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Is this the end of the world as we know it?

166 replies

SubordinateThatClause · 10/03/2020 20:12

Just that really. Not trying to be to hyped and dramatic about life. How far reaching do you think the consequences of this thing are going to be - economically, socially, politically? Will life ever get back to how it has been?

Let's face it. It's not going to just go away is it? Might just save the planet if the pollution reduction over China is anything to go by though.

OP posts:
Gottheteeshirtandlostit · 10/03/2020 21:07

I think there will be a mind-set change about home working and dialling into meetings rather than flying to them in person.

I also think there will be a long term rise in the popularity of on-line grocery shopping once people - lots of people trying it now who haven't before.

I also hope that the virus will be the saving of the NHS. It will be a timely reminder of the need to invest in the service and its staff.

emmcan · 10/03/2020 21:07


It is just another virus. Exacerbated by pollution, smoking, poor health...

After the media and social media panic is over, and idiots stop posting dumb things on the stupidnet, Covid 19 will become another seasonal issue. Like wasps, or having the in-laws round at Christmas.
83 million useless fucking feeders are added to the population every year. No virus has yet been able to even scratch the surface of the endless, parasitic breeding of Homo Sapiens. And this poor, tiny, scared little example is no different. Well done. Well done, everyone.

emsy86 · 10/03/2020 21:08

I thin it will be better in year to come actually... Better hand washing hygiene, more Aware of this sort of thing in the future and more investment in the NHS will likely follow to make sure we are prepared in the future!

Sittinonthefloor · 10/03/2020 21:08

I think there might be some positives - people will finally stop using revolting old cotton handkerchiefs, people may stop coughing / sneezing on their hands, handshaking may become less essential (I hate touching people).

XingMing · 10/03/2020 21:09

We're all doomed, Cap'm Mainwaring!

DamselInTheStress · 10/03/2020 21:09

83 million useless fucking feeders are added to the population every year.

And you’re on a parenting website because......?

T0tallyFuckedUpFamily · 10/03/2020 21:09

Is that you, Greta? ^

GetRid · 10/03/2020 21:10

The op has a very good point.

This could change some things globally.

The outcome of November's US election is one thing, as their healthcare system is about to get fucked, in around 10 days from now.

Less flying, in favour of video conferencing might happen

More investment in broadband so people can work from home effectively

iheartislesofwight · 10/03/2020 21:10

panic about covid19 will soon lose it's grip come later part of the year because then everyone will be once again stocking loo rolls for the brexit tie up !
you might starve but you'll have plenty of loo roll !

jasjas1973 · 10/03/2020 21:14

Depends how long it goes on for, the 1918 pandemic came in 3 waves over the course of 2 years, that killed 50m people, the world's population is now over 3 times bigger.
If this virus mutates into a more violent version, like the 1918 one did, then a lot of things will change, this is why China has done so much to limit its spread.

Even if it doesn't, the economic effects, company closures and the stock market crash will take several years to rebuild into what we are used to now.

So lets hope it dies out by the summer and never returns.

Shinycat · 10/03/2020 21:15


You OK hun?

Go get a snickers bar. You're not you when you're hungry.........

madcatladyforever · 10/03/2020 21:16

It was worse in 1918.

EastCoastDamsel · 10/03/2020 21:16

Let's hope they come up with a safe and effective vaccine sooner rather than later and find a decent antiviral.

The potential human fallout from this could be HUGE

PhilSwagielka · 10/03/2020 21:16

The world didn't end with Spanish flu or the plague.

dudsville · 10/03/2020 21:16

Quickly, Google the number of deaths worldwide for common flu this year. Compare that number to deaths of covid.

ThrowingGoodAfterBad · 10/03/2020 21:16

I'm sure it was Ursula Le Guin who wrote once that the world I knew has already been destroyed several times.

A virus won't destroy the world alone. What might is the global economic interweaving and thus fragility that has been allowed to develop, and the death of logic and reason.

randomsabreuse · 10/03/2020 21:16


If pointless face to face meetings can be shown to be unnecessary, and flying to New York or even the Far East for one 30 minute meeting becomes frowned upon that will make a massive difference to the environment.

If pointless presenteeism gets replaced by acceptance of working from home in all appropriate roles that should massively improve work life balance and maybe help with the gender pay gap.

Strong risk of increasing social isolation though.

Could change the status quo in the world of work quite dramatically!

Newjez · 10/03/2020 21:16

I think you are right. It has highlighted some major issues with the USA health care.
It has also highlighted our vulnerability when we export strategic industry.
In some ways it is correcting the issues we face with an aging population. Although this won't be a fix if they can successfully treat or vaccinate. But if they can't, it will reduce the need for immigration.
There will be many lessons to learn. Whether or not they will.

emmcan · 10/03/2020 21:17



BMW6 · 10/03/2020 21:19

Oh I DO hope so!!


emsy86 · 10/03/2020 21:19

Just for a bit of context too.. The battle of the somme lasted 5 months and killed over 1 million people so far this has been going on 2 and a half months and has killed 4000 people... That is less people than you can fit in Berwick upon tweeds football stadium....

aWeaponCalledtheWord · 10/03/2020 21:20

the only things that will survive the apocalypse are cockroaches and Katie Price. trufact.


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HelloBolloxMyOldFriend · 10/03/2020 21:20


Do you have children?

user127819 · 10/03/2020 21:22

No. The next few weeks will be unprecedented during our lifetime, but things will go back to normal. The epidemic will end, and this coronavirus will become another flu virus that circulates every year. Eventually there will hopefully be a vaccine, which will protect the most vulnerable. Perhaps the virus will mutate to become less deadly.

The Spanish Flu was devastating too but life went on, the world didn't end, and we are all here today. The plague was even more devastating, but again, the world didn't end.

iheartislesofwight · 10/03/2020 21:22

emmcan i hope you haven't got kids if that's how you talk about them. because it makes you sound a right twat.
feel free to delete this someone if you agree if emmcan's post about 83 million useless fucking feeders [i.e babies] being added to the population each year

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