So I was diagnosed with pcos when I was 16, I’m now 37. I always knew I would need help in some way. There is a slight issue with male factor but it’s only slight should be ok with that. The clinic said pcos suffers do tend to respond well to treatment though so don’t let your diagnoses worry you to much.
I am on freeze all due to the high risk of OHSS. I’m not sure what that means with transfer though.

@Minster2012 I’m not entirely sure when my EC is, they said maybe 16-17th but should know more on Monday. I’m on freeze all so no idea of transfer. I don’t know if I have to wait till the next month or if it will be done a few days after? I’m really unsure of what happens after collection

Minster2012 · 11/01/2020 22:54

@Fredsgirl19 hopefully if you are on a short protocol then hopefully after the next AF it can be two week can it if fresh transfer? Sorry if I missed you saying you were freezing. Have a look below at our cancer story!

@owlz that sounds like a long diagnosis but you don’t want to risk OHSS it can be nasty, I think freezing can then be used the following month can it? If it helps weve only done freeze all as we have done EC for use in a surrogacy transfer to my best friend as surrogate host to our embryo which worked first time with one embryo when we only had 2 embryos at that point (we’ve since done another EC) that was a day 3 frozen embryo as it was straight to frozen and we only had 2 our clinic suggested freezing at day 3.
@We are now doing FET to me trying to carry, hubby & I have only ever TTC this year as I’ve been receiving chemo since 2011 when I was 26 until may this year so I had to be on contraception to get my chemo or I lost my chemo on the NHS (hence surrogacy) despite being in remission for 4 years now 😥

Minster2012 · 11/01/2020 22:55

@Fredsgirl19 that was meant to say!

But our 1st time FET worked & is a very lively 17 month old DS asleep upstairs!!

Mischali · 12/01/2020 12:47

@Minster2012 I’m so glad for you that your chemo is over and that you are in remission & able to do this.

Yikes @Owlz fx that you don’t get ohss and that you can do transfer next cycle once your ovaries have had a break.

@Fredsgirl19 I’m also waiting for my period at the end of Jan to start a short protocol fresh cycle so maybe if you have the same treatment plan we should be cycle buddies more or less.

I still haven’t heard if I got the job or not and it’s supposed to start on Tuesday. I’m quite pissed off because it feels like they are regarding me as a single, young student fresh out of university instead of a grown woman with my own business (which I will have to make arrangements for) and a child (whom I will have to make transport and daycare arrangements for) this after they said they will let me know Saturday morning at the latest. They are not making a good first impression that’s for sure. So right now I couldn’t care less if I need to take a few days off in the first month of my MAYBE new job lol. If all goes to plan EC should be on Saturday/Sunday 8/9 Feb and that’s the day that I need to book into hospital at 6am, have sedation, take the whole day off (as you all know) so nobody needs to know about that at least.

Fredsgirl19 · 12/01/2020 15:55

@Mischali yes please let’s be cycle buddies!! When do you expect your period or are your cycles not that regular? I’m peeing on OPKs left right and centre so I know when I will arrive. I’ve never wanted a month to go so quickly. Have you got the nasty fyremedel on your protocol too?

@Minster2012 that’s amazing that chemo is done and you are in remission. I’m so pleased you are able to do this. Sounds like you had a rough ride. My husband had 9months of it and it was really tough going!

Rubyredwren · 12/01/2020 18:10

My first time on here so here goes... 40yo, no children and 2020 marks our fourth year TTC. 1 failed fresh embryo transfer and going for a frozen cycle this month with Chelsea & Westminster.
Also going for a consultation with CRGH this week.
Diagnosis has been unexplained infertility as all tests seem to be normal.
I’m determined that 2020 is going to be our year so would love any tips/advice along the way.

Minster2012 · 12/01/2020 20:18

Thank you @Fredsgirl19 & @Mischali. I’m super excited but nervous that my body is totally faulty & broken.

Hi to @Rubyredwren! Welcome! Let’s hope 2020 (early 2020 at that!) is the year for us all!)

Mischali · 13/01/2020 16:34

@Fredsgirl19 I’m expecting AF on 27 Jan with my normal cycle length (I usually ovulate cd 17 and get AF cd 28) but I had ovulation pain today cd15 so I might get AF a day or so sooner. Unfortunately I’m not doing opks! And I’m also hoping AF doesn’t arrive too early because then my DH will be out of town when it’s time for egg collection ugh then we’ll have to freeze sperm etc! When are you expecting CD1? No I’m not sure which meds I’ll be injecting/taking, will only find out on CD 3 when I go to fetch my meds and get injection instructions.

Mischali · 14/01/2020 06:37

@Owlz have you found out more at your appointment yesterday?

Hi @Rubyredwren, a lot of us are older mommas/mommies-to-be here. If I get preggies I will be about 39 when baby arrives but I don’t feel it! Luckily for us with the advances in medicine our chances are better these days that we can have our babies past that very young age of 35 WinkGrinHalo


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BOBSS · 14/01/2020 07:48

@Minster2012 we are cycle buddies..can understand the anxiety of waiting for scan is due on 17 Jan 2020..let's see hows my lining will be and when will be the D- Day.. :)

@Mischali I too have endometriosis.. had to take 10 days leave during pickup (coz of OHSS) ..actually it depends upon individual's body...hows the body reacting to medicines n all..also the type of job you will be doing..if it is desk job and not stressful then you will be able to manage office after ET as well.. dun u worry just listen to your body at the time of process..:)

@Lemongrass1 best wishes for your new cycle (Feb/March 2020) :)

Wishing babydust to everyone..keep smiling :)

Minster2012 · 14/01/2020 08:50

@BOBBS yes it’s horrible, I’m ticking down until 16th to start buserelin then 17th to change my dose of estridol, 22nd for my scan 😥a whole week to go! Is yours to determine when transfer is?

Owlz · 14/01/2020 10:15

@Mischali the appointment went well although a tiny bit worrying. 16 more follicles have grown since Sunday so I now have a total of 31! All between 9-13mm. Great numbers but I don’t want anymore, I’m so bloated and uncomfortable. They are keeping me on the same dosage of menopur and have my next scan tomorrow.

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