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Festive fledglings flying through December - the Flylady thread

889 replies

TooStressyTooMessy · 30/11/2019 15:03

Welcome to the December (dare I say the Christmas?!) Flylady thread. This is a really lovely thread where we loosely follow the Flylady system (see the Flylady website ) in the hope of having organised homes and lives.

Every day I will post a link to the launchpad which has everything you need for that day if you do want to follow the system strictly. Plenty of options to follow the system more loosely as well :).

Please do familiarise yourself with the Flylady website, especially if you are new. The Flylady is (understandably) keen that people do look at the website.

On the website there is information for beginners. You can also sign up to the Flylady emails but we would advise not to as there are hundreds of them.

We post our achievements (ta das) and our to do lists and any other general chatter about life / flying.

Information on getting started:

The launch pad is also a good starting

Fly stands for Finally Loving Yourself. The general idea is that short bursts of tidying / organisation are more achievable than marathon efforts. Flylady advises 15 minute bursts is effort but you can tweak this to fit your own circumstances.

Be kind to yourselves, jump in where you are and be careful not to crash and burn!

Any newbies are very welcome Smile.

Flylady also does Christmas missions which I will link to each day. They are really useful and nearer the time she does super missions which help you if you have not managed the regular missions. They are just there to help and as Flylady says... do not worry as you do not need to catch up, just jump in where you are Smile.

Link to the holiday cruising is


December’s habit is usually [[
pampering yourself]] which is much needed this busy time of year. This can be as simple as taking two minutes to have a cup of tea, if long pampering sessions are unachievable.

The website will update to the December missions etc in the next few days so I will link it again if it is different.

A daily summary (which should update automatically every day) is available on the Flylady website at flight plan here.

The link to the current zone and missions is [[ here].

Re. zones, do what works for you. I don’t always stick to the zones myself and do what works best at the time!

daily focus

missions for the week

Flykids mission

beginner babysteps.

The best place to look for an overall summary is the launch pad.

Happy flying everyone.

Please note that while there is lots of information on the website, from a security point of view we would advise caution with putting any personal details in or downloading anything.

Also a huge thank you to Ghoulette for the November thread.

OP posts:
TooStressyTooMessy · 01/12/2019 15:55

Oh yes I feel the same Confused.

Mental note for myself next year: do not schedule putting Christmas decorations up the day after a work night out when you also have to help with honework, reading, a Christmas gift and cook a roast since you thought that was a good idea despite the fact that it will take DH hours to get decorations and tree out etc so you will have to cook the roast.

Ugh. Just psyched myself up to start the roast. Is it bedtime yet?

OP posts:
TooStressyTooMessy · 01/12/2019 15:56

Should point out DH has been a Christmas Star. It’s me who is all humbug about it.

OP posts:
KTCluck · 01/12/2019 17:06

I’m also impressed with the seasonal bunting!

I got the washing and ironing done, and our bags packed for nursery / work. DH changed job recently and I’ve gone from having to iron shirts and dress pants to just folding work work pants and sweatshirts out of the dryer. Game changer! I’ve also done a general tidy about 5 times, sorted the Sunday lunch dishes (DH cooked) and put away some laundry.

Trying to motivate myself to stand up and make soup now. Will do some cards when DD is in bed as she will want my own to scribble on them if she sees.

No idea why I entertained the idea of putting together the storage unit. DH was absolutely not on board after his night out. Can’t complain, I wouldn’t be either.

I also briefly considered putting the tree up toostressy but was also too humbug. Original plan was next weekend to I think I’ll stick to that. Liking shannara’s plan of aiming for the 14th.

Did you get much of your huge list done SC? I think I would have to do what you suggested earlier and spend a little bit of time on each. I once saw a great method for when you have lots of things to do. You choose 3 or 4 of them, write them in a list then spend, for example, 5 minutes on each, 10 minutes on each, then 15 mins on each. Longer time periods if appropriate, and with a timer a la flylady obviously Grin. I’ve used it a few times when I’ve felt overwhelmed and it’s helped me.

IWillWearTheGreenWillow · 01/12/2019 19:14

Will need to share the bunting tomorrow, I can't post pictures on my phone. Although I should warn you it's nowhere near as exciting as you think!

Ta Da's today-
Lidl shop
2 christmas presents purchased
Elderly kitchen chairs recovered in fit of wild enthusiasm.
Dinner cooked.

Now off for a bath as have knocked self into a cocked hat!

TooStressyTooMessy · 01/12/2019 19:57

Ooh yes please can we see the bunting?

OP posts:
TooStressyTooMessy · 01/12/2019 19:59

Launch pad link Holiday mission. December starts the super missions that I may have a go at not today though

OP posts:
Stilllivinginazoo · 01/12/2019 20:23

I've I am nominating you to keep my festive spirits up!!

Laputa wish I'd done books with my lot,fab idea!!this year girls have cheap Xmas earrings from Primark to open each day,D's and j will do a Xmas craft a day as he's home!dd1 hot them advent bits too.tiday dd2 got pin badges,D's a mini wooden puzzle and lil zoo a unicorn sparkly soap!

Been town dd2 "d"p gave us lift back in exchange for lunch(ham salad rolls ,nothing fancy) before he headed to work.
We got bits decorate house,wrap paper,few more gifts and did bit food shop

Back for food by 2pm
Tidy up a bit
Help D's set up his mini tree,add lights to his room and some little robin ornaments.girks did their mini trees and lights
Lights up in kitchen (snowflakes around windows)
Tree up in front room.realised it only 3ft as we needed it be able put up out way kits last year.decs bought today for bigger tree.looka like we need get a bigger one tooGrin

Little ones fed(Bolognese)
Dd2 have roast potatoes,green beans,carrots, courgettes and broccoli tossed red pesto and sprinkled cashew nuts(veg with bread and cheese for me)

Dd2 had a party last night and wasn't back til 11(dd1 drive her) she was hyped so was 1am before got to lay down.up at 430... Tired isn't a strong enough word on back of fact I've literally just sat down first time today!

Hope everyone's had a good weekend
MercuryRising · 01/12/2019 22:07

SC I share your feeling of panic. I had planned to be ready for Christmas by now but I am nowhere near... loads of presents still to buy, nothing wrapped and the house feels chaotic!!
Today however has been a good day. We had a North Pole breakfast with my niece and nephew, bought new school shoes for dd who had managed to take the front out of hers, put the tree up and had a lovely roast. In order to put the tree up we had to move the living room round so cleaned under all of the furniture. I also changed the dcs beds and did another couple of washloads. What worries me is that to have the house where I want it I would need to keep this momentum up until Christmas, which will never happen! My primary goal needs to be decluttering. We could honestly fill a house twice the size of ours.. I think it is all the stuff that makes me feel so overwhelmed. I just think it is so important not to miss out on time with the dc because of cleaning etc.. I need to find a balance. Sorry for the brain dump!
I love that tomorrow's mission is to get rid of any autumn decs still hanging around.. I have a sludgy pumpkin out the front which I never get round to binning.. tomorrow is the day!!

Bowerbird5 · 01/12/2019 22:19

I am with you on the stuff. If my house was bigger I would have places to put it away therefore it would look tidy.

Bowerbird5 · 01/12/2019 22:43

SC I didn't I came home and he had roasted the chicken and damn it he did really good roasties.I made a crumble.

Flylady obviously doesn't have a DH like mine with menu planning!
In the butchers.He said we had aubergine, courgette etc which needed eating so I thought fine I will make a tray of Med. Veg and spatchcock a small chicken with garlic and herbs. so we still have the bloody veg which is now another day older.Still at least he made the effort cooking when I was at choir. I made mincemeat between Mass and choir and picking up from station. So just need to buy suet tomorrow add that and brandy and slow cook then jar up.
Very cold here -3 this morning at 10.45am and later on way home went from 1 to - 4 on way home from choir.Been an accident on the hill. I saw two police cars when I came home turn the corner...they went the wrong way as DH saw them later when I was sitting having a drink so had a peep. Two police cars and an ambulance on a very dark and likely icy hill. My son had an accident here years ago. Lass form farm rang and said "Don't want to alarm you but go to the window and you'll be able to see my dad pulling your son's car out of the field and through the hedge." He was shaken but ok. Be careful please.
Have an appointment I have been waiting for since Sept /Oct tomorrow.Text on Friday app. 11am followed by another text...App. Reminder! Ha Ha! Hope to go into town for a little while to get a few things I need for baking and Secret Santa pressie which I still haven't got yet. Might try and book an eye test by the amount of mistakes I had to correct. Right I am off to bed.
Waves to all fledglings. Ned and Ted are making there way cautiously to my ironing pile tomorrow.

ExpletiveFairylighted · 01/12/2019 23:46

Evening all,

Re houses not being big enough, we are in the same boat, simply not enough space for things, but, I have a relative whose family are also very untidy, they built a massive extension and pretty well doubled the size of their house, within a year it was overflowing with clutter, it expands to fit the space available IMO.

Anyway, this evening I have decluttered two BRCs of paperwork (nearly all belonging to the DCs), about half shredded and half recycled. Still some more to do but its a start. Done the ironing.

Christmas prep, well, I bought and froze pigs in blankets today. Went to the local Christmas Fair which was nice on a cold but sunny day, then took DS to football which was freezing as the wind got up and sun went down. Brrr.

Castlelough · 02/12/2019 00:39

Hello ladies, do you mind if I join you for December?? It has been a while since I joined a flylady thread.

Sistercharlie · 02/12/2019 00:45

I agree Expletive our house is quite large (althoigh we don't live in all of it) but somehow clutter expands in to all of the corners! Not helped by a distinct lack of practical storage.

Good luck with appt tomorrow Bower and glad to hear Mr Bower redeemed himself somewhat! Grin He sounds like my DH in the food department, who is driving me mad currently. He's either totally absent (travelling) or is in to everything. No happy medium.

Crikey about your son's accident. That must have been so scary. Thank heavens he wasn't seriously hurt.

Wow to chair covering Willow! I bought cheapo curtains in sale to temporarily sort out one window.

Mercury I am with you following the holiday missions! Thank you so much for posting them Toostressy! I want to try and do a few festive things with DD too but I am not sure she is that enthusiastic doing them with me ATM tbh! She'd rather be out with her friends!

Zoo love the sound of your child-centred activities! Did your dd2 have a good time at her party?

KTCluck I did get a few things done thanks but not many of the things I was stressing about! One of those days when life gets in the way of plans (seems to be happening rather too much lately).

Thank you so much for methodology tips. That sounds like an excellent strategy and one I shall try and adopt tomorrow! I bleated a bit on the phone to one of my sister's (who is very practical and efficient) and interestingly she said something similar! I think a rotating "managed" focus will be calming, as I will know that I am chipping a bit off each thing ifyswim. That's the theory anyway Grin

Only just finished sewing bits of DD dance costume for school performance end this week, which I'd forgotten about. (Hardly any costume making for four years or so since primary and then two in one term!). Also did chauffeuring of dd to physics tutor as I'd lumbered dh with the chauffeuring for riding yesterday (scary new route). Photocopied more of dossier until toner thing beeped and then spent 20 mins replacing it. But did buy office presents on-line with dh thank heavens so they are sorted! Yay! And also some other family ones. Think all my present buying is done except for one close family member. (Can't think of what to buy!) Dare I risk DH sorting it? (His side of family.) He will leave it to last minute if I do. Did x2 loads laundry and cooked a roast and brushed the furries and spoke to elderly aunt.

No tidying Blush

I'm with you on the formal shirt processing btw! Bane of my life! DH gets through loads as week. I sneakily send them out to be laundered half the time when he's not looking but got caught out once when the guy delivered them back and I was out! Oops! Grin

Sorry for rambling. Drank too much coffee while sewing!
Cherry waves to all fledglings! Hope everyone has a productive week ahead!

Sistercharlie · 02/12/2019 00:52

X post

A very warm welcome back to Castlelough! .... Your NN seems very familiar indeed! Smile. Can it be...? Smile. Have I remembered correctly ...?

Oh yes, sorry for confusion, also (very stupidly) got lured on to Brexit thread so need to NC back again! Should know better by now!

MercuryRising · 02/12/2019 02:47

Hi Castlelough! Nice to see you back!

Stilllivinginazoo · 02/12/2019 05:48

SC she did enjoy it thank you
Today's Xmas craft is paper chains from old nèwspaper.we bought one yesterday as I don't bother normally anymore but kind of love the look .very shabby chic,and keeps zoolets busy for hours!!

IVEgotthetinselBITCHES · 02/12/2019 06:22


Morning all

I am still full of a cough / cold. Dd now has it too so i have had her up in the night. Gave her nurofen at 4ish, shes up with me now bright as a button but obv it will wear off at school! Cant decide if should send her or not.

When we moved we doubled our house size and yes you just fill the space you have with crap. Old house had 7 rooms. This has 7 just upstairs, 5 downstairs plus a garage / cellar and loft. Since baby was born i have done about 8-10 bags of clothes to charity, why i had been holding on to some of it i do not know.

Anyway. Yesterday mainly involved trying to reorganise downstairs after invasion of big arse tree. Did a few loads washing and put christmas bedding on all dc beds. Managed to read half a chapter of the uni book and supervised dcs with their homework.

Christmas wise i have bought all the dcs main presents and few other bits. Need to get stocking stuff. Finding it trickier this year as have three year old with me all day and he is very interested in what i put in the basket in shops! Managed get a good deal on the older dcs main presents (saved £80, £40 and £80 on those!) Expecting the present pile to be a fair bit smaller this year as they are all having an expensive main gift, i think baby will get mainly clothes or vouchers so will just be dc4 with a heap of plastic stuff!

Cant decide if i want a brew or not Brew

IVEgotthetinselBITCHES · 02/12/2019 06:25

Oh and my phone thinks its snowing. It isnt. Very disappointing when i looked out ☃️

ExpletiveFairylighted · 02/12/2019 06:46

Morning all,

I haven't managed to throw off the cold I had a couple of weeks ago, I feel ok but am still bunged up, coughing and generally a bit yuck.

Castle - welcome back! I remember you, I was WhoKnowsWherethetimegos.

I'm sorted for main presents but not stockings too, finding it hard now they are teenagers. Neither is interested in toiletries etc, they've got gazillions of card games, bouncy balls, keyrings etc from previous years. Also completely stuck on parents presents.

IVEgotthetinselBITCHES · 02/12/2019 06:51

How about stationary expletive? Love a bit of stationary me Grin

Made a brew. And toast. And ate some biscuits on the sly mwahahahaha

ExpletiveFairylighted · 02/12/2019 06:55

I did get out the Christmas tablecloth, Christmas mugs and bedding for DD's bed yesterday though, so the jobs are being ticked off one at a time. It's very cold downstairs, I've just made myself a cuppa and come back to bed to drink it.

ExpletiveFairylighted · 02/12/2019 06:57

Stationery is next on my list for decluttering Ive, we've got masses and masses of it, it seems to be the go to birthday present for girls from about age 10. We can never find a set of compasses when we need one, which reminds me DS has his mocks this week, may need more than a cuppa to revive me by this evening.


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foxessocks · 02/12/2019 07:09

KT and sc I use that method at work when I'm overwhelmed and it really works, so if I've got loads of stuff with the same deadline I do one from each pile, then two from each pile etc (for a example!) Otherwise if I try and do all of one first then I am constantly panicking that the other pile isn't going anywhere! It makes perfect sense to do it for housework / house admin type tasks too!

IVEgotthetinselBITCHES · 02/12/2019 07:10

Oh well i will look forward to my DD reaching 10 then! Have decided she can go to school today, shes very perky and making me feel rougher with the constant chatter!

IWillWearTheGreenWillow · 02/12/2019 07:37

Oh god yes, stationery IVE. DD's bedroom is better stocked than Smith's in town and she still asks for more for Christmas and birthdays! Expletive, stocking presents here have morphed into slightly practical things - new pyjamas, Christmas socks, chocolate, jam, chocolate, a book, chocolate, a silly present they don't know they want til they get it etc. DC3 is still small enough to get one fancy present from Father Christmas that he's asked for.

Now, bunting. I'm not Flying properly, I promise - my DM taught me years ago that an awful lot of lack of housekeeping can be disguised by open windows (fresh air!), some flowers and something to distract. Hence, bunting in the kitchen. The autumn bunting I made with DS3 when he was about 4, on one of those endless Sunday mornings when you've been up since squawk o'clock and need to fill the time. The Christmas bunting I lovingly hand crafted by ordering it from ebay Grin.

Right. Off to start morning routine. I'll add more To Dos later when I work out what they are!

Festive fledglings flying through December - the Flylady thread
Festive fledglings flying through December - the Flylady thread
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