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Is this the end of the world as we know it?

166 replies

SubordinateThatClause · 10/03/2020 20:12

Just that really. Not trying to be to hyped and dramatic about life. How far reaching do you think the consequences of this thing are going to be - economically, socially, politically? Will life ever get back to how it has been?

Let's face it. It's not going to just go away is it? Might just save the planet if the pollution reduction over China is anything to go by though.

OP posts:
Flaxmeadow · 09/08/2020 21:17

70,000 years ago there was some kind of catastrophic natural event that almost wiped out the human race. At first scientists thought it might have been a volcanic eruption, but that idea has been dismissed in recent years. One possibility is a highly contagious disease that spread around the globe. Only a few thousand people survived the event, our ancestors

A cheery thought for you all Grin

PhilSwagielka · 09/08/2020 20:32

No. People have recovered from pandemics in the past.

KitKatastrophe · 09/08/2020 19:58


Still feels like new normal will be very very different

Not as different as some people were expecting when this thread was first posted. Most places I go feel almost normal now, to be honest. There are signs and people are social distancing but it hasnt changed anything fundamentally (in my life anyway).

The main difference for us is DH working from home and no toddler groups / play groups to go to and no swimming.
Choochoose · 09/08/2020 14:26

Society and the way we live has always been evolving. After other pandemics things return to what we would consider more of a normality, with the advances we have in science etc, no reason to believe it won't be the same now. Some things will take a while to get back to how we know them, and other things won't, but many will.

SubordinateThatClause · 09/08/2020 14:23

Still feels like new normal will be very very different

OP posts:
BubblyBarbara · 15/04/2020 09:11

You know the previous “normal” was based on the consequences of previous epidemics and diseases. Free love was nipped in the bud by STIs and AIDS and stopped being normal but we got on with it. If things stop this time it will seem very normal eventually

SubordinateThatClause · 15/04/2020 06:58

Interesting rereading this thread that I started just over a month ago. Feels like forever!

OP posts:
BlackAmericanoNoSugar · 18/03/2020 18:01

You know what I said earlier about perhaps the Americans would realise that health care for the poor makes for a healthier society for the rich? I've just seen reports about gun shops having long queues outside, so I guess the average thought process there is a little different from mine.

EastCoastDamsel · 18/03/2020 17:49

I wonder if anyone who thought this wouldn't change things still holds the same opinion?

LynnSchmob · 15/03/2020 20:37

I do think this will put the EU under immense strain.

bluehighlighter · 15/03/2020 20:20

I don't believe that for a moment.

EastCoastDamsel · 15/03/2020 20:15

As a remainer, I actually don't think BREXIT matters anymore. The EU is done after this. All EU nations have locked down borders, stopped free movement of people and blocked export of emergency medical equipment to other member states.

The EU is over

bluehighlighter · 15/03/2020 15:50

It's not just the Coronovirus pandemic for us, is it? Its that followed by very very hard Brexit.

GoatyGoatyMingeMinge · 15/03/2020 15:28

Yes it is. This will have an impact on the way we live closer to WW2 than to 9/11.

T0tallyFuckedUpFamily · 15/03/2020 15:15

I think we’ll end up as a cashless society as a result of this. The local pet shops have said that they’re only going to be accepting cards from tomorrow. I can’t see them changing back, once that habit is established. The government will be delighted. They’ll be able to monitor even more about us.

Butterwhy · 15/03/2020 12:00

No, it's likely to be a small timeframe, and however horrific people will be back to their usual ways soon enough I expect.

SubordinateThatClause · 15/03/2020 09:48

Interested to see if anyone's views have changed...

OP posts:
Cohle · 12/03/2020 12:32

Today 2,195 children died of diarrhoea, tomorrow a further 2,195 will die and the day after that and the day after that for many years to come.

So the number of children dying of diarrhoea demonstrably isn't rising exponentially then?

CorianderLord · 12/03/2020 12:25

Life will go back to normal - the economy will take a hit and eventually recover. People will wash their hands more for a year or two.

Davincitoad · 12/03/2020 06:14

I think it is the end of things how we know it. It’s going to be a long ride to get through this and the economic and social impacts are as yet unknown.

eaglejulesk · 12/03/2020 04:38

No. People are very resistant to change. It will change the lives of some people, but for most people it will be an unsettling period of time, possibly followed by a short term change, but in the long term they will go back to the way things are.

Totally agree.

LuluJakey1 · 12/03/2020 01:10



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AuldAlliance · 12/03/2020 00:53

Who is John St Julien?

Tdaadfb100 · 12/03/2020 00:04

Sharing a post from the wonderful John St Julien. A little bit of perspective, if you don’t mind ...

Nearly 3500 people have sadly passed due to coronavirus to date, a tragic loss for all involved and my deepest sympathies to those mourning and the 98% infected who feel unwell but will recover.
Today 2,195 children died of diarrhoea, tomorrow a further 2,195 will die and the day after that and the day after that for many years to come.
Today, tomorrow and everyday for the rest of the year 200 people will die from snake bites.
Today on average 3287 people have died from car crashes and will each day for the rest of the year and years to come...
I think you see my point.
Death and sickness is every where every day. You can not hide from it, you can not stop it you can but have faith and gratitude that today you and those you love are safe and well.
The media is terrifying. Bullet pointed information, snippet after snippet after snippet. Exciting the mind into a state of emergency when if you turn it off, go outside and look up at the vast blue sky or dark starry night, take a breath and smile... you'll see there simply is none.
Hysteria is profoundly profitable to a sick society as our own. Not sick with a virus, but sick with a separation, a separation from the reality of your own individual present moments detached from the mainstream narrative.
Don't be a slave to fear. What will come will come, and what is is. You have more chance of losing your loved one to a car journey or bout of diarrhoea than the media storms virus. Its a fact you should not deny yourself for your own well being.
"Take no thought for tomorrow for tomorrow will take care of itself.."
Switch off your tv switch off your social media or block those to hysterical to not fear monger and rest under the peaceful world outside you. Where birds don't care, trees keep growing and you are allowed to be.
My brief reprieve of absence is over and I am going offline again, but after checking a message today I had to say this.
In love as always
John x

TinklyLittleLaugh · 11/03/2020 23:24

If older people die off there will be a cascade of inheritance money down to the younger generation. That will have a big impact. I imagine comfortably off middle aged people who come into a big chunk of money will simply retire. That will free up a lot of opportunities for younger people.

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