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2ww and the bit in between. BFP's we're waiting!

925 replies

Bucky2008 · 08/04/2008 20:58

Maybe a nice shiny new thread will get us all enthusiastic again. I am on my rubbish diet so I only have nuts and beans to put out on the table. Oh and gin of course ;o) Anyone got any cakes to tempt me with?

Ding ding....let's...go

Do you think I have gone a bit mad

OP posts:
Bucky2008 · 11/07/2008 20:52

The next chapter...shiny new thread

Ahh, I missed you guys .

OP posts:
Bucky2008 · 11/07/2008 20:48

You all HAVE to go to where I just went it was THE BEST holiday ever! The only crap part was the contraception. .

I am back ready to shang out and have a bag full of higs for everyone. . we go....firstly, it is time for shiny new thread which I will organise shortly and will post the link. This one has curly hard crusts and needs freshening up.

PnM Super higs for you . Please consider yourself the second member (the first one being me of course) of the 'Where-is-my-baby-exactly-when-apparently-all-is-fine' club. Known as WIMBEWAIF. For our theme song I suggest 'The lion sleeps tonight', with the words changed to 'In the ovary, the lively ovary, our baby hides tonight' and then we can sing Wimbewaif ah wimbewaif ah wimbewaif etc...OK, I have gone a little more mad on my hols but hey. Our babies will turn up eventually, they are just very very late for thier appointment. I will have words with whichever one of our babies turns up first . Any other wannabe member for WIMBEWAIF, please feel free to make an application. If all is not fine you are still welcome to join as WIMBEWAINF works just as well in the theme song....

MOB I despair. I am going to make my next "project prosper" (after setting up a business to address the archaeogical skill shortage in France) a Speedy Sperm Test business. With like an EasyJet speedy boarding option. Will those with Speedy Sperm Reading tickets please come to the front of the queue, those with babies can board LAST. Just kidding, just kidding, me bitter NEVER!! .

Scary I think there is a line, I did the bend the laptop back thing also and def saw a line. More amazing however is that you found a website that give you feedback on your test . You are the best...never cease to make me smile. Fingers firmly crossed that tomorrows results are clearer and POSITIVE of course.

Caitni and GG I want to join the acupunture sounds really interesting. I have decided that after next Thursday I am going to be good again. Lots of FA and no drinking, fresh fruit and veg, no coffee and exercise. I have become really despondant and fixated on botox and my inability to have it recently and its time to focus focus focus. Oh and GG yay for MrGin...I am really glad he is stepping up.

Lou Good for you for being a brave soldier. I am sh*tting myself. Why do I have to have an operation ...I didn't even get any options . What if they find something hideous in there when they cut me open, like a spanner or something left behind from a previous op that has worked its way through my body. Things can do that can't they ??

Hi to Ei, BeanieSteve, Eelcatcher and where are Hatty and Abby these days? And yes, to those I have not mentioned, just as he who laughs last laughs loudest, she who is not mentioned is loved the most sometimes .

Oooh and I forgot to mention...I fell over in the airport (slipped on oil in the hire car drop off} and my knees are horrific like they have been in an awful tragedy...not a good look.
OP posts:
PicknMix · 11/07/2008 19:44

Hello all,

Apologies for posting and running the other day..... was just far too depressed to post but am slowly coming out of it now!

Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday dear ScaryHairy,
Haaaaaaaaaaapppy Biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirthday tooooooooooooo yoooooooooooooooooou

Hope you had a lovely day and that you have some fab things organised for the weekend? Let us know as soon as you do your next test, I can't wait until tomorrows test result! Thanks for the hig as well!

Mob, pleased to hear your GP is on the case re your DH's results. As you say, its rubbish that its taken so long, my GP suggested we both come back together for the results of DH sperm test (he got an appt on Mon with the GP who will then refer him for his sperm analysis) and I have to agree with GG that its a good idea for the 2 of you to go, 2 sets of ears and thoughts so hopefully all your concerns will be covered.

Glad to hear all went well Lou and that you're not too uncomfortable.

Caitni good luck with the move! Sounds like you have it all under control though - 7am start is very early but at least it gives you a head start on the day! Sounds rather lovely waking up to a view of the sea, if I crane my neck out of my bedroom window I can just about catch a glimpse of it but used to live right on the seafront when I was a child and it was fab.

Well done to MrGG for his efforts thus far with the drinking - really good to hear he's being dedicated. Think the book was a very good move - I actually asked my DH what research he'd done re ttc and he just looked a bit sheepish and avoided the q. Just can't understand why men find it so easy to stick their heads in the sand!?

Thank you all for worrying about me - I'm just a moany pants at the moment... Had a meeting this a.m at my boss' house and spent the first 20 mins listening to him and another guy waxing lyrical about their kids, preg partners etc etc whilst surrounded by baby paraphenalia (sp?). Just what I needed ! Not sure why I'm so down though, I think I'd just decided that there was def something wrong with me and it would be easy to sort out!!

Have a good weekend everyone xx

Caitni · 11/07/2008 18:35

Lou am so glad it went OK for you - it's not a nice thing to have to go through, but glad you've got peace of mind about your tubes . Take it easy over the weekend and remember there are lots of positive thoughts here for you xx

MOB your GP sounds pretty proactive, which is great. I really hope Monday's app works out and fingers crossed for the results. Have a great weekend.

SH again, hope you have a super birthday and do make sure to spread it over the whole weekend . Let us know how you get on with testing tomorrow with FMU.

GG are you offski again this weekend? Hope you have a good one wherever you go

Ei I know you're off camping, but hope you're having a fab time and that the weather holds.

PnM hope you're doing OK x

MOB, you're right - tomorrow is moving day. I am slightly sick of boxes (hence the internetting!). Though we're still packing nicely so not too stressed out yet. Movers are coming at half seven tomorrow morning, so it's going to be an early start. But on Sunday I'll wake up right across from the sea so it'll be more than worth it .

Hope everyone has a great weekend - I echo GG (who echoes Bucky) that no mentioning you by name doesn't mean I'm not sending happy vibes to you all!

loustillwantsaBFPtoo · 11/07/2008 17:37

Hello ladies,

thanks for the positive thoughts!
It was really uncomfortable, but okay. He showed me the pics straight away, and I saw my fallopian tubes were nicely free flowing! I did take a dihydrocodeine before i went in and think that is keeping me comfortable. feel a little crampy and nauseous, but so glad i did it. one less thing to worry about. Now just have to chill for the rest of this cycle and get busy again next month!
lou xx

Madoldbird · 11/07/2008 16:13

SH Happy Birthday!!! Hope you are doing something lovely tonight / over the weekend for your birthday. Fingers crossed that line gets darker and darker over the next few days. But you are only 11 DPO, are you not? It's still very early. No doubt you will do another tomorrow morning - so do let us know!!

GG Where are you jetting off to this weekend?

PnM Hope you are ok - am worried about you, you sounded so down yesterday (understandably) Did DH manage to get an appt with the GP?

lou hope it went smoothly today.

caitni It's the move tomorrow, isn't it? Hope all goes well. Don't envy you all the packing / unpacking. Hope you get settled soon.

DH's GP did some detective work yesterday regarding the SA results. Apparently they are all done and ready, they just have to be "signed off" by someone - who is on holiday until next week!! (You'd think they'd have more than one person who can sign things off...) So the GP has asked that they fax them over on Monday, and has booked DH another appt for Monday evening. I'm not holding out any hope though! Good suggestion, GG for me to go along too. I will ask DH if he would like me to, so at least we can either get moving on a referral, if there is any problem with the results, or get me booked in for blood tests, if they are fine.

Have a good weekend everyone!

GorgonsGin · 11/07/2008 15:19


Can't post much but hope you all have a lovely weekend. Very quiet round here. Post all your news soon everyone.

lou did you have your HSG today? Hope it went ok

MOB - any news of DH's results. Everything crossed for you that they are fine and dandy.

picknmix - hope you are feeling better today. Did you make another appointemnt at your GP?

hi everyone else - as a wise woman (Bucky ) once said, just 'cause I don't mention you by name doesn't mean I don;t love you


Caitni · 11/07/2008 09:43

Is today your birthday? If so happy birthday!! Hope you have a lovely day . And looks like you're going to have to be patient and wait a little longer for a thick BFP

ScaryHairy · 11/07/2008 06:38

Today's is just as pale. Grrrr. I'll put it on my profile and you can see for yourselves. It's a bummer - I was hoping for a nice thick line for my birthday!

Hello to you all- have a lovely day!

ScaryHairy · 10/07/2008 20:58

Oh man, lots of people reckon they can't see my imaginary line. Cheeky devils!

Caitni · 10/07/2008 19:41

God I'm an irony free zone this evening!! Totally didn't think she was sarcastic (I think all americans can't do sarcasm, and am assuming she's american, despite being married to a very sarcastic american - I love my prejudices anyway).

ScaryHairy · 10/07/2008 19:23

Yes maybe she was being sarcastic .

Caitni · 10/07/2008 19:22

SH I can see a very faint line - when I use that zoom in tool and flip my laptop screen back (the computer equivalent of checking it in daylight perhaps??) - feeling quite blind as read the comments and one lady says that she wishes her lines were that clear ...faint but promising.

ScaryHairy · 10/07/2008 18:06

In fact, I've posted it here

Any views?

ScaryHairy · 10/07/2008 18:03

Showed DH the photo and he says he can't see a line.

I will just have to wait a bit longer. Grrr.

Higs for you too MOB

Glad the DH is getting into the swing of things GG. IVF is a pretty serious business and if there's any way he can help it along he flipping well should.

Oh heck, higs to you all.


Caitni · 10/07/2008 17:59

MOB how annoying about your DH's results - how on earth can it take so long - grrr

SH FR is one of the most sensitive isn't it - what's your usual luteal phase? The faint pos should turn quite quickly now, as HCG increases so rapidly from here on in...I so want you to get a lovely BFP so you can sprinkle baby dust on the rest of us shaggers ttc-ers...

GG hearing about your DH makes me feel a little guilty about how much I've been indulging myself in the odd tipple or two here and there...maybe the acupuncture will finally turn me into the sort of healthy, calm earth goddess that I sometimes daydream about...Doubt it somehow

So I've got to leave work and head back to the land of boxes that is our home. We're moving to Brighton on Saturday and there is still so much to pack. Why do we hoard so much clutter?!?! Must also fit in some BD-ing as I was too knackered last night (so romantic!) and I'm going to be ovulating sometime over the next few days.

Hi to PnM Ei Bucky and all our pg ladies. Hope everyone's well.

GorgonsGin · 10/07/2008 17:30

MOB - I know! I have had the same debate with my DH. The sample has to be analyised as soon as possible after it is produced and absolutely within 1 hour. I really don't get how it takes "two to three weeks" (in our case) for a 1 page fax of results to arrive at the GP, if the analysis has been done 60 mins after the deed! .

Thinking of you. I think it's a great idea for your DH to make an appointment anyway. Will you go with him? I found it helpful to go with my DH because we thought of different questions and it meant I heard everything straight from the horse's mouth.

scary - will pop in later to see how you are and whether your POAS addiction continues I am nearly as excited as you are!!!! We need a lovely shiny fat BFP.

Picknmix - hope you are at home spoiling yourself. The hardest thing in the world is not knowing, but don't get too despondant.

Madoldbird · 10/07/2008 15:06

SH Do put up a photo - and give us something to mull over! I have read that FR are particularly sensitive - there seem to be a lot of people on here who get a faint line with them and no other tests. I think, IIRC, that CBD are 50mIU, whereas FR are 25mIU. I should imagine the superdrug one may be 50mIU as well. Hang on in there - maybe do another with FMU tomorrow.

GG thank you for the hug. I know you know how it feels. I have suggested to DH that he re-books another appt for next week anyway, and then cancel it if they are STILL not in. What do they do that takes the time? Presumably they analyse it fairly promptly (while the little swimmers are still alive) so what do they do then?? Probably put them in a corner and forget about them for 3 weeks.

GorgonsGin · 10/07/2008 14:04

sorry...forgot to finish post

Caitni - I realised DH actually has 9 weeks to go without drinking . Next appointment is 15th August and he has to get to there before we know whether alcohol is the problem.

ScaryHairy · 10/07/2008 13:42

or should that be hugs?
consider yourself higged as well...

ScaryHairy · 10/07/2008 13:41

Am at work (busy) so a very quickie:

FR - feint pos
Superdrug cheapie - BFN

Am only 10dpo so not a surprise.

Will put up photo later but it's at home.

Higs to PicknMix

GorgonsGin · 10/07/2008 13:39

MOB - oh no! That is exactly what happened to my DH. He made an appointment with the GP to discuss his sperm test results, but the results were delayed. The next available appointment was 10 days later . I know how frustrating it is and I am sending you and your DH a big ((((((((Hug)))))))))))

picknmix - we are here for you too((((hugs)))). You have every right to feel weepy and frustrated- however you feel is completely valid and you are not selfish. YOu are wanting the most natural thing in the world and it's not happening, but that doesn;t mean it won't happen. At the moment you have too many questions and worries and no answers and your GP won't suggest a way forward of answering them. make another appointment now for you and go away and have a think abotu what you want to ask her next time. I always get so tongue tied and you only remember what you want to say afterwards. My GP basically told me I was a typical hysterical woman worrying about nothing and to go away, relax and have sex [sngry].

It is awful playing Russian Roulette with TTC. Come on here and rant and rave as much as you want about how unfair TTC is. We are always listening. You are not self centred and you are not spoilt and if you ever say that again on here, I will slap you, he he he

caitni - I realised that


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Madoldbird · 10/07/2008 13:18

PnM it's not ridiculous to feel sad and weepy at all. It's not surprising you feel like that. I was so hoping that the GP would be more pro-active for you. Hope your DH can get an appt soon. Do look after yourself, and really, it is ok to feel down about it. This ttc seems like a long, tough journey sometimes. On a lighter note, do get your DH to ask whether there is a facility for him to provide a sample at the hospital or not!!! (Can't have another one at it in the loos)

GG big well done to MrGG for putting so much effort in. It can't be easy for him, it really can't.

Caitni that link looks really interesting - will have a read through when i've got a minute.

SH Well?? Done any more tests yet?? Don't keep us in suspense

No news here, again Results not back from hospital yet. DH had an appt booked this evening, as the GP said he wanted to see him to talk through them. However DH rang this morning to see if they are there, and they are not. I feel really deflated. Like you said earlier, GG everything takes an age. I can't bear all this waiting around, and at this rate i am going to be too old! (38 v. soon ) I have also been worrying about all the stuff in the press to do with men's age & success rates - DH is 50, so at the moment it feels like having a baby is a distant dream that will never become reality.

Come on, has anyone out there got any good news to cheer us up?!

Caitni · 10/07/2008 13:02

Oh PnM you don't sound spoilt and you're not being self-centred. It's natural to feel upset, despite the good news about the test results. You want a baby and that's the most natural thing in the world - we're here to help and support remember so post away. There's a good chance that there are more free apps in the summer (since so many people head off on holidays) so hopefully your DH will snag an after work app no problems.

GG yay for your DH! 3 weeks and still going strong - that is excellent. It's good to hear he's getting so involved in learning about the IVF journey. I reckon your plan with the acupuncture is a good 'un (I've been raving about it so much that my DH is considering it just to see what the fuss is about!). And good tip about the becks

PicknMix · 10/07/2008 12:40


Just a quick post as am on my mobile but thought I'd let you know how my appt went.....

Well, she said exactly what I thought she would. I have no obvious problems and not to 'panic' . Trouble is, she's a lovely dr but she just seems very evasive. She's advised that DH gets a sperm test done and then both of us to go back to her for the results. DH now has to get a gp appt in order to be referred for a SA and ones after 5pm are like gold dust....

I feel ridiculously sad and weepy which I know is pathetic. I'm just aware that the process is such a long one and, at the risk of sounding incredibly spoilt - I don't want to wait any more.

Apologies for being so awfully self centred. Really need a slap round the face - at least the tests came back ok, I know I need to be grateful about that.

Sorry, sorry. Will cheer up and post more later! Come on sh, link a pic of your test so we can scrutinise your lines - its your good news thats keeping me smiling at the mo!!

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