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No point in lockdown anymore

366 replies

LifeMatters · 07/05/2020 16:32

All my neighbours seem to think that we are in a paid staycation by the government and social distancing are out the door.
Everyone around where I live has friends and family over, are having picnics together on the grass in front of their flats, the roads are busier than ever.
It's crazy! There's no point in making this country suffer any more so better all let's just go to work and what happens happens.

People are taking advantage of the paid time off and not staying indoors. What is the point of this lockdown if people are not following it anymore?

My next door neighbors had friends and family over all this's crazy.

OP posts:
VerticalHorizon · 09/05/2020 12:00

30 year old code makes no difference.
Would it matter if I calculated it with an abacus?

How accurate a model is, is a different matter, but the age of the code is utterly irrelevant. Some of the code in your iPhone is 20 years old.

Rebelwithallthecause · 09/05/2020 12:01

714 flights in and out of the country this Wednesday just gone

They are making us stay at home but allowing this to happen


TooTrueToBeGood · 09/05/2020 12:05

Finally they are going to announce quarantine measures for people arriving in U.K. from abroad

I might be misreading the news articles but it reads like this will be advisory rather than enforced. That is, individuals will be trusted to self-isolate for 14 days rather than being held in official quarantine.

According to BBC News:

"People arriving in the UK would have to self-isolate at a private residence."

So unless they are going to be put on a tag it's entirely down to the individual. Call me a cynic but I expect a large percentage will just not comply.

Rebelwithallthecause · 09/05/2020 12:06

The telegraph says about it being enforced with £1000 fines of broken or deportation

Hoping it’s fully enforced

It needs to be!

So bloody late though

The news article also says it won’t happen until June!! WTF!!

Rebelwithallthecause · 09/05/2020 12:09

This part of the article seems rediculous to me Hmm

No point in lockdown anymore
Connie222 · 09/05/2020 12:10

@Rebelwithallthecause it’s far too late. They should’ve done this months ago.

And how will it be enforced?

And when I read that they are talking about doing it in June - what the fuck? The way it’s been handled in this country is a joke.

Rebelwithallthecause · 09/05/2020 12:11

Spot checks only Confused

No point in lockdown anymore
Rebelwithallthecause · 09/05/2020 12:12

@Connie222 I agree

Too bloody late
Then not putting it into action until June
Then only doing spot checks anyway

What a shot show

Yet no one can see their parents


Connie222 · 09/05/2020 12:13

Spot checks my arse.

Rebelwithallthecause · 09/05/2020 12:13

A joke indeed

Namechangednorth · 09/05/2020 12:15

Suggest you read the rest then and the follow up. Makes frightening reading about how amateurish it all was. If the code was so good why did the government call in Microsoft to try and sort it out (unsuccessfully)

And why have they resisted releasing the actual model? Well we know why now.

TooTrueToBeGood · 09/05/2020 12:17

The telegraph says about it being enforced with £1000 fines of broken or deportation

Sounds OK in theory but how effective will it actually be in practice? Penalties are only effective if there's a reasonable chance of getting caught. Are the police going to to randomly stop huge numbers of people to check if they should be self-quarantining? Are they going to do spot checks on the residences where those self-quarantining are staying to check they are not mixing with the rest of the household? I am pretty sure they won't as they do not have the resources.

Rebelwithallthecause · 09/05/2020 12:23

Yes just spot checks it says

VerticalHorizon · 09/05/2020 12:28

The economy is a vital part of our healthcare. Striking the right balance between saving lives today and saving lives tomorrow, next year etc is tricky.

Sadly where money is concerned, a multitude of motives come into play... and therein lie the problems.

VerticalHorizon · 09/05/2020 12:30

Business flights ought to be reduced... unless they offer exemptions for 'legitimate' purposes.

BobbyMo · 09/05/2020 12:55

I'm in Glasgow and definitely everyone near my flat is taking it seriously as are my friends and family. When I cycle around for exercise it only seems to be teenagers who are breaking the rules about social gathering. But the pavements and paths in the park are busy... sometimes 2 metres isn't possible when passing folk. There'd be more space if people could sit around on the grass, ironically

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