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A Star is Born

148 replies

TruelyTruelyScrumptious · 30/09/2018 19:17

Just been to a preview screening.

Very emotional film. Liked it more than I thought I would.

Is it the best film of this year as per the hype? Not for me but it is good and well taking time out to see.

Great acting from Bradley Cooper, Lady Gaga and Sam Elliott.

Sadly the wooden acting of whoever played her manager really let the film down with a bizarre British accent and stilted delivery.

Bit too long.

I would recommend it - take the tissues.

OP posts:
WidowTwonky · 11/10/2018 22:09

All the singing was recorded live too. Really impressed especially with Bradley

ZanyMobster · 11/10/2018 22:48

Elspeth - I cried that first time she sang at his gig too, even more so when she went into the high bit. Its the way he looks at her I think, not sure, it definitely got me though.

I pretty much cried from then till the end, I thought the way they portrayed their relationship was beautiful and he made me melt every time he spoke to her in thst sexy quiet voice. Their chemistry was so special.

I have the soundtrack and there are some beautiful songs on there, I think some that aren't in the film. The songs are even better just listening them stand alone, I can't wait to see the film again as I think they will be even more stunning. I really like Digging my grave and Always remember us this way, they come across well on the soundtrack. Obv Shallow is amazing. Some of her songs that I thought were ok in the film are really good to listen to. Well worth a tenner.

namechangedtoday15 · 12/10/2018 00:14

Saw it tonight. Another household here with Bradley on "the list" but was taken aback by how good his performance was. Don't rate Lady Gaga in real life at all, well she is astounding in this.

I read / saw an interview where Bradley says he doesn't believe in rehearsing and wants them "not to act" - they obviously know their lines but they're not doing take after take - I think that comes across, it's all very natural.

And yes, the way he looks at her as they sing Shallow is gorgeous.

Want to see it again Smile

PawneeParksDept · 12/10/2018 00:18

My favourite song is I'll never love again Sad

But I also love Music To My Eyes and Is that Alright?

SavageBeauty73 · 12/10/2018 08:32

I've seen it twice. Love it!

ZanyMobster · 12/10/2018 12:05

Yes Music to my eyes is beautiful

lazysummer · 12/10/2018 18:48

Did you see more in it the second time? I am keen to see it again- I'm a bit obsessed with it!

PawneeParksDept · 12/10/2018 19:29

I definitely am going to go again next week

ZanyMobster · 12/10/2018 19:49

Lazy - I definitely did, little things I heard or noticed 2nd time made it even better (I went twice in 2 days lol). I was way more emotional the 2nd time though, I was a bit of a wreck in all honesty. The impact of her singing with him at the gig for the first time wasn't quite as 'wow' second time round as i wasn't expecting her to be so good but it still got me. I loved it even more watching again and will definitely go in half term again.

ZanyMobster · 12/10/2018 19:52

My son is 12 and hasnt seen it yet, but hes a guitarist/pianist/singer and has already learnt Always Remember Us This Way and will add it to his set for a gig soon. Both DSs are impressed with the soundtrack, my 12 yo will love the film but I think the content will be a bit much for my 10yo though not sure he'd get the ending anyway as it's fairly subtle. Not really sure but he loves the music.

carrie74 · 13/10/2018 15:48

Went last night, really really enjoyed it, thought their chemistry was great (swoon at Bradley Cooper's eyes), reminded me of how much I love DH (vomit emoji). Music fab, singing amazing. Have always thought Gaga was incredibly talented, she can now add acting to her stable.

ZanyMobster · 13/10/2018 21:09

@carrie74 I don't really fancy Bradley Cooper but I definitely do in this film, his eyes amongst his long hair and beard, the way he looks at her and his deep voice Blush definitely doesn't make me think of DH, I do love him of course though Grin

I must admit, I have never really thought about Lady Gaga all that much one way or another but I thought she was phenominal. I am definitely going to have a listen to her latest album now though.

Has anyone seen their interviews? They seem like they are shagging very close in RL. The chemistry is definitely there, even if it is as friends, it's great to watch actually. I felt that on screen their chemistry was up there with the best I have ever seen from actors, very believeable.

MelonBuffet · 13/10/2018 21:31

This reply has been deleted

Message withdrawn at poster's request.

ZanyMobster · 13/10/2018 22:12

What happened there @MelonBuffet?

April2020mom · 13/10/2018 23:53

Is it good? Is it suitable for children or not?
What’s the film about as well? Would you recommend it or not? How long does it last for? How many stars would you award it out of ten? Is it worth seeing or not? What makes it so good? Can you provide a summary of events during the film or not?

MelonBuffet · 13/10/2018 23:55

I asked MNHQ to zap it as I realised it had a spoiler in it! I know MOST people who read this thread will do so after watching it, but I’d read it before I went (thinking “if it has spoilers I don’t mind”) Grin

MelonBuffet · 13/10/2018 23:56

But I know some bugger would have moaned at me if I’d left it standing.

MelonBuffet · 13/10/2018 23:57

April maybe have a look on Rotten Tomatoes for a summary/review etc. to give you a bit more detail. It’s a 15 so not for kids no.

PawneeParksDept · 13/10/2018 23:58


I would say not suitable for under teens. It's a 12A here

Basic story - established singer, country type discovers unknown girl singing in a bar and she rises to stardom as his star falls.

His star falls because right at the beginning of the film he's a functioning alcoholic and recreational drug user and his abuse only gets worse as the film progresses and he begins to struggle to function at all.

Also contains some strong language and suicide

PawneeParksDept · 13/10/2018 23:59

@MelonBuffet I thought it was a given that this thread was for people who'd seen it I think you're ok

PawneeParksDept · 14/10/2018 00:00

I may be incorrect about 12 it may be a 15

Tortycat · 14/10/2018 00:13

went last night and i loved it. can't believe lady gaga is 32 - she comes across much younger in it. Also found out bradley cooper learnt to play guitar for the role. He's amazing. Article also said the bit where she's in the bath and they argue is ad libbed. tempted to see it again but think it might be too sad!


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ZanyMobster · 14/10/2018 08:27

I'm fairly certain it is a lower rating than 15 in many other countries. My gut feeling is fine for teens.

Melon Grin

April- it is a brilliant film, definitely worth a watch. It's emotionally tough I think.

Torty- I found it more harrowing second time, I had to stay till after the credits as needed to get myself together.

crazycatgal · 14/10/2018 10:17

@April2020mom It's a 15, definitely not for children.

HoardingQueen · 15/10/2018 22:16

Went with Mum and our friend, we all loved it and cried, Bradley Cooper so good, didn't have much time for Lady Gaga before, however she is just fantastic in this, really outstanding, huge screen presence, and the very last still of her just gets you, want to see it again already!

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