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Anyone waiting to start IVF/FET in 2020?

578 replies

Lemongrass1 · 11/11/2019 17:33

As it says on the title really! Wondering if anyone else twiddling their thumbs and wanted to keep each other company?
Me- 40, was TTC for 4 years (unexplained infertility)- short protocol in 2018- fresh transfer resulted in an ectopic pregnancy followed by a successful FET later in the year. We have 8 frosties which we hope to use in another FET starting Feb/March 2020. First consultation next month. Feels so daunting to be starting the process again! X

OP posts:
Ivyblue1 · 10/10/2020 10:11

Hi all, I am new, I read here all the posts in these topics and finally got the courage to write and put it out there. I am starting the journey for a baby, I am not the youngest mum but I am worried as I have to tick so many boxes until there. Now,
I just want to ask other users about advice on which clinic to start the very 1st set of MOT couple tests ? So many clinics,, should we go to London or chose one local in the south?
I read many reviews about each clinic and cant decide.
Any suggestions, any advice on experiences good or bad greatly appreciated.
I wish you all the very best Smile

AM2020 · 10/10/2020 02:03

Hello all,

How is everyone? I hope your treatments are going well.

I have two failed fet attempts this year, after which I have done more tests and they found out I have womb infection, took some antibiotics and probiotics. I am not sure if the infection is gone, i will repeat the test this month. Has anyone been through something similar? I am a bit scared of the test results and if this infection does not go away, I am not sure what my ivf success chances will be...if anyone been through this before it would be nice if you can share your experiences...

Thank yoi

EasterBunny7 · 21/08/2020 14:47


Thanks so much for replying!

Great to hear you've been given a date. What area in the UK are you in? I'm slightly behind you as I had just been put on the IVF list in April. If you're being seen in September, I'm hoping I'm not too far behind! But they did say my wait might be up to January. Sad

JenniferRo28 · 20/08/2020 16:30

@HavingFaith thanks, i will head over there :)

LKSF · 20/08/2020 14:08

@HavingFaith Ah great I’ll head over to that one then 😀 x

HavingFaith · 20/08/2020 14:05

@JenniferRo28 hello! There is a Sept IVF/FET thread if you’d like to chat on there too 😊

@LKSF sorry to hear your treatment didn’t fo the way you’d hoped. Glad you have some in the freezer, hope your FET is a success xx

LKSF · 20/08/2020 13:43

@JenniferRo28 Hey, so I’ve had 1round of treatment but sadly it didn’t work 😩
Luckily I had 6embryos frozen so I will go for a second round in October, hopefully this one sticks🤞🏼 Will September be your first cycle?

JenniferRo28 · 20/08/2020 13:38

@EasterBunny7 sorry just seen your message from July and noticed nobody had replied to you. My 1st cycle was due to start in April but was cancelled, i got word from the hospital about 4 weeks ago now to confirm treatment in Sept :)

@LKSF ive been looking for a new thread as well but cant find anything. What stage are you at with treatment?

LKSF · 10/08/2020 16:02

Hiya, is anyone still on this thread or is there a new thread I could join as this is the most recent one I could find x

EasterBunny7 · 09/07/2020 23:34

Hello. I was wondering how things have picked up with ivf after the clinics reopened in May? I was told I'd have to wait 6 months before they can start treatment. For those who were mid treatment, have you resumed? For those who hadn't started, have you had any news?

Endowarrior · 09/07/2020 21:52

Hey CKMc2b,

Hope you're ok!

I'm also going through a FET. How far are you into cycle?

I only had 3 eggs collected (my AMH is 4) and I only had one frostie! The one frostie survived the thaw, I hope that five you confidence!

I also have endo - and hubby has low morphology so we did icsi.

I'm with you - I wish I had a lap sooner, but I didn't even know i had endo!I discovered it a year and a half ago at the age of 29.

I'm sending you frostie all the luck in the world!

Maliha82 · 23/06/2020 18:24

Hi ladies. Im having my donor egg transfer next week wednesday. They put me on progynova on day 1. Managed to work on my nutrition during lockdown on day 10 my lining was 8.7mm so all good. Going to be on lubion injections and progesterone pessseries. Happy to share what i did with nutrition. Good luck to all

CKMc2b · 12/06/2020 09:34

Only positive for us, is my AMH levels are good, so that's a plus.

CKMc2b · 12/06/2020 09:32

Not sure if this thread's still active but I was waiting to have a lap at the time, that's now been done in March, then we were going to do IVF and COVID-19 hit, and then I had an failed IUI cycle, one ICSI stim cycle with failed implant in May, and now we're on our first medicated FET cycle. We had PGT-A screening of our embryos done as I'm 40, and unfortunately out of 21 eggs collected, only one was genetically normal, which we're doing the FET with. I hope it survives the thaw since it's our only one! Only a B2 grade embryo so we are hoping like mad that it takes. A bit disappointing, but completely expected for my age, so I guess if this one doesn't stick, we have a lot of egg retrievals ahead of us. No male factor infertility fortunately, just me with my endo. Was my 2nd lap. We are blessed to have had a healthy baby in 2016 luckily. So not in the worst situation out there, but initially I wanted 4 kids and it took us 7 years to conceive the first which miscarried. Just wish I had the lap so many years ago! And IVF would have been much easier when younger too.

Just glad they started doing elective surgeries again, as I am running out of time biologically.

Research243 · 28/05/2020 11:53

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Research243 · 28/05/2020 11:52

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Research243 · 28/05/2020 11:51

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BeHereNowx32 · 17/03/2020 16:46

@CritterTamer I really do hope that everything has calmed down by then. It’s so hard, and not just for our ivf process but in all areas of life.
Good luck to everyone needing to start again

CritterTamer · 17/03/2020 16:14

My clinic are saying that currently my FET planned for May will still go ahead. I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that that doesn't change. 🤞

BeHereNowx32 · 17/03/2020 12:10

@AM2020 our FET has also been cancelled. We don’t know when it will continue again.
I do feel upset Tbf. But understand why

AM2020 · 17/03/2020 09:55

Good morning all,

My next FET has been put on hold due to the COVID-19 for at least one cycle. I think is better to be safe than taking risks.

Now working from home, hopefully this will reduce the stress levels.

I hope everyone is ok and your ifv plans are not impacted by this COVID-19.

CritterTamer · 15/03/2020 10:19

You would normally continue with all those things following a positive test yes, but if you have any concerns the best thing to do is talk to your clinic. Don't stop any medication without asking them first . Congrats on the BFP 😊


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Grumpyflint · 14/03/2020 21:49

We are trying Frozen IVF and want to know how much medicines does everyone have as I think my wife is having too much we have had a positive test but she is still having lubion, clexane, aspirin, progonova and a pessary to take also . Also do you have a discharge

BeHereNowx32 · 14/03/2020 20:18

@thefishthatcouldwish so sorry to hear that about your dad. I hope you’re able to have some time for yourself and to relax.

I am really feeling the side affects of the down reg injection today! Sooo tired, constant hot flushes, headaches. And I’ve been sooo moody 🤭🤭 hopefully it’s doing it’s job then.
Hope everyone else is doing ok!

CritterTamer · 13/03/2020 17:12

@thefishthatcouldwish - I'm sorry to hear that your dad is still so poorly - you have a lot on your plate!
Are you doing full IVF or FET? If your doing ivf you should ideally start supplements 3 months before your cycle so best get cracking with them! In terms of diet just try to eat healthily and increasing protein a bit can help with egg quality.

AFM my meds were delivered this morning 😀

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