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Waiting to try, and cycle a mess from the pill

983 replies

AlexandraOrlov · 19/08/2015 09:20

Just wondering if there are any other lurkers in the same boat as me, planning to TTC in December/January?

I came off the pill three months ago and have only had one pathetic AF in that time, so very glad I came off early but also pretty anxious at how messed up things are, 1st cycle was 39 days, this one is 40 and courting.

So who's with me? I can't be the only person on here who is actually hoping for AF!

OP posts:
firstgo1984 · 28/01/2016 21:14

yvonne I don2 think I could miss it with how often I am testing!

Not sure there will be much gp can do at the moment other than bloods at the moment.

firstgo1984 · 28/01/2016 21:20

I am going to be cheeky and ask advice from a colleague tomorrow (nurse who does fertility assessments)

Yvonne1986 · 28/01/2016 21:37

Maybe the tests aren't accurate enough tho if they are the cheapie ones from the Internet? Only thinking this due to how unreliable choc said cheapie the pregnancy test was?

I know they can't do much until you have been trying for a year but just bloods might reassure you that everything is ok!?
Definitely ask advice from the work colleagues I'm sure they will be happy to help xx

firstgo1984 · 28/01/2016 21:47

I had a very definite surge last time (see photo 2 pages back). But looking back, I had 2 full days of them looking similar to what I have got now in the build up to the surge so maybe this is just what I get just before my surge!

I shall try to be patient!

Sunnydays321 · 28/01/2016 21:49

Wow eod first! Good work! I really enjoy dtd and think I have a healthyish sex drive but haven't got it in me to dtd eod! We average about 2-3 times a week but just as and when we fancy, so sometimes a few days in a row and then nothing for 3-4 days. :( Might have to up our game tho if it doesn't happen soon, we said we would give it 6 months of just seeing what happens (opks and temps weren't supposed to happen but I'm obsessed now!)!and if not by 6 months we will try properly ie timing dtd etc... Would be easier if we had sensible cycles and knew when OV would happen.

Yvonne I think I did something like 32 days of opks in a row a couple of months ago before a positive... By the end of the cycle it let odd going for a wee in the toilet and not a pot... Felt like a wasted wee if I wasn't dipping a stick in it! Haha.

Yvonne1986 · 28/01/2016 21:55

Sunny that post is so funny "it felt odd going for a wee in the toilet and not a pot" so glad it's not just me that's obsessed!!! I even snuck OPKs and my pot into work today as a work shifts so it would be too late by the time I got home! Xx

Planeteer · 28/01/2016 21:55

Thanks all, just catching up. First do share the complete wee stick collection if it's driving you crazy. The variation in v subtle shades of pink is enough to make anyone's eyes fall out if stared at long enough, but maybe a second or third or fourth opinion on here might stave off the crazy! Fx the gp is helpful too.

Cookie at this point I'll be almost as excited to see AF as I would a bfp ok that might be an exaggeration. Just mightily fed up of the limbo and apparently rubbish at being patient!

NewGirl2015 · 28/01/2016 21:58

Bobo that's exactly what I was like, carrying other stuff around that I didn't need to hide the box haha!!
Hope your nausea turns out to be a positive sign. Remind me when you are testing?

Shan I can't believe how relaxed you are about testing, I've found it so hard to wait!

Cookie, first fingers crossed you get your peaks soon, keep testing and let us know.

Sunny how many DPO are you? I'm the same I don't really get much in the way of AF Symptoms now.

Got some more browish CM today and just been to the loo and got bright red blood, so this is probably AF Sad. Will see what happens in the morning but I think I'm out. Gutted! If that's the case my lutenal phase has been the shortest ever, only 9 days.

Yvonne1986 · 28/01/2016 22:02

Oh no sorry to hear that NewGirl xx

firstgo1984 · 28/01/2016 22:04

sunny can only keep eod up for short periods of time. Looking back at ovia looks like we are usually managing 2-3x per week. As you say, very difficult with these ridiculous cycles!

BoBo90 · 28/01/2016 22:11

New girl- I'm not sure when to test Confused I'm on cycle 1 after coming off Yasmin and on cd 64 with absolutely no idea when af is due! Should I wait until about 14dpo? X

Also does anyone know if af should make an appearance within a certain time frame after ovulation?

BoBo90 · 28/01/2016 22:13

And that's crap af showed up for you newgirl hopefully it's just a bit of red spotting and it will be gone by the morning xx

Yvonne1986 · 28/01/2016 22:14

I think it's 14dpo BoBo? My first cycle after stopping Yasmin was 64days x

firstgo1984 · 28/01/2016 22:18

Lots of ewcm this evening! This surge had better be on its way! Had it for 2 days before last time....

Yvonne1986 · 28/01/2016 22:23

Fx you will finally get your surge in the morning you have definitely waited long enough!!

Do you take you Agnus Cactus in the morning? I normally take it before bed but just read it's better to take in the morning as this is when the pituitary gland is more active!? I'm going to switch to AM x

Planeteer · 28/01/2016 22:24

OK ladies, advice please. I am flinging myself into the OPK game (mahoosive pack of ic tests just arrived), and suspect it is about to unleash a whole load of mad on my brain (and possibly my DH). I work pretty long hours usually and having read the guidelines am now imagining supremely awkward work-toilet-wee-pot situations... Thoughts on best time of day to test?

Sunnydays321 · 28/01/2016 22:34

The ewcm sounds good first.

Planteer between 12-8 apparently is best, you could just pop the test and little pot in your bag. Or hold a wee for a few hours and test when you get in.

So ladies... I think you only get 1000 posts on each thread... Which means if we want to keep this goin we need a new thread. Any title ideas?? I think we are all trying now rather than waiting to try... So something about crazy post pill cycles? Anyone else in? Xx

firstgo1984 · 28/01/2016 22:37

planeteer I usually do one when I get in from work in the evening at 7ish. Then more if I think I am close and off work.

firstgo1984 · 28/01/2016 22:39

In please. Need all your support and calming words!

NewGirl2015 · 28/01/2016 22:42

Deffo in sunny X

Yvonne1986 · 28/01/2016 22:43

We definitely should start a new post I would go crazy (even more so) without you all to talk all things TTC to!

Planteer I take the pot and strips to work if I'm on a long day and just quickly pop to the loo to test I try and test about four each day and don't drink from one ish xx

Planeteer · 28/01/2016 22:51

Thanks! Pot and strips going in the handbag for tomorrow, hehe. Definitely in for another thread sunny x


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Sunnydays321 · 29/01/2016 06:57

Oh bugger, fertility friend has changed my OV day so I'm now apparently 3dpo not 7dpo (it's going to feel like a really long tww now!!) and it means we stopped dtd a bit early! Grr. Dtd the day before OV now but not on the day or since. Grrrr. Ok rant over, I know ff is just a guess, lesson learnt, don't trust it just dtd! There were still some swimmers up there in position awaiting OV, hopefully that's enough.

Shall I do a new thread then and il post the title here so we can all hop on when this one is full. X

Cookie22 · 29/01/2016 07:10

Great idea about the new thread sunny!! Xx

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