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Festive fledglings flying through December - the Flylady thread

889 replies

TooStressyTooMessy · 30/11/2019 15:03

Welcome to the December (dare I say the Christmas?!) Flylady thread. This is a really lovely thread where we loosely follow the Flylady system (see the Flylady website ) in the hope of having organised homes and lives.

Every day I will post a link to the launchpad which has everything you need for that day if you do want to follow the system strictly. Plenty of options to follow the system more loosely as well :).

Please do familiarise yourself with the Flylady website, especially if you are new. The Flylady is (understandably) keen that people do look at the website.

On the website there is information for beginners. You can also sign up to the Flylady emails but we would advise not to as there are hundreds of them.

We post our achievements (ta das) and our to do lists and any other general chatter about life / flying.

Information on getting started:

The launch pad is also a good starting

Fly stands for Finally Loving Yourself. The general idea is that short bursts of tidying / organisation are more achievable than marathon efforts. Flylady advises 15 minute bursts is effort but you can tweak this to fit your own circumstances.

Be kind to yourselves, jump in where you are and be careful not to crash and burn!

Any newbies are very welcome Smile.

Flylady also does Christmas missions which I will link to each day. They are really useful and nearer the time she does super missions which help you if you have not managed the regular missions. They are just there to help and as Flylady says... do not worry as you do not need to catch up, just jump in where you are Smile.

Link to the holiday cruising is


December’s habit is usually [[
pampering yourself]] which is much needed this busy time of year. This can be as simple as taking two minutes to have a cup of tea, if long pampering sessions are unachievable.

The website will update to the December missions etc in the next few days so I will link it again if it is different.

A daily summary (which should update automatically every day) is available on the Flylady website at flight plan here.

The link to the current zone and missions is [[ here].

Re. zones, do what works for you. I don’t always stick to the zones myself and do what works best at the time!

daily focus

missions for the week

Flykids mission

beginner babysteps.

The best place to look for an overall summary is the launch pad.

Happy flying everyone.

Please note that while there is lots of information on the website, from a security point of view we would advise caution with putting any personal details in or downloading anything.

Also a huge thank you to Ghoulette for the November thread.

OP posts:
Sistercharlie · 04/12/2019 07:08

Good luck to your dd2 too Zoo and with meeting!

Sistercharlie · 04/12/2019 07:09
IVEgotthetinselBITCHES · 04/12/2019 07:11

Omg. Dc1 is now doing sick voice at me 😑

HungryHazelEyes · 04/12/2019 07:13

TooStressy choir concert went well, I would have chosen different songs to sing, but the voices were amazing. DD was nervous, but think she had fun.

SC thank you, we had a lovely day, FIL was full of cold (he cooks most things) so it was all hands on deck, although he did most things the previous day, thank goodness. I worked my 2nd job that evening (time and a half!), but it was a great day overall.

Today I took empty decor boxes out to the garage, plus put the decor to go to charity shop in my car, ready to go tomorrow. Got my clothes out for tomorrow and cleaned kitchen. It's late here (12am) and I work tomorrow (main job) so best get to sleep!

TooStressyTooMessy · 04/12/2019 08:02

Good luck for DC exams today zoo, SC and anyone else.

Glad concert went well Hazel.

Off to work now, will be back on later.

OP posts:
Stilllivinginazoo · 04/12/2019 09:29

hazel sounds like a busy day!

I've had text dd2 Spanish teacher "has an emergency" exam rescheduled for tom arrrrgh

Lil zoo still in pain,app booked at gp this morning(haven been put on ring back triage to check we need it...

I've hope you got some lurgy kids off to school...

Ed psyche due any dressed,living room semi presentable

Note written for gp as suspect "d"h will have leave during ed psyche assessment to take her and he remembers NOTHING

I hate feeling on such back foot at start of the day.doesnt set a good time for rest of the day...

IWillWearTheGreenWillow · 04/12/2019 13:34

Crikey, so much illness and exam stress on this thread. Flowers and Wine for all!

Having another slow day today as my head is so thick and stupid with this cold. It feels like I'm running on about 40% power (and 15% of that is being used to run my headache!).

Ta Das
Up, dressed, shoes, hair, face.
Dog walked
2 washes done
DW rotated
All dispatched to various schooling efforts.
More writing done
Pulled out kitchen sofa and swept under it (yuk)
Sausages out of freezer for tea.

To Dos
More Christmas wrapping
Sleep off this headache
Y12 parents' eve at 5pm
More financial stuff.

Hope all ill people are feeling better and stressy teens are dialing it back a bit.

Sistercharlie · 04/12/2019 14:06

Thanks Willow ouch that headachey cold sounds so uncomfortable Brew Well done for ploughing on!

Wishing you strength with all the juggling of stressful rdvs Zoo

DD is back home and relatively happy with maths exam but saying she has absolutely no chance of passing physics tomorrow so is there any point in trying Confused . Wasn't sure if she was totally serious or not but spent a good hour over lunch persuading her to pick three topics and focus on those. Sound familiar? Grin

Trying to practice what I preach:

Ta da:
emptied dw and re-stacked with a few breakfast things
s & s
2 wm loads of dog blankets and dog bed cushions (and washed them again for good measure)
hung up
Holiday clean and fling mission but managed to do this without doing home bleugh
Hoovered and mopped inner and outer hall floor
Cleared some extraneous clutter from kitchen - still looks awful - but better standard of awful ifyswim Grin

About to do some food shopping and pick up some postable chocs to slip in to niece & nephew/godchildrens parcel boxes! Hoping to get them off this w/e.

Stilllivinginazoo · 04/12/2019 15:07

SC dd2 so overwhelmed/rabbit in.hwadlights I'd be glad get her focussed on one topic.not help by fact colleges use round one of mocks(more mocks Feb at her school) to determine potential grades and placements.arrrgh.
Willow colds with headaches and DC do not mix.they just run you down moreFlowershope it's peaking and you feel better soon

Lil zoo has more meds jiggling
Needs force food in little and often or bowel hurt more as empty/squeezed harder.
Pop shops healthish snacky things(fave fruits,box Cheerios(for eat handful dry)wraps,tomatoes and tuna for lunch)
Ring school and arrange toilet pass via student services

I've hit a wall so tired I can barely keep my eyes open!!

Need menu plan rest of the week
Sort kitchen
Brace for impact of antsy teen whose examswitch today to tom.

Stilllivinginazoo · 04/12/2019 19:18

Menu plan rest week done
Kitchen half reclaimed
Lil zoo tummyache worsening (tends be worse in evening

Dd2 has awful day.massive panic attack in assembly and had leave.wobbled thru maths.went to see head year at lunch with frirnd.think caught him off guard and only advice offered was have keep climb mountain,you can't go round it.sge knows that but was at breaking point...she took friend with her and she saw D's was about to cry and drag her out his office saying well that's as bit crap..
Another panic attack followed and she end up sit with friend in head learning office practising for Spanish exam rest afternoon.shes tired,emotional,irritable and looks very young and vulnerable despite having a massive attitude at a loss to help her and breaks my heart see her so upsetSad

Making courgette and cashew risotto for her dinner(ultimate comfort food) with big tray roasted mushrooms,carrots,green beans and squash sprinkled little cumin and black pepper

TooStressyTooMessy · 04/12/2019 19:31

zoo Flowers

Hope you feel better soon Willow.

Good luck for your DD tomorrow SC.

Big wing flaps to everyone else.

Not much flying done here. Bedtime for DDs soon.

OP posts:
KTCluck · 04/12/2019 20:07

Your poor DD Zoo. Hope it’s all over soon for her and SC’s DD, and they are both happy with the outcome.

We’ve had a busy day today.

Upstairs homeblessing (didn’t quite finish the vacuuming but meh)
Mould spray on grout in shower - looks like new.
Piles of clothes put away or added to the rapidly filling up ironing basket
WM and DW set off
Assembled new Christmas tree. Took a lot of ‘fluffing’ of the branches and it’s not quite right but I’d lost the will to live. Thankfully it’s pre-lit so I didn’t have that battle to face.
Cleaned the floor and skirting boards where the tree goes; usually covered by a side table, a bit of the sofa, and a layer of dust.
Kitchen hoovered.
Table wiped.
Hallway tidied.
Winter tyres on car. Coffee with a relative and a quick look round the shops while we waited.
Spaghetti and meatballs cooked and eaten.
Tree decorated.

The tree was a spur of the moment decision this morning and I’m so pleased it’s more or less done. There are still a few decorations to scatter round the house which I’ll do when I fancy.

To do:
Washing in drier
Rearrange the Christmas tree so that half the baubles are no longer clustered at the front at DD height.
Write a note from elf explaining why he rearranged the tree.

Hope poorly fledglings and poorly DC are recovering.

Enjoy your few days away Bower

Good luck for bedtime Toostressy. We’ve had an easy one here for a change.

TooStressyTooMessy · 04/12/2019 20:11

Yay for easy bedtime KT Smile

OP posts:
TooStressyTooMessy · 04/12/2019 20:12
OP posts:
Sistercharlie · 05/12/2019 06:25

Good morning all

Oh Zoo your poor dd2 - so sorry she had such an awful day yesterday. Sounds like she has a good friend there. Sorry head of year wasn't as helpful as he'd made out he would be when you met him(iirc). Hope things go better for her today.

Great list KTCluck

I'm currently nursing a coffee in the laundry room, trying to keep out of path of my marauding teen, leaving DH to deal with the flak for once. She is stressed by prospect of physics (and religion) exams today.

Oh no, I've been discovered! Had better go!
Good luck today everyone!

IWillWearTheGreenWillow · 05/12/2019 07:36

Morning all!

Zoo, so sorry DD2 is struggling so much and sorry HoY was rubbish. It's so hard to watch them go through it. SC, hope your DD is a bit less stressed after today, and sorry your hiding place was discovered!

Survived parents' eve for DS2 - mostly good feedback, although a couple of teachers are not up to speed on his diagnosis / difficulties and kept repeating "you just need to be more organised". If he could do that, we wouldn't be were we are! ADHD and slow processing / dyslexia make organisation impossible for him, not optional to dial up if Sir says so. CBT is helping, but it's not an instant fix.

Went to bed at 9pm last night with Benelyn cough suppressant, so hopefully today will be a bit better. So in awe of people managing to zip through the house cleaning! I'm on my phone, so can't name check but, wow!

Don't know which hat to put on first today - home ed (DS needs help with homework), housekeeping (no chance of Christmas at this rate and DH is decorating on top of the mess / dirt), manager of finances (is early in the month, so just letting money go out and will straighten out later. Except today needs to be that "later"), person with actual paid work to do (need some client stuff done in time for Christmas. Writing is like pulling teeth at the moment), decluttering (house full of lovely shit, but shit none the less. This is usually the point at which I threaten to hire a skip).

Think I'm going to take a tip from here and do things in rotation, 15 mins focussed in each thing and 15 mins to review, each hour. I have a timer on here that grows a tree if I don't fiddle with my phone for 15 mins.

Right. On with it.

Stilllivinginazoo · 05/12/2019 09:11

willow week.thats a massive set of hats to choose from!
SC fingers X exams go ok.dd2 headed off in state.i packet strawberries and mini Oreos in her lunch for after exam,and prospect homemade ginger cookies and hot choc to come home to!

Today is bought to you by I needed more sleep/Why has my just turned 12 yo started her periods?zoo periods are heavy and bloody painful within a year.shes too little for all thisSad

On plus I've managed get the rest earring advent calenders for the girls organised!

Cats fed
Wash on
Bleach lav
Roast parsnips and sweet potato for dd2 lunch(and cook little stuffing balls with nut butter added)
Sort earring for advent into little homemade pockets of paper that are numbered
Shred lettuce and cucumber for lunchbox
Make breakfasts
Pack lunch
Check in lil zoo

Ring school absent line
Eat toast

Tinselette1940 · 05/12/2019 09:37

zoo your poor little chick - that's a lot to contend with, poor love. What a lovely friend she has. Best luck to her and to SC's dd with their exams. Willow hope the cold is better soon. Waves to all other fledglings and thanks toostressy for sterling work running the thread.

The playmobil crib is up and the tree is constructed and lit but sans decor atm. Cleaning frenzy has triggered ds's asthma cough and I was worried that he would not get the flu nasal spray today at school but nurse thinks he'll be okay.

Am meeting a friend for lunch so will hop out to that at 11. In the mean time I have organised for the bins to be cleaned as a once off as they are in need of it. I need to continue hoovering and dusting before ds comes home from school. dh is away so I'm running around like a headless chicken. But we are generally well atm.

Will be back with ta das because I'm hopeless about posting them.

Tinselette1940 · 05/12/2019 09:42

okay in terms of the holiday missions I don't have any hair appointments etc to organise so I'm going to count the bin cleaning/pampering as part of that!

Times10 · 05/12/2019 10:19

Oops, completely fallen off the wagon since halfway through last thread!
The house is a mess again, and more embarrassingly, a window cleaner turned up announced, so could see just how messy our living room is! We hadn’t actually booked him, so that’s a separate issue, but I had hoped no-one would have since the mess before I could clear it up this morning!

Why is it so quick for the house to descend into chaos? And the DCs seem to be running out of school uniforms daily, so I must be behind on washing, even though I thought that was one thing I was managing to do regularly.

Tinselette1940 · 05/12/2019 10:43

ta da

polished all mirrors
washed mud marks off walls in hall
hoovered living room and dining room thoroughly and also hall

to do after lunch

boxes out to garage

wrap presents for under tree
decorate tree and put up Christmas mobiles
soccer practice
lasagne making

LivingInLaputa · 05/12/2019 13:53

So on top of me already being a panicky mess due to all the stuff we need to sort out over the next couple of weeks... MH at an all time low...

Errrrm DD1 starts school MONDAY!!! Shock


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TooStressyTooMessy · 05/12/2019 13:57

Hello all, just on work lunch break at the moment. Lots of people sound very busy. Times, it really is scary how quickly the house can descend into chaos.

Did have one ta da:-
Work secret Santa present given in

OP posts:
Castlelough · 05/12/2019 14:07

I'm falling way behind already. Sad
Am off to catch up on thread and will be back with personals!

Ta Da
Morning routine
Preschool run
Grocery run

To Do
Order thank you cards
Gymnastics run
Dog walk (unlikely today as weather is horrendous and I amn't dragging three children out in it...)

Stilllivinginazoo · 05/12/2019 15:58

castle no such thing as behind.jump in (or gentle shuffle if you not feeling it) where you areWink
Laputa eek.scary,but exciting times
Times I shut my eyes and turn my back few minutes chaos starts descending.few days it's a right of hovel.i think I am a naturally messy person and the zoolets take after me
Tinselette hope D's gets flu spray and is ok

Sorted script for D's numb cream for bloods Monday
Paid loads bills that were stacking u2loads wash done dry fold and put away
Swept living room and wiped table
Realised promised dd2 spice cookies and I hadn't read recipe properly.need chill dough an hour in freezer(or 2in fridge)
Panic made dough and pop infreezer
Tutor came
DS made a heart on canvas with nuts and bolts using gluegun.she stayed 50 mins(we had talked importance long enough to do bigger projects) I'm so chuffed!!
Dough rolled into balls and flattened,lob in oven(was too soft make cut out cookies)
Just fished them out,dd2 home anytime do I just got away with it!!

Tonights dinner-
Fish finger wraps I've been informed us food of choice for lil zoo and ds
Butterbean or chickpea (DEP what's in cupboard)tagine for dd2 with rice

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