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Fasting / 5:2 diet

The 5:2 Thread number 43: Had too much Easter chocolate? Is the sugar monster chasing you? Come and join us in kicking the carb-cravings and getting back to healthy eating habits with intermittent fas

999 replies

BetsyBell · 24/04/2014 11:15

The continuing thread for those of us following the 5:2 fast or other forms of fasting such as 4:3, ADF, or daily 16:8.

The 5:2 diet was featured on Horizon in August 2012 and essentially requires you to fast for 2 non-consecutive days per week. The other 5 days, you can eat normally - or approximately your Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE - see explanation below). 4:3 is the same except you fast on 3 days in the week. Alternate-day fasting (ADF) is just how it sounds; you fast every other day. 16:8 is another form where you stick to only eating in an 8 hour window each day, therefore fasting for 16 hours each day.

By "fasting", we mean that we keep our calorie consumption very low; around 500 calories on average for a woman, 600 for a man, on those days.

You'll find on these threads we use a number of acronyms. If you're new to the threads, or Mumsnet in general, they might not make much sense.

WOE/WOL = Way Of Eating/Way Of Life. We use this term instead of "diet" as many of us see this as something to do in the long term.

MFP = My Fitness Pal, a website or app many use for keeping track of the number of calories they're eating.

TDEE = Total Daily Energy Expenditure, quantifies the number of calories you burn in a day. This measure is best estimated by scaling your Basal Metabolic Rate to your level of activity. TDEE is critical in tailoring your nutrition plan to desired fitness goals. Here is a link to a TDEE calculator to help you figure out how many calories you should be eating in a day.

NFD = Non fast day.

NSV/LSV = Non scale victory/Lifestyle (change) victory.

Michael Mosley has a website to accompany his book on the subject. Please go check it out, as he's the whole reason most of us are here!

Lurkers and new starters: please just jump in and post - you'll find a lot of support here and we’re a friendly bunch.

Here is a list of links to get you started with this way of eating. Please let us know if you find a new article or some other information online:

Other Threads
All our previous threads can be found by browsing through the fasting section of the site.

Tips and Links : breadandwine’s resource for some of the tips and links that get lost in these big threads. In addition to sharing links, we try to condense some of our top tips for fasting there. Keep in mind, we all do this differently, so these are just tips, not rules. This might be a good place to catch up with us if you're feeling a bit lost!

Inspirational: eatriskier’s thread has some lovely inspiring stories which are worth checking out if you want some motivation to get started or keep going through a plateau. Please add your own too.

Recipes: frenchfancy has a recipe thread over here, please post any low-calorie recipes there so they don't get lost in these bigger threads!

Exercise: bigchocfrenzy has an incredibly informative and helpful exercise and fitness thread for discussion and advice on combining 5:2 with an exercise regime.

Maintaining: If you've been at this a while and are moving on to maintaining your goal weight, there is a thread here to discuss that.

Other links
This is a BBC article regarding Michael Mosley's findings, which was featured on Horizon - link to that programme here.

This Telegraph article comments on the diet and gives a brief overview by Dr Mosley himself, very informative if you're just starting.

This blog post gives some of the scientific explanation for why this way of eating helps you to not only lose weight, but improve your all-around health.

This link nicely demonstrates that there are many ‘right’ body shapes and types, because what we are actually aiming for is low body fat for fitness and health.

A study discussed here gives commentary specifically addressing the effect of this diet on obese people (both men and women), with regard to both health and weight loss. ("After 8 weeks of treatment, participants had an average 12.5lbs reduction in body weight and a 4cm decrease in waist circumference. Total fat mass declined by about 12 lbs while lean body mass remained relatively constant. It also mentions "Plasma adiponectin, a protein hormone that is elevated in obesity and associated with heart disease, dropped by 30%. As did LDL cholesterol (25%) and triglycerides (32%).")

If you’ve been researching IF you may have come across this article which is highly negative about women with BMI in the normal range. Here’s our response to that:

  • With a healthy BMI, those who want to be leaner will usually find weight and waist loss to be much slower than for overweight folk, since, less fat and inches are available to lose.

  • The women with healthy BMIs already had healthier blood sugar than the men in the study. Hence nothing really needed improving.

  • Women who have had health problems on IF were NOT doing 5:2, but the

much tougher ADF or 16:8, ^combined with heavy lifting (often multiples of body weight) AND
were often starting from already ultra-low BF 12-16% range.^

-Many were already missing periods or had EDs before IF, due to the low BF %, over-training and over-stressing.

5:2 is a gentler form of IF than ADF or Leangains and there’s plenty of anecdotal evidence from longterm 5:2ers, now with healthy BMI, who are continuing to have very positive results and experiences on this WOE.

A BIG THANK YOU to all who have been contributing. Most of us are learning this way of eating as we go along. All of the links above have been posted by others in our previous threads, and they've been very helpful.

A HUGE THANK YOU to Greeneggsandnicht for putting together all this info and resources into one concise OP text, much appreciated by so many 5:2ers!

Come join us, and tell us about your experiences with this way of life!

And lastly, a few FAQs/Healthy tips :

  • WATER: Start each day with a pint of water; and drink plenty during the day.
  • Hot drinks: No limits on tea or coffee any day, just note any milk / sugar calories on FDs.
  • FDs: Concentrate on protein & veg; avoid / reduce starchy carbs & sugar, including juice. Soups & stews are good; ready meals are fine. Old hands skip breakfast & save most cals for supper.
  • NFDs: No rules, but to improve health, try to cut down on added sugar, artificial sweeteners, fizzy drinks, junk food. A few treats per week are good though! Aim to average TDEE over NFDs each week, but you may under-eat by say 20% on 3 NFDs to save calories for weekend.
  • CLENCH for health: Men & women should exercise pelvic floor daily.
  • BREASTFEEDERS: Start with 1000-cal FDs; optionally, reduce to 700 cals gradually. You can return to 1000 if growth spurts or sleep-deprivation require more fuel.
  • SLEEP: Everybody needs enough sleep, or it may slow weight loss.
  • EXERCISE: Is healthy & can help weight loss if you you do NOT eat back exercise calories. Fasted training can burn more fat. HIIT works well with 5:2/IF.

  • Do NOT fast : If pregnant, under 21, have EDs, any illness, even a bad cold. When ill, your body usually needs more nutrients and less stress. So eat to TDEE & cut out junk, added sugar, fizzy drinks.
  • Check with your Doctor: If you have diabetes, any other endocrine condition, or if taking ANY prescribed medication (fasting may affect absorption rate).
OP posts:
TheOrchardKeeper · 25/04/2014 06:24

Some of you lot have impressive will power Shock

I've yet to refine mine Blush Grin But hoping a few more FDs under my belt will change that...

Quick question, my TDEE seems to be 2,100 no matter what calculator I use but other calculators say my daily cal intake only needs to be around 1,900 for my weight/height. But that's not taking the excercise I do into account. So if I have 2 fast days a week and eat inbetween 1,900 and 2,100 on the NFD will I lose much weight?

I am god awful at working out stuff like that. Thanks!

BetsyBell · 25/04/2014 07:03

orchard if you're planning to be exact in your calorie recording why don't you aim for the lower figure in the week so that you can let loose a bit at the weekends or on meals out? It's worth thinking about your intake over a weekly schedule rather than daily. I try to keep lean and mean on weekdays (ie avoid sugar and booze) but allow for some good chocolate, decent pudding and some wine at the weekend.

Bear in mind that your Tdee will reduce as you lose weight so don't forget to recalculate from time to time.

OP posts:
BetsyBell · 25/04/2014 07:05

boleh don't worry about the small gain, you'll probably shift that in a fast day or two Smile

OP posts:
Sendintheshiraz · 25/04/2014 07:06

Hi all, place marking here Grin

Big hello to all the new people on thread, I'm also new in that this is only my 3rd week of fasting, have lost 6lb in total so far (last weighed self last Sat) have realised that I've not boasted that achievement as (a) We went away last sat to see relatives and (b) the fallout from (a) involved copious amounts of bad stuff going in my gob.... but two more successful FDs behind me this week (Tues and Thurs) and will weigh in tomo and report back, hopefully I will have just STS or maybe a teeny loss. Still got 1.5 stones to go but hey that sounds better than 2 stone!

Not as regular a poster as I'd like to be but I do try to keep up. Two small DCs with chicken pox in two weeks has prevented me from doing anything for more than 5 mins, has been a mare, just as one recovered/we could go out again, the baby got it Shock but, at least I can cover her up/contain her this time....

There are some fab recipes and ideas on here :-)

GL to you all today, NFD here and planning on cooking paella tonight

TheOrchardKeeper · 25/04/2014 07:09

Thanks Betsy Smile

I've cut down on the white stuff a lot (bread, pasta etc) and eat more wholemeal in smaller portions with more beg to bulk it up. That helps.

Know I have a party tomorrow so will make sure I eat carefully-ish today and early next week to balance it out.

Chicaboooo · 25/04/2014 07:13

So having completed my first fast day, I've weighed myself this morning and am 12.7. I am now putting the scales away and will weigh again in 5 weeks time. I can't trust myself not to weigh myself daily (and usually several times a day) and let any gains/losses sabotage my weight loss goal.

If I could lose a stone in 5 weeks I will be over the moon. That would take me to my biggest pre-pregnancy weight (if that makes sense) but I would be happy with that!

Today is my 'anything goes' day so off to have a bacon sandwich for breakfast Smile.

Overtiredbackagain · 25/04/2014 07:47

Morning all!

Weighed in this morning and am celebrating 14lbs down in 6 weeks Grin

Chicaboooo · 25/04/2014 07:57

overtiredbackagain well done! That's a brilliant loss and very motivational for the rest of us starting out on this.

Helliecopter · 25/04/2014 08:09


Half-hearted FD/mini fast yesterday went ok and I had about 750 cals. I know I need to focus next week and do proper FDs rather than faff with sub 1000 every day. What puzzles me is how I've gained 2lbs. I ate quite a lot over Easter but I thought I'd balanced other days (pizza, cake) with missing breakfast and adjusting meals etc. I've even abstained from gin!!!! There's no way I've eaten 7000 extra cals. Any ideas? Or do I just ignore it and carry on? Just a blip...

Southeastdweller · 25/04/2014 08:20

Well done on reaching that stone mark Overtired especially when we've just had Easter Smile

Overtiredbackagain · 25/04/2014 08:24

Could you be retaining water Hellie? I tend to gain weight twice a month - mid cycle and then again TOTM, so there's only really two weeks in a month my weight is accurate which is frustrating Confused

I am loving 5:2! It really is a great, healthy way to life! I haven't managed to factor in exercise yet, what with problems with my knee, work and getting home too late, it seems impossible but I am more active at weekend with the kids now, make an effort to walk to park and spend at hour running about with them!

I feel tonnes better in myself, my hair is shiny and my skin is better than it was! I was talking to a girl at work yesterday who said she had tried 5:2 but didn't find it sustainable?! Although she did admit to losing a stone and has managed to keep it off.

Helliecopter · 25/04/2014 08:48

Congrats overtired such a brilliant achievement getting that first stone off. And 5 weeks too, ace!

Maybe it's water retention yeah. I don't usually but I guess I've been pretty 'good' since I started at the end of Feb, so this is my first struggle/blip/stray from plan. I definitely haven't been drinking as much water so that won't be helping. I usually drink buckets!
My cycle is still a bit messed up from BF - only had two ToMs and they've been a bit random. Just been used to the scales going down after a FD...not up!!

BetsyBell · 25/04/2014 08:49

overtired, Shiraz WOOHOO! That's great news from both of you - this is really working for you Grin

chica Excellent plan with the scales :)

Hellie Water retention happens for a variety of reasons: when your body is processing sugar, carbs (same thing, I know), salt, or because you've worked out the day before (water is needed to repair those muscles), hormonal stuff. Anything lurking in your digestive system can weigh lbs, a large cup of tea or a full bladder can account for nearly a lb.

It's very unlikely to be additional fat! And as long as you get in a decent fast then you will allow your system to become a bit, well, emptier, then it won't 'stick'. Keep up the good work and you'll see it al balance out.

2lbs is a fluctuation rather than a gain. Weight is not a static thing, you need to allow a couple of pounds to 'bounce' around rather than focussing on a single number.

There is much anecdotal evidence on these threads that suggests people bounce around a weight by a few pounds, then after couple of weeks drop a few pounds and bounce around a lower weight. If you plotted your weigh ins on a graph you would not see a smooth curve, but over time it does appear as a steady loss.

This is why it's best not to weigh in too often.

OP posts:
LiDLrichardsPistachioSack · 25/04/2014 09:45

Hey all, just popping by to say hi. I'm a relative newbie to the 5:2, although no stranger to the odd fast! I'm nearing the end of my 4th week and I've lost 3 kilos so far. I'm EBFing a 7month old and it hasn't seemed to affect my milk supply and I'm sticking easily to 500-600 cals on FDs. And I have a big hungry baby!
I'm interested in hearing other breastfeeders' experiences!

plecofjustice · 25/04/2014 10:22

Anyone else had this?

I've had a pretty indulgent easter - good food, wine, etc. Yesterday was my first fast day of the week, went fine, actually really well. Woke up this morning feeling terrible, banging head, almost hungover, raging thirsty, generally yucky.

Is this the fast working its magic?? It's been a battle of wills not to go for the bacon sarnie and Neurofen this morning...

ErrolTheDragon · 25/04/2014 10:52

Morning all - so, yesterdays FD went pretty much to plan (apart from the cheese... I'd meant to have an egg though, so calorie-wise ok).

Scales still pretty much static - still irritatingly just above the 9st mark.

EvilHerbivore · 25/04/2014 10:54

Marking my place, yesterdays FD went OK (woohoo! Grin ) so going to do a mini fast today, a NFD tomorrow and then kick it all off properly next week
Great to see so many new people joining

MazzleDazzle · 25/04/2014 11:01

Right folks, I'm in the danger zone and need some help.

Since returning from holiday I've found this WOL really tough. Thought I was back in the swing of things, then the totm arrived when I was ravenously hungry, then my children decided to take it in turns to wake through the night. It's the fourth night in a row I've had a broken night's sleep. Every day I plan to fast tomorrow, but tomorrow never comes. I feel like a zombie.

Usually I manage to talk my self round when I start to slip back into bad habits, but this time I'm really struggling.

I'm not drinking enough water, I'm constantly snacking on junk and I've hardly been on here at all.

I need to get back on track and back to losing weight.

I originally posted this message on the exercise thread by mistake Blush

BetsyBell · 25/04/2014 11:12

mazzle You CAN do this and you know it. Get rid of the junk in the house, freeze any tempting baked goods lurking and get a pint glass of water or weak squash down you and try and eat as healthily as you can. Once you've got back into the swing of eating nutritiously you'll feel heaps better and you'll be in a better place for fasting.

The cakes and biscuits don't help tiredness, ever. They make you feel worse. Avoid alcohol too.

OP posts:
Oxtailchambermaid · 25/04/2014 11:21

Morning all - not a newbie but a lurker. Promised myself I wouldn't post again until I lost my first stone and now I have - woohoo! So chuffed. This is the slimmest I've been in 20 years. It's been a slow process (since start of January), 10lbs flew off to start with and then the last 4 lbs took 2 months! I'm well aware that's down to the fact that I've been paying absolutely no attention to my NFDs but have a 100% record with sticking to my sub 500 calorie FDs twice a week.

Slowly, slowly I'm changing that - I truly see this as a WOL so bring on the next stone (and that will see me at my goal weight).

plecofjustice · 25/04/2014 11:22


Don't beat yourself up, this is a Way of Life, not a crash-diet :)

As you're exhausted, just put any thoughts of 500 cal FD's on the back burner for a while. Your body gets screwy with energy when tired - it doesn't use stores as efficiently, so you feel hungrier because your body wants instant fuel to substitute for sleep.

First off, as betsysays, get rid of the junk. Freeze it, chuck it, take it to the food bank, whatever. Get it gone :)

Have a nice glass of squash or water if you fancy it. Or maybe a nice herbal tea or even a cocoa/hot chocolate made with water instead of milk.

Then start to look at healthy energy foods. Maybe some date energy balls (dates, walnuts, honey, coconut, chucked in the food processor, rolled into balls then shoved in the freezer) which will satisfy your body's need for instant energy in a healthier way.

How about a bit more protein? Breakfast on an egg seems like a massive hassle, but worth it nutritionally. Maybe 20g of almonds as a snack - yes they're high cal, but also nutritionally dense?

Once you're feeling a bit more balanced, you can ease in with some 1000 cal fasts, then bring it down to a level you're comfortable with.

This was what I did to get back into 5:2 after having to stop for a while last year after my body reacted to a lot of stress and told me in no uncertain terms that fasting was not the answer. Sometimes your body needs food and needs good food, right now. So long as you're in control of that, it's OK :)

BetsyBell · 25/04/2014 11:29

piecofjustice you sound dehydrated - get the ibuprofen down you with a pint of water. I do often feel worse after a period of indulgence. Last night, after my first fast in a week, I woke up at midnight desperate for a wee and felt like I was going to puke. Luckily I was fine by the time I woke up at the proper time, and seemed to have slept well.

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BetsyBell · 25/04/2014 11:31

Briliiant oxtail - it doesn't matter if the weight loss is slow when it's for life. Well done Flowers

OP posts:
almostthereagain · 25/04/2014 11:34

Mazzle I'm in the same situation, not been well, been busy, been lurking a bit but lost my mo jo a bit. Let's turn it around, we know how to feel better just got to get out of the cycle/downward spiral.
On a positive note I have just had my bloods done & cholesterol & ? blood sugar? was all excellent. 1st time I've had it done so nothing to measure it against but happy to accredit it to fasting (smile)

Helliecopter · 25/04/2014 11:55

Thanks betsy :)

I'm an avid weigher but don't take it too seriously any more and I'm pretty tuned in to my usual fluctuations because I weigh myself so often but I was just surprised at 2's more of a wobble than normal! But suppose sugar and carbs could very well be to blame Blush

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