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**pic warning** verruca infected?

191 replies

FancyFingers · 19/04/2017 20:07

Ds (6) has had a verruca for a couple of months. Despite treatment from the pharmacy, using various products it's now looking infected.

He cannot put any weight on his foot so is hobbling on his heel. I've tried the corn/verruca circle pads, but nothing is comfortable.

We saw a dr yesterday who prescribed the same gel as the bazuka brand. We've used this before.

What should I do? His foot after school today looked worse and I can see pus under the skin.

I called the surgery befor they closed and they've offered an appt with a nurse. I'm wondering what they'd be able to do (if anything?)

Does anyone have experience/advice?

**pic warning** verruca infected?
**pic warning** verruca infected?
OP posts:
kingscrossnoodle · 20/04/2017 08:33

GP can and will deal just fine with an infected foot.

NorthernLurker · 20/04/2017 08:34

Do not leave the surgery without a) antibiotics and b) a plan to deal with the source of the infection

CottonSock · 20/04/2017 08:34

Owch! Docs or a&e would be my choice

Bringmesunshite · 20/04/2017 08:37

Pay private to see a podiatrist. Worth every penny.

honeysucklejasmine · 20/04/2017 08:37

Ouch. I hope you've been seen already.

GlitteryFluff · 20/04/2017 08:46

Ouch poor thing.
Hope he gets some relief this morning.

FancyFingers · 20/04/2017 08:56

Just waiting to see the nurse. Will keep you posted.

OP posts:
FancyFingers · 20/04/2017 10:12

We were seen very quickly. The nurse said yes it's infected and prescribed 250mg flucloxacillin. No dressing or anything, so I asked about the walking and pain and she gave me a gel plaster.

OP posts:
Looiloo79 · 20/04/2017 10:27

That looks nasty. Glad you got sorted with Antibiotics.

For info the only thing to get rid of my daughters verruca was duct tape !the nurse recommended it and it bloody worked. Google it! I spent a fortune on various treatments and lotions but this is the only thing that got rid! Good luck Smile

TropicalFlamingo · 20/04/2017 10:36

I had loads and they didn't shift for bloody months! Read online about putting nail polish on them to get rid of them and it worked miracles!! Just every day put some nail varnish over it and it should just go. Don't put it on your ds's one now though. It could cause even more of an infection with it being open! Hope it clears soon op.

endofthelinefinally · 20/04/2017 10:38

You must go back if it doesnt look better in 48 hours.

FancyFingers · 20/04/2017 11:03

I'm a bit worried about the dose of antibiotics. It says in the leaflet children up to 10 should take 125mg (5ml) 4 times a day. But ds has 250mg (5ml) 4 times a day, which is the usual adult dose. He is only 6, do you think the nurse made a mistake? She also said to take with food, but leaflet says on empty stomach at least 30 mins to 1 hour before food.

I'm an anxious person so never sure if I'm right to question things.

OP posts:
endofthelinefinally · 20/04/2017 11:08

Maybe she has increased the dose because the infection is bad. But I would be confused about the food.
Can you ask the pharmacist to check with the gp?

steppemum · 20/04/2017 11:08

either phone the surgery and ask them to check the dose, or pop in to a pharmacist if easier and ask them to check.

It may be a mistake, but I have to say my 9 year old had the same antibiotics recently and it was 5ml 4 times a day.

endofthelinefinally · 20/04/2017 11:09

The gp is more likely to speak to the pharmacist.

ASDismynormality · 20/04/2017 11:15

Ask the pharmacist, they can call the GP to double check if they need too. Perhaps get DS a probiotic yoghurt too to help with his tummy as the antibiotics may upset it. Thank lools like a really nasty infection, hope it clears soon.

FancyFingers · 20/04/2017 11:16

Thanks, I'll call in a minute.

Can recall what strength your dc had steppemum? As ds has the 250mg not the 125mg.

OP posts:
FancyFingers · 20/04/2017 11:16

He had one dose before going to school, and was gagging on the taste of it.

OP posts:
ImLadybird · 20/04/2017 11:20

Poor lamb. That looks horrendous. Hope he gets better soon. Flowers

steppemum · 20/04/2017 12:01

Oh sorry just realised your bottle is different strength (was thinking you had to take 2 spoons)
No, sorry, I can't remember the strength. Dd prefected the art, she had a bottle of water ready to drink, and a pack of sweets ready to stick one in her mouth.

It seriously tastes disgusting.

Pharmacist did say that it doesn't have to be 4 doses evenly spread over 24 hours, so you can have one dose before school, and then 3 spread between school and bedtime. The only problem is you are supposed to have it 1 hour before food or 2 after and I couldn't work that out between school and bed!

Maggy74653 · 20/04/2017 12:04

Poor boy that looks horrendous! I hope he is feeling better soon x

BoreOfWhabylon · 20/04/2017 12:17

Glad he's been seen and has antibiotics now.

Keep a very close eye on it and don't hesitate to get him seen again if things seem to be getting worse - increased pain swelling, redness, fever or appearing generally unwell.

Don't be tempted to try any verrucca 'cures' until the infection has gone and the wound has healed. That whole area of thick skin is likely to eventually lift off and you will then be able to see if any of the verrucca has survived.

For any skin lesion/wound anywhere on the body, increased pain, swelling and redness = infection and needs to be seen urgently. If there is also fever and/or feeling generally ill then it's an emergency as it's a sign that the infection is no longer confined to the area but is spreading through the bloodstream. Worst case scenario, it can lead to sepsis.


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FancyFingers · 20/04/2017 12:26

Thanks all for taking the time to reply.

BoreOfWhabylon, the area on the pic that looks like thick skin is in fact yellow/green pus sitting under the skin.

OP posts:
vixsatis · 20/04/2017 12:30

Try cider vinegar. Soak a pad in vinegar and bind over the verucca at night. Repeat a few times. Sounds like witchcraft but I've found this fabulous. The ABs should deal with the infection

LieInRequired · 20/04/2017 12:37

DD (4) had a similarly infected verruca. She was prescribed 250mg, 4x per day. It does taste disgusting. My technique was to give her 2 chocolates (1 for each hand) then I give her the medicine and she concentrates on getting the chocs in her mouth as quickly as possible afterwards.

The infection cleared within a couple of days. I then used Bye Wart, form Holland and Barratt every night, covered in duct tape and micropore over the top to hold it on. The verucca went within 1 week.

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