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My mums just rang to say she has breast cancer

244 replies

fairyfly · 13/01/2005 17:27

I feel like im going to throw up

OP posts:
SoupDragon · 13/01/2005 18:33

Bum so sorry to hear this.

SoupDragon · 13/01/2005 18:33

At least they are offering her a choice which must be good.

lockets · 13/01/2005 18:33

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scaltygirl · 13/01/2005 18:34

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nikcola · 13/01/2005 18:37

so sorry ff xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

KateandtheGirls · 13/01/2005 18:38

Sorry to hear this FF. My mum had breast cancer 3 years ago. She was also offered the choice of lumpectomy or mastectomy. She chose to have a lumpectomy. Unfortunately the first op didn't quite catch it all so she had to have a second which did get it all. She had radiation therapy, which made her very fatigued, but not as sick as chemo would have.

Good news is it was all over within a few months, and she has been fine ever since. Hopefully the same will happen with your mum.

Good luck.

Blu · 13/01/2005 18:42

So sorry.

You can get really really good and helpful free booklets from BACUP - explanations, stuff for relatives. Would you like me to find the details?
Helped people in our family no-end when my SIL was diagnosed.
And you know what?
3.5 years later she's still well and happy after treatment.

But I know it's truly truly a horrible time FF.

Blu · 13/01/2005 18:44

And FF, wine is good.
I am pleased for your Mum that she has a daughter like you to help her. You will be needed so badly.

galaxy · 13/01/2005 18:48

So sorry to hear this ff. Sending you both hugs

Tinker · 13/01/2005 19:12

Bummer ff. It is very treatable though. All teh best

serenity · 13/01/2005 19:14

my thoughts are with both of you,

Kayleigh · 13/01/2005 19:22

Really sorry to hear this FF. X

Piffle · 13/01/2005 19:25

oh FF that's terrible news, really difficult to think about.
If it any help my best friend and her mum both got breast cancer year before last and both had successful treatment and resolution and are both really healthy and happy now.
Massive hugs honey pie

Beetroot · 13/01/2005 19:50

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Hausfrau · 13/01/2005 20:13

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fairyfly · 13/01/2005 20:55

That was really horrid, really really horrid, thanks again for all your messages. I know its treatable, really positive stories everywhere. Its just that i just held her while she cried and i think it has broken my heart a little, well tonight anyway.

OP posts:
KateandtheGirls · 13/01/2005 20:58

She's lucky to have you.

tamum · 13/01/2005 20:59

Oh ff. xxxxx

JanH · 13/01/2005 20:59

Oh, FF

Kate's right. XXX

stressedmummy · 13/01/2005 21:01

Thinking of you both.

hoxtonchick · 13/01/2005 21:01


unicorn · 13/01/2005 21:14

really sorry to hear your news ff...

My Aunty was diagnosed just last year, but has gone through all the treatment.. and is now clear.

So please don't be too despondent.. just try and support her all you can.



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Slinky · 13/01/2005 21:25


Thinking of you and your mum

Just to add some more positive stories:

my mum was diagnosed in 1996, she had a lumpectomy, 6 months Chemo. and several months Radiotherapy. Stayed in Remission for 5 years and is now "all-clear".

My aunt (mums sister) was diagnosed in 2002, she had a mastectomy, no chemo, but several months Radiotherapy. She is currently in Remission with another 2.5 years to go before she gets the "all-clear".


fairyfly · 13/01/2005 21:27

So sorry you have all got stories about it, its not nice at all. I'm amazed at the positivity though, hope your aunty get the all clear slinky and whoever else. I think we are all just doing the irrational panic shock crapping it, bit

OP posts:
Libb · 13/01/2005 21:29

FF, I am thinking of you. If you want to bend an ear then feel free - if you want some company then let me know, I can sort something . . .

You already know me and my clumsy words - but you should also know that I am right by your side xxxx (just like that irritating price drop sticker on your shoe in the sales xxx)

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