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Ladies Hoping for BFP In May

245 replies

MummyTo1TTC2 · 26/04/2016 18:15

Hi everyone...
Hope all your TTC days are nearly over and hopefully getting some positives in May Grin
Thought I would start a thread for is hoping to get their BFP in/around May time so we can share a journey like I did with other women when TTC my DD :)

Some stats....

Age: 25
TTC: #2
Had the mirena coil removed 5 days ago
Really hoping to concieve before my 1st cycle Hmm

Look forward to hearing some good news from you all x

OP posts:
indecisivedoctor · 07/05/2016 22:44

... And finding ( must read recent posts properly before adding mine!)

findingmyfeet12 · 07/05/2016 22:55

I started feeling really bad when af was about 3/4 days late. That's when I tested. I hadn't expected it because my iui had been cancelled so it was the last thing on my mind.

I also had terrible wind Blush and heartburn too.

Poppydm · 07/05/2016 22:56

Hi indecisive Doctor Smile thanks for your reply. Im really not sure when to test. I've not had a 'real' period, the last thing was my withdrawal. Fingers crossed for you! When do you think you'll be able to get s test? Are you feeling any different? X

Novinosincebambino · 07/05/2016 23:07

Thanks indecisive. wishing everyone the best of luck. My biggest sign I was pregnant was the sense of smell. I was like a bloodhound!

Poppydm · 07/05/2016 23:09

Really hope you get your BFP soon novinosincebambino 😊 X

gg321 · 07/05/2016 23:10

I got my Bfp this morning!!

Poppydm · 07/05/2016 23:14

Congratulations gg321 Grin How many weeks are you? X

Novinosincebambino · 07/05/2016 23:15

Thank you poppydm trying to stay calm and and not put any pressure on myself. Friend telling me she was pregnant the other day felt like a gut punch even though I'm so happy for her. Just hope it works out X

Poppydm · 07/05/2016 23:20

I know it's hard :-( Trying not to put pressure on yourself is definitely the best thing to do albeit hard too. Just do nice things to look forward to and enjoy your time with your OH and hopefully things will happen for you very soon X

findingmyfeet12 · 07/05/2016 23:25

Congratulations gg321

It feels like you're wishing your life away sometimes. Waiting for af, then waiting for ovulation etc.

indecisivedoctor · 08/05/2016 00:26

Congrats Gg321 - fab news! Hopefully a lucky thread...

Jess - how are you doing? Did you make it through the day without an unwelcome visitor?

Nil here still. Told DH I'm a few days late and he basically told me not to get my hopes up...! Think will see what tomorrow brings and then consider testing..

Sorry can't remember who asked but don't really feel any different. Perhaps sore boobs a few times and quite tearful which is not like me at all..

KentCat · 08/05/2016 08:50

Congratulations @gg321 that's amazing news. Let's hope you're not the only one this month.

JessJR23 · 08/05/2016 10:28

Amazing news gg, so happy for you!! You must be thrilled! I came in during the night, so am out of the running for this month (again). Trying hard not to be disappointed and don't feel quite as bad as last few months as it isn't such a shock now. But am laid up with a horrible sinus infection atm so feeling pretty sorry for myself all things considered! Ah well. Hoping there are a few more positives to come from this thread soon x

gg321 · 08/05/2016 12:48

Aw thankyou yes I'm am very happy, think I'm just about 4 weeks. I hope for some more Bfps from some of you too. So do I ring the doctor or direct to the midwife I saw during my first pregnancy. I'm tempted just to ring her directly, and do I do that soon or leave it a bit as I know they don't want to see u until about 8 weeks anyway

Blueandpinklove · 08/05/2016 13:44

Sorry Jess that this is a no go month and about your sinus infection - never fun.

Congrats to GG - exciting times. For my second I called the Midwives as soon as I found out just to get my appointment booked - but i didn't find out till just over 6 weeks. Totally up to you when you want to contact them.

I've got 2 days till AF is due ... so far I've held off testing as I'm away from home but not sure how much willpower I have left. I just want to know one way or the other way. Ah the joys! Might as well enjoy today and see what tomorrow brings!

indecisivedoctor · 08/05/2016 17:29

Sorry Jess, know that feeling too well. Have to get AF out of the way and look forwards to getting back on it this month.

I remain in limbo. Feel so wierd, like oddly optimistic and also back of my mine worried it'll just come along 4-5 days late and it'll have been a cruel joke. It's almost like the longer I don't test, the longer it remains a possibility.

indecisivedoctor · 08/05/2016 17:32

*back of MIND

findingmyfeet12 · 08/05/2016 18:25

Hope you've all had a nice weekend wherever you are.

I'm 19 days post miscarriage and I've had some brown discharge today. It's probably old blood but I can't wait to get back to normal. At least I don't "feel" pregnant anymore which is a relief.

Pixie2015 · 08/05/2016 18:55

Congratulations gg321 great news 😀

Chuckading · 08/05/2016 21:42

Congratulations gg321! I didn't realise you could go straight to the midwives, assumed had to go to gp and be referred!

AF arrived today... 12 days late!! But according to my app I'm still in with a shot during May! Fingers crossed for a quick AF!

KittyWindbag · 09/05/2016 05:07

Congratulations to those who've got their BFPs this month, and sorry for everyone who didn't get what they were hoping for. It is so head-wrecking, more than I ever appreciated.

I'm still in the 2ww, but I've been having some cramping and twinges, plus brown sticky discharge which could be implantation bleeding, could be nothing. I've read so much rubbish on the internet I no longer know what to believe. I think I'm 12 or 12 DPO, not taken a test yet as general consensus seems to think I will get a negative regardless. AF due 3 in days.

I'm supposed to be finishing my dissertation but I keep creeping back onto the web checking symptoms like a sillybilly.

MummyTo1TTC2 · 09/05/2016 07:14

gg321 HUGE congratulations to you!!! Flowers

For some reason the new posts wouldn't load until this morning! Annoying!

Hope everyone is ok and holding out for their BFP!

My OH got hers on Friday evening! Jealousy comes to mine but so so happy for her :) hoping we get ours soon would be amazing for them to be born around the same time! We have said we will test in 2 weeks eeek xx

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KentCat · 09/05/2016 08:09

According to my app I've two days left till I should test and 4 days till my period is due. Would the earlier test date be due to me recording a positive OPK?

Might still wait and see what happens with my period I'm scared of the disappointment of a negative result.

JessJR23 · 09/05/2016 08:27

Finding your feet - glad you are feeling a bit better. Fingers crossed for you this month
Chucking - bad luck this month (join the club!) We will have to set up a June thread next!!
Kitty - know what you mean about distraction. Never thought I would get consumed like this about trying to get pregnant! Hope you manage to concentrate on your Diss!

babydances · 09/05/2016 08:33

Hi please can I join :)

Age: 30
Ttc #2
Cycle 1

I've had what I am hoping is implantation bleeding since Thursday. Just brown spotting no bright red blood. Not a proper period with some pink. Super hoping it's an implantation bleed and not sure when to test. I'm on day 51 of cycle as I think I ovulated late as I had a mega stressful week the week ending my last period.

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