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What a surprise "wear face coverings"

310 replies

BruceAndNosh · 11/05/2020 14:11

As above

OP posts:
GinnyStrupac · 11/05/2020 14:55

I agree, it's back to herd immunity with these changes. What a gamble with lives.

DateandTime · 11/05/2020 14:57

It just means put a scarf over your face and it's to protect others, not you.

amijustparanoidorjuststoned · 11/05/2020 14:57

@Redolent probably Boris Grin

PicsInRed · 11/05/2020 15:00


And where am I to obtain these face coverings?

I don't sew and if it doesn't fit, I'll just end up fiddling with it and putting virus on my face. Brilliant.

JamieLeeCurtains · 11/05/2020 15:00

The mask will protect other people from me, in enclosed spaces. It won't protect me from them.

I need to wash my hands before putting it on. I need to remain aware that I must not touch it / my face, whilst out.

Once home, I need to take it off and wash it / sterilise it. And wash myself.not

Is that right? I'll do that to protect others, e.g. shop workers.

JamieLeeCurtains · 11/05/2020 15:02

Sorry about the random 'not' ^^

ineedaholidaynow · 11/05/2020 15:02

I think you can just use a scarf @PicsinRed. I am guessing they are now going with the something is better than nothing line, whereas that is not what they have been saying before!

imsooverthisdrama · 11/05/2020 15:04

It says face coverings not necessarily masks so a scarf for example.
I'd wear one in a shop but not going for a walk as I struggle to breath properly with something over my face .

KnobwithaK · 11/05/2020 15:04

@JamieLeeCurtains - that's my understanding, yes.

It might protect you a bit, but it's mainly for others.

JellyBabiesSaveLives · 11/05/2020 15:04
marlboroughlemon · 11/05/2020 15:05

My humble opinion is that in England we all happily lapped up the message "wash your hands" like "wear a seatbelt" (even though it may create a "false sense of security" or it may "save others rather than yourself") simply because we have been told those messages since we were little. The "wear a mask" one is new and coming to us from other cultures who have dealt with similar illnesses before. There is an attitude which is overestimating our knowledge and underestimating this virus. Get thee a mask !

Wejustdontknow · 11/05/2020 15:07

I am a key worker, I have worked all the way through so far but work nights. I use public transport to get both to and from work. There is in most instances only me and the bus driver on the bus, occasionally maybe one other person. Do I now need to wear a face mask when I haven’t before or am I ok as there is plenty of space on the bus at the times I use it?

midwestsummer · 11/05/2020 15:07

Our state has mandated this.
They are easy to make and if there is a market lots of people will start selling them.
I find them to be not very comfortable but other than that no real hassle.
The tie ones are easy to adjust so that they fit and they make you aware of touching your face.
They are about protecting others and make a safer environment for everyone out and about.

Keepmeawayfromthecrisps · 11/05/2020 15:08

@JamieLeeCurtains yes that’s correct. That’s the guidance we’ve had in Scotland for about 2 weeks. It’s about protecting others not stopping you from getting the virus.

Don’t need to buy anything, can use a scarf or there’s videos showing you how to make a mask from socks

whenwillthemadnessend · 11/05/2020 15:09

Some shops are enforcing them No mask no going in. I'm pleased.

PineappleDanish · 11/05/2020 15:14

So pretty much what they said in Scotland last week.

Was in Asda this morning (with DD which is against the "roolz" of MN), probably bout 20% of people wearing a face covering. Mix of scarves, bandanas, surgical masks and those filter masks which builders wear. Other 80% not bothering. Although everyone was observing social distancing and behaving themselves.

I won't be wearing masks, it's the height of hayfever season and my face is itchy and uncomfortable enough without a mask adding to it. I'd scratch, fuss and fiddle with the damn thing, rendering it pointless.

Asda aren't slow to miss a trick though, selling packs of disposable paper/thin fabric face coverings at the place where you pick up your handheld scanner. 2 for £2.50.

jobhunter7 · 11/05/2020 15:15


i think the government would like you to wear one, yes. For your safety and others. Probably the chances are you have been at very low risk travelling like that. But then masks are relatively inexpensive. And thank you for the work you have been doing during this time.

lotusbell · 11/05/2020 15:15

Do you think we'll get any further advice on face masks - what type, what is effective and what's not etc?
I work for a council and we are being advised that medical masks are saved for medical staff - and rightly so - so are people expected to fork out for their own, both personal use and at work?
My team are currently putting in place new risk assessments to see if its feasible for us to reopen. What are the practicalities, the policies and financial aspects of making workplaces safe to work in and able to adhere to restrictions? It won't happen overnight and it'll be costly for many. I'm talking handwash and hand sanitizer, paper towels, perspex screens, more equipment so that people are not sharing.
There's a lot to think about.

Eggybreadleg · 11/05/2020 15:15

They are backed by science and common sense. Sort yourself a face covering - it's really not that hard! And if you're stuffed then ask one of the 9 million Facebook groups for help.

Sarcelle · 11/05/2020 15:16

I will reluctantly wear one in a supermarket which is once a week. I won't be going on public transport for the foreseeable. I will not wear them when exercising. I can do once a week.

PineappleDanish · 11/05/2020 15:17

If you do want to wear a face covering then the Scottish government was very clear that they were talking about COVERINGS not MASKS.

A scarf, a snood, a bandana, a polo neck jumper pulled up high, a handmade mask. Whatever. Not surgical style PPE masks.

I was wondering if whether forced I could fashion something out of an old pair of surgical stockings I have left over from an op.

whenwillthemadnessend · 11/05/2020 15:17

Surely a mask with glasses will help with hay fever

It catches pollen Hmm


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lotusbell · 11/05/2020 15:17

How long have we been preaching about reuse and recycle and now everything is going back to disposable!

JudyCoolibar · 11/05/2020 15:17

Clever to "advise" rather than mandate it - no doubt that will be the excuse for not actually providing them to people.

Bellagio40 · 11/05/2020 15:18

We have to wear them where I live, when we are in public and cannot guarantee a 2m distance from another person, so no, you don’t need to wear one while out running. If you can stay 2m away from the bus driver and any other passenger you probably don’t need to wear one then either.

Any face covering will do. It won’t protect you from breathing it in but it will help stop you coughing or accidentally spitting on someone/something.

I wear one to protect you, you wear one to protect me.

I have one that is home-made, have bought a couple online and our town distributed four per family when the rule first came in.

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