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A Star is Born

148 replies

TruelyTruelyScrumptious · 30/09/2018 19:17

Just been to a preview screening.

Very emotional film. Liked it more than I thought I would.

Is it the best film of this year as per the hype? Not for me but it is good and well taking time out to see.

Great acting from Bradley Cooper, Lady Gaga and Sam Elliott.

Sadly the wooden acting of whoever played her manager really let the film down with a bizarre British accent and stilted delivery.

Bit too long.

I would recommend it - take the tissues.

OP posts:
KERALA1 · 16/10/2018 00:06

We both really enjoyed. Very well cast now obsessed with soundtrack

ZanyMobster · 16/10/2018 16:18

Kerala1 I have the CD in my car, can't stop listening to it, still makes me feel emotional listening to it. Beautiful songs

EvieV28 · 16/10/2018 17:36

I loved it. I was already a Lady Gaga fan but even more so after this film!

namechangedtoday15 · 16/10/2018 22:43

Just been for 2nd time tonight. Loved it even more 2nd time Grin

Oblomov18 · 17/10/2018 00:08

Just reviewed it. Feel a bit sad. Sad
Kind of wishing I hadn't read so many reviews and believed all the 'hype', before I went, today.

Because I so wanted to love it as much as everyone else seems to:

A Star is Born
ZanyMobster · 17/10/2018 16:02

I know what you mean Oblo, I often feel that way about films. I am not a fan of Titanic or Jurassic Park even though I am aware they are great films. With this one I was so desperate to see it so went on the first day, hadn't seen anything about it other than the trailer and I truly adore it.

ZanyMobster · 17/10/2018 16:02

Namechanged - I preferred it 2nd time too, there were bits I missed 1st time, I cried more lol.

KERALA1 · 17/10/2018 16:13

I didn't have massively high expectations so I really enjoyed it and LOVE the soundtrack and am listening to it lots but it didn't make me cry (unlike the end of La La Land when I was in floods). I found him frustrating tbh just wanted him to pull himself together. And when he was so mean to her in the bath I couldn't get over that unkindness. It jarred with how he was the rest of time.

WhyOhWine · 17/10/2018 16:26

DH and I went to see it on Sunday and really enjoyed it. DDs (13 and 14) chose to see Crazy Rich Asians for a second time instead, but i think they would have been fine with Star is Born.
Crazy Rich Asians remains my favourite film of the year though (on the subject of Shallow)

Secretsquirrel101 · 17/10/2018 18:43

Ohhh I loved it!! Such a beautiful film, although I also feel, as a pp does, that the second half seemed oddly rushed. Proved difficult watching, especially for my DP who lost a loved one in exactly the same way (location and everything) but beautifully done all the same.

Dowser · 20/10/2018 19:44

Hard hearted Hannah here... sat in the loo sobbing my eyes out
Wtf happened

Can’t remember the last time I dabbed my eyes at a movie... it was a full on fucking meltdown

Gaga can act Madonna off the stage.

PawneeParksDept · 20/10/2018 19:48

I had to go and stand at the window and look out before leaving the section where the screens are 

namechangedtoday15 · 20/10/2018 21:00

As said above, have seen it twice. Then played the soundtrack on a long journey today and ended up sobbing!

twosoups1972 · 23/10/2018 13:22

I'm probably alone here but I saw it with 17 year old dd yesterday and we both hated it. Yes Lady G was great in it but it was soooo slow and dull!


OldSpeclkledHen · 23/10/2018 13:25

Think we are going tomorrow night... how long is the film ? X

twosoups1972 · 23/10/2018 13:30

Over 2 hours speckled

Bluntness100 · 23/10/2018 13:31

We both thought it was very good too.

You'd never know it was Bradley and Gaga, they both look so different and they both perform fantastically. Who knew Bradley could sing and Gaga could act. Both extremely well.

Apparently the stage scenes were done live at music events, they went on and sang and Bradley sang. It's not dubbed or whatever. It's his voice.

And I've never fancied him either, but bugger me, in that film he's seriously doable.😜

Poster65 · 23/10/2018 13:40

after seeing this, I kind of hope she produces more of that gutsy, bluesy style in real life

She’s been doing so for many years, since 2014 at least. Radio don’t care for it, unfortunately. Joanne is a belter of an album and I’d recommend it to anyone that loved SiB.
I’ve met her a few times now, she is actually very sweet, much like her Ally character.

OldSpeclkledHen · 23/10/2018 16:51

Thank You @twosoups1972 

namechangedtoday15 · 23/10/2018 18:37

Apparently the stage scenes were done live at music events, they went on and sang and Bradley sang. It's not dubbed or whatever. It's his voice

Yes it was apparently Glastonbury and a country music festival in the US. They didn't play the music through the sound system though because it was all original music that they only wanted to be in the public domain when the film was released. They say in one of the interviews the first 5 rows would have been able to hear it.

ZanyMobster · 23/10/2018 19:52

@OldSpeclkledHen we found they it went really quickly, didn't want it to end. it was truly brilliant. A very serious subject but I loved how they handled it. Not everyone will like a film of course but definitely worth a watch to find out.

Poster65 · 24/10/2018 14:04

I enjoyed the music event parts working out which was what. I knew some of it was filmed at Coachella, and Gagas massive live moment was on her most recent tour


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fruitpastille · 24/10/2018 14:12

I absolutely loved it and want to go again. I wouldn't usually want to see something twice. @Zanymobster I've been watching a lot of their interviews and wondering!

ZanyMobster · 24/10/2018 18:22

fruitpastille - time will tell eh Grin

WidowTwonky · 24/10/2018 23:57

Cooper’s baby girl was born while he was filming this film so sincerely hope nothing was/is going on Hmm

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