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**pic warning** verruca infected?

191 replies

FancyFingers · 19/04/2017 20:07

Ds (6) has had a verruca for a couple of months. Despite treatment from the pharmacy, using various products it's now looking infected.

He cannot put any weight on his foot so is hobbling on his heel. I've tried the corn/verruca circle pads, but nothing is comfortable.

We saw a dr yesterday who prescribed the same gel as the bazuka brand. We've used this before.

What should I do? His foot after school today looked worse and I can see pus under the skin.

I called the surgery befor they closed and they've offered an appt with a nurse. I'm wondering what they'd be able to do (if anything?)

Does anyone have experience/advice?

**pic warning** verruca infected?
**pic warning** verruca infected?
OP posts:
Whatslovegottodo · 23/04/2017 14:51

Hope you both feel better soon.

DoItTooJulia · 23/04/2017 14:59

Echoing all the others-hope you both feel much better soon. Flowers

Groovee · 23/04/2017 15:45

Hugs op. Hope you feel better x

Supermagicsmile · 23/04/2017 16:36

How is his foot looking now op?

picklemepopcorn · 23/04/2017 18:41

Bless you both! Hope you feel better soon.

BusterGonad · 23/04/2017 19:17

Thanks for updating op, I hope your boy is on the mend. It sounds like you need some bed rest too.

FancyFingers · 23/04/2017 20:24

Ds is so much happier today. He is bored of being stuck inside but we've made him rest it as much as possible. He isn't complaining of any pain and is very excited about his birthday.

I've not wrapped a thing so will be busy when he has gone to bed. I'm still keeping him in my bed as I like to keep an eye on him during the night, just whilst the antibiotics get going, but it helps me sneak a look at his foot/ankle and whether he has a temperature etc. Thankfully this paid off on Thursday night as it meant I knew he was restless and could see the infection tracking.

Dh is happy enough in ds's bed, so everyone is happy with this.

I know I've said thanks before but I can't stress it enough how helpful I've found all the advice, especially when I find it hard to trust myself and doubt my decisions.

OP posts:
BusterGonad · 23/04/2017 20:40

That's what we're here for! Grin

Doyouthinktheysaurus · 23/04/2017 20:57

I think you did really well Fancy we all doubt ourselves at times, especially when they've already been seen by hcp's. I'm a firm believer in trusting your instincts and yours were spot onThanks

I hope you ds1 has a wonderful birthday 🎉

RMC123 · 23/04/2017 21:03

Op with you on the wrapping. Birthday here tomorrow too. Never ignore your instincts. Better to be safe than sorry especially with infections. Happy birthday celebrations!

FancyFingers · 23/04/2017 21:10

Happy birthday to your ds too RMC123.

OP posts:
Dozer · 23/04/2017 21:15

Glad he's on the mend and like other posters think you did great.

RedBugMug · 23/04/2017 22:07

happy birthday fancyboy
hope you all feel better soon.

BoreOfWhabylon · 24/04/2017 13:18

Happy birthday fancyboy. Hope you and your mum are now recovering.

This all actually takes me back to when I was his age, more than half a century ago.

We were living in Hong Kong and I had a new pair of sandals that had rubbed the back of my heel. A blister had formed, which then became a blood blister and then must have become infected. I remember being taken to hospital in what felt like the middle of the night. This involved a ferry ride across Hong Kong harbour to the Military Hospital half way up the mountain on Hong Kong Island.

I remember lying face down on a couch while I was being treated and, although it didn't hurt, being absolutely terrified but trying to be brave and keep still!

Haven't thought of that for years and years! Grin

Vajazzler · 07/05/2017 22:48

How's your ds now fancyfingers?

Supermagicsmile · 08/05/2017 20:00

I was wondering too!

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