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What a surprise "wear face coverings"

310 replies

BruceAndNosh · 11/05/2020 14:11

As above

OP posts:
Redolent · 11/05/2020 14:27


Face coverings, not face masks. Chuck them in the wash when you get home. You can get them on Etsy or make your own. Eg see attached

What a surprise "wear face coverings"
BigChocFrenzy · 11/05/2020 14:29

How to make a non-medical facemask (no sewing)

What a surprise "wear face coverings"
What a surprise "wear face coverings"
Floatyboat · 11/05/2020 14:29

It is strange how much Johnson didn't say last night. Loads of people watched him then. Surely that was the moment to give the clear detailed advice, not drip feed it.

Keepdistance · 11/05/2020 14:30

The ons data shows the hcp have had lower deaths than care home workers.
And actually lower than the average of all professions. Proportionally lower than teachers (as only 2% of kids in )
You coukd consider all the deaths over the baseline of hcp to be excess caused by not using masks

NoMorePoliticsPlease · 11/05/2020 14:30

It is particularly galling that there have been some very large scale organised thefts of facemasks from the NHS . This was one of the reasons, apert from small efficacy, we were not told to wear them

IsadoraQuagmire · 11/05/2020 14:32

About time!!!!

bellinisurge · 11/05/2020 14:32

Don't buy them, make them.

ScarfLadysBag · 11/05/2020 14:32

Yes it's the same advice as we got in Scotland a week or so ago. It's face coverings not medical-grade masks. It can be a scarf or other fabric covering. There are lots of craftspeople making them so getting one is easy.

Rumboogie · 11/05/2020 14:34

Using face coverings is idiotic advice IMO. Anything less than FP2 is ineffective and using FP2 then takes these away from essential workers.

However the main disadvantage of them, particularly as most will be ineffective, is that they will inevitably lead to a false sense of security hence people failing to social distance themselves.

People will also touch their faces more and transmit anything on their masks to themselves.

P1nkHeartLovesCake · 11/05/2020 14:36

It’s all in the 60 page document that’s online

Well it’s advice, it’s Not a law to wear them, you will not be fined for not doing so. The government now advises that people should wear a face covering when in enclosed spaces and can’t socially distance

It’s also any face covering. A face covering is not a mask. The supplies of surgical masks need to be kept for those who need them it clearly states.

It also says a home made Cloth face covering can help reduce the risk of transmission is SOME circumstances

Not for children under 2 or those who may find it difficult to manage them correctly ( I.e primary school children unassisted or those with respiratory conditions)

If you use one you need to wash your hands before and after putting in on and off

Not sure what’s changed really? Sounds to me like wear one if you want...and we’ve been able to do that all along

JamieLeeCurtains · 11/05/2020 14:38

My DD and DSD both have sewing machines so are making them out of old textiles and vacuum cleaner filters.

That's a good link, thanks, @BigChocFrenzy, for 'no sew' solutions.

No-one needs to take resources away from care workers and NHS.

PicsInRed · 11/05/2020 14:38

Will they be providing masks to fit smaller faced women and which are suitable for children?

At the moment, what little supply there is comes only in unisex adult male.

Floatyboat · 11/05/2020 14:40


But that's not true re fp2 though is it. Not from a transmitting to others pov certainly.

PortusCale · 11/05/2020 14:42

I think they're likely to cause more problems than actually not wearing one for the vast majority of the public.

I was in the supermarket the other week and an elderly customer was struggling to keep her fabric face mask on, constantly touching it, pulling at it, adjusting it and all the while picking up items of food, holding on to the trolley etc.

Another couple were wearing them - although one of them had theirs hanging down below their mouth, limply around their neck - and then proceeded to adjust it upwards to cover the mouth mid shopping. It looked damp and well used, it was a very hot day and it made me think how I will not be wearing one unless absolutely necessary - ie having to be in close proximity to others closer than 2m.

I'm quite sure all of these people wouldn't have been touching their faces nearly so much had they not been wearing these masks. And I agree, I think it gives a false sense of security.

Kokeshi123 · 11/05/2020 14:44

It's almost adorable, watching governments in the UK tentatively starting initiatives (quarantining flights, masks) that most East Asian countries were doing in like January-February or something.

1forsorrow · 11/05/2020 14:44

@Rumboogie However the main disadvantage of them, particularly as most will be ineffective, is that they will inevitably lead to a false sense of security hence people failing to social distance themselves.

People will also touch their faces more and transmit anything on their masks to themselves.

Yes we've all heard the propaganda for the last 2 months but keep up, the propaganda is changing.

UpCloseAndPersonalWithGlenda · 11/05/2020 14:45

It's a no from me.

Bunnyfuller · 11/05/2020 14:47

So clever, whilst fulfilling the original herd immunity agenda, with ‘stay alert’ and ‘wear face coverings’ without any elaboration or provision it will be our fault when wave two crashes over the country.

Good luck, Herd.

BlackberryCane · 11/05/2020 14:48

Ta knob

DominaShantotto · 11/05/2020 14:50

They let my child have their childhood back - I'll wear a fucking burkha. Since they're continuing to expect us to keep our children locked up and destroy their mental health - they can fuck off to the far side of fuck and fuck off some more right now.

Bloomburger · 11/05/2020 14:51

FFS Mumsnet is so predictable. People would bitch and moan even if the government were sending a squad with a swatch book and a measuring tape to their houses to run up the masks to the correct specifications, in a pattern to their liking, right on their doorstep I imagine.

Redolent · 11/05/2020 14:51

Face coverings reduce transmission from asymptomatic carriers. You could be shedding the virus unknowingly through breathing and talking, especially in enclosed spaces. They do not protect the wearer.

It stands to reason then that if you refuse to wear a mask you’re probably a selfish fucker.


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GinnyStrupac · 11/05/2020 14:53

Why in heaven's name didn't Boris mention this last night? The change to meeting up with those not in your household was also not mentioned. The plan is all over the place.

We will need masks for the second wave, especially now that he has opened rural and seaside communities up to all.

JemimaPuddleCat · 11/05/2020 14:54


The UK Gov will be providing none. It is very clear in the released document. The advice is for the use of face coverings, not medical/surgical grade face masks.

Redolent · 11/05/2020 14:55


I agree. With 30 million people tuning it, it should’ve been mentioned in the first five minutes. Instead he waffled on with endless platitudes about how grateful he is. Who wrote and structured that speech??

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