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CV19 was released from lab?

116 replies

Polly02 · 21/04/2020 18:34

This was talked about on Newsnight yesterday. There are top scientists that are sure that Covid 19 was in fact released from a lab (accidentally) and not through the wet markets.

I can't find this anywhere other than hearing it on Newsnight. Has anyone read this anywhere else recently?

Not the previous conspiracy theories.

OP posts:
Smilethoyourheartisbreaking · 21/04/2020 20:39

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Toomuchsky · 21/04/2020 20:42
Mamamia456 · 21/04/2020 20:44

The US, France and the UK are all investigating this as a possibility. The SARS outbreak back in 2003 was from a bat and labs were set up to learn more about coronaviruses and how they can be transmitted to humans. I'm sure I read that the patient 0 with Covid 19 was working in the Wuhan lab, I will see if I can find the link.

No one is saying it was man made or a bio weapon but that it could have been accidentally released. China have lied and covered up about this from the outset and silenced people who tried to speak out. We need to know the truth.

Smilethoyourheartisbreaking · 21/04/2020 20:45

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Inthesameboat10 · 21/04/2020 20:46

Actually I think it was made in a lab. I’ve read quite a bit on it. And from some credible doctors.

A chimera virus is a virus that’s been genetically altered. This is what Covid 19 is.

banjaxxed · 21/04/2020 20:46


Yes and pandemics start somewhere. It's perfectly plausible a worker at the lab became infected with a novel batborne Coronavirus and then has spread it (unintentionally of course)

Just a plausible as it coming from a wet market which have existed forever.

Both are valid. Nothing tin foil about that

jasjas1973 · 21/04/2020 20:47

People have been eating bats for centuries... yet a totally unique, new virus emerges, where no one has any immunity whatsoever?

Don't think people should be so keen to dismiss the Viral Lab theory quite so easily.

Smilethoyourheartisbreaking · 21/04/2020 20:47

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jasjas1973 · 21/04/2020 20:49

Thinking about, if it has come from a Chinese lab, might be best not knowing, the implications for world peace could be profound.

Toilenstripes · 21/04/2020 20:49

Not a conspiracy. There’s a bio lab in Wuhan that studies these diseases.

20April2020 · 21/04/2020 20:49

I agree that spreading misinformation should be jumped all over but it's unpleasant and unnecessary to start handing out biscuits over theories discussed in mainstream media including BBC.

The potential for a pandemic to occur "naturally" (albeit a wet market is as much a man made environment as a lab) and the possibility of a researched virus accidentally escaping a lab are not mutually exclusive. I understand how zoonotic viruses can jump so no need to lecture about that

Inthesameboat10 · 21/04/2020 20:52

Your ridiculed on MN for asking questions and not always believing every thing your told. Apparently your not supposed to question just to keep your head down and blend in.

Such an odd place at times.

homeschoolchaos · 21/04/2020 20:53

Both DH and I think this is a highly plausible scenario, and we both have the kind of scientific backgrounds which make DH in particular especially knowledgeable on this subject. There was definitely bat coronavirus work happening in Wuhan, it’s not impossible that someone accidentally infected themselves. We don’t actually know the origin of the virus/how it transferred to people, the wet market scenario is just a guess. The lab scenario is equally valid

itsgettingweird · 21/04/2020 20:55

Well yes. The lab was investigating coronavirus because of previous pandemics, the risk of subsequent ones and the fact it's known now bats carry coronavirus. It doesn't make them ill though. That's what they were studying.
Transmission could had happened that way. Human error.

And to PP who said above the novachok. Well yes portion down was only 20 miles from Salisbury. This again has a very credible theory of what happened. The 2 Russians who spent just 3 hours in the Uk to visit the closed Cathedral! The theory is credible but not proven and unlikely to be proven. But there are questions asked about whether someone in PD provided them with the NC. Rather than then flying it over here. I know what I believe but I can't say anyone who has a different theory needs a tin foil hat because the one I believe is not proven - it's itself technically still just a theory.

FromZeroToHero · 21/04/2020 20:56

@Smilethoyourheartisbreaking wtf with these tin foil hats all over this forum?? What does this even mean?? I had a good mate who had a business going into shops with one of these foil bags (cool bags if you like) and steal all sorts of stuff, clothes etc then sell it off on ebay. It worked because foil didnt allow to triggrr the alam waves to get through to his bag so no one ever noticed. He made a fortune back then. Anyway, dont see whats wrong with foil

Smilethoyourheartisbreaking · 21/04/2020 20:57

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backinthebox · 21/04/2020 20:57

No one can say it was released from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, a research lab housing multiple strains of bat-borne coronavirus samples and workplace of the world’s leading authority on coronaviruses, which has been the subject of concerns regarding poor biosecurity. No one can say for certain it wasn’t, either. All that can be said is that it is a real coincidence that a novel bat-borne coronavirus carried primarily by bats from the tropical southern parts of China came to light actually in Wuhan itself, a relatively northern town. What are the chances that a new virus carried by bats managed to find its first victim in a town not native to the bats in question but that is literally walking distance from the virology lab working on such viruses? It could well be a very unfortunate coincidence, but so far there is no evidence to say that it is, or that it isn’t. Unless you are a Chinese scientist, any opinion either way is pure speculation. Given the way China suppresses the flow of information from within its borders to the outside world, I would hazard a guess that we will never know.

Whatever, it is a theory being discussed by journalists and scientists around the world, and is hardly worthy of a biscuit or being reported.

Sennetti · 21/04/2020 20:59

bloody hell the chinese will no way be admitting to this if true!!

Annamaria14 · 21/04/2020 21:00

I also heard this

Sennetti · 21/04/2020 21:00

ignore the 'reported' brigade why exactly? a news article and opinions on it? get a grip biscuit throwers.....get a grip

Smilethoyourheartisbreaking · 21/04/2020 21:00

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Legoandloldolls · 21/04/2020 21:00

I dont think it was created and released as a bio weapon. I think generally on that theory that some people can digest that better than the fact that there are millions of billions of bugs waiting to cross the species barrier and wipe us out.

However the first thing I remember on my biology degree is that you cant discount what you can not prove. Like you cant prove that there was no Adam and Eve, so evolution is Darwins THEORY not his fact.

It's good to be open minded as a scientist but your always looking to base on fact. We dont have the facts yet.

I'm still generally of the mind that this is a random event of which the like could happen again at any time. I think that's what scare people. Someone eats a monkey, humans get aids, someone eats a bat, global pandemic follows. What happens the next time eats something funky? A virus that spreads like covid and kills like Ebola? Could be.

People cant Handel that possibility and want to believe humans control everything. That we made it. There was a vaccine we can control it. Because the alternate is we have no control and cant stop these kind of events.

The worst thing is to close your minds off. Good scientists and any problem.solver considers all options and dismisses them on evidence. Not just they think its poppycock.

Smilethoyourheartisbreaking · 21/04/2020 21:01

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itsgettingweird · 21/04/2020 21:01

I didn't know that box regards the bats not being native to that area. Thanks for adding that. Totally agree with everything else you said.

Bearbehind · 21/04/2020 21:02

Excellent post backinthebox

I do despair of those who insist this is just ‘tin foil hat’ stuff

Fine, if you can prove it wrong then do so

But right now no one can so being open to credible theories is simply being sensible

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