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Waiting to TTC Graduates Thread

999 replies

rollerskaterdata · 27/08/2018 08:07

Hi lovelies!

A thread for the graduates of those who were waiting to TTC and are now actively trying, or very soon to be actively trying! Apologies if I've forgotten anyone or tagged the wrong people, please do join in or join later as necessary! Hoping we can continue to support and keep each other sane in this TTC madness!
@cupcakesandglitter @NoseringGirl @Pinkroseuk @BusyBee27 @Hofty @Jxtina86 @Jelliestogether

OP posts:
cupcakesandglitter · 06/03/2020 01:20

@NeverHadANickname five months?! Suppose it'll be closer to six now, I hate the lack of notifications I swear 😡 how quickly does time fly!!

dottydally · 10/04/2020 19:49

Just checking in to see how everyone is??

cupcakesandglitter · 21/04/2020 15:09

Hey @dottydally baby Cupcakes was born on 21st of March making her a month old today which is crazy!!! How are you? X

dottydally · 21/04/2020 16:10

Aaaaah congratulations @cupcakesandglitter !!!

How did it all go? What did she weigh?! I love new baby news DaffodilThanks

cupcakesandglitter · 23/04/2020 08:13

Thankyou @dottydally 😃 the birth was amazing!! Not exactly to plan and pain like I've never felt before, but I loved it! I can't wait to do it again 😂😅 she weighed 6lb 1oz - she's still a tiny little thing at a month old! How's baby G doing? X

dottydally · 23/04/2020 08:59

@cupcakesandglitter I don't think very many end up going as they were planned to be honest, but if you're all here and healthy very little else matters! Aw she was tiny! You'll get proper use out of your newborn clothes.. unlike the toddler I birthed 😂

He is good. We are having a bit of a sleep battle at the minute so I am exhausted but we are all ok really.

I know it's early days yet but do you have any plans/thoughts about no.2? I'd quite like another 🤫

cupcakesandglitter · 23/04/2020 11:39

@dottydally definitely, she's only just growing out of newborn now, up to a month is still a little big on her - she's dropped a few centiles of weight so she's not massively chubby yet, but we're getting there slowly 😂 aww are you at the four month sleep regression already?!
And yes!! We're going to start TTC next year 😂 tbh, I'm just as broody now as I was when we were all waiting to TTC 😂 I asked DH four days PP! I would love to be pregnant again ASAP tbh but I don't think I could handle pregnancy with a newborn too so we'll try and hold off... that's the plan anyway 😂 what're you thinking? X

dottydally · 23/04/2020 13:45

@cupcakesandglitter 😩 we went straight into 0-1! What's her name?

Yes, maybe just wait until you hit the 4 month sleep regression before you plan another. I could not be pregnant and dealing with a regression 🤣

How long did it take you to get pregnant this time? My periods still have by come back so I'll have to see how long they take 🙁

cupcakesandglitter · 23/04/2020 21:49

@dottydally oh I bet he's a right cutie! I love chubby babies honestly 😭 we were "prepared" with loads of 0-3 clothes so DH had to go to ASDA on her birth day and buy newborn clothes (which ended up being too big as well 😂🤦🏻‍♀️) her name is Dina 😃
Ah I'll definitely hold off! How're you finding it? Is it as bad as I've read? 😓
It took us 15 cycles I think, they were all over the place (I ovulated on CD38 The month I got my BFP!) I've decided not to go back onto BC and just use condoms because I don't think I could handle it all again! Are you BFing? Four months off sounds like a dream to me 😂 are you planning on TTC when they come back?

dottydally · 24/04/2020 02:54

@cupcakesandglitter he has all the rolls! Oh bless him. That's a lovely name. How did you find giving birth during COVID? Or were you just before?

I won't lie, it's hard. We had about 3 or 4 weeks of truly dreadful sleep (waking every 30 mins/1 hour) and while things aren't brilliant now, I'm only up 3/4 times between 8 and 6 so it feels more manageable. There's still nights which are better/worse though! My only advice is to remember it's not forever, it does get better.

38!? That's mad! I bet you were so excited though, particularly after so long trying. I've also opted to not go back on any kind of contraception as I found it just made me feel rotten. Sort of just winging it at the minute but thinking a pregnancy would be unlikely anyway as he is EBF and not weaning yet. I'm hoping to be pregnant by his first birthday but am also worried my periods won't be back (which is silly as it's still months away). @rollerskaterdata @NeverHadANickname did either of you BF/do you have any advice??

MrsLBear · 24/04/2020 07:10

Hi @cupcakesandglitter
I don't know if you remember me was on a few thread with you TTC back in 2018 and early 2019!
Just stumbled across this thread. Sooooo happy for you and many congratulations your little girl. Hope you're well 💕

NeverHadANickname · 24/04/2020 10:21

@cupcakesandglitter massive congratulations! I'm so pleased for you.

This thread doesnt show in my threads I'm on. I hope you are all well and keeping safe.

I am still breastfeeding at 7 months and he started solids at 6 months. My periods haven't returned yet but I am also on depo, I am just so ridiculously happy to not be pregnant this year 🙈 I was so rough this time last year I just couldn't handle it again right now.

rollerskaterdata · 25/04/2020 19:41

This thread also dropped off the face of the earth for me so thanks for tagging me, good to hear from you all, it's been too long 😊

@cupcakesandglitter huge congratulations! Dina is a beautiful name 😊 not to scare you with sleep regressions but there's a 8-10 month one too, baby roller is nearly 11 months old now (can't believe it!) and still in the throes of it, although I should be glad it's affecting her naps rather than nighttime sleep. Trying to home school a small child with a non napping baby is not fun though!

@dottydally I'm still breastfeeding too but baby roller has always been combo fed (1 bottle at bedtime). My periods with both of my children returned at 2 months postpartum despite breastfeeding past a year old with my first and getting there with the second. Hardly seems fair! I also have a biggish age gap between the two so haven't tried TTC with a small baby/absentee periods. I hope it works quickly for both of you!

@NeverHadANickname hope you're doing well? If I remember correctly you're in the US aren't you? How are you getting on?

How are you all coping during this weird COVID time?

OP posts:
NeverHadANickname · 25/04/2020 21:45

@rollerskaterdata all good here thanks. Our state has similar things in place to the UK. Face masks are compulsory here to go to shops, they say it helps stop it spreading to other people so me wearing one will protect other people in case I have it. To be honest I have only been out 3 times in 5 weeks and they were for medical appointments, DH does the shopping. He is still able to work thankfully. All good with you?

cupcakesandglitter · 10/05/2020 16:54

Thankyou @dottydally honestly it was interesting - gave birth right before lockdown but with the heightened checks so I'd say during! DH was with me for the whole birth thankfully but he could only visit on the postnatal ward and they had reduced visiting hours. Didn't help with my anxiety so I ended up staying awake until he came back in and then I rushed to get home the same day 😂 if it wasn't for COVID I would've stayed a bit longer and got help with breastfeeding but I was really struggling by myself but I'm grateful that DH could visit at least.

Yes @MrsLBear I do remember you!! Thankyou so much 😊 how're you doing?!! X

Thanks @NeverHadANickname it doesn't come up for me either 😡 ooh I'm jealous of your periods not coming back I can't lie 😂 I can't remember the last time I didn't have to wear a liner or pad!! Have you thought about if/when you'd like another? How's his feeding going with solids? X

Thanks @rollerskaterdata 😊 oooh I didn't know that 😭 nearly 11 months?! I bet that's flown for you!! Honestly I'm finding lockdown quite mixed - I hate not being able to see close friends or family but then it's nice having time as just us three, and DH is working from home so he's been home much longer than he would've with just paternity leave!

dottydally · 11/06/2020 21:05

Just checking in to see how everyone is? We'll need a new thread if we are going to keep coming back!


NeverHadANickname · 11/06/2020 21:11

I'm sorry I never replied @cupcakesandglitter I'm still undecided if I want another. I just don't think I'll get another easy going baby and he is still absolute perfection to me. Solids going well, he will try everything, he just isn't too bothered about eating much in terms of quantity and really likes to blow raspberries and spit it all out 🤦‍♀️

All good here @dottydally how are you?

mussie · 19/06/2020 09:13

Hi all! Sorry I've been so silent, I wish the app did notifications, I didn't know I was being tagged! My beautiful daughter was born on the 7th May. It was a long tough labour, but on paper it was pretty textbook, no complications, so I'm delighted about that. Can plan a homebirth for next time, as long as there's not another pandemic 😂 We've had a really rough road with feeding - cracked nipples, mastitis, two weeks of exclusively expressing, thrush, and now she's six weeks old and we've finally got sorted with it, I am over the moon ☺️ no more washing and sterilising! And the change bag has hardly anything in it now! 👌 have just started to practise feeding in friends' gardens, I want to be ready for feeding in public when the coffee shops open 😁

dottydally · 19/06/2020 11:36

I don't always get notifications either 🤦🏻‍♀️

@NeverHadANickname I have another baby on the brain at least 50% of the time  even with some sleepless nights and a pretty dreamy baby already. I think I'll feel 'done' after two though. I sympathise with the mess - my hoover and mop seem to be my best friend!

Huge congratulations @mussie! I'm glad it was complication free, even if it was really long. What did she weigh? I can't remember when your due date was - did she arrive early/late?

My best bit of advice is that people aren't watching/won't notice as much as you think they will. I was really conscious at first but after a few weeks I realised that in reality no one cared and would just carry on any conversations as normal. There's also a brill group on Facebook called 'can I breastfeed in it? UK' which has lots of lovely clothes (normal clothes so not £££) that you can feed in. I always felt more confident with the right clothes x

NeverHadANickname · 19/06/2020 16:41

Congratulations @mussie! So happy for you. I agree, once you start breastfeeding out and about it won't even occur to you not to after a while. I don't use a cover, DS when little didn't like it because he couldn't see what was going on and now would just play with it, but I know some people like them. I'm actually a bit glad he doesn't like them because they are a bit of a faff.

dottydally · 23/10/2020 15:59

Long time no see ladies! How are we all?

cupcakesandglitter · 23/10/2020 16:28

Ahh hi @dottydally how're you? The first time I've ever got a notification for this thread!! I've got a little seven month old (!!!) time really is flying. Seems like yesterday we were all thinking about TTC and look at us now!


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cupcakesandglitter · 22/01/2021 17:10

Hey ladies - how're you all doing? Just checking in x

dottydally · 22/01/2021 17:44

Hi @cupcakesandglitter! I missed your previous message Sad we are good thank you. How are you?

cupcakesandglitter · 22/01/2021 17:55

@dottydally that's okay don't worry! I'm okay Thankyou - plodding along in these weird times. I have a ten month old already 😓 and I'm TTC number 2! How are you? X

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