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No point in lockdown anymore

366 replies

LifeMatters · 07/05/2020 16:32

All my neighbours seem to think that we are in a paid staycation by the government and social distancing are out the door.
Everyone around where I live has friends and family over, are having picnics together on the grass in front of their flats, the roads are busier than ever.
It's crazy! There's no point in making this country suffer any more so better all let's just go to work and what happens happens.

People are taking advantage of the paid time off and not staying indoors. What is the point of this lockdown if people are not following it anymore?

My next door neighbors had friends and family over all this's crazy.

OP posts:
mynameiscalypso · 07/05/2020 17:08

I agree that clearly something has gone wrong with our lockdown and, in due course, that should be examined. I don't see that's any reason though for prolonging it now though. Much better to have a carefully managed release where you can evaluate the impact rather than just letting people do whatever they want. Everyone I know has been obeying up until now but I think gradually people will stop seeing the point.

chunkycoke · 07/05/2020 17:09

I’m in the West Midlands and people are basically doing what they want

RhymingRabbit3 · 07/05/2020 17:09

At an economic level, when deaths of under 45’s are analysed, the % of deaths is staggeringly low. Those of us not vulnerable need to get back out and get to work. No debate on that front. The kids need to get back to school.

Yes! The risk for younger people is tiny and life is never without risk. I know some young healthy people have died from this virus, but young healthy people die in car accidents, from contagious diseases, from cancer. Of course it is tragic but we can't all put our lives on hold indefinitely to avoid a tiny risk.

RhymingRabbit3 · 07/05/2020 17:13

Most people I know have been following the lockdown but are getting less and less strict about it. Myself included. At the start I would not go to the shops, would only go out once a day, stayed far away from all friends and family, didnt drive anywhere.
6 weeks on - in the last week I have been to the supermarket and to boots for a prescription, I have been out more than once on some occasions, have driven to local parks and to see family members from the end of their driveway for a social distance chat.

I assume that people who started off more relaxed (maybe where I am now) have become even more relaxed and are now actively seeing friends and family.

Racheyg · 07/05/2020 17:14

I can't just add we have been super strict with lockdown - apart from me travelling to work but have been using my car and not the tube

pinksmile · 07/05/2020 17:17

Next door are currently having a bbq with their friends and their friends kids.

Went out for walk today and loads of households meshed together, chilling, picnics, hanging out with the kids.

I am coastal north west.

There's no lockdown here it seems

Justjn1 · 07/05/2020 17:19

@ChipotleBlessing You're fortunate to have not seen it - here people slowly started to give up on lockdown around the end of week 2 beginning of week 3. Groups of men using park gym equipment together, large groups sitting down by the canal, people having picnics in the park, neighbours having BBQ's with friends, teenagers walking around in groups with their friends, someone even hired a giant bouncy castle and plonked it half in the road and then held a street party for a number of families the other day. @Racheyg I'm not sure an earlier lockdown - purely based on my locality - would have helped, in fact more than likely it would've meant the people who are outright ignoring it would've just been out even earlier :/. So I agree @LifeMatters it does all feel a bit pointless at this stage but then hopefully my experience isn't reflective of the majority.

celan · 07/05/2020 17:19

I have been opposed to the lockdown ever since it was announced, and remain convinced that it was a bad idea. Everyone needs to go back to work and school.

Bananasandorangessss · 07/05/2020 17:20

I’m in Essex and lots more cars on the road at moment, only a little fewer than normal. I consider myself mentally resilient but had a bit of a wobble yesterday for a split second and found myself crying with the two kids for no reason, the monotony of being stuck inside and all the childcare etc is not good. Today I took a long drive for exercise and went to a nice place where kids could social distance while exercising and had a picnic in the car. Not strictly adhering to the rules but I’ve had enough, it’s not good for my mental health (when I don’t normally have any issues). I’ve had COVID and recovered some weeks ago. We need to let people have a bit more freedom because they are taking it anyway.

Racheyg · 07/05/2020 17:23

@Justjn1 what I kinda meant was if we lockdown sooner maybe we could of been out of lockdown earlier. I just doing think the "herd immunity" idea really worked.

NiteFlights · 07/05/2020 17:25

What has the furlough amount got to do with whether people are sticking to lockdown or not?

FWIW where I live people still seem very compliant and are taking it seriously.

Justjn1 · 07/05/2020 17:27

@Racheyg sorry that was my error I missed the stricter in "sooner and stricter"...definitely think that would've helped!

Bathroom12345 · 07/05/2020 17:28

I agree with PP’s. Some are treating this like a massive holiday and doing all sorts on the tax payer, I have been working throughout the lockdown first in retail and now at home. No wonder some on MN are claiming they are scared to go back, they want the furlough to continue whilst constantly bleating they are are somehow different from everyone else and cannot possibly go back to work for xxx reasons.

Racheyg · 07/05/2020 17:29

Oops slight typo I mean hear immunity didn't work 😀

TanginaBarrons · 07/05/2020 17:29

I'm in Scotland and people are massively observant of lockdown here. It feels very distant -only about 13 people in itu in the whole of the Lothians but still haven't seen anyone flouting lockdown. I wonder if Scotland is different?

Pipandmum · 07/05/2020 17:29

Not game over here. The majority are sticking closely to the guidelines. The government aren't stupid they know there will be people who don't follow the rules but the majority will, and they have.

Racheyg · 07/05/2020 17:30

heard .....bloody hell what can't I type today

CuriousaboutSamphire · 07/05/2020 17:30

Actually, hearing Beth Rigby, Sky News, berating Raab for there being the promise of a road map out as being dangerous, when she was one of the daily shouters who complained there was no exit strategy, I think you are probably right.

She didn't even listen to the explanation, just got shoutier. Much as Peston did when he didn't understand some of the basics of epidemiology.

I look forward to many posters thinking she is right and not seeing the hypocracy in her indignation.

Mucklowe · 07/05/2020 17:31

I've just been out to a compulsory medical appointment, and it's like bloody gala day out there. People out in their droves.

Batmanandbobbin · 07/05/2020 17:32

I agree I went to the shop today and I thought I’d miss the memo about lockdown being over. Next OH family is inviting us over for bacon sandwiches and social distancing Saturday...... mil is an ICU nurse I’ve declined. OH is tempted 🙄

Bishybarnybee · 07/05/2020 17:32

Are we just writing off the over 45s then?

Mischance · 07/05/2020 17:32

I live in the country and social distancing is not a problem as we do not live on top of one another. Despite this everyone I know is taking the lockdown very seriously and doing all the right things.

I am in a vulnerable group so am obeying obediently!

I can understand how irritating it must be to be surrounded by those who do not care a jot about it. They may not be at as much risk - but I am!


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Dialdownthedrama · 07/05/2020 17:33

It's hilarious to me that people complain that 'everyone' near them is carrying on as normal.

You're not OP. The OP is NEVER breaking the rules so it's so daft to look at a few people and conclude 'everyone' is doing something when you're not. Do you think you're the only one? No of course not.

Lockdown worked in bringing down numbers and not overwhelming the NHS. It was always known some people would abide by the 'rules', some would do WTF they wanted anyway and some would not leave the house for weeks even though they don't need to stay in (and will continue to even when restrictions are lifted). That's how societies work.

It'll be gradually lifted and that's how it needs to be.

Extrapolating a few dozen people living near you and doing whatever they want to mean multiple millions of people can do the same now is just such a daft conclusion.

everybodysang · 07/05/2020 17:36

isn't it weird how different it is in different places? I wonder why that is. Perhaps if others see people not sticking to it, they think, well, why the hell should I?
FWIW I'm also in Essex and people are, by and large, sticking to the rules as far as I can see. There are definitely a few more cars around in the last couple of days but not lots more - and I live in a very blue collar neighbourhood with a fair few people doing essential work. But it's mostly very quiet and very much in line with what has been asked of us.
I don't know anyone treating furlough like a massive holiday but perhaps they don't dare say it to me - much of my team has been furloughed so I'm working from home and working harder than I ever have. My team are desperate to come back to work but that may be because we work for a great company doing a job that we all love rather than hating furlough itself.
I totally agree with the lockdown while also agreeing we have to find a good way out of it (I think it should be done slowly and carefully and I think it will be). For those despairing that nobody is sticking to it... I don't think it's quite true.

Though having said all that, my bloody 75-year-old father is heading out to the supermarket three times a week despite being really vulnerable: he loves going out and has refused us doing online shopping (he's 500 miles away) - I even managed to get a gold dust shopping slot for him and he made me give it up. So... well, it's all anecdotal so doesn't really mean anything, but it's not all flouting of rules.

(Also just wanted to add my voice to the thread as there's doesn't seem to be a lot of middle ground at the moment between WE MUST ALL STAY IN LOCKDOWN OR WE WILL DIE and GET US OUT OF LOCKDOWN THIS MOMENT WE ARE NOT SHEEP etc)

SusieOwl4 · 07/05/2020 17:37

I went to a double funeral today , and passed another double funeral on the way out . Also today a celebrant I know was doing a triple funeral for parents and a son all in the care sector.

And for those who see the lockdown being flaunted should also make sure these people do not blame the government for any increases in deaths .

The lockdown is not lifted and the announcement is a road map nothing else yet .

Just you wait the ones break ing the lockdown will be the ones shouting loudest when their family is affected .

It just makes me angry .

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