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What a surprise "wear face coverings"

310 replies

BruceAndNosh · 11/05/2020 14:11

As above

OP posts:
BruceAndNosh · 14/05/2020 18:56

I've got one of those snoods for winter sport. Some are great at staying up, some are rubbish.

OP posts:
PinkSparklyPussyCat · 14/05/2020 18:16

This sort of thing - Mask

PinkSparklyPussyCat · 14/05/2020 18:13

I meant like one of the snood things rather than a mask. That will be unbearable enough, but I really can't bear the thought of something pulled tight across my face. I can then pull the snood down as soon as I'm out of the shop so it's not covering my face.

BruceAndNosh · 14/05/2020 18:04

I’m going to have something as loose as possible and not hooked on my ears which will hopefully make it more comfortable and less like I’m being suffocated and I’ll be less likely to fiddle with it!
I'm trying to work out how that's going to work. If it's loose, it will shift so you'll fiddle with it to move it back in place.
I've made the basic pleated ones with ear elastic and once on, it doesn't move so I can confidently say I did a Tesco shop without needing to adjust and touch it.
Of course I do have the advantage of quite large ears to loop elastic round securely.
It must be harder for people with dainty little ears.

OP posts:
Chillipeanuts · 14/05/2020 09:52

Just 😳

CuriousaboutSamphire · 14/05/2020 09:50

It looks real, the cashiers are taking the piss when he says "I'll do that too. Thanks for the advice" You can hear them snigger as they speak!

She looks bloody weird though!

CaliforniaMountainSnake · 14/05/2020 09:35

Looks really, can't say whether it is. They're in a shop

Chillipeanuts · 14/05/2020 09:22

“There's a video of an American woman who's ripped a hole in hers to make it easier to breath. She tells a man that and he says great idea ill do that too.“

Is this real? My son told me about this yesterday. I thought he was joking!

Good grief.

MrsWooster · 14/05/2020 09:20

We should just be laughing at America; the stupid is here... :
“Your mask is to protect everyone else from your breath droplets, in case you’re poorly and don’t know.”
“Yeah, but, it won’t stop me getting it, so...”

CaliforniaMountainSnake · 14/05/2020 09:10

I fear there is going to be a lot of stupidity around masks

There's a video of an American woman who's ripped a hole in hers to make it easier to breath. She tells a man that and he says great idea ill do that too.

PinkSparklyPussyCat · 14/05/2020 08:51

I’m going to have something as loose as possible and not hooked on my ears which will hopefully make it more comfortable and less like I’m being suffocated and I’ll be less likely to fiddle with it!

Chillipeanuts · 14/05/2020 08:51

I’m surprised anyone is surprised.

TemoraryUsername · 14/05/2020 08:49

I fear there is going to be a lot of stupidity around masks. Why would you need one in a car????

I had to have a day going from a shop to a pharmacy then on to a vet with a short drive between each, it's safer and more practical to leave the mask on the whole time. Perhaps they were doing similar.

TemoraryUsername · 14/05/2020 08:44


I wear glasses and hearing aids. Both felt uncomfortable and invasive when I was first fitted with them - you have to wear the new thing as much as you can stand to in order to get used to it.

(Or try a different design if it's too close fitting over the nostrils and lips)

bellinisurge · 13/05/2020 07:33

I made a little washable PUL bag to store a mask in with an extra pocket for a spare for the distant future time when I will be out and about. The thought of endless plastic bags to carry it in after use made me fed up.

Kokeshi123 · 13/05/2020 02:03

I saw people driving around in them today

It's generally better to avoid constantly fiddling with them so that you do not end up touching your face all the time. I usually just leave mine in place unless there is a reason to lower it. If I was out in a mask, I would probably leave it in place while I drove home and then put it in the bowl for washing them when I got home.

JosephineDeBeauharnais · 12/05/2020 22:54

Our friends in Mallorca have been forced to wear masks at all times out of the house, including in their cars. As lockdown has eased somewhat, they are now only forced to wear them in enclosed spaces (shops etc).

whenwillthemadnessend · 12/05/2020 18:27

If I have to go to more than one shop then I will leave my face mask on rather than fiddle with it and put it back on when I get to the next shop I also keep on the same pair of gloves but I anti back my hands and anti-back steering wheel. As a retired nurse I feel confident that I am not infecting myself by keeping my mask on to travel short distances.

marlboroughlemon · 12/05/2020 16:53

@blue "I saw people driving around in them today 🙄" ---- yes, well before you judge, maybe it was a group of doctors or nurses travelling home for work, or maybe the group are protecting each other - this is invisible virus and we cannot know who is infectious - or maybe they've just taken someone to hospital who is covid-positive, or maybe some of them in the car had covid …. there may be lots of reasons. So many in UK love to be superior about masks ….

CuriousaboutSamphire · 12/05/2020 16:39

I've just walked the dog and seen half a dozen people in cars with masks and gloves on.

Not sure why, maybe it's just easier than taking them off before you get home... but I did feel like shouting " you've just smeared the outside all over your steering wheel" but figured they'd also got "outside" on their feet and bums and backs too. Pointless!

Sarcelle · 12/05/2020 16:20

I fear there is going to be a lot of stupidity around masks. Why would you need one in a car????

Bluewarbler27 · 12/05/2020 16:13

I saw people driving around in them today 🙄


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ivykaty44 · 12/05/2020 16:04

Where I live people actually wear masks to combat hay fever as well. Give it a try---you might find your symptoms are better (add sunglasses as well for more impact).

Is sensible to protect your nose from the pollen, which eliminates the itching.

Glasses help in U.K.

So wear both and have some relief

bellinisurge · 12/05/2020 15:47

Making a job lot for family today

BottomleyPottsCoveredInSpots · 12/05/2020 15:28

Scottishgirl85: I can't help but think this to ease anxiety rather than actually helping to prevent the spread of the virus.

It’s probably the government being seen to do something to shut people up about this issue - much like the reason I’ll comply with wearing one, only in shops and if I have absolutely no choice but to travel on public transport (mostly I walk, including to work - key worker; not public-facing).

But as for easing anxiety, it’s the first thing in relation to the virus that really has made me feel very anxious - the thought of wearing something on my face (can’t stand hats or hoods and reacted a bit like a pp when I had to wear an oxygen mask in the past). How I’ll be able to keep it on without touching it, the risk of transferring the virus to my hands when I take it off. I’ve ordered a couple of handmade ones from Etsy as I know I’ll never be able to keep a scarf over my face without it falling down and without adjusting it, never mind the “no-sew” ones you see in the videos. Just hoping they come soon, as I’m anticipating being on the receiving end of glares or worse in Sainsbury’s in the meantime.

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