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CV19 was released from lab?

116 replies

Polly02 · 21/04/2020 18:34

This was talked about on Newsnight yesterday. There are top scientists that are sure that Covid 19 was in fact released from a lab (accidentally) and not through the wet markets.

I can't find this anywhere other than hearing it on Newsnight. Has anyone read this anywhere else recently?

Not the previous conspiracy theories.

OP posts:
userxx · 21/04/2020 20:12

How did it jump from an animal to a human if its airborne.

By eating the animal?

FromZeroToHero · 21/04/2020 20:13

I have heard about it too and there is no doubt this virus was made in the lab. Its confirmed it consist of two different species DNRs so its not a "natural" virus per se. It may or may not been release from lab "by mistake" though. I think we will never know for sure. Maybe who ever released it is dead already

darceybusselllovesbrussells · 21/04/2020 20:13

I watched Newsnight last night, when did they say it came from a lab?

TheRattleBag · 21/04/2020 20:13

I've known this for ages - the checkout assistant in Tesco told me! Grin

pokemongrief · 21/04/2020 20:14

I heard this too @Polly02 So you're not part of the loony tunes conspiracy theory. It's perfectly possible for this to have happened. They are testing all sorts of viruses all the time, and an escape into the community seems reasonable considering how infectious it is.

The80sweregreat · 21/04/2020 20:17

I am not always the sharpest tool but when the real experts speak I do tend to lose the thread a bit or I simply don't understand what they are trying to convey to me.
I wouldn't be surprised if someone has mooted these points on tv, but if I listened in it would go whoosh!
However, I would not be surprised if this did happen. People who spoke up have disappeared and China's Human rights record isn't wonderful. If it was an enormous mistake the authorities would not admit it.

PlanDeRaccordement · 21/04/2020 20:18

This is not true at all. The latest credible study proved it was NOT a manmade or altered virus. You are spreading misinformation, so I’ve reported this thread too.

The proximal origin of SARS-CoV-2

Our analyses clearly show that SARS-CoV-2 is not a laboratory construct or a purposefully manipulated virus.

insancerre · 21/04/2020 20:24

I think we will never really find out the truth
But I don’t believe it came from a wet market

gingganggooleywotsit · 21/04/2020 20:24

why are people giving out biscuits and reporting? It's not that unbelievable, let's be honest.

FromZeroToHero · 21/04/2020 20:27

What does a biscuit mean? Why to report the post - are people not allowed to discuss on social forum anymore? Last time I checked this was not North Korea??

YogaLite · 21/04/2020 20:28

There was an article in Sunday Times during March or late Feb well before the lockdown stating the same. Wish I had kept it.

itsgettingweird · 21/04/2020 20:29

Plan no one has said it's man made. What they've said is we know there is a lab in close proximity who were studying the effects of coronavirus in bats and how they don't become ill from and why. They'd advertised for a phd student to join the team not long before this happened. There is as much chance a bat infected a person in lab than there is in a wet market. Same process. It jumped from human to animal. Or perhaps a bat escaped. The truth is we don't know and just because people don't believe it or want to risk bigger issues by pursuing it as a credible theory doesn't mean that it's impossible that it happened that way.

PicsInRed · 21/04/2020 20:29

Almost certainly a fuck up, accidental release from the lab. There have been high level concerns about safety standards at that lab since it opened.

itsgettingweird · 21/04/2020 20:29

Sorry jumped from a animal to human 🤦‍♀️

Bearbehind · 21/04/2020 20:30

Why are people reporting this thread?

It’s a credible theory that has yet to be disproved.

There is a virology lab 20 miles away from the epicentre of the outbreak

Only an idiot would dismiss this as an impossible source without evidence to the contrary.

PicsInRed · 21/04/2020 20:32

why are people giving out biscuits and reporting? It's not that unbelievable, let's be honest.

From a place of fear. A transmissable virus bouncing into the human population like this doesn't happen very often whereas these labs have so many pathogens...thinking that some are guarded by such careless morons is too scary to contemplate.

Smilethoyourheartisbreaking · 21/04/2020 20:33

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

DobbyTheHouseElk · 21/04/2020 20:33

I’ve been hearing about it occasionally from about Feb. It has been mentioned on the BBC news.

LudaMusser · 21/04/2020 20:34

Unfortunately we'll never know, just like 9/11, JFK and Roswell

Smilethoyourheartisbreaking · 21/04/2020 20:35

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

banjaxxed · 21/04/2020 20:36

Why is anyone reporting this? The OP doesn't say made in lab, it says released?

And considering that the Wuhan Institute is Virology which studies.... erm ...viruses including a whole host of corona viruses from Bats in a BSL -4 facility. It's not that much of a leap surely for people to suggest this could have happened?

BSL 4 is high level containment

itsgettingweird · 21/04/2020 20:38

Exactly Luda it's scary that people think because you can't prove something it didn't happen that way. Not being able to prove something doesn't make a theory wrong. I've not seen any credible evidence of how it started in wet market. That's also just a theory in reality.
But it's more widely accepted because it meets the narrative the world wants us to believe (or at least China and the who!)

BlueGheko · 21/04/2020 20:39

Almost certainly a fuck up, accidental release from the lab. There have been high level concerns about safety standards at that lab since it opened.

Agreed, its extremely likely given the close proximity of a level 4 lab where bat corona viruses were being studied and biosecurity concerns raised, not sure why everyone's screaming conspiracy theorist and would rather believe the wet market theory given no-one except the Chinese government knows Confused.

Studies have shown its not man made though.

MrsTerryPratchett · 21/04/2020 20:39

There is a correlation between people who believe this and posters with numbers in their MN name. This PROVES that adding numbers to your username makes you credulous and tin foil-hatty. PROVES it.

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