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Waiting to TTC Graduates Thread

999 replies

rollerskaterdata · 27/08/2018 08:07

Hi lovelies!

A thread for the graduates of those who were waiting to TTC and are now actively trying, or very soon to be actively trying! Apologies if I've forgotten anyone or tagged the wrong people, please do join in or join later as necessary! Hoping we can continue to support and keep each other sane in this TTC madness!
@cupcakesandglitter @NoseringGirl @Pinkroseuk @BusyBee27 @Hofty @Jxtina86 @Jelliestogether

OP posts:
BusyBee27 · 20/09/2018 13:23

I meant glad to hear you saying you’re feeling down because it makes me feel less alone - not sure that came across in previous message! It’s a selfish thing to say, I know, but it does help to feel less alone with this sort of thing Blush

RandomUsernameHere · 20/09/2018 13:45

Sorry to hear you guys are feeling a bit down 
Sending positive thoughts to everyone.
@BusyBee27 try not to worry, it can take couples without any fertility problems many months to conceive. Easier said than done I know.
I think I'm probably out this month too as don't think we DTD at the right time.

NoseringGirl · 20/09/2018 13:46

@rollerskaterdata thanks lovely. My cycles are normally around 26 days but I'm on CD40 now! FF has me at 12DPO based on temps when my LP is usually 10 days. So in short, no idea when AF is due 😂
Sorry to hear you're losing optimism. If it gives you any hope, AF symptoms and BFP symptoms can be pretty similar so there's still a chance. I understand the feeling though and please don't feel you shouldn't speak about it. TTC is a rollercoaster and it's so important to be able to vent.

@BusyBee27 sorry to hear you're feeling like that too. It can be hard to keep that hope going month after month. Even when you look at the statistics of how long it can take and what your chances are etc it still doesn't make each AF any easier. Just know that you're not alone ❤️

I've got really bad cramps and I'm sort of hoping AF is on the way just to get this weird cycle over with and so I can stop doing tests and having ridiculous false hope.

rollerskaterdata · 20/09/2018 15:18

Oh no, we're all feeling pretty rubbish aren't we 😔 big hugs all round! 💐

@BusyBee27 I understood what you meant 🙂 I mean really, TTC is absolute shite and such an emotional rollercoaster! It's definitely nice to not feel alone whether high or low, I'm so glad we all have each other for support and pick me ups when one or more of us is having a low! And yes, being told it can take up to a year for perfectly healthy, fertile couples to conceive does not make every month any easier 😐 lol!

@RandomUsernameHere you never know! BD even up to 5 days before Ov can result in a pregnancy so there's hope yet!

@NoseringGirl thanks hun x 🙂 it really doesn't help they're so similar because we just have no idea what to expect! Someone somewhere needs to invent a little device we can buy and hold over our uteruses so we can see what's going on in there! I hope you get a conclusive BFP soon (I won't say AF because she is not welcome here!) so you can exit limbo land - it's the worst!

OP posts:
NoseringGirl · 20/09/2018 16:00

@rollerskaterdata I don't see why that device hasn't been invented yet, it would definitely make life easier! Come on scientists!

rollerskaterdata · 21/09/2018 06:56

OMG I can't believe it!!!! 11dpo and got this this morning!

Waiting to TTC Graduates Thread
OP posts:
Emiloux · 21/09/2018 07:01

Oh @rollerskaterdata I am so so so happy for you!! I feel like I’m well and truly out this month.. feel like AF is about to get me Sad sending you all the love!

Jxtina86 · 21/09/2018 07:25

@rollerskaterdata the best news for a Friday morning! Huge congrats!

rollerskaterdata · 21/09/2018 07:30

Thanks girls! It's obviously still early days and 3/4 days before AF due so once I cross that hurdle I'll feel a lot better!

@Emiloux you are not out until AF arrives! Yesterday I could've sworn if I wasn't tracking my cycle that I was going to come on there and then! X

OP posts:
Emiloux · 21/09/2018 07:44

@rollerskaterdata feeling very much like that today! Feel like I’ve got it all wrong! Thank you for the hope.. I’ll keep hanging on and hiding from AF! Congratulations again x

rollerskaterdata · 21/09/2018 07:49

@Emiloux thanks hun. And you know I'm a bad influence and what I'm going to say...take a test 😁

OP posts:
Emiloux · 21/09/2018 07:53

@rollerskaterdata tomorrow morning! If AF doesn’t show today I’m doing one in the morning.. will keep you updated!

NoseringGirl · 21/09/2018 08:01

Congratulations @rollerskaterdata brilliant news!

BusyBee27 · 21/09/2018 09:01

Congrats @roller, really pleased for you Smile

BusyBee27 · 21/09/2018 09:06

P.s. feel free to tell us if you did anything special this month to help things along! You were using OPKs, right?!

RandomUsernameHere · 21/09/2018 10:37

Huge congratulations @rollerskaterdata ! That's amazing news. Wishing you a happy and healthy pregnancy xxx

rollerskaterdata · 21/09/2018 11:56

Thanks ladies! It's still really early days and I've not even missed AF yet so I'm trying not to get too excited! (Hard though!)

@BusyBee27 yep I used clearblue advanced digital OPKs, preseed and SMEP! (Although we technically missed the last DTD of SMEP as we were knackered!) we basically BD every other day during fertile time, and once I got my peak we did it 3 days in a row x

OP posts:
Jxtina86 · 21/09/2018 17:12

@rollerskaterdata can I ask about preseed? Did use the applicators it comes with or put a bit on both of you? Sorry such a bizarre question and a bit TMI but I'm tempted to try as i don't think I get much ewcm...!

rollerskaterdata · 21/09/2018 17:52

@Jxtina86 no I don't mind answering at all! 🙂 I used the applicators (about 1-2g, the amount they recommend is waayyyyy too much!) and also put just a bit on the outside of me. I put it once on the tip of DH and he complained and said it was too cold 😂 I put it in either immediately before DTD or a bit before depending. And used it every time we DTD during fertile week. As a lube we really liked it and actually preferred it to any other lube we've used. I usually get quite a bit of EWCM but the past two months have basically had none (since TTC, typical!).

I read loads of good reviews about it when googling and so many women seemed to get their BFP first time using it, so I thought why the hell not?! Can't say for sure it was the preseed what done it but here I am, preggo after first time use too! X

OP posts:
BusyBee27 · 21/09/2018 21:26

Interesting stuff re PreSeed ... we’ve just started to use it this cycle too, but I wasn’t planning on squirting it up there. Maybe I’ll have a rethink!

Sounds like SMEP is also worth a go - I’ve been wanting to try it for a while, but find it hard to tell when my peak is using the cheapy OPKs! Will have to get some fancier ones for next month!

How’re you feeling @roller, any different?! Grin

Jxtina86 · 21/09/2018 22:16

@rollerskaterdata thanks for the tips! Think this cycle I'm going to try opks on top of temping (although only cheapies) and if no luck, preseed will be in the shopping basket!

I know people say you should do opks early afternoon but I have no idea how I can manage that at work! Anyone have any luck using them later on in the day?

NoseringGirl · 21/09/2018 22:26

@Jxtina86 I do them throughout the day but I usually get my strongest result on the cheapie ones with FMU. That seems unusual from what I've read though. I've heard of people managing to wee in the packet in works loos and then dipping the OPK in that rather than using a cup. I reckon that's quite a skill! There's also some digital ones that are meant to be used with FMU, quite expensive though.


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rollerskaterdata · 21/09/2018 23:20

@BusyBee27 deffo no harm in giving it a go! I wanted to maximise my chances as much as I could because I'm impatient so threw everything I could think of and had read about at TTC this month, with a fair bit of expense though! I'm feeling a mixed bag of things at the moment, tired, tingly boobs, mood swings, bit of nausea and very achy hips, thighs, lower back, bum and (TMI!) lady bits!

@Jxtina86 the clearblue advanced digital OPKs (these ones are expensive) tell you to test with FMU once a day only to begin with, and then once you get your first high reading (a flashing smiley face) you can start testing more than once a day. Once I got my high reading I would test once in the morning and once in the afternoon, and the day I got my peak reading I had tested and got a high reading in the morning and a peak reading the same day in the afternoon. Apparently the LH surge happens for a lot of women in the afternoon / evening rather than the morning, so by testing more than once a day you maximise your chances of catching it. Just realised how long that was Blush basically, yes - feel free to test PM!

OP posts:
Emiloux · 22/09/2018 08:32

I don’t know if I’m seeing right! Please tell me I am!!!

Waiting to TTC Graduates Thread
NoseringGirl · 22/09/2018 08:35

You are @Emiloux congratulations!

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