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Festive fledglings flying through December - the Flylady thread

889 replies

TooStressyTooMessy · 30/11/2019 15:03

Welcome to the December (dare I say the Christmas?!) Flylady thread. This is a really lovely thread where we loosely follow the Flylady system (see the Flylady website ) in the hope of having organised homes and lives.

Every day I will post a link to the launchpad which has everything you need for that day if you do want to follow the system strictly. Plenty of options to follow the system more loosely as well :).

Please do familiarise yourself with the Flylady website, especially if you are new. The Flylady is (understandably) keen that people do look at the website.

On the website there is information for beginners. You can also sign up to the Flylady emails but we would advise not to as there are hundreds of them.

We post our achievements (ta das) and our to do lists and any other general chatter about life / flying.

Information on getting started:

The launch pad is also a good starting

Fly stands for Finally Loving Yourself. The general idea is that short bursts of tidying / organisation are more achievable than marathon efforts. Flylady advises 15 minute bursts is effort but you can tweak this to fit your own circumstances.

Be kind to yourselves, jump in where you are and be careful not to crash and burn!

Any newbies are very welcome Smile.

Flylady also does Christmas missions which I will link to each day. They are really useful and nearer the time she does super missions which help you if you have not managed the regular missions. They are just there to help and as Flylady says... do not worry as you do not need to catch up, just jump in where you are Smile.

Link to the holiday cruising is


December’s habit is usually [[
pampering yourself]] which is much needed this busy time of year. This can be as simple as taking two minutes to have a cup of tea, if long pampering sessions are unachievable.

The website will update to the December missions etc in the next few days so I will link it again if it is different.

A daily summary (which should update automatically every day) is available on the Flylady website at flight plan here.

The link to the current zone and missions is [[ here].

Re. zones, do what works for you. I don’t always stick to the zones myself and do what works best at the time!

daily focus

missions for the week

Flykids mission

beginner babysteps.

The best place to look for an overall summary is the launch pad.

Happy flying everyone.

Please note that while there is lots of information on the website, from a security point of view we would advise caution with putting any personal details in or downloading anything.

Also a huge thank you to Ghoulette for the November thread.

OP posts:
Stilllivinginazoo · 01/01/2020 07:20

Well done SC

Great to hear hills is ok EPI domiss her advice and wit,but I know she had a lot of plates spinning

ShamblyChristmas · 01/01/2020 02:53

So much for an early night ...! (Dd and I stayed up and watched films/you tube in the end).

Thanks all! It does feel good to have stood our ground (for once). Even so, we still feel pretty tired.

Hope your family in Oz are ok Bower

See you on Jan thread everybody! It's great to have lovely newcomers coming along with us!

LivingInLaputa · 31/12/2019 22:17
IWillWearTheGreenWillow · 31/12/2019 22:01

Wishing you all a peaceful New Year's Eve! Have got through the day, nearly flattened myself with possible NY resolutions and reviewing the decade. Now beginning as I mean to go on and shutting down my phone at 10pm. Thank you for making me so welcome, see you all in 2020!

Tinselette1940 · 31/12/2019 21:46

I've similar resolutions KTCluck, right down to less phone time. It's lovely to have you on here.

I'm thinking of an early night. Cold has been knocking out

Bowerbird5 · 31/12/2019 21:06

Thanks Toostressy for sorting the thread at such a busy time. Great job🙂

Could have one to a meal etc in local pub. Could have gone to village hall to a local well known band I know one of them well. DH didn’t want to go out. So we are in watching Vera. He didn’t even ask if I wanted to go. I would have quite liked to have done something. He is usually away and I either stay in or go on my own. Hmmm. Men!

We do have some lovely food for tomorrow.

Still haven’t heard from cousin D or J. Sister has texted DH to say air is choking. Tumut is on red alert. What hasn’t been burnt is expected to go.
One of the places I know well has been on the news.There is a lot of bush and a mountain.
Major road which was closed earlier. I have some friends who still live there and nearby town. My cousin moved down from Sydney and bought a big shop there and he lives about 45 minutes away surrounded by bush. He had about eight horses last time.I am frightened for them and the air quality is very poor. I’m glad DD is in NZ now.
It has never been as bad as this.

Started on the boudoir but it was such a lovely day I suggested we went to the coast for an hour or two. Now I have a big mess of clothes on he bed.

KTCluck · 31/12/2019 19:58

Well done for putting your foot down SC! I’m glad you’ve finally had a relaxing day. Don’t feel any guilt. You made it clear how long they were welcome for.

Too thanks for your thread leading dedication, and Laputa thanks for volunteering for the next one. I’d like to thank all of you for making me so welcome (and letting me whinge sometimes). I’ve found the thread so supportive and motivational, and I’d love to hang round in 2020 if you’ll have me!

Hope you all have a lovely night tonight, and best wishes for 2020.

I finished my final shift of 2019 a little early, and I’m showered, in comfy pjs and with a glass of champagne making sure DD is asleep before I escape her room (hoping 2020 is the year she learns to fall asleep on her own although reading about those of you with DC flying the nest I probably shouldn’t wish too hard). The sink is shiny, I have clean bedding on and I wouldn’t want to curl up and die if someone was to drop in unannounced ignoring ironing pile. It seems as good a way as any to start a new year. I think fly lady definitely suits me although I still have a way to go.

Off downstairs to have a drink with DH. As well as getting back to my target weight and getting into an exercise routine, my New Year’s resolution is less time on my phone at night - we often both sit there scrolling away instead of talking and it’s a bad habit we want to get out of.

Happy New Year when it comes fledglings Wine

IVEgotthetinselBITCHES · 31/12/2019 19:18

Dc are half in pjs here, games consoles have been turned off and board games will commence shortly!

Well done on putting yourself first sc Star

Tinselette1940 · 31/12/2019 19:02

Well done SC. You did the right thing.

We are sprawled in front of TV.

TooStressyTooMessy · 31/12/2019 18:53

Well done SC Star! You stood up for you and your family and they are in a hotel so it’s not as if you have banished them to another country Grin.

Rock and roll NYE here. 3 out of 4 of us are in PJs. We have already eaten (a terrible buffet that I prepared, keeping up the tradition of my awful cooking). Decided not to open the prosecco and save for tomorrow! We have beer though so it’s all good.

OP posts:
ShamblyChristmas · 31/12/2019 18:31

Hello! Also checking in to wish you all a very Happy New Year!! Flowers WineGin Glitterball🐾🐾🐎🤪

This thread - and all of you great folk - have well and truly kept me going and kept me sane this Christmas so thank you hugely to all of you lovely Fledglings🥂 And I have really enjoyed and at the same time felt impressed and humbled reading about your lives and all of the trials and tribulations some of you plough on through daily (Honu and Hills if you happen to be lurking, I include you both in this!)

I have often thought in an idle moment that this thread would offer great research material for social historians working at the V & A or some never know...maybe some of it is being archived for the future.. hope my messy boudoir doesn't feature in historical records though Grin

Anyway, anyway, onwards and upwards everybody and (setting the objectives for 2020 deliberately low) here's hoping my boudoir will be just that little bit tidier next year! Wink And as I say nearly every year, I hope to Fly "properly" in January!

Huge huge thanks to Toostressy for guiding us so seamlessly and efficiently through the testing month of December and cheers to Laputa for volunteering for Jan FlowersFlowersWineWineCakeCakeHaloHalo Much appreciated both!

(We are currently in hiding btw. One faction of guests left crack of sparrows yesterday morning. Wrt other faction; I put my foot down (very very politely but had to be fairly firm in the face of hints about "extended stays" ) and they are now in hotel down the road. Bit awkward to put it mildly. I felt awful at same time slightly miffed about being put in that position, but we had been very clear about needing a few days to ourselves initially when visit was proposed. We were intending to evac to wreck2 but dh had urgent work issue today poor bloke, that had brewed over Christmas, and he has slaved all day and is totally exhausted, so I'm glad I put my foot down. Still do feel awful but we have done our best and we're tired now. Despite having a to do list as long as your arm, I have done very little today except watch films and eat cold Christmas pud! Xmas Grin We were invited out, but to the disgust of dd, we will probably be turning in early tonight too. Going to try and make it up to her tomorrow. I think it must be very hard being the only daughter of old crocks sometimes .. .Sad

Happy New Year one and all!!!!!!!!!!!! 🥂🥂🥂👋🐎🐾🐾🤪😜😅🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🥂🥂 Have a good evening everyone!!!

TooStressyTooMessy · 31/12/2019 18:12

Oh I’m glad Expletive, had been wondering how she was getting on.

OP posts:
ExpletiveFairylighted · 31/12/2019 18:09

Well done with it Ive.

I've just been having a little chat with Hills - one or two of you have "waved" at her this month. She's taken herself off MN to concentrate on real life but is well and says hello.

IVEgotthetinselBITCHES · 31/12/2019 17:59


Hope everyone has a great evening whatever you may be doing!

Ty for the thread stressy Flowers and for the next one laputa Flowers

I am about half way through the essay, think i will leave it now for today. Feel much better about it now i have had a proper go. Its not going to be amazing but should pass. At the moment that is good enough for me! Spinning too many plates.

ExpletiveFairylighted · 31/12/2019 16:55

Checking in to say Happy New Year from me too. We are going out tonight (don't really feel like it but it will be fine I'm sure, just rather stay in and watch films).

A big thank you to Stressy for this thread and for Laputa for agreeing to take on January. If you need someone to step in at any point Laputa I'm happy to do so, I do read every day even if I don't post and am an old hand at doing the links.


Stilllivinginazoo · 31/12/2019 16:42

Afternoon ladies,weird the decades almost over.ds informed to today as I in my 40s I am entering my 6th decade tomorrow.cheers for that chap,I needed a reason to feel so decrepit!!

Cleared dining table ready our little buffet evening
Lost will to live try order multi pack t shirts,long and short sleeve as part my new year promise to try take better care of myself .luckily do was on form and kept click away til I had a least something!
HS 20 min nap,feeling slightly livelier
2more loads wash done
Pop farmfoods and restock freezer this morning
Argued doc reception til got my ringback.sec spoke doc dd2 got the meds for her throat issues.starts tomorroe.hipefully that'll ease reflux a little,and knick on effect will benefit her anxiety

Stressy thanks leading us thru such a busy month.glad you stood strong re parents xmas did great all round!Star

If I don't check in later,see you guys next decade!!

Tinselette1940 · 31/12/2019 16:36

I LIKE the concept of the roaring twenties!!

ChristmasCroissant · 31/12/2019 16:12


Thank you for a fabulously festive December thread Stressy, thread leading of distinction there. I know I've been quiet on here. Still feeling a bit ropey but determined to head out for a bit tonight. Not to a wild party, just a family event at an indoor crazy golf place but should be manic fun Grin Hmm

Looking forward to a new decade of possibilities! I'm going to do some training and some very part-time work next year, with a view to getting back into the world of work. I'm looking forward to it.

I'm also going to tackle a slightly thorny subject of contact with our families. It's always us going up there and they never call in here in fact they have never been here at all I am now sulking and not wanting to go up to see them and have no firm ideas of quite how I'm going to solve it but it's not an overnight fix anyway. Will think about that one. Will probably involve steady contact during the year.

I will probably be back online later, but just in case I'm not - have a great NYE whatever you are doing and love and best wishes to all the past, present and future fledglings for the roaring twenties! Wine Cheers!

Tinselette1940 · 31/12/2019 14:37

Happy Hogmanay everyone

Tinselette1940 · 31/12/2019 14:35

Thanks for the fab Christmas thread Toostressy

TooStressyTooMessy · 31/12/2019 14:31

that bothered not grant bothered!

Yes that is it Tinselette.

OP posts:
TooStressyTooMessy · 31/12/2019 14:30

Fab thanks Laputa.

From a thread leading point of view I find it much easier with just a link to the launch pad each day. The launchpad resets each day anyway so people can find whatever they want from that... that is the point of it on the website I think. It also means if you are leading you can just save a link to the launchpad and use that then keep an eye on the thread generally. When we did more specific links, particularly for daily missions and zones I used to find it much more time consuming. I do put in the odd extra bit such as the Christmas missions this time.

A detailed intro with links is useful both for newbies and as a nice introduction to the thread each month. I think if people are grant bothered they can easily go back to the first post in the thread if they want links.

Each to their own though and quite happy for people to do whatever. I think if you are thread leading it is your choice really how much to put it.

Happy New Year wing flaps and cherry waves to all of you. Thanks so much for every one of you, new and old, for being so great on the thread this December and throughout the year StarGinWineCakeFlowersStar

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Tinselette1940 · 31/12/2019 14:29
Tinselette1940 · 31/12/2019 14:14

We've just had a NY walk (early) where we discussed what we'd like to do in all areas of our lives over the next year. For Flylady I'd like to refresh and get started with morning and evening routines and then do the zone cleaning properly for once. Perhaps we could do a tidy the garden a bit so that we get ready for spring. I see the NY as a 'try your best' time otherwise you just lose heart with NY plans.

ExpletiveFairylighted · 31/12/2019 13:58

I just tried to search for last year's January thread, didn't find it but did find January threads going back 10 years, a little trip down memory lane Smile. I think it might start with a flurry of new joiners but settle down quite quickly, so maybe a thorough intro then see how it goes with links.

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