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No point in lockdown anymore

366 replies

LifeMatters · 07/05/2020 16:32

All my neighbours seem to think that we are in a paid staycation by the government and social distancing are out the door.
Everyone around where I live has friends and family over, are having picnics together on the grass in front of their flats, the roads are busier than ever.
It's crazy! There's no point in making this country suffer any more so better all let's just go to work and what happens happens.

People are taking advantage of the paid time off and not staying indoors. What is the point of this lockdown if people are not following it anymore?

My next door neighbors had friends and family over all this's crazy.

OP posts:
Missmummy88 · 07/05/2020 17:54

The problem is risk rules apply in some cases and not others. I.e. how is it ok for you to stand 6ft apart in the b and q queue but not 6ft apart in your garden. Either it’s a risk or it’s not. If it is a risk why is the government allowing businesses like b & q to reopen

CuriousaboutSamphire · 07/05/2020 17:55

@Alsohuman the latest data, COBR meeting, is today, always on a Thursday, that's why the 3 week reviews are on Thursday too. As Beth Rigby well knows.

So having decided no change they will now be adding details to that roadmap, based on the latest data.

And we were probably told to try and stop various MLM from continuing to print their fantasy headlines.

BigChocFrenzy · 07/05/2020 17:55

"when deaths of under 45’s are analysed, the % of deaths is staggeringly low"

That's because of lockdown

We don't know how many deaths there would have been if exponential infection growth had continued - before lockdown flattened the curve

I agree we need to get back to work & schools over summer, but let's not invent an alternate history to do so

WhereDoesThisToiletGo · 07/05/2020 17:56

I live at the end of a cul de sac and can see most of the road.
All neighbours cars in place.
No visiting cars

Iwantacookie · 07/05/2020 17:56

I think it will get worse this weekend because people will think the rules are being relaxed on Monday so might as well do it a couple of days early.
I normally take ds2 to a local field, I do a lap and he runs round burning off his energy. There is a small park there and it was rammed today, including one of his school friends.
It was horrible telling him he couldnt go and play with them all.

I do wonder though whether it's part of the "herd immunity" by getting us to mingle a bit more.

vanillandhoney · 07/05/2020 17:57

how is it ok for you to stand 6ft apart in the b and q queue but not 6ft apart in your garden

Because the police can't tell you you're not allowed in your own garden, that's why.

BigChocFrenzy · 07/05/2020 17:57

"how is it ok for you to stand 6ft apart in the b and q queue but not 6ft apart in your garden"

Buying stuff in B&Q helps the economy, hence worth the risk in the govt eyes

You having friends in your garden doesn't .... unless you are working on a business together

Dramallama19 · 07/05/2020 17:57

Here goes the furlough bashing 🙄

My partner is furloughed and majority of his wage is made up from commission and whilst he isn't at work he can't earn the commission and I no longer have my job!

We private rent and have two young children to feed, so I'm very glad the furlough was 'too generous' because we would be screwed!

He and his colleagues are desperate to get back to work as they do enjoy their jobs, they didn't ask to be furloughed

I'm so fed up of people saying it's being treated like a holiday! Not everyone feels that way

CuriousaboutSamphire · 07/05/2020 17:58

Now now! That's enough if that sensible thinking.

Dramallama19 · 07/05/2020 17:59

But I do agree that lockdown does seem to be relaxing, my neighbours kids have all been mixing together! 😔

CallMeRachel · 07/05/2020 17:59

I'm inclined to agree. Neighbours have had their grown up son visiting, tradesmen coming to quote for non essential jobs etc. Roads and streets are busier wit people and cars.

Multi generation families all out group walks in the parks togetherHmm

If there's still over 500+ deaths happening daily here HOW are they all being infected?? Social distancing is clearly not working.

We need anti body testing as a priority, get those who've had it back to work and school ASAP.

Catsrus · 07/05/2020 17:59

I don't know of anyone not keeping lockdown - I live in the leafy S.E. my town is very hot on lockdown, I haven't seen friends or relatives since it started. I have friends & family in the N.E. and they are taking it very seriously too. Just because some people are NOT doing it doesn't mean that it's not been a useful strategy.

neveradullmoment99 · 07/05/2020 17:59

Not here in Scotland. Well you can all have the virus!! Where I come from, most people are afraid and doing it.
You will reap what you sew.

boobmoob · 07/05/2020 18:00

Simple, people who are found to be ignoring the lockdown should have their furlough payments revoked, as well as being fined.

Yep simple to overhaul the judiciary process.

vanillandhoney · 07/05/2020 18:01

If there's still over 500+ deaths happening daily here HOW are they all being infected?? Social distancing is clearly not working.

People aren't following the rules, that's why. If everyone followed it (and it was enforced) like it was on the mainland, the rate would be dropping much faster. Our lockdown is really not a proper lockdown. It's about time more people realised that.

Aragog · 07/05/2020 18:02

Round where I am everyone is being really sensible. Seen very few, if any, people breaking the guidelines. Went into town earlier today (valid reason!) and most of town was very very quiet.

Rebelwithallthecause · 07/05/2020 18:02

Hertfordshire in one of the apparent worst hit areas and it’s busier than ever

Windmillwhirl · 07/05/2020 18:03

when deaths of under 45’s are analysed, the % of deaths is staggeringly low"

That's because of lockdown

No it isnt. It's because most are fitter and have less underlying health conditions than their grandparents.

VerticalHorizon · 07/05/2020 18:03

Some people will always break the rules.
However, plenty of people are still doing a great job in doing the very best they can - and it's having a material effect.

It's wrong to say 'it's a waste of time, we might as well just give up'

When we set a goal of 100% adherence to law, or guidance, we know we will probably only achieve 95% success, but that 95% counts!

If we relax the restrictions and have a target of 80% we might well only achieve 70% adherence. It still counts.

Let us not forget - that for every idiot flaunting guidance - there are 9 others who aren't drawing attention to themselves and doing a sterling job.

daffodilrosedaisy · 07/05/2020 18:04

I’m early twenties and the whole situation seems so unfair. I know people are getting fed up now but I’ve followed the rules strictly, as have my family. I was going through a very difficult period before this lockdown kicked off and I haven’t broken it at all despite being isolated from my support network (family and friends) which has made it so much tougher. However a friend broke lockdown rules last week to meet up with a guy she’d been texting for a while. It’s so infuriating that people are sticking to the rules and are really damaging their mental health because of it (and worse situations like domestic abuse), and then people are going out and breaking the rules for selfish and often futile reasons. There’s only so much we can blame the government if the population aren’t following the rules. Although I definitely think they should have imposed harsher fines - Spain was fining anything upwards of €600 - highest €30,000! That would make people in the UK think twice about risking it.

Aragog · 07/05/2020 18:05

Where I live (the estate I live on), however, is full of medics. They and the rest of my neighbours are taking this lockdown seriously.

Davespecifico · 07/05/2020 18:06

I don’t know anyone who isn’t going by the rules. Still neat 2 metre queues at the supermarket, people going for their hourly walk, people staying home. Thank goodness. I’d be so annoyed if I could see people potentially spreading the virus.


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RoscoePColtrane · 07/05/2020 18:06

Totally agree. I got stuck in a traffic jam this morning on my way to work, it is pretty much business as usual here. Loads of people in masks not socially distancing, just milling about.

Inkpaperstars · 07/05/2020 18:06

It's quiet in my part of SE London, no sign of any let up in lockdown. There was a slight uptick in traffic a week or so ago but basically nothing.

It's very sad if people are breaking lockdown by actually having close contact with other households, who haven't necessarily been isolating, for parties etc.

There are people suffering immensely with mental health issues in lockdown, people missing school, losing jobs and businesses, needing urgent medical treatment....alleviating all that has to delayed and out at risk because somone needs to have a party or a visit!

onestepat · 07/05/2020 18:06

I'm in the north east and today I went for food shop (I go once every 8-10 days)
Full of people
Sitting on benches chatting,families with 3 kids.
Bumped into next door neighbour out with her gran and kids.
Thick as ...

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