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Fasting / 5:2 diet

The 5:2 Thread number 43: Had too much Easter chocolate? Is the sugar monster chasing you? Come and join us in kicking the carb-cravings and getting back to healthy eating habits with intermittent fas

999 replies

BetsyBell · 24/04/2014 11:15

The continuing thread for those of us following the 5:2 fast or other forms of fasting such as 4:3, ADF, or daily 16:8.

The 5:2 diet was featured on Horizon in August 2012 and essentially requires you to fast for 2 non-consecutive days per week. The other 5 days, you can eat normally - or approximately your Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE - see explanation below). 4:3 is the same except you fast on 3 days in the week. Alternate-day fasting (ADF) is just how it sounds; you fast every other day. 16:8 is another form where you stick to only eating in an 8 hour window each day, therefore fasting for 16 hours each day.

By "fasting", we mean that we keep our calorie consumption very low; around 500 calories on average for a woman, 600 for a man, on those days.

You'll find on these threads we use a number of acronyms. If you're new to the threads, or Mumsnet in general, they might not make much sense.

WOE/WOL = Way Of Eating/Way Of Life. We use this term instead of "diet" as many of us see this as something to do in the long term.

MFP = My Fitness Pal, a website or app many use for keeping track of the number of calories they're eating.

TDEE = Total Daily Energy Expenditure, quantifies the number of calories you burn in a day. This measure is best estimated by scaling your Basal Metabolic Rate to your level of activity. TDEE is critical in tailoring your nutrition plan to desired fitness goals. Here is a link to a TDEE calculator to help you figure out how many calories you should be eating in a day.

NFD = Non fast day.

NSV/LSV = Non scale victory/Lifestyle (change) victory.

Michael Mosley has a website to accompany his book on the subject. Please go check it out, as he's the whole reason most of us are here!

Lurkers and new starters: please just jump in and post - you'll find a lot of support here and we’re a friendly bunch.

Here is a list of links to get you started with this way of eating. Please let us know if you find a new article or some other information online:

Other Threads
All our previous threads can be found by browsing through the fasting section of the site.

Tips and Links : breadandwine’s resource for some of the tips and links that get lost in these big threads. In addition to sharing links, we try to condense some of our top tips for fasting there. Keep in mind, we all do this differently, so these are just tips, not rules. This might be a good place to catch up with us if you're feeling a bit lost!

Inspirational: eatriskier’s thread has some lovely inspiring stories which are worth checking out if you want some motivation to get started or keep going through a plateau. Please add your own too.

Recipes: frenchfancy has a recipe thread over here, please post any low-calorie recipes there so they don't get lost in these bigger threads!

Exercise: bigchocfrenzy has an incredibly informative and helpful exercise and fitness thread for discussion and advice on combining 5:2 with an exercise regime.

Maintaining: If you've been at this a while and are moving on to maintaining your goal weight, there is a thread here to discuss that.

Other links
This is a BBC article regarding Michael Mosley's findings, which was featured on Horizon - link to that programme here.

This Telegraph article comments on the diet and gives a brief overview by Dr Mosley himself, very informative if you're just starting.

This blog post gives some of the scientific explanation for why this way of eating helps you to not only lose weight, but improve your all-around health.

This link nicely demonstrates that there are many ‘right’ body shapes and types, because what we are actually aiming for is low body fat for fitness and health.

A study discussed here gives commentary specifically addressing the effect of this diet on obese people (both men and women), with regard to both health and weight loss. ("After 8 weeks of treatment, participants had an average 12.5lbs reduction in body weight and a 4cm decrease in waist circumference. Total fat mass declined by about 12 lbs while lean body mass remained relatively constant. It also mentions "Plasma adiponectin, a protein hormone that is elevated in obesity and associated with heart disease, dropped by 30%. As did LDL cholesterol (25%) and triglycerides (32%).")

If you’ve been researching IF you may have come across this article which is highly negative about women with BMI in the normal range. Here’s our response to that:

  • With a healthy BMI, those who want to be leaner will usually find weight and waist loss to be much slower than for overweight folk, since, less fat and inches are available to lose.

  • The women with healthy BMIs already had healthier blood sugar than the men in the study. Hence nothing really needed improving.

  • Women who have had health problems on IF were NOT doing 5:2, but the

much tougher ADF or 16:8, ^combined with heavy lifting (often multiples of body weight) AND
were often starting from already ultra-low BF 12-16% range.^

-Many were already missing periods or had EDs before IF, due to the low BF %, over-training and over-stressing.

5:2 is a gentler form of IF than ADF or Leangains and there’s plenty of anecdotal evidence from longterm 5:2ers, now with healthy BMI, who are continuing to have very positive results and experiences on this WOE.

A BIG THANK YOU to all who have been contributing. Most of us are learning this way of eating as we go along. All of the links above have been posted by others in our previous threads, and they've been very helpful.

A HUGE THANK YOU to Greeneggsandnicht for putting together all this info and resources into one concise OP text, much appreciated by so many 5:2ers!

Come join us, and tell us about your experiences with this way of life!

And lastly, a few FAQs/Healthy tips :

  • WATER: Start each day with a pint of water; and drink plenty during the day.
  • Hot drinks: No limits on tea or coffee any day, just note any milk / sugar calories on FDs.
  • FDs: Concentrate on protein & veg; avoid / reduce starchy carbs & sugar, including juice. Soups & stews are good; ready meals are fine. Old hands skip breakfast & save most cals for supper.
  • NFDs: No rules, but to improve health, try to cut down on added sugar, artificial sweeteners, fizzy drinks, junk food. A few treats per week are good though! Aim to average TDEE over NFDs each week, but you may under-eat by say 20% on 3 NFDs to save calories for weekend.
  • CLENCH for health: Men & women should exercise pelvic floor daily.
  • BREASTFEEDERS: Start with 1000-cal FDs; optionally, reduce to 700 cals gradually. You can return to 1000 if growth spurts or sleep-deprivation require more fuel.
  • SLEEP: Everybody needs enough sleep, or it may slow weight loss.
  • EXERCISE: Is healthy & can help weight loss if you you do NOT eat back exercise calories. Fasted training can burn more fat. HIIT works well with 5:2/IF.

  • Do NOT fast : If pregnant, under 21, have EDs, any illness, even a bad cold. When ill, your body usually needs more nutrients and less stress. So eat to TDEE & cut out junk, added sugar, fizzy drinks.
  • Check with your Doctor: If you have diabetes, any other endocrine condition, or if taking ANY prescribed medication (fasting may affect absorption rate).
OP posts:
Degustibusnonestdisputandem · 24/04/2014 21:37

Signing on to the new thread Smile

Hello to all the new 5:2ers!

BigChocFrenzy · 24/04/2014 21:38

Well done on your FD, Humphrey - and on smaller boobs
Most of us of low carb on FDs, because sugar or starches have too many cals and increase hunger.
So, you have potentially at least 2 low carb days per week, which shouldn't upset your DH, since the calorie limit also precludes much fat.

Your problem after you stopped low carb may not be lack of fat, but that you added sugar and even maybe too much fruit.
Did you start eating cake, bix, ice cream etc ? Even mainlining fruit ?
.A healthy moderate / high carb meal plan should have plenty of veg, protein and sensible portions of starchy complex carbs.
.There is absolutely NO biological requirement for any added sugar in food or drink.
.Also, you might find it better to restrict fruit to maximum 2 portions daily.

Bimblepops · 24/04/2014 21:39

Evening all!

Dinner eaten and I successfully halved my usual portion of rice (my special weakness!), also had less meat and lots of veg. Now feeling absolutely stuffed!

Alibabaandthe40nappies · 24/04/2014 21:40

Ugh I am slinking in in shame.

The DCs asked for some of their Easter eggs after dinner, perfectly reasonable, except that I was unable to prevent myself from joining in and eating 300 cals of chocolate :(

I'm really annoyed, I was doing so well. So they day has come in at 750

However I did manage to stop and the kitchen is now closed.

BigChocFrenzy · 24/04/2014 21:42

Layl77 Yes, several EBFers have successfully lost weight on 5:2 / IF.
1000 cals is good for FDs. No need to reduce that as long as you EBF.

Layl77 · 24/04/2014 21:47

Thanks v much, I'll say I've already started then as I came to bed at 7:30 had two pints of water.
Definitely going to skip breakfast which works for me but Angry will have to do the weekly shop whilst hungry. Wish me luck!

ErrolTheDragon · 24/04/2014 21:49

Ali - not too disastrous. It gets easier when your kids are bigger - just hand over an egg, it disappears into their room and vanishes without trace.

I've just realised I didn't have a single hot x bun either... that wasn't supposed to happen. DH and DD ate all the ones in the breadbin before I got to them, and the pack I put in the freezer is still there (I separate the buns before freezing so they don't all have to come out at once).
Hm, maybe I'll have one .... tomorrow.

Pannacotta · 24/04/2014 21:51

Evening everyone, the thread has been busy since I last checked in.
And thanks for BigChoc for your advice on the previous thread which I had missed before, was very helpful!

Blondieminx · 24/04/2014 21:52

Back to it on Monday, after 2 cycle's i've concluded i just cannot fast during TOTM as I turn into a raving carb/choc monster and feel like I'm going to pass out. Sad If I can manage no gain this week then I'll be happy with that. Nearly at target now, so cutting myself some slack! Smile
Blondieminx · 24/04/2014 21:52

Pressed post too soon! Thanks for the new thread Betsy

Layl77 · 24/04/2014 21:52

Does anyone want to share success stories so far?

TalkinPeace · 24/04/2014 21:54
BetsyBell · 24/04/2014 21:55

Layl77 Grocery shopping while fasting is surprisingly ok - no point buying snacks or crap because you can't eat them anyway! My shops while fasting are the most virtuous. The kids now accept that there are unlikely to be unhealthy snacks in the house - good news all round.

The fruit bowl and salad drawer are generally groaning though Grin.

OP posts:
BetsyBell · 24/04/2014 22:00

Inspirational thread of success stories

Blondie Yes, to cutting yourself some slack; accepting that you can't do it when the hormones dictate is ok, and means that you can compensate for it earlier in your cycle (if you want to).

OP posts:
ErrolTheDragon · 24/04/2014 22:00

I quite like shopping on an FD - choose something virtuous but delicious for your evening meal, and makes it more obvious to avoid less healthy options.

plecofjustice · 24/04/2014 22:11

Ohh no, I shop on fast days and we end up awash in vegetables and fruit that I have to spend the next week stashing into meals to avoid wasting it. My freezer is full of cauliflower rice bought when fasting, herbs, veg, a fruit bowl full of oranges that are going to have to be juiced before they rot....

Raskova · 24/04/2014 22:24

Place marking!!! Not had an FD for two weeks now but weighed myself yesterday and have lost a further 3 kg and am past my first plateau. Yay!

I have eaten a whole Easter egg every day since Monday tho...

Blondieminx · 24/04/2014 22:33

Thanks Betsy - I've steadily lost when on 5:2 but for me, the WOE has to go on hold for a week each month! Only just under 2lb to go to target though Smile and good progress being made with the physio so hopefully soon I'll be able to get some inches off my waist and by extension, reduce diabetes risk (my DM has type II).. Starting specialist Pilates next Thursday Smile

HumphreyCobbler · 24/04/2014 22:37

Yes, you are probably right in that I am not eating as cleanly as I did when low carbing, and possibly eating a bit too much fruit and chocolate over easter which is possibly delaying my cycle I don't normally eat much processed food and I am pretty dairy free atm. Cooking for two small children, one baby and DH is a lot easier now I am just restricting my calories rather than concentrating on low carb veg/high fat food which my dc didn't eat. I love cooking but not three different meals a day. Maybe in a few months I will manage to low carb and fast. When baby cobbler learns to sleep

But I am still a very happy faster Smile I have a v posh wedding to go to at the end of June and I am focusing on that.

Ali I think you are positively to be congratulated for stopping at 300 calories of chocolate! Once I start..

CiderwithBuda · 24/04/2014 22:49

Found you all!

Blondieminx - I'm doing one on one Pilates to help with back and hip issues. I had new session and have been rubbish at doing my exercises. Maybe we can encourage each other? Or you can nag me!

Welcome to all newbie. This thread has got so busy I can't keep up!

Busy day here. Gym this morning then dash home for a shower and to let dogs out before heading out again to hairdressers. Spent a bit too long in town in the end.

Anyway. I'm not fasting this week really but think today would be a def mini fast. One and a half green smoothies over the morning and a M&S super whole food salad for lunch at 3pm. Dinner was half a grapefruit followed by three oatcakes with almond butter.

Today was my fourth day of no sugar, wheat or alcohol and I have to say I feel SO good. No cravings. Lots of energy. Feel in control. And most of all I feel much slimmer. I know I'm not really but I feel it. Will weigh tomorrow as it's half way through my planned ten days.

Pannacotta · 24/04/2014 23:02

Buda how long are you off sugar/wheat/booze?

Blondieminx · 24/04/2014 23:14

Buda you're on! Smile how are you finding it so far? I'll be having a block of 8 led by a specialist physio. My hip/pelvis went out of alignment with DD but then also impacted my knee as I was using my leg all wrong cos of the hip.

Well done on giving up sugar


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BigChocFrenzy · 24/04/2014 23:16

Well done on your weight loss, Raskova

Well done to you too, Blondie, to be only 2 lb away from target, despite the dreaded TOTM Carb Monster.
The last few lb are often excruciatingly slow, but just be patient and you'll get there. Just aim to maintain during TOTM.

BigChocFrenzy · 24/04/2014 23:18

Wow, Cider, you have hardcore discipline to give up all those.

Boleh · 25/04/2014 00:13

Hi folks
Just sloping back in here, after being really successful with 5:2 since January I've had a couple of weeks with visitors and weekends away, I've managed to keep 2 FD but NFDs have gone completely off the scale and no exercise has been done. Consequently I'veanaged to put one or two lb back on!
So this week I'm back on it - FD yesterday despite a training course with snack and lunch, same thing again today so I have to resist going mad today now I'm allowed some!
Think I might throw in an extra FD or mini fast on Sat to get back on track although that does mean I'd be ADFing for a week - wonder if I'm up to that... The weekend after I'm away 4 days but plenty of hiking and I think the food will be rice with organic veggies and my first meat in a very long time!

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