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Mental health

Titania - if you see this could you post just to let us know how you are. Lots of us care.

129 replies

mummytosteven · 08/03/2005 17:22

as above

OP posts:
1980louisiana · 09/03/2005 01:43

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nightowl · 09/03/2005 01:48

ffs its nothing to do with making themselves feel better..its because they care. do you not know anything about friendship? your comments are downright bitchy and im sure if you knew this person you would think differently. its too late now to delete this argument i think actually. i hope you are pleased with yourself.

1980louisiana · 09/03/2005 01:53

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MamaMaiasaura · 09/03/2005 01:53

Louisania - i have read your previous entries on being depressed and it sounds like you have a hell of a lot on your plate. Could it be that you feel this 'anger' towards titiania because she is handling things in the way you percieve to be the best way.

Reading your previous entries it seems that you are getting very little support and indeed found nightowls advice helpful..

Perhaps, as hard and frightening as it might be for you, reading other peoples entries are highlihgting for you issues you are facing and the support you may be lacking? iykwim

MamaMaiasaura · 09/03/2005 01:58

bugger - i worded that completely wrong.. I meant handling things in a way you perceive not to be the best way.

JaysMum · 09/03/2005 01:59

You are right Louisiana....a discussion is made up of peoples different opinions....sadly though your opinions are very ill informed therefore they account for zilch.

You know nothing of the reasons why vlost acted in the way she did. You know nothing of the support she has offered other moms here. You know nothing about the friendships she has or the problems she faces on a daily basis.
You have no right to chastise those who are supporting their friend in the one way they know they can. vlost needs practical support and her friends know that and are prepared to help because they value her frienship.

Levanna · 09/03/2005 02:02

Louisiana, I haven't read your previous entries, in fact I don't recognise your name at all. From what has been said, you yourself have received help from others on MN before. It is entirely innapropriate to act this way now that those same people are offering help to someone else; You at times have been happy to receive it? Therefore I can only assume that the money is the issue that is bothering you? Please remember that vlost didn't ask for money, it was various MNers way of offering a practical form of help. But, this thread wasn't about vlost anyway, it was about Titania. Please have some respect for others suffering from the illness you also have.

nightowl · 09/03/2005 02:07

sorry, not quite understanding what you meant about me awen? was that sarcasm, typo or have i seen louisiana on a previous thread? i dont attack people louisiana, i never have, but what you said was cruel and it pissed me off. not only for my friend but for anyone else who feels the same.

MamaMaiasaura · 09/03/2005 02:10

sorry nightowl? Did you mean what I said was cruel?

You have seen louisanna in prev thread and offered her some very kind advice infact. Was def not being sarcastic.

nightowl · 09/03/2005 02:12

no not you awen, lousiana. i thought she was very cruel in her post tonight. i dont recall speaking to her before!

essbee · 09/03/2005 02:12

Message withdrawn

MamaMaiasaura · 09/03/2005 02:15

oh ok nightowl. wires crossed

1980louisiana · 09/03/2005 02:15

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essbee · 09/03/2005 02:17

Message withdrawn

nightowl · 09/03/2005 02:19

right lets just drop it now yeah? better left alone. damage is done. person concerned has seen it. i am not going to argue anymore tonight and respect essbee's wishes.

essbee · 09/03/2005 02:20

Message withdrawn

SoupDragon · 09/03/2005 08:12

Oh well done.

Nothing like attacking someone when they're down is there. Thanks a f*cking bundle

katierocket · 09/03/2005 08:13

this is shite. Please delete this thread mumsnet.

LGJ · 09/03/2005 08:14


Ignore her, in fact I would money on alcohol being involved, but a huge apology is required.

Please give Ess my love.

Only in Farnham if required.

LGJ · 09/03/2005 08:15

I would bet money even

mummytosteven · 09/03/2005 08:15

i have e-mailed the team to ask for abusive posts to be deleted.

am and hope that Titania never see this. if there is even a 1% possibiliy that someone is genuinely severely depressed, even if you have suspicions they are an attention seeker, it is wicked to risk pushing them further over the edge.

OP posts:
SoupDragon · 09/03/2005 08:15

It's too late for that though. Unless T hasn't seen it - she'd probably be just as upset by it.

fck ar$e bllocks. Have to go on school run now leaving essbee here.


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LGJ · 09/03/2005 08:16

I have started a hugs for ESSBEE thread to counteract the nastiness of one person on here, please post and let Essbee see how loved she is.

mummytosteven · 09/03/2005 08:17

could we avoid posting any further on here to take it out of active just in case that helps T not see this?

OP posts:
katierocket · 09/03/2005 08:17

have emailed mumsnet to alert them to this thread. I realise it originally for Titania but I just don't think, given everything that's happened, it should remain on MN

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