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CV19 was released from lab?

116 replies

Polly02 · 21/04/2020 18:34

This was talked about on Newsnight yesterday. There are top scientists that are sure that Covid 19 was in fact released from a lab (accidentally) and not through the wet markets.

I can't find this anywhere other than hearing it on Newsnight. Has anyone read this anywhere else recently?

Not the previous conspiracy theories.

OP posts:
Bearbehind · 21/04/2020 21:36

Where is the theory?

In plenty of places - even our government have said it can’t be ruled out

Sticking your head in the sand just because you don’t want to believe it doesn't prevent it being a credible option

Until anyone proves differently, it’s more than possible as a source

Smilethoyourheartisbreaking · 21/04/2020 21:47

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banjaxxed · 21/04/2020 21:52

Someone infected in the lab is 'naturally occurring'


KatySun · 21/04/2020 21:54

The article you have linked to has some errors in the referencing Taciturn, if you follow the links and read the original papers. So for example it cites an article (2018) about research looking at infections from bat coronavirus in Wuhan and says the researchers found no evidence; but if you click on the article, the article actually says that six people tested positive for bat coronavirus, and it seems to be discussing a different geographical area from Wuhan, it is discussing a rural area close to bat caves. So of course it found no evidence in Wuhan because it was not looking in Wuhan.

Lockeddownandout · 21/04/2020 21:55

Certainly no less naturally occurring than the mixing of wild animals in very close proximity to humans in a market situation

Polly02 · 21/04/2020 21:55

I’m not offended by biscuits or reporting, although I hope admin allow the discussion to continue. It is very interesting. All sides of the argument are. Thank you everyone.

OP posts:
pocketem · 21/04/2020 21:59

@Polly02 why haven't you posted the newsnight clip yet like you said you would?

Newsnight is on iPlayer. Just tell us where in the programme you saw this alleged information

Smilethoyourheartisbreaking · 21/04/2020 22:01

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Lockeddownandout · 21/04/2020 22:06

It's a discussion, not backing a side

Embracelife · 21/04/2020 22:06
RedCyclamens · 21/04/2020 22:08

I watched a documentary on the subject recently

Inkpaperstars · 21/04/2020 23:26

Yes I saw this on Newsnight and was surprised to hear that the theory is considered very likely true by some top public health officials. I think they said that the virus is not considered to be man made, but rather a naturally occurring virus held in a lab. Newsnight corespondent said a lab that exists to store and study these viruses and try to prevent further SARs type outbreaks is practically next door to the wet market that was supposedly the source. I have no idea if any of this is credible, but the report was not some tin foil hat YouTube channel and I don't think they would fabricate their sources.

Polly02 · 21/04/2020 23:31

Yes that clip is on I player.

Start watching from 31.00 - it was the 20.04.20 episode.

OP posts:
pigoons · 21/04/2020 23:32

The bit I haven't been able to understand re the wet market bat - other animal - human transmission is that scientists haven't been able to identify the intermediate animal. There were thoughts early on that it was a pangolin but this has never been confirmed which I find slightly odd.
So in my mind it is possible that there is another source we don't know about i.e. direct bat to human transmission in a lab

Keepdistance · 21/04/2020 23:33

I read they had a problem with lab test animals being sold for food.

I think the concern is SARs did escape.

Mers they think comes from camels.

Either way it needs looking at as SARs and SARs2 from china.

MrsTerryPratchett · 22/04/2020 01:23

Wet markets have been around for thousands of years in China, and no known case of viruses from them.

I don't believe in birds. There were dinosaurs for millions of years and they didn't evolve into birds. Why did they suddenly evolve into birds?

Viruses evolve and mutate. All the time. It's an arms race with immune systems. If viruses didn't mutate and evolve, there wouldn't ever be new diseases.

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