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Mental health

Titania - if you see this could you post just to let us know how you are. Lots of us care.

129 replies

mummytosteven · 08/03/2005 17:22

as above

OP posts:
miam · 09/03/2005 00:37

No I don't like it! I know her and what she has gone through - you obviously don't! How do you think your comments are going to help? And I think you are confusing Titania with someone else who desperately needs help. Your comments were completely out of order 1980louisiana. And if you don't like it - too bad.

jampots · 09/03/2005 00:39

i have sent this thread to HQ in the hope they delete that offensive post although dont think the thread itself should be deleted as it may help someone - god forbid!!

louisiana - what happened when you took 30 paracetamol. Only my friend worked in liver ITU for many years and dealt with many many people who died after accidental od sometimes as few as 3 or 4 over the normal dosage

1980louisiana · 09/03/2005 00:39

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nightowl · 09/03/2005 00:39

lousiana, how dare you! firstly you are wrong in your assumption and that comment was not productive to either party.. secondly, what gives you the right to judge anyone else? do you want to frighten off people who are crying out for help? would you like that on your consience? i dont recall speaking to you before and i dont know your circumstances, im sorry if they arent good but i think you have a damn cheek jumping in here like this. its not often, in fact, never that i have posted anything like this on mn but your attitude stinks. yes i suffer from depression too which means i dont belittle anyone who suffers from it. that is the kind of comment which could easily push someone over the edge. what IS your problem exactly?

jampots · 09/03/2005 00:45

well to start with its offensive to assume its titania who od'ed.

its also offensive to assume that vlost od'ed to get herself a grand

its offensive to just jump straight in and start accusing about something you clearly know nothing about

its offensive to assume everyone feels the same as you

its offensive to think you know it all cos your cousin killed herself

sallystrawberry · 09/03/2005 00:45

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charleypops · 09/03/2005 01:01

Louisiana - you're obviously very angry, hurt and bitter about what has happened in your family and I'm really sorry about that. It seems to have made you cynical, (towards horrible situations like this anyway), which I can understand. Cries for help and "attention seeking" though can be very serious things and thank goodness MN is here to hear them. I only wish there had been more help out there for your relative

MN is real people and they have come to the rescue in an emergency. Don't you think that is something to hold onto in our paranoid, self centered greedy times? You might be jealous that whoever the recipient was has got a bit of money. Can't you try to be happy for her though? I'm sure she desperately appreciates it. I think it's a little miracle.

Being bitter is very aging you know and a complete waste of time and life x

1980louisiana · 09/03/2005 01:13

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nightowl · 09/03/2005 01:20

lousiana, that is my friend you are talking about and i wont have you slate her. ive no way to stop her looking at this. she is also a friend to many others on here. go stick your head back where it belongs because you are REALLY annoying me. go drop your self centred opinions in the cut...and im being polite.

1980louisiana · 09/03/2005 01:23

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nightowl · 09/03/2005 01:27

so childish. why so bitter? mn is here for all of us. i dont need paying to be someones friend thank you very much. i just dont understand why you would obviously try to put down someone who doesnt deserve it?

Snugs · 09/03/2005 01:28

oh go boil your head Lousiana ffs

1980louisiana · 09/03/2005 01:28

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nightowl · 09/03/2005 01:29

because your opinion is a load of shit. basically. why are you shouting btw?

Levanna · 09/03/2005 01:30

Second nightowl and Snugs.
I'm not feeling particularly eloquent at this hour, so to cut it short.
Get lost!

1980louisiana · 09/03/2005 01:30

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JaysMum · 09/03/2005 01:30

Ignore the ignorance....
Lousiana, go to bed!!!

1980louisiana · 09/03/2005 01:31

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1980louisiana · 09/03/2005 01:32

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nightowl · 09/03/2005 01:33

lousiana please just quit now eh? you dont realise what you are doing.

JaysMum · 09/03/2005 01:33

You are sick!!!!

MamaMaiasaura · 09/03/2005 01:34

Louisianna, i found it incredibley sad to read your background and even sadder that your attitude is so clearly bigoted.

Surely, having been prescribed antidepressents you must have had a sense of hopelessness.

I believe that being able to talk to people is essential and tbh it shouldnt matter the number of tablets taken it is the thinking/emotions behind it.

Whilst you have had a suicide in the family and you yourself have taken an overdose you are not unique in your experiences and it is not for you or any of us to judge.

If you do not have anything helpful to say dont say it

Regarding financial donations, i dont believe that is was for T and regardless, as i personally didnt know vlost or situation i havent given financial help. Plus i am skint cos studying for Mental Health Nursing..

Perhaps Lou you could reflect on where your anger stems from and address some quite clearly difficult issues you have experienced


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maria1966 · 09/03/2005 01:38

Hi,fairly new to mn and found it a great help.Although I just came upon this thread and thought this is not helping anyone.

charleypops · 09/03/2005 01:38

I wasn't attacking you Louisiana, your post just came across like that to me. I took ADs for years, been in hospital, did an od too, so know what depression's like. I felt very bitter/angry for a long time for instance towards anyone with a close family. Seeing a mum having a joke with her daughter used to make me feel physically sick. So to me feelings like that are part and parcel of being depressed. That's why I assumed you posted. I can only see how distorted my view of the world was now I'm not depressed and off the tablets.

I remember feeling completely alone and isolated and unable to speak to anyone about how I felt. I felt ashamed, depression was a dirty word. I think if I'd had MN back then, there's a good chance I might've posted something similar to that thread. The internet is unique and opens up communication in a totally new way. Vlost must have felt ashamed herself otherwise she wouldn't have used a pseudonym. Maybe it was a cry for help. I'm just glad she did it here. I dread to think how she'd have felt if no one had responded. I think the fact people did donate will make her feel better. And as for people donating to make themselves feel better, isn't that what motivates everyone to do anything at all? It's better than going round being a complete bitch to everyone you meet to make yourself feel better surely? (I'm not saying you do that by the way, it was just an example)

MamaMaiasaura · 09/03/2005 01:40

well said charlypops.

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