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2ww and the bit in between. BFP's we're waiting!

925 replies

Bucky2008 · 08/04/2008 20:58

Maybe a nice shiny new thread will get us all enthusiastic again. I am on my rubbish diet so I only have nuts and beans to put out on the table. Oh and gin of course ;o) Anyone got any cakes to tempt me with?

Ding ding....let's...go

Do you think I have gone a bit mad

OP posts:
Bucky2008 · 16/04/2008 22:06

Actually the charts aren't that similar but they are both a little strange!

OP posts:
abbymeg · 16/04/2008 22:10

Well, I toddle off in a painkiller-induced haze for a few hours and look what happens when I'm gone. I become a fertility symbol. How cool is that? Can I put it on my CV??!!! Am going to brag to DH in a minute when I've posted this.

Seriously though, Hatty, I'm really, really pleased for you. It's brilliant news. I hope you're having a lovely evening, celebrating. Many, many congratulations.

Congratulations too to Disenchanted .

Big waves of hello to Picknmix, madoldbird and Scaryhairy.

abbymeg · 16/04/2008 22:13

Bucky - what was Finn's exam? Was it for training? Am I right in thinking that he is your dog? Am worried now that I've typed this and he's not!!! Well done to him . Is Molly a new addition? I've missed so much stuff .

Bucky2008 · 16/04/2008 22:38

Abbey have no fear he is my dog and he was taking 'good citizen exams'. Molly is my new dog!

OP posts:
digitalgirl · 16/04/2008 22:47



congratulations to HattyYellow!!! My 2ww buddy from my first ever TTC cycle!!! sooooo soooo pleased for you. wishing you lots of luck for your chrismas bean!!!

mibbes · 17/04/2008 08:09

WOOOHOOOOOO Congratulations hatty am soo pleased for you !! A xmas baby, how exiting . When you feel ready please come and join us in the Dec AN thread, they are a lovely bunch yyeeeaaayyyyy lucky you tested before acupuncture !!!
Bucky and MOB good to see your charts, you can't tell much from them yet, how many days until you both expect to ov ?
Hi DG, Ei, GG and hello to the good luck charm abbeymeg, I think you left not long after I joined the thread, lovely to meet you.
Scary, how are you today ? Hope you are ok, it must be a really tough time waiting to get back to normal xx
Nohting to report here, no symtpoms (how ironic !) apart from slightly achy boobs at night and very hungry ! Had MW appt yesterday but still don't feel PG atall.

luvingtinkerbell · 17/04/2008 08:34

morning ladies
should ovulate any day think i am going to have a long cycle again

luvingtinkerbell · 17/04/2008 09:12

i have ewcm ye

GryffinGirl · 17/04/2008 09:39

Morning all

mibbes - how many weeks are you now? So excited for you and now hatty will be with you on the Dec ante-natal threads. maybe one day I'll join one of those

i found a photo of AbbeyMeg (third from right, in the white) and her mates performing her tried and tested fertility rites for us

hatty - have you come down to earth yet?

tinkerbell - good signs and congrats on ovulating

Bucky - congratulations to Finn, the Star Pupil of the class! Has your DP called the doctors yet. As for that "holiday" - you and I think along the same lines. i was thinking "I'll bake hash cookies and that'll teach 'em" . I'm not going though. Bollocks to that. Using his credit card to shop as revenge would be a slim hope. The holiday house is miles from the nearest paved road nevermind a mall

Digital - OHMIGOD, how are you?! Are you showing a bump yet?

Oufton · 17/04/2008 10:08

Hello ladies, I don't often post on here, I'm usually hanging around the TTC waiting room but I wanted to ask a quick question - how many people have had a period only to find out they're actually pregnant?

I'm asking because mine started on Monday but only lasted 2 days when it's usually 5 and I'm thinking this is rather odd but trying not to get over-excited!

abbymeg · 17/04/2008 10:31

GG I told them not to print that photo. You have no idea how hard it was to get the grass stains out of my fertility robes afterwards. Actually, when that particular photo was taken, we were all about to put our left foot in, then out, then shake it all about.

JollyBear · 17/04/2008 11:08

Morning all,

Oh what a lovely day it was yesterday with hatty's BFP It certainly put a spring in my step!! Has it sunk in yet hatty? SH You are bound to feel v sad . A holiday will be great though as you can relax and spend time with your DD and DH .

LOL at your comment about GG's DH baking up a batch of brownies for her clients. I can see him there in a stylish suit with a flowery apron on top! Honestly GG, what was your DH thinking?! I love baking but wouldn't be interested in doing it to order!! Have you managed to change his mind?

bucky Congrats to Finn. How exciting that Molly is going to arrive! I hope their first meeting goes well. Your chart looks like your temps are dropping off from being high during your AF. Mine do the same, it is progesterone levels dropping apparently.

All hail fertility goddess abbymeg!! Lets hope the mystical magic rubs off on you. Sorry to hear you are still in pain though. Hope you are taking it easy with lots of trashy mags and daytime telly.

oufton It is possible it was an implantation bleed. Take a test. Good luck.

MOB Your chart does look a bit mad but they are hard to read without more temps in. The odd high temp can be discounted if you start to see a pattern of lower temps in a few days.

Hello to all faces new and old I haven't mentioned! Not that I am calling you old DG!!

Oh and I nearly forgot, I got the job! They rang this morning. I'm stunned .

Madoldbird · 17/04/2008 12:39

Hello everyone!

hatty how are you today??! Still floating around? Do you realise that we now need a blow by blow report on everything you did / did differently this months, and all the symptoms etc?

scary lovely to see you. Sorry you are still bleeding and feeling down. Take time to look after yourself, and come to terms with it all. I'm pleased you have a holiday to look forward to.

Bucky well done to finn on graduating with distinction! He will be able to pass on all his knowledge to Molly . Now don't forget to post photos of her ASAP!!

DG good to see you! How is the bump now?? Looking forward to meeting you and digibean soon!

Mibbes Good to hear from you. I trust everything has settled down after last week? I have now idea when i will ov really - cycles have ranged from 25 - 38 days. Just have to look out for the signs!

tink yay for EWCM! Hopefully this cycle will be a little shorter for you.

GG glad you are standing your ground about the holiday!

oufton Test! Now!

abbeymeg well, those robes are all very well... but don't you want something a little more individual? Seems to me you are just following the crowd

JB You got the job! Wow! Well done Is it similar work to what you already do?

Well, everything is booorrriinng here. No sign of ov yet. Another fairly high temp again today, so i don't know what's going on!

GryffinGirl · 17/04/2008 14:10

You lot do make me laugh

abbey - absolutely PMSL at the Fertility Hokey Cokey at Stone Henge . Are you a history teacher by any chance ?

madoldbird - you beat me to it about asking hatty for all her top fertility tips and how she symptom spotted. How is it in MOB world? Are you still busy at work. What CD are you on? I seem to remember that you got AF about the same time as me last cycle, so maybe we are cycle buddies. I am CD18 today, so the interminable 2WW continues.....[sigh emoticon]

jolly - congratulations on your job! That is brillaint news. When do you start and are you having some time off between jobs? I'd recommend it if you can. Not only is Abbeymeg our fertility symbol, but general good luck breaks out all round whenever she pitches up

Welcome to oufton - i am not much of an expert on implantation bleeds, but it does sound as if it is an unusual bleed you've had. My oldest friend thought she had got her period and didn;t test for another six weeks when her next period was "late" - 9 months after the first bleed her DS was born

Scary - sorry to have missed you out before and we are thinking of you. It has been a really tough time and I'm sure it will take time for your hormones to settle down after all you have been through so it is completely understandable that you have ups and downs. We are here for you and even though it must be very hard to be back with us

JollyBear · 17/04/2008 14:48

Thanks for your congrats MOB and GG! My DH has just bought me flowers my jaw dropped when I answered the door to the florist. This will keep him in brownie points for a while . The job I'm doing at the mo is temporary since I finished the post grad stuff, but it is in the same area.

MOB Hopefully by the time you start getting other fertile signs, CM etc, your temps will have settled a bit.

I'm 13DPO today and due AF on Saturday. I can't decide whether to test tomorrow or wait it out

Oufton · 17/04/2008 15:01

Thanks for the advice JB, MOB and GG I think I will get a test tonight on the way home to reassure myself. I know full well it will be BFN but I've spent half the day torturing myself by find info on light periods followed by BFPs so it'll be better to confirm.

I've just found out that a friend is PG after one (yes one) night of unprotected sex. They weren't even trying. I'm gutted.

Very pleased for your flowers JB what a lovely hubby, congrats on the job!

JollyBear · 17/04/2008 15:13

You could always wait till first thing tomorrow oufton as if you are pregnant you'd get a stronger result. It would make it worse it you had a v v v faint line, IYKWIM?!! Sorry about your friend, life can feel very unjust at times

Thanks for the congrats!

Good luck with the test.

Bucky2008 · 17/04/2008 15:43

Congratulations Jollybear that's fantastic!! And v. interesting about the dropping levels of progesterone.

And scaryhairy sorry for my being terribly insensitive! I didn't read your whole post it seems, DP was rushing me out the door so I must have missed the last bit. I'm sorry you feel . Take all the time you need to get over it, it is a horrible disappointment. I cried everytime I saw anyone I knew with a baby and/or when pgcies were announced for about 6 months. I couldn't even consider ttc again I was devastated, but like most things the pain eases with time. go on that holiday and spoil yourself. If it is not around the time of your hols, do come and meet up with us too. We would love to meet you.

Everything quite boring here too. Hi to MOB temping buddy . Everyone will be glad to know I am no longer on the verge of death (yesterday my temp was so low I thought I was dying ) and I opted for the non-lower-orifice method again today. . DP still hasn't phoned the doctor. I think my DP is officially worse than your DH GG HOW LONG has this process taken so far .

I have put pics of Finn and Molly on my profile (well I will have in about 2 minutes...)

Loving the threads Abbeymeg, very on trend I hear.

OP posts:
mibbes · 17/04/2008 15:48

GG glad you have decided to bodyswerve that scary sounding holiday ! I would be very afraid !
woohooo JB congrats on the new job hope you have something else to celebrate soon test test test !
Bucky is Molly here yet ?
Oufton was bleed lighter than usual ? may be imp - I had a 3 day imp bleed then BFP 3 days later. test in the morning !!
MOB yes all has settled down thank goodness, it is such a worry. Like hatty said yesterday I am willing the days to pass so that I can get to the "safe" 2nd trimester. I am 7+3 today ! Thanks for asking.

Bucky2008 · 17/04/2008 16:04

Yep Mibbsey she has already peed on everything I own and is sleeping at my feet. She is REALLY REALLY skinny though, I don't think they fed her!

OP posts:
Bucky2008 · 17/04/2008 16:05

Her pic is on my profile now.

OP posts:
JollyBear · 17/04/2008 16:19

Oh my goodness bucky she is sooooooooooo cute I'd love a dog!


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abbymeg · 17/04/2008 16:38

Well, fertility rites may be the way to go.


Yes, that's correct. Am in shock - was preparing myself for the long haul after what the dr said. Af didn't arrive, and thought I would test to be on the safe side given all the drugs I'm taking.

One drunken night on about day 7 of my cycle . I cannot believe it after all the months of formal trying.

I'm now quite scared after all the painkillers, general anesthetic, anti-nausea pills and everything else I've had this week. And an MRI scan 3 weeks ago. And horrid invasive internal examinations two weeks. ago.

Still, finally I can say it, BFP!!!

JollyBear · 17/04/2008 16:41

OMG abby!! That is amazing!!

That is such fantastic news!! We're on a roll!!

luvingtinkerbell · 17/04/2008 16:42

mob not sure if cycle will be shorter!! on cd27 today which means another 2 weeks so looking like another long one last was 55 days heres hoping i get bfp
wow another bfp what a lucky thread congrats abby bucky dogs are gorgeous

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