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2ww and the bit in between. BFP's we're waiting!

925 replies

Bucky2008 · 08/04/2008 20:58

Maybe a nice shiny new thread will get us all enthusiastic again. I am on my rubbish diet so I only have nuts and beans to put out on the table. Oh and gin of course ;o) Anyone got any cakes to tempt me with?

Ding ding....let's...go

Do you think I have gone a bit mad

OP posts:
hattyyellow · 16/04/2008 13:36

Ummm..err well I just tested. And it's postitive!

Am wandering around in state of shock - I so oooexpected it to be negative! My jaw is literally on the floor.

Oh my God!

DH has managed to come out of his cave doublequick.

I don't believe it!

JollyBear · 16/04/2008 13:40

Oh wow!!!!

Congratulations Mr and Mrs hattyyellow!!!!!!

That is such good news!!!!

PicknMix · 16/04/2008 13:48


So so pleased for you xx

PicknMix · 16/04/2008 13:49

That quite possibly should've been


GryffinGirl · 16/04/2008 13:57

I bleedin' well KNEW it would be BFP for you hatty!!! That is brilliant news. I can't stop grinning!!!

i think I am becoming a psychic as ei
GryffinGirl · 16/04/2008 13:59

but, but, but hatty you will still come back and visit us in the 2WW thread, won't you! Pretty please .
hattyyellow · 16/04/2008 14:00

Still don't quite believe it - nearly got run over at lunchtime as I went out for a walk with a massive dazed head and didn't see a huge tractor coming my way!

Mystic Gryff - I like it! Thanks girls for all your congrats - I would give so much for you all to join me.

DH being just like he was last time around, cautiously pleased but not getting his hopes up until it's a bit further along. Spent the entire last trimester last time chewing my nails and wishing the days away until I saw the scan was okay so we make a great pair!

Can't quite start to think about whether it could be twins again!

hattyyellow · 16/04/2008 14:02

Oh yes, I'm not ready by a long way for the December thread yet!

I will hang around chewing my nails in a corner here and wishing you all on furiosuly.

I reckon Abbeymeg is a fertility symbol and we will all get pg now she's come back to us . All hail Abbey, All hail Abbey!

hattyyellow · 16/04/2008 14:04

Not making sense - spent the entire first trimester worrying last time is what I meant to say. Oh God, I have to do some work - how?!

Disenchanted · 16/04/2008 14:05


I just got my BFP on a clearblue digital & first response!

Im 8 days late and yeaterdays test was neg!

GryffinGirl · 16/04/2008 14:09

hatty - PMSL thinking of abbeymeg as a druid fertility symbol

Honestly, I couldn't be more bouncy and happy today if i got a BFP . Be thankful you ladies only know me in cyberspace - meeting me today would be like bumping into Tigger on LSD

GryffinGirl · 16/04/2008 14:10

Hooray for disenchanted - what are you changing your name to, because you can't be DISenchanted now you have a BFP

hattyyellow · 16/04/2008 14:12

Oh Wow, congratulations disenchanted!

Have you figured out your EDD? Mine is Christmas Eve!

hattyyellow · 16/04/2008 14:15

GG you sound just like me!

Am definitely losing it, my main client's PA just phoned up to confirm a meeting and I giggled and babbled like a lunatic at her for a solid 10 minutes

Madoldbird · 16/04/2008 14:19

Hi everyone!

Sorry to have been "missing" for a few days - combination of stupid broadband (yes still) not feeling well, and work.

Have tried to catch up with all the news!

hattyyellow gald to hear your tests are mainly ok, hopefully the TSH level is alright, and if not, it can be sorted. Have got my fingers very firmly crossed for you!! Sorry to hear that you and DH have had an argument - hope it is all ok soon. Let him spend time in his cave until he is ready to come out!! (Men!! They have their caves, we have MN...) Do let us know if you test, won't you?

Bucky come on then, i am going to post mine, so where's yours?? Yours sounds as strange as mine, actually, perhaps they'll ban us from FF for being too wierd (or for being gin drinkers) Am so excited for you getting Molly tomorrow. You must let us have a picture! Has DP not rung up for his tests yet? Can't you ring up with a deep voice?!

GG crumbs, that holiday doesn't exactly sound fun!! Don't blame you for not wanting to go. I do understand what you mean about not wanting to book anything until you have a plan fr any potential treatment. Glad you got in lots of BDing at the correct time!

abbymeg welcome back! I think you were around when i first arrived. Hope you are recovering well after your op. Sorry to hear of the difficulties your daughter has been going through. I hope your stay here is a short one, and that you very soon wander off with a BFP!

Welcome to supersteph & JJB likewise i hope your stays are short ones too!

JB I have my fingers crossed for you too this month! Sorry about the job - i think that's really rude not to let you know either way after an interview.

PicknMix glad Harry is on the mend! Hope you are ok - you sound rather down.

mibbes how are you and the miblet?

EI how are things with you? Hope you are ok. Has the Dr said anything further abut what happened?

Well, here is my chart:

my strange chart

Rather strange i know!! Temps have been so high that they'll soon be off the chart! Have to confess to also having some gin on saturday evening, but none since then. I haven't been feeling great though, and my gland have been up a bit, so i think i've just been a bit ill. Also PnM ( i think it was you?) you mentioned that sleeping with your mouth open can affect things - well DH has been moaning about my snoring for the past couple of nights!!!! Hope my chart starts to look more normal though, otherwise the whole palaver will have been pointless. Mind you, according to Bucky i've been sticking it in the wrong orifice

Madoldbird · 16/04/2008 14:24

Wow - i had a client call while i was in the middle of writing my last post, and look what i missed


Hahaha! He's out of his cave now...

So very very pleased for you. But don't leave us yet, please!!!!!

disenchanted you as well!! What a lucky day!

Right, i'm off to worship at the abbeymeg shrine...

hattyyellow · 16/04/2008 14:32

Thank you MOB!!!

supersteph · 16/04/2008 14:37

Thank you for the warm welcome.
To let u know my temp was 36.68 this am so that is a rise for me so I now know I ovulated yesterday. I am now 2dpo!!!!

Congrats to hattyyellow and disenchanted.

It gives me great hope to here your fantastic news.

beaniesteve · 16/04/2008 14:43

OH WOW - Congratualtions HattyYellow and mr HattyYellow!

10 DPO for me, boring!

Madoldbird · 16/04/2008 14:53

Sorry, realised i haven't linked correctly to my chart. here it is - hopefully

Disenchanted · 16/04/2008 15:11

I think Im actully due xmas day!

luvingtinkerbell · 16/04/2008 16:54

oh wow ladies all these bfps
hairy toe,dis and now hatty yellow
congrats ladies
by the way i changed name was tinkerbellbringingsexyback got abit long winded
i just need to ovulate now and get a bfp to join you lucky ladies
what a lucky thread


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Bucky2008 · 16/04/2008 19:53

Blardy Hell....I got to a training course for ONE day and all the BFPs break out!!!! ...Hatty our founder member CONGRATULATIONS, how fantastic. I am really really really happy for you. Congrats to Disenchanted too...

I am just running out to Finn's exams so I have to rush but I will log on later when I get back. Just had to post before I left.

Laters. x

OP posts:
ScaryHairy · 16/04/2008 20:01

Congratulations Disenchanted and Hatty - I'm really pleased for you both.

GG Stepford tours sounds hideous. Don't you have a job of your own? How would your DH like it if you asked him to come away with you and your clients and to prepare brownies each day for your post-spa tea? Honestly, if my DH suggested something like that he would be apologising for months.

Welcome back, Abbymeg MOB that is a strange chart, but not enough info to figure out what is going on IMO.

Is there any news from Ei? Hurry up and post, woman. I am a bit worried about you.

Hello everyone else, Bucky, Picknmix, Tinkerbell, Mibbes and anyone else.

I am on my different sort of wait here (for HCG levels to fall and for the drugs to get out of my system so I can try again). I went back to work this week, but started bleeding (sorry if TMI) today so have come home again because I was a bit sad. The whole thing just feels terribly wrong, but hopefully it will be over soon. And DH, DD and I are off for a lovely holiday in a few weeks so that should help me feel more normal again.

Hope you are all well. I'm off to catch up on the rest of the thread.

Bucky2008 · 16/04/2008 22:02

OK MOB Snap!! Buckys Chart

Finn passed his exams with a distinction...hurrah . Now Molly starts school next week! What have I let myself in for?

GG forgot to comment on Stepford Wives outing . O..M...G...Is he serious? You should say you will only go if he leaves his credit card with you so you and the girls can shop whilst he is out and then put wacky backy in the cakes. hahahah.

Scaryhairy where have you been poppet?

And to our lovely Hatty once more, you HAVE to stay it wouldn't be the same without you. It would be like Richard Branson leaving Virgin...just not right

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