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My mums just rang to say she has breast cancer

244 replies

fairyfly · 13/01/2005 17:27

I feel like im going to throw up

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Levanna · 14/01/2005 00:29

(I mean, they could be good for you to approach informally regarding what to expect.)

mammya · 14/01/2005 00:30

So sorry FF

Blu · 14/01/2005 00:39

If / when you do want to find out some stuff, this is the organisation that I found was clear, informative and supportive.

fairyfly · 14/01/2005 00:43

I feel like crap tbh. but i also know its just life, my god things will happen, im scared, but im scared a lot, its the way it goes, i have a wonderful life

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ghosty · 14/01/2005 00:46

Thinking of you FF ...
Hugs {{{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}}}}}

fairyfly · 14/01/2005 01:14

Thanks ghosty x

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tigermoth · 14/01/2005 01:15

You're in shock ff, of course you are.
Really sorry this is happening to you and your mum and hope the positive stories help you.

fairyfly · 14/01/2005 01:29

Really just got paranoid then, i know there is a thing going on about mn liars, i am truthful though, certainly i would never make shit like this up, ever

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KateandtheGirls · 14/01/2005 01:30

I never thought that for a second.

essbee · 14/01/2005 01:31

Message withdrawn

fairyfly · 14/01/2005 01:37

fuck fuck fuck, really need my mum, really do, reaaly dooo

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KateandtheGirls · 14/01/2005 01:38
essbee · 14/01/2005 01:38

Message withdrawn

fairyfly · 14/01/2005 02:50

I've told my mother the boys and i will be living in her house for the next week, she has no choice, i have to by flowers though, cant get in that much trouble

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emmaTooMuchGrub · 14/01/2005 06:36

FF, sad to read this thread as I've just read you're married one. I'm so pleased for you and so sad all at the same time.


Slinky · 14/01/2005 10:04


Thinking about you this morning - I remembered something else when my mum was diagnosed. I found that she didn't really want to talk to me about her illness, and felt a bit useless when I was trying to support her through it. However, afterwards she told me that she felt this way because I was too "close" to the situation and that she found it more helpful to have her "angry" moments with her MacMillan nurse because she was an "outsider".

I have to say the MacMillan nurse was fantastic -they provide excellent support, not just for the patient, but the family.

Another thing with regards to survival - my mum found her lump a YEAR BEFORE she went to the GP -yet still went on to make an excellent recovery.

ScummyMummy · 14/01/2005 10:10

Very sorry to hear this, FF.Lots of love to you and your mum.

Marina · 14/01/2005 10:15

Oh fairyfly, so sorry to hear this. Thinking of you both this morning.

myermay · 14/01/2005 10:33

Message withdrawn

fairyfly · 14/01/2005 10:47

my mum (and she is a hard one to please) has told me her Macmillan nurse is lovely

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suedonim · 14/01/2005 13:14

I'm so sorry to hear your news, Fairyfly. Lots of love to you and your mum and the rest of your family.

aero · 14/01/2005 13:34

So sorry to read this ff - thinking of ou and your mum. {{{o}}}s


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fairyfly · 14/01/2005 16:12

I got a bit upset before as i was told i cant go round with my kids as she needs to stay away from children. I felt useless, but after licking my x's shoes for the lasat hour he is finally on his way round to take my boys.

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Slinky · 14/01/2005 16:27

I've never heard of that before Fairyfly

I know once Chemo. is underway, then they need to careful with regards to infections. We couldn't see my mum for a month, as DD1 had chicken pox, then DS1 caught it

A work colleague of mine from the nursery contracted breast cancer last year at the age of 38. She wanted to carry on working - she cut her hours down though to part-time - but she worked all the way through her chemo.

fairyfly · 14/01/2005 16:30

I think this is going to be the hardest bit, having to stay away is tough, i need to be with her

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