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Fasting / 5:2 diet

5:2 Thread number 62: "If God wanted me to touch my toes, she’d have put chocolate on the floor ?” There’s a more scientific approach to nutrition & fitness in our friendly support group.

1001 replies

BigChocFrenzy · 16/03/2016 15:22

Welcome to the continuing thread for those following 5:2 or other forms of IF (Intermittent Fasting) such as 4:3, ADF, or daily 16:8
The 5:2 diet was introduced by Michael Mosely on BBC Horizon on August 2012:

Basically it is 2 very low cal days ("fasts") per week - which need not be consecutive - and eat "normally" the other 5 days.

For those who have dieted or maybe overeaten for years, eating "normally" means roughly the number of calories your body needs to maintain - NOT reduce - its weight (see TDEE calculator below).

If you have had Eating Disorders you should NOT do 5:2 or any other kind of fasting


16:8 is a different type of fasting, which can be combined with 5:2.
Daily zero-cal fast for 16 hours and eat within an 8 hour window. To lose weight, this needs a weekly calorie deficit as well

4:3 = fast on 3 non-consecutive days per week

ADF (Alternate-Day Fasting) = fast every other day

BMI (Body Mass Index) healthy range is 18.5 - 24.9 for Caucasians. Upper limit may be 22 for some of Asian origin.

FD = Fast Day: aim for 500 calories (600 for men or 25% TDEE if higher) or 1000 cals for BF
Even if you exercise strenuously, do NOT increase FD cals

MFP = My Fitness Pal, a useful App or website to track food & drink calories

NFD = Non-Fast Day, averages around TDEE

NSV / LSV = Non Scale Victory / LifeStyle (change) Victory, e.g. compliment, smaller waist, new skinny jeans

SV = Scale Victory

TDEE = Total Daily Energy Expenditure, the average number of calories you burn in a day, is calculated (see calculators below) from your current weight, height, age, activity level.
Aim to average about this for NFDs.

WOE / WOL = Way Of Eating / Way Of Life. We say this instead of "diet", to emphasise that we must make a permanent change in how we eat, to maintain our new healthy weight longterm.


. Take initial measurements: weight, waist, hips
. Use TDEE calculator below as a rough guide to how much to eat on NFDs
. Choose any 2 days for FDs, non-consecutive is easier.
. Before each FD: plan, shop & calorie count ALL food & drink for the day

Useful Resources & Calculators
Calorie Counter: mfp , mfp
Calories for NFD: TDEE Calc
FD Recipes: BBC Good Food 52 , Good2Know , NHS 10 Recipes under 100 cals , Mirror 5:2 50 snacks under 50 cals
FD Ready Meals, Takeaways, Restaurant: Mirror , Indie
Safe Alcohol: Calc Daily UnitsCalories , Calc Weekly Units
BMI: Calc
Body Frame Size: Calc
Calc Ideal Weight Range
Body Fat: Calc
Choose / Visualise Goal Weight: 3D BMI ripped / normal , Bod Vis 3D rotate

FAQs / Tips

  • WATER: Start each day with a glass of water; and drink plenty during the day.
  • HOT DRINKS: No limits on tea or coffee, just count any milk / sugar calories on FDs.
  • FDs: If possible, choose days when you are busy, but not preparing meals for others.Concentrate on protein & veg; avoid / reduce starchy carbs & sugar, including juice.

Soups & stews are good; ready meals are fine.
Most prefer either to skip breakfast & save most cals for supper, or have 2 meals.
  • BFers: start with 1000-cal FDs; optionally, reduce to 700 cals gradually. You can return to 1000 if growth spurts or sleep-deprivation require more fuel.
  • NFDs: No rules, but to improve health, try to cut down on added sugar & junk food, keep alcohol within safe limits. A few treats per week are good though!

Aim for TDEE, but you may under-eat by say 20% on 3 NFDs to save calories for weekend.
  • CLENCH for health: Men & women should exercise pelvic floor daily
  • SLEEP: Try to get enough sleep, or it may slow weight loss.
  • EXERCISE: is healthy & can help weight loss - BUT only if you do NOT eat back exercise calories. Fasted training can burn more fat.

HIIT and resistance training both work well with 5:2/IF.
If you exercise, do NOT increase FD cals
  • To speed up weight loss and to train yourself how to eat on maintenance,

optionally calculate the lower TDEE for goal weight, but eat to current weight TDEE at least 1 day per week.
  • Do NOT fast: if you've ever had EDs, or if pregnant, under 21, over-stressed, fever, stomach bug, even a bad cold.

When ill, your body usually needs more nutrients and less stress. So don't force yourself to eat, but if hungry then eat nutritious food to TDEE & cut out junk, added sugar, fizzy drinks, alcohol.
  • CHECK with your Doctor: if you have diabetes, any other endocrine condition, any serious past or present medical condition, or if taking ANY prescribed medication (fasting may affect absorption rate)

Useful MN Threads

Browse previous 5:2 threads in the fasting section

Exercise: BigChocFrenzy's thread gives advice & support on combining 5:2 with exercise. The OP explains the science behind fasting, exercise & health and has many calculators.

Tips and Links : BreadandWine collects practical tips & info gained over all the 5:2 threads.

Inspirational EatRiskier has reports from Mumsnet 5:2ers who have lost weight.

Recipes: FrenchFancy has many FD recipes. Post your own here too.

Maintaining: talkinpeace's thread is for those who have successfully lost weight on 5:2/IF and are now maintaining (some for 2 years +)

Scientific Evidence for Fasting & Health

BBC article on the Horizon program

Telegraph comments on 5:2 and gives a brief overview by Dr Mosley, useful for newbies.

This InterviewPart1 and InterviewPart2 with leading ADF researcher Dr Varady explains why fasting helps you to lose weight AND improves some health markers.

A science Study specifically addressed the effect of this diet on obese men & women, wrt health and weight loss:

"... After 8 weeks of treatment, participants had an average 12.5 lbs reduction in body weight and a 4cm decrease in waist circumference. Total fat mass declined by about 12 lbs while lean body mass remained relatively constant."
i.e. almost all the weight lost was FAT, not muscle or water, - in most diets, 25% of lost weight is muscle, up to 50% for sleb crash diets.

It also describes improved blood values:
"Plasma adiponectin, a protein hormone that is elevated in obesity and associated with heart disease, dropped by 30%. As did LDL cholesterol (25%) and triglycerides (32%)."

Dr Michelle Harvie (funded by cancer charities) showed possible benefits of intermittent fasting compared to standard daily calorie reduction in her trials (consecutive FDs) with women at high risk of breast cancer: ComparingDiets , EarlierResearch52

Dr Johnson showed intermittent fasting helped Asthma

Why Intermittent Fasting Works: Mattson , BlackSwan and Hormesis

Molecular Mechanisms and Clinical Applications: J CellMetabolism
Recent research into the health benefits of fasting: e.g. by world-respected neuroscientist Dr MarkMattson showed:
. Improved glucose regulation
. Loss of abdominal fat with maintenance of muscle mass
. Reduced blood pressure and heart rate
. Improved learning and memory and motor function
. Protection of neurons in the brain against dysfunction and degeneration in animal models of Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, stroke and Huntington’s disease.

Some of his research is in HealthyAging , Health , AvoidParkinsonsDisease

His recent article in J Aging Mech Disease 2015 explains the health benefits of intermittent fasting in great scientific detail.

Also this interview with a leading researcher into fasting in combination with standard cancer treatment: ScientificDiscussion MoselyMattsonLongo and a LongoInterview

Research by other US and European scientists in this DailyTelegraph Article about the medicinal uses of fasting, for many serious conditions & diseases.

Recent trials with Type 2 diabetics and those at risk of having it used a form of daily fasting - skipping supper.
Their conclusions: eating 1-2 meals per day is better than several small meals for losing weight and controlling insulin levels, see Type2Paper


A BIG THANK YOU to everyone who has contributed their experience and tips over all these threads.
This has created a wealth of very valuable practical knowledge to help us all.
Any lurkers and newbies, come join us and share your experiences too. These are lovely supportive threads and everyone is welcome !
OP posts:
BigChocFrenzy · 17/03/2016 17:40

Stay focused, Thursday fasters. Remember our mantra:
I can have it tomorrow
Welcome back, bugsy
We've learned quite a bit since 2013, so why not read the HOW TO START section in the OP, for all the latest tips, calculators & resources.

Captain Many others here save nearly all cals for supper.
It's simple, allows a pretty decent meal and the longer fasting period maximises weight loss and health benefits.

However, for those who find just one meal too tough, don't worry in the slightest:
The most important thing is to actually be able to do an FD; the meal distribution is of secondary importance - just fine tuning & optimisation.

Well done on your SV, Pooch
I suggest you aim for a mini-FD (sub-1000) tomorrow, healthy, i.e. no junk or booze, plus a brisk walk if you can.
Depending on how the day goes, allow it to turn into FD2 or a below TDEE NFD.

You are back on track now, Purple and losing at the comfy standard 1lb per week.
That really adds up over the weeks.

OP posts:
FelicityFunknickle · 17/03/2016 17:49

Fd here. Was doing really well, barely noticed tbh.
Now am struggling because dh had agreed to make dinner for him and dcs, now that has fallen through and i am making risotto that im not allowed to eat. Torture!

PersisFord · 17/03/2016 18:08

Stay strong felicity I have eaten 2 spoons of the kids bolognaise (missed lunch due to stupid things!) and will subtract it from my supper calories....but it's not worth it!! Nicer to eat your own meal, sitting at the table.

BigChocFrenzy · 17/03/2016 18:52

Stay focused, Felicity and do NOT nibble or have a taste - it just makes you hungrier
It would be basically snacking Shock which we should avoid on FDs and NFDs too.

OP posts:
annielostit · 17/03/2016 19:12

How you doing Thursday fasters, all good?
Just had chilli baked cod with tomato sauce & green beans for my dinner - was amazing, even though I say so myself
Also found 3 pickled onions & fizzy water takes the edge off.
Will have a cuppa later and kitchen closed at 580.

OohMrDarcy · 17/03/2016 19:52

Evening all,

FD nearly complete here - on 495 but admit I'm struggling tonight! Will get DD to bed (DS already gone) and make myself a cuppa to tide me over I think.... Strong mentally and I'm having a Costa tomorrow (skinny, decaf, sugar free syrup - not sure why I bother Wink ) after braving the dentist again - for the hygenist this time, scale and polish - nothing too scary , though I've not been before for that so was still fear of the unknown - however I did still brave the FD too - The mental strength is returning, and another step closer to the original me!

Well done to all the other Thursday fasters - felicity, stay strong!

fusspot66 · 17/03/2016 19:56

I like a gherkin for a snack annie
Less antisocial than a pickled onion Grin

BigChocFrenzy · 17/03/2016 20:21

Some weekends I munch roast garlic cloves. No vampire comes near me nor does anyone else

OP posts:
Captainladder · 17/03/2016 20:30

Ooof, felicity that is torture! Well done you. (And everyone else!) I don't know how many calories I had tonight (I know it's part of the 5:2 thing but I loose the will to live if I start calorie counting!) so I had kale chips, bowl of beetroot soup and a chickpea burger (basically just chick peas with spring onions and spices fried in a teeny bit of oil, no bun) it's probably more than 500 but much less than I would normally have had so am happy with that. Must look up some good meals that are already calorie counted....Managed to drink about 3 L in total, water and herbal tea. So all in all a good day!

Tomorrow will be all about NOT SNACKING between meals. Glad I've hit the reset button on stuffing face.... If I got to 6 without eating I can surely manage to go from one meal to the next without!

Thank you so much everyone for all the encouragement, love reading how everyone is getting along!

Clearskies99 · 17/03/2016 21:07

FD over here, ready for bed. It's gone well, though have felt very hungry and had some extra prawns to keep me away from all the other food in the kitchen!. Body shedding alot of weight at the moment, another 1/2lb down this morning (am looking at the scales more as I can feel I'm losing weight at the moment and it's so satisfying!)

Zero snacking between meals is really helping change my whole mindset around food. I like the thought of 17 meals a week and that's it ( 5 days of 3, 2 days of 2)

Well done Thursday fasters Smile -

Clearskies99 · 17/03/2016 21:09

Yay for the growing mental strength MrD you're getting there Smile

Clearskies99 · 17/03/2016 21:15

oops maybe I mean 19 meals a week, you can tell I'm tired!

BigChocFrenzy · 17/03/2016 21:20

Well done on your SV, clear You're in the groove now
(remember if you get another plateau - it's just a temporary pause)

OP posts:
PersisFord · 17/03/2016 21:33

Hi everyone. Just eating my (horrible) soup then a jelly and an options hot choc for me and bed. Am shattered, today was hard, but apart from my 2 spoonfuls of bolognaise I stayed strong and resisted cheese on toast and flapjack at my favourite cafe, porridge muffins baked at home (the house smells amazing, although knowing the twins made them puts me off a bit Grin), hot chocolate with cream and macaroni cheese. Bloody hell. No wonder I'm tired!!!

Well done Thursday people. Weigh in for me in the morning and I'm not optimistic for a loss....but a stable would be great!!

FelicityFunknickle · 17/03/2016 22:39

Thank you for the support.
I did eat a morsal (or 2) of cooked turkey. But other than that had nothing apart from my lunch of celery with a little bit of ham a d a.ittle bit of mozarella. And then a low cal hot choc.
Off to bed now.
Well done persis. Good resistance there.

BigChocFrenzy · 17/03/2016 23:37

Well done Persis, Felicity and all the other Thursday fasters

OP posts:
FelicityFunknickle · 18/03/2016 06:11

I feel so amazing the morning after a fd.
Having had very little sleep (strss related) I still feel like I could go for a run. Would love to but have to shoot off to work.
Good luck to all the Friday fasters. It's just one day.
No snacking for me today. I really ned to rein in my nfds a d not treat them like "stuffmyfacedays"

doineedhelp · 18/03/2016 06:58

Morning all 😀
FD here too, never attempted a Friday so a bit apprehensive as Fri has always = treat day for me (mostly wine!) Need to keep telling myself I can have it tomorrow...
Good luck to any other Friday fasters 😊

annielostit · 18/03/2016 07:37

Morning all,
Good luck Friday fasters, its not something I can do, Friday is the night me & dh catch up on the week with a large glass of something . I'll work towards it when he's away on business.
I know your feelings felicity, I woke at 6 wide-awake & not to have a stuff my face day.
Happy today as scales is kind. On Monday after a week away I was 12-10, today 12-3. My resolve in february to get to this weekend on a STS has worked. Now to get to the 11s by July 1stGrin
Have a good one all.x

Clearskies99 · 18/03/2016 07:37

Thanks BCF

SV victory here, another 1/2lb down so that's 3 1/2 lb since start of week. And finally got to my milestone of 2 stone down since early January HOORAY! HOORAY!

Still 'obese' but going in the right direction Smile

Well done persis and felicity it's hard fasting surrounded by other tempting food.

Watch out felicity for post FD mega-hunger ,especially if you haven't slept much. I've had this a few times and then eaten back the calories. Plan your food today well and no snacks!

Clearskies99 · 18/03/2016 07:39

well done annie

have a good day all!

PersisFord · 18/03/2016 09:14

Hi everyone! NFD here, am in awe of the Friday fasters as ever. Really wanted breakfast today, so had a low fat Greek yoghurt with a tiny drizzle of honey and it was lush!! V pleased not to have eaten a massive bowl of shreddies or something instead! And lots of water, 2 pints already!!


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PersisFord · 18/03/2016 09:17

Well done annie and clear for the awesome awesome SVs!!!

OohMrDarcy · 18/03/2016 09:27

Morning all

another 1lb down on weigh in today, had hoped for 2, but not the end of the world - especially as had a bit more bleeding this week - and where I don't normally have TOTM due to implant, I have no idea if that was a breakthrough bleed or an attempt at a TOTM haha!

BMI now 33.8 - its quite exciting seeing it tick closer to just being 'overweight' I will be doing a massive celebratory dance when I get sub 30!!

Well done for all the other SVs - looks like its been a good week all around!

Theonlyweighisdown · 18/03/2016 09:28

Happy Friday Fast Day! Shamelessly page marking the new thread Grin

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