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**pic warning** verruca infected?

191 replies

FancyFingers · 19/04/2017 20:07

Ds (6) has had a verruca for a couple of months. Despite treatment from the pharmacy, using various products it's now looking infected.

He cannot put any weight on his foot so is hobbling on his heel. I've tried the corn/verruca circle pads, but nothing is comfortable.

We saw a dr yesterday who prescribed the same gel as the bazuka brand. We've used this before.

What should I do? His foot after school today looked worse and I can see pus under the skin.

I called the surgery befor they closed and they've offered an appt with a nurse. I'm wondering what they'd be able to do (if anything?)

Does anyone have experience/advice?

**pic warning** verruca infected?
**pic warning** verruca infected?
OP posts:
strawberryblondebint · 21/04/2017 06:27

What a brave little boy. So happy for you. Scary stuff

blueskyinmarch · 21/04/2017 06:32

I am so glad he has been treated. He will feel much better now I would think.

FancyFingers · 21/04/2017 06:47

Thank you for thinking of him.

OP posts:
Dozer · 21/04/2017 06:51

Goodness, what a night! Glad he was seen and treated: poor thing, and you too. hope it clears up now.

PreemptiveSalvageEngineer · 21/04/2017 07:17


PreemptiveSalvageEngineer · 21/04/2017 07:18

What a lovely update. Well done the both of you! Smile

RedBugMug · 21/04/2017 07:21

wishing your ds (and you!) a good recovery. I hope it heals well and he can run like a mad thing again in o time

Fairybella · 21/04/2017 07:34

What a rave little guy

picklemepopcorn · 21/04/2017 07:36

Brave lad! You must be so relieved. Thank goodness you took him.

Good to know about podiatrists, too!

paddlenorapaddle · 21/04/2017 07:45

So glad he's sorted, how bloody scary goes to show to trust your mummy instincts at all times


ImLadybird · 21/04/2017 07:55

Bless him. What a brave little soldier! Hope he makes a really good recovery and will be marching again soon!

CottonSock · 21/04/2017 08:06

I'm so glad you got it sorted.

UnbornMortificado · 21/04/2017 08:14

Fancy I was on your other thread, pleased to hear he's sorted.

Health anxiety must be horrible, when you have to keep double guessing yourself Flowers

ASDismynormality · 21/04/2017 08:26

That must have been really hard for your DS but it must feel so much better. Glad he's on the mend.

Penfold007 · 21/04/2017 09:02

I've been following your thread but missed your nocturnal posts. We went through similar with DS but on his heel not ball of foot. Ended up in A&E where doctor called in a clinical wound specialist nurse who was amazing. DS went through the debridment, dressing, antibiotics and pen marks on his leg. We were sent home with instructions to check his leg during the night and if the redness was above the line straight back to A&E if not return at 8:30am. Next day the nurse taught me how to clean and dress the would and made an appointment for the wound clinic.
His foot made really good progress and soon healed. A couple of months later there was no scarring or verruca. Hope your DS is soon better.

BoreOfWhabylon · 21/04/2017 09:09

Oh, I'm so pleased Fancy. Poor, brave little chap and poor you.

I didn't see your 2am pic until this morning but that was definitely a tracking line (called lymphangitis) and you did the right thing not waiting to get him sorted.

For someone with health anxiety you have done exceptionally well. You kept your head, you were very objective and the photos were brilliant! Flowers

I hope it will be plain sailing for you and DS from now on. If he has any further verrucca problems then I would follow Punksparkle's advice and find a fully-registered Podiatrist.

DartmoorDoughnut · 21/04/2017 09:18

What a brave boy! Well done for acting and staying strong for him, you must've been beside yourself Flowers

AlistairSim · 21/04/2017 09:21

Well done, Fancy!
I'm so glad it's being sorted and your DS is an absolute star having all that done to him, you must be very proud.

EduCated · 21/04/2017 12:05

Glad to hear you've been seen, and how brace is your DS! Much Brew today.

unlucky83 · 21/04/2017 12:08

Another checking in to see how you got on - glad it is sorted and hopefully on the mend ...and he was brave that must have really hurt but then I guess it was really hurting before too - it must be a relief. (And you were brave too Flowers- it is hard for you too when your DCs are in pain - even when you know it is for the best).
Also glad you got some ABs he can take - but really do see if he can have tablets next is one less worry (but hopefully there won't be a next time for a long time...)

Doyouthinktheysaurus · 21/04/2017 12:11

I'm so pleased you went to A&E, your ds sounds really brave, bless him. I hope you feel a bit more relaxed now op.

Wolfiefan · 21/04/2017 12:14

Thank goodness he has had the right treatment now. I have been following the thread but not really added anything as I had no relevant experience or expertise! It looked incredibly painful and from the pictures was clearly getting much worse very quickly. I hope he recovers quickly b


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PersianCatLady · 21/04/2017 12:22

This is one situation where A & E was absolutely essential and I am so glad that he is feeling better now.

Mamimawr · 21/04/2017 12:33

I'm so pleased he has been treated. A&E was definitely the right thing to do.

stealtheatingtunnocks · 21/04/2017 13:03

Glad he's fine.

Also, bet this solves the verruca problem...

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