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When's the best time to get pregnant? Use our interactive ovulation calculator to work out when you're most fertile and most likely to conceive.


thread maxed out!!

532 replies

misskgb · 11/03/2014 08:55

The 'Um hello newbie' thread has maxed out at 1000 messages so hoping we can find the people who were on there and continue where we left people welcome too!!

OP posts:
mrshjb · 24/05/2014 17:46

Laughed at your collection of tests Lady. These are mine....

Both lines on the IC have been gradually fading throughout the day. They were much stronger this morning!!

thread maxed out!!
Lolly84 · 24/05/2014 18:11

Just popping in for a quick message.

H I did 2 from same pack and then no more. Sister told me not to test more as the levels of HCG increase so much that it can give you an inconclusive test! Think it may be called the hook effect. You are pregnant, you have solid symptoms. You will have a week of feeling everything and then nothing! The food aversions are sooooo annoying!!

My friend is down for a visit. She is currently drinking some cocktails with my DH while I am on the orange juice. Was thinking about having a unit tonight and decided I am not drinking anything until baby is born.

My skin is soooooo bad at the mo, it's peeing me off. It's actually quite sore too!! Xx

weebairn · 24/05/2014 20:55

Oooh don't wish for symptoms Helen! Though I understand. Your tests are much stronger than mine were with either pregnancy, I wonder if you ovulated earlier than you thought?? But yeah I would stop doing them now in case you drive yourself crazy!

Yes to the antenatal thread; that would be lovely. I hung out with such a nice group of ladies last pregnancy, I think the pregnancy threads a couple of years back were calmer and less crazy than they are this year or maybe I was just lucky! Lots of us are still in touch. It was so helpful.

I think you do get collections on MN of people who are struggling to conceive whereas in real life most people can conceive in under a year without any issues. So it is a bit disproportionate; though obviously who's to know if you're going to be one of the unlucky ones when you first start trying. Same with miscarriages, they're not rare, but more people don't have them than do. And it's very understandable why you might search out online support if you're having difficulties. But I think it does give a bit of a skewed picture.

In my real life, everyone in my family has conceived extremely quickly and without issues, under 6 months for every baby and 1st month for lots of them. Some of my mates have taken longer (11 months for one couple; 2.5 years for another - though their second baby was conceived in a couple of months!) but never had any actual identified problem, just took a while… I have one friend (that I know of) that has been trying for over 3 years now :(

We are all very lucky! Let's hope we all carry the luck through our pregnancies. :)

KikiThePea · 25/05/2014 00:03

Ahhhhhhh!!!! Helen I am beyond thrilled for you! I feel unerringly guilty about not knowing about this until just now (had completely overwhelming urge to check the thread to see if you had news!
I am so, so pleased for you, and this just goes to show that this (and the original) thread is quite clearly the best, and luckiest one in the world! Brilliant! xxx

mrshjb · 25/05/2014 08:24

Lolly I'm definitely not going to do any more tests now. I think I needed to do another one just reassure myself that it wasn't like a faulty test or something- even though I knew that was ridiculous! I've posted my IC OPKs and HPTs to someone on the May bus so I'd have to actually go and buy more tests to do any others! I don't really think that I would drink anything either, I think I would feel too worried. I think the only exception might be a small glass of prosecco on xmas day but by then I don't think it's as bad if you have a little drink?! Shame about your skin, I was so depressed when mine was awful a few weeks ago. Are you treating it with anything?

weebairn I have wondered that myself because I've googled other pregnancy tests at 15dpo (which is what I thought I was) and some of them are barely there. Where as I have strong lines that came up instantly. This cycle was a bit confusing because my EWCM actually started on cd15 but then carried on until about cd24 ish, I got to the point that I was worried my body was trying to ovulate but failing! So I went off my temps, but I was taking them a little bit inconsistently, so maybe I am a few days further along than I think I am?! Did anyone else get a strong positive early on?

My DH calls it the vocal minority, which is pretty accurate I think! I'm not deluded in to thinking hardly anyone ever has a miscarriage, but I don't actually know that many people who it has happened to in real life. I wonder if it's getting more common because people are generally having babies later in life? Must be awful to be trying for 3 years. I was so scared that it would happen to us. Did anyone see the One Born Every Minute where the woman went to her sister's child's birth and she was the only one of her siblings who had been unable to conceive? I was welling up watching it! Apparently OBEM is back this summer!

Thanks Kiki! No worries about finding out later, I remembered you saying that you were going away!

I'm going to make us a pregnancy thread now and I'll paste the link on to here. For some reason I think it'll feel more real when we're on the pregnancy threads haha!!xxx

mrshjb · 25/05/2014 08:32
weebairn · 25/05/2014 08:56

mrshjb I have a (small) glass of wine a couple times a week… but I am a slack second-timer Wink Didn't have any in first trimester though I think, felt too sick!

Off to join new thread :)

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