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What a surprise "wear face coverings"

310 replies

BruceAndNosh · 11/05/2020 14:11

As above

OP posts:
PurpleDaisies · 11/05/2020 16:13

I think shops will ditch the queues now and just say people have to wear face coverings.

Face coverings are only for where social distancing is not possible. Shops shouldn’t be changing any measures to limit the number of people in the the shop.

WhereDoesThisToiletGo · 11/05/2020 16:16

I'm very amused by the Make a mask from a bra video.

Depending on your build, it could either barely cover the end of your chin, or your entire head

Ciwirocks · 11/05/2020 16:17

@purpledaisies some of them already are changing measures, no queues outside some shops already and busy when you go in.

TheOnlyLivingBoyInNewCross · 11/05/2020 16:19

Etsy have loads of people making them to order if you are struggling to get them.

Good to know that government advice is allowing one enterprising sector of the economy to flourish rather than tank like everything else.

pigoons · 11/05/2020 16:19

I will not be wearing a face covering - the evidence is so slim as to the benefits and deeply uncomfortable as a glasses wearer

pigoons · 11/05/2020 16:20

And this is just yet more expense which I cannot afford

USirName · 11/05/2020 16:20

The US Surgeon General did a great youtube video showing how to make homemade masks. NO SEWING involved for those who are saying they 'can't'. Look it up, it will be the first hit when you type in 'US Surgeon General face masks'.

Basically you can take a piece of any fabric or a bandana, fold it over a couple of times. Then on the ends of the fabic slide on elastic bands (no fancy sewing elastic needed either) to fit over the ears, fold the fabric the elastic is on inwards. No sewing, no work for attaching the elastic. Job done in five min or less. If you want to get fancy, you can put a coffee filter inside before you begin folding, and even that doesn't require any real work, just place it then fold the cloth.

Herja · 11/05/2020 16:23

That's fantastic @WhereDoesThisToiletGo Grin.

As you say, no good for many! It'd cover my nose and mouth alright. Only problem is that it would cover the whole of the rest of my head too, which might make staying 2 metres from people a bit tricky...

JonHammIsMyJamm · 11/05/2020 16:26

@pigoons, exactly. The evidence for face masks is skimpy and relies on people using (and removing & disposing) it properly, like all PPE.

ivykaty44 · 11/05/2020 16:26

Make face coverings, in Czech they made homemade masks and left them on trees for other. But cycling masks, they are black and clearly show your not take NHS resources.
Wearing a mask is clearly about protecting everyone else - not yourself, so the more people wearing masks the safer you are

Rumboogie · 11/05/2020 16:27

However - this still doesn't affect the fact that the easiest way to transmit the virus is via the water droplets in someone's breath, so keep something over your nose & mouth to protect you and others.

Unfortunately as soon as the material becomes moist from your
breath - which will take only minutes - the virus will pass straight through. When the face covering starts to slip or itch you will touch it and then touch surfaces and spread the infection.

I think shops will ditch the queues now and just say people have to wear face coverings.

I also think this, and similar, will happen, and that is why this advice is so stupid when not accompanied by the caveat of the limitations of the different face coverings and the disadvantages of increased face touching and reduced social distancing.

Proper demonstrations are also needed of how to remove and dispose of such face coverings properly without contaminating yourself, otherwise they can simply be a vector of infection.

JonHammIsMyJamm · 11/05/2020 16:27

Good hand washing and low contact is still considered the best way to reduce transmission, as far as I’ve seen.

pigoons · 11/05/2020 16:27

I was in the supermarket yesterday and the staff member wearing the mask stood 6 inches from her friend then lowered the mask so they could talk properly. What is the point ....

sophiestew · 11/05/2020 16:28

I agree supermarkets will probably make this mandatory.

I am dyspraxic and couldn't possibly make one so I guess I can't go anywhere now (indoors) until I can get delivery of some.

jobhunter7 · 11/05/2020 16:29

Supermarkets could put up notices asking customers to politely at least consider wearing face coverings.

SoupDragon · 11/05/2020 16:30

I am dyspraxic and couldn't possibly make one

Do you own a scarf?

sophiestew · 11/05/2020 16:31

A black woolly one.....

jobhunter7 · 11/05/2020 16:31


I don't think social distancing is 100% idiot proof either - it's just another small measure that may help.

donquixotedelamancha · 11/05/2020 16:32

Two things strike me:

  1. Why the fuck not say this last night (or 6 weeks ago)? Make a point of asking people to do it. It's fuck all use unless most of the population does.

  1. Why make it advice? Make it a requirement for going into public buildings.
Chloemol · 11/05/2020 16:36

Haven’t read whole thread, but they are cloth ones not the onesrequired for nhs. Lots of tube videos on how to make, including no are ones. Or just wear a scarf

pigoons · 11/05/2020 16:37

@jobhunter7, the problem with face coverings is if they are incorrectly used they do more to aid transmission, as the virus is transmitted to their hands etc.

Chloemol · 11/05/2020 16:37

@sophiestew. It’s face coverings. Not face masks, out of cloth. So a scarf cotton scarf will surface, just cover your mouth and nose


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jobhunter7 · 11/05/2020 16:37


It's all use unless most of the population does.

Well certainly the more people who do it, the better.

Abbccc · 11/05/2020 16:39

At least a cloth one, or a scarf, stop coughs and sneezes fro mtravelling very far.

jobhunter7 · 11/05/2020 16:40


The science is somewhat contradictory. And I think some public information ads would help also. But many countries that have made them compulsory in at least shops and on buses/trains have reported lower deaths rates.

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