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Is this the end of the world as we know it?

166 replies

SubordinateThatClause · 10/03/2020 20:12

Just that really. Not trying to be to hyped and dramatic about life. How far reaching do you think the consequences of this thing are going to be - economically, socially, politically? Will life ever get back to how it has been?

Let's face it. It's not going to just go away is it? Might just save the planet if the pollution reduction over China is anything to go by though.

OP posts:
madeyemoodysmum · 10/03/2020 21:22


BadEyeBri · 10/03/2020 21:25

I really can't get excited about this. We will all die from something. I'd much rather live a bit longer, in fact quite a bit longer, but I won't live in mortal fear of dying. That's terrible. Bad shit is likely to happen. CoVid19 is one of those bad things but it is not the end of the world. Some people will die, maybe a lot of people will die but the majority will not.

Butterwhy · 10/03/2020 21:25

The world is always evolving, previous epidemics, wars, invention of air travel, the internet etc. Things will change temporarily, and then settle slightly differently, just as they have done before.

RhubarbTea · 10/03/2020 21:27

Did the war end the world "as people knew it"? I think it did, in some ways, even though people went back to normal life afterwards. This should be shorter, but I think 'after' might still feel quite different to 'before'

This. Very much this. So it answer to your question, yes but perhaps not markedly. Climate change is more likely to lead to the end of the world in its present form, but even that will be gradual over some years and even decades.
I understand why you are asking the question, though. I was thinking about this today.

GETTINGLIKEMYMOTHER · 10/03/2020 21:29

At least it makes a change from bloody Brexit all over the news!

SubordinateThatClause · 10/03/2020 21:32

Thank you @mintypylon and others for not jumping on the 'oh ffs get a grip' bandwagon. I could feel the eye rolls! 😜

I do think life is going to change a lot, possibly short term, possibly quite long term. The effects of the 2008 crash are still being felt now.

I'm just interested on what the effects people think will be most marked.

OP posts:
bluehighlighter · 10/03/2020 21:33

I think we've been living on borrowed time since the invention of the nuclear bomb. Everything feels very temporary.

MollysMummy2010 · 10/03/2020 21:35

I just went to my local co op and they had milk, bread, cat food and loo roll. I don’t think anyone round here thinks it is the end of days just yet. BTW I only went in as my daughter thinks butter is an actual foodstuff rather than an accompaniment and I also needed wine (always wine and that would be a problem)

DannyNedelko · 10/03/2020 21:37

Never again will I have less than 4000 toilet rolls in the house. I will be putting anti bacterial hand gel on my cornflakes from now until the end of time. Life as I knew it has ended.

ByeMF · 10/03/2020 21:39

I think it's going to be fascinating to see how this changes things globally. Looking at Italy you can see how so many businesses are likely to go under. How many restaurants and bars in the tourist areas can cope with losing all their custom? Same in the UK. Devon has the highest number of cases outside London. If people cancel their summer holidays and weekend breaks it'll have a serious effect on the local economy. And that's just one industry.

The USA situation is an absolute cluster fuck. They're barely testing anyone and their healthcare system is totally unsuited to a pandemic.

On the plus side with flights being cancelled and people generally traveling less it could be really good for the environment.

On a personal level my MIL won't survive if she catches it. She's the only grandparent my kids have left so it'll be pretty devastating.

sunshineANDsweetpeas · 10/03/2020 21:40

It's a flu like virus.

Like the flu it will impact those who are elderly with underlying heath issues.

This happens every day all over the world. Those of us with health issues or aged are affected by various illnesses, those of us who are able bodied recover from these illnesses. Unlike historical illnesses that have heavily impacted the population, this doesn't kill able bodied folk.

It'll change things for a while, businesses will use this as a test for their business continuity plans and more people will get to work from home. We are about 18 months away from a jab (if you believe what you read) and then it'll be treated like any other bug.

ddl1 · 10/03/2020 21:41

No. If the Spanish flu in 2018 didn't End the World As We Know It, this won't.

ddl1 · 10/03/2020 21:42

1918, of course!

BMW6 · 10/03/2020 21:43

Is this the end of the world as we know it?

Well if so, do you know how to make fire? How to find clean water for drinking? Catch and kill animals for food? Build a weatherproof shelter? Where to dig a shit pit?

If your answer to all (or any) of the above is NO then you are very probably doomed...............Grin

TenToTheDozen · 10/03/2020 21:43

I hope it will open people's eyes to the vulnerable in society.

It's not just the elderly, but there are many members of society who are housebound through ill health that people normally don't give a thought to.

2018SoFarSoGreat · 10/03/2020 21:45

No. But I do think it is the end of the world (temporarily) of financial stability.

I think many companies will fold, restaurants, bars, hotels, shops etc. It is such a competitive market that they won't have the capital to withstand much of a downturn.

Personally, I have watched (with my hands over my eyes) a huge chunk of my retirement funds go up in smoke this month. I plan to retire in less than 2 years. There is not enough time for it to recover the amount it has lost. Those who are not planning to retire for some time will ride this wave, and recover, we hope. Those of us in the last stages not so much.

I am worrying how much this will affect my own company, and if I will have to start laying off people once our clients stop spending money hiring and moving folks around the world. That scares me.

However, in truth I am most scared that someone in my loved circle will succumb to this. That is way more important and scarier than any of the rest of it.

GoatyGoatyMingeMinge · 10/03/2020 21:46

I'm not sure that any lessons can be drawn from 1918 - the world as we know it is a very different place!

(And the world as they knew it ended then for several other reasons.)

SubordinateThatClause · 10/03/2020 21:47

@TenToTheDozen - yes I hope you're right. The shopping behaviour of some people, stimulated by fear, I've no doubt, has highlighted what an individualistic society we have become. I count myself in that to a degree. This country would be a nicer place to live if we could all get through that.

OP posts:
TenToTheDozen · 10/03/2020 21:48

Additional thoughts: Hopefully it will have a positive impact on the environment since fewer people are traveling. There will certainly be financial implications; shares in most companies will falter, but online delivery companies are already benefiting. Other airlines may collapse. Hopefully it will open company directors to the possibility of employees working from home, as this has been a long time coming. Also, I suspect it will mean another vaccine which isn't a good thing in my opinion, as I still don't believe the long-term effects of vaccines have been studied well enough.

TinklyLittleLaugh · 10/03/2020 21:49

If a large percentage of older people are killed off, then it could have an impact on future elections.

Hopefully it will lead to more money for the NHS. But I’m not holding my breath.

RhodaCamel · 10/03/2020 21:50

I think it will change the world in many ways. Hopefully it will slow down the totally unnecessary air travel we have these days, including most business travel which can be done via the internet and all those people just ‘popping’ over to another country for a ‘cheeky’ weekend away. Hopefully, it will change way the Chinese treat their animals. Hopefully with Chinese factories on lockdown it will show us that we can easily live a while without the mass production of throw away fashion and plastic tat which we consume far too much of. It will also show how completely useless most governments are and how fantastic and dedicated most frontline medical folk are. It is really scary when something comes along which may threaten our lives, and way of life, I’m scared tbh but am hoping something good will eventually come from this. We have to live in hope.

eaglejulesk · 10/03/2020 21:59

Oh good grief!!!!


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MollysMummy2010 · 10/03/2020 22:01

I am worried about my elderly mil who loves alone some distance away and who has health problems. If travelling is restricted we will be in trouble.

eaglejulesk · 10/03/2020 22:01

@DannyNedelko Grin Grin Grin

AnxietyQueen101 · 10/03/2020 22:02

Most people I know are just carrying on as normal. Myself included.

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